The Contract and the Bonding
Draco was invited over to Harry and Severus's house for tea the following week; his bonding to Remus had been tentatively set for the sixth of June, one day after his eighteenth birthday. He still didn't fully comprehend what the bonding meant, as it was considered a sacred thing within the Malfoy family, and not much discussed. Of course, Draco had full access to the Malfoy library growing up, but anything about bondings and the like were regulated to its own restricted section, and he'd only had access to it once his father was put in Azkaban and his mother had fled to France once her own trial was over.
"We aren't disturbing Harry, are we?" Draco asked, once he'd Floo'd into the lavish parlor, and Dobby had placed down a tea tray for the two of them.
Severus shook his head and thanked the house-elf, who shot Draco a wary look before returning to his other duties; despite Draco's profuse apologizes on behalf of his father, Dobby was still taking time to warm up to him. "Harry has accompanied Ron and Hermione to the Burrow for the afternoon," he explained. "Hermione and Ron will be watching the baby, while Molly has decided to teach Harry to knit."
Draco raised his eyebrows, nodding in thanks as Severus prepared their tea. "I just hope Harry wanted to learn," he observed softly, slowly reaching out and taking an egg and watercress sandwich. "Ron has informed me that Mrs. Weasley can be a bit..."
"Intimidating?" Severus asked with a smirk, and passed Draco his cup of tea, whilst taking a cucumber sandwich for himself. "Yes, she can be at the best of times. Didn't want Harry involved in the Order meetings for years."
Draco shook his head at that. "Considering that everyone seemed to know that he was going to have to be the one to put a stop to Riddle, it seems a bit presumptuous of Mrs. Weasley to put him through that."
"Thankfully, it is all in the past," Severus mused, sipping at his own tea. "And yes, to answer your question. Harry did wish to learn to knit."
Draco nodded. "I'm sure Esmeralda will be swathed in all colors of the rainbow," he mused. "I do hope that the collection of blankets I gave won't be forgotten, however."
"Harry and I understand that they were a traditional wizarding godfather gift," Severus informed him with a small nod. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me that you made them."
"One of the many things I had to hide from Lucius," Draco said bitterly.
Severus looked concerned. "I was afraid that there would be more, once you discovered your own sexual preferences," he mused. "It just got easier for me to hid them over the years, for I had to hide them since I joined Riddle's ranks."
Draco pursed his lips. "He was truly against it, then?"
"I didn't want to find out," Severus informed him. "Minorities, in times of war, are frequently outcasted and brought to justice in any new regimes sick, twisted ways. I just kept my head down and focused on my potions and hoped for the best."
"Being a double-agent couldn't have helped," Draco observed.
"In the end, it saved my life," Severus informed him. "I was the one who tipped off Riddle to come to the castle that night, did you know that?"
"I think I was too busy reeling from my failed mission to consider anything else," Draco replied, staring into the depths of his teacup.
"Enough talk of the dark past," Severus said at last, clearly noticing his godson's discomfort, and summoned the bonding contract. Looking it over, he said at last, "You are aware that there is an heirs clause."
Draco gave a stiff nod. "Yes," he said softly. "Considering that I have an Omega inheritance, it automatically makes me a bearer..."
Severus hesitated for a moment, waiting for Draco to look up at him, and, once he did, did he speak again. "If you're worried about Remus's furry little problem, you needn't," he explained in a gentle manner. "Remus was bitten, meaning that he wasn't born, so any genetic traits of the wolf will not pass on to any child you do have together."
Draco's shoulders, which he suddenly realized had been held stiffly, suddenly relaxed. "That is indeed a relief," he said softly. "As much as the world is changing, I wouldn't want to put any child through that. It's already bad enough his or her parents will be stuck in a loveless marriage for the duration of their lives. I just hope they don't think it's their fault."
"Love can sometimes grow," Severus told him, before looking down at the contract again. "You do understand that you must give Remus access to the house?"
Draco nodded a second time. "I assumed that, yes. I've arranged for him to stop by and take his pick of the high-priority guest suites. He knows he can begin moving his things in by the end of the month, but the bonding contract stipulates that we cannot reside under the same roof until the wedding night."
"As is tradition with old Pureblood families," Severus responded. "And Remus was amenable to that arrangement?"
"He said he understood, and I don't suspect ulterior motives from him..."
"You shouldn't," Severus said. "Remus is a good man, despite my misgivings about our shared youth together. However, we have both apologized for our parts in the circumstances we had together at Hogwarts, and we've forgiven one another."
Draco raised his eyebrows. "Perhaps Harry and I could have a similar discussion in time, once the bonding has taken place. Things should settle down after that."
"You're correct about that, when the two of you aren't trying for an heir," Severus replied with a smirk, and turned back to the contract once more. "He will have access to your library and the services of your house-elves?"
"Absolutely," Draco responded. "He mentioned his love of reading, and I have no qualms about sharing the library with him. It's a large space, as you well know, so there's enough room for us both, and plenty books to go around."
"How generous of you... And the Gringotts account?"
"His name will be added accordingly on all the Malfoy accounts and vaults once the Hall of Records at the Ministry of Magic has gotten our signed bonding contract, on the day of the ceremony," Draco said, and Severus made a note of that. "He will also be added to any account at any shop in Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, or overseas wizarding village shop he so chooses. He has already mentioned Flourish and Blotts, and the goblins at Gringotts have assured me that they will be in touch with the shops directly, once we send them a list of the shops we want Remus's name added to."
"And the house-elves in your employ are being made aware of his likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies?" Severus wanted to know.
"They will have a meeting with Remus once Remus has moved the last of his things into the room he has chosen at the manor," Draco informed Severus, and the man nodded, scrawling down the note. "The room he has chosen will be warded by Bill Weasley as a wedding gift, to ensure that the transformation process doesn't hurt him or any of the furnishings. He said he feels really guilty about that... There's a humility in him, one which attracted me to him as a potential match in the first place..."
Severus ceased his scribbling of notes and locked eyes with Draco. "You harbor an attraction for Remus Lupin?"
Draco immediately flushed, his sandwich and cup of tea long forgotten. "Yes," he admitted at last, his entire body stiffening up again.
"Perhaps that will be a good beginning to the match," Severus said, smiling warmly.
Draco shook his head. "I harbor so much guilt at choosing him," he whispered. "Not only is he a werewolf, but he is also an Alpha..."
"And you are an Omega," Severus said gently, almost as if he was about to give a lecture in History of Magic—he would've likely done a fair deal better than Professor Binns, that was for sure and certain. "You are his opposite, sexually and magically. That means that your bond will take effect when the time comes for it to do so, Draco."
"It will be a half-bond, Severus, and you know it," Draco said miserably. "How can I possibly make him happy?"
Severus shifted uncomfortably on the couch opposite from Draco. "Surely, you paid attention during Madam Pomfrey's health lectures?" he asked, remembering how awkward it had been for him to sit through them.
"I know how it's done, Severus," Draco snapped, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "Even though I've kept myself chaste, and taken the mandatory heat suppressants from the time I presented, it doesn't mean that I'm completely clueless."
Severus shook his head. "And I didn't believe you were," he responded lightly. "What I am wondering about, Draco, is why you seem so torn about this match. You admit to being attracted to Remus one moment, and the next you seem guilty about even considering bonding with him in the first place. What is troubling you?"
"What is troubling me is the notion that Remus needs his mate—his soulmate," Draco said firmly, tears pricking at the edges of his eyes. "I am effectively taking that opportunity away from him by accepting his suit. Can't you understand that?"
"You informed me that Remus himself stipulated that he wasn't interested in actively seeking his mate, which is why he offered himself up to be a potential match for you," Severus said, as a father might to his child. "You shouldn't allow this to trouble you. You have discussed this with Remus already, and there is no ill-will on his end."
"I don't want to take anything else away from anyone," Draco said, clenching his teeth as he attempted to keep his emotions at bay. "What if, despite what he is saying now, Remus comes to resent me in the future?"
"Then you can remind him of what he said now, and accuse him of lying to you," Severus said, spreading his hands.
"I don't want to have a bonding riddled with arguments, Severus," Draco responded, crossing his arms and ignoring the fact that he sounded like a petulant child.
"Harry and I argue constantly," Severus said. "Makes for great make-up—"
"Argh, no!" Draco shouted, covering his ears. "I really don't need to hear that..."
"Point taken," Severus said. "But you need to ease your fears of this, Draco. The pair of you are set to be married in less than a month."
"But I could break it, couldn't I?" Draco asked. "We haven't even signed the contract fully yet, and we're still eking out the details..."
"You could try, but I'm sure Kingsley would grow impatient with you," Severus said. "You did refuse every other suit put forward for you, plus it would take time within the Wizengamot to find a whole other party of other suitable wizards for you to bond with."
Draco slumped in his seat; sod his good breeding! "Looks like I've made my choice already, then, doesn't it?"
"It appears so," Severus said softly, picking up the contract again. "Now, come. Let us finish working over this. I want to ensure your happiness in any way I can."
"I'll never be happy," Draco responded, his tone filled with misery. "I'll never be happy knowing I singlehandedly took away Remus's chance of happiness..."
The following day, Draco received an owl from Mrs. Weasley, inviting him to Sunday dinner at the Burrow. Letting her know by return owl that he would be there, he informed his house-elves where he would be that evening. When the hour came, after he had showered and dressed, he stepped through the Floo. He was literally spat out on the other side in the living room at the Weasley residence and, just as he was about to cast a Scourgify to get the Floo Powder and soot off him, he saw a hand in his field of vision.
Looking up, Draco flushed when he saw that the hand belonged to Remus, and took it, feeling awash with a warm, fuzzy feeling when the man cast a Cleaning Charm upon him. "Thanks," he said softly, and cleared his throat. "I didn't know you'd be here this evening, but I should've assumed you would be."
Remus smiled down at him, squeezing his hand for a moment before letting it go. "The contract negotiations are going well, so it will be good for us to be around one another until the bonding ceremony in a few weeks," the werewolf explained.
"The full moon is tomorrow," Draco said softly. "How are you faring?"
"Severus's improvements to the potion make it so I don't begin to feel the symptoms until the following morning, plenty of time for me to return home," Remus explained.
Draco shuffled from foot to foot. "Where are you staying? Until you move into the manor," he said quickly.
"Harry has kindly lent me his cottage in Shropshire," Remus said, and sighed. "I say 'lent', but he signed it over to me, once he received his inheritance. The property is mine outright, and it is quite unfathomable, since I've never had a house of my own before. The Defense quarters when I taught at Hogwarts were what I believed to be luxury, at the time..."
"I won't take it from you, even after we're bonded," Draco said quickly, and Remus looked shocked at the declaration. "I mean, it seems to be very important to you. You've already sacrificed so much, I'd hate to take away something else from you. It sounds like a safe haven, so perhaps you'd like to keep it in your name only..."
"I am quite touched that you are being so considerate, Draco," Remus replied, "but you have been most generous with me lately."
Draco blinked. "What?"
"I had a consultation with Severus earlier this afternoon, and to get my dosage for tomorrow," he explained carefully. "He showed me the notes on our bonding contract. I must say, you're being more generous than I ever thought possible."
Draco flushed pink. "Well, I have to be," he said softly. "You're the one who's standing to lose everything by your consenting to this match."
"Oh, Draco!" came a shout from behind them, and Draco turned, spotting Mrs. Weasley standing in the doorway to the living room.
"It's a pleasure to be here, Mrs. Weasley," Draco said, stepping forward and bowing to the Weasley matriarch. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me to Sunday dinner in your home..."
"Nonsense, dear. And, please, away with the formality," she said gently as she bustled forward, pulling Draco into her arms and kissing him on the cheek. "It's 'Molly', of course. Hermione told you that you were practically family already. And I've seen those beautiful blankets you made for Esmeralda. You're truly a talented knitter, my dear."
Draco flushed even deeper at that, especially when he felt Remus's eyes boring into the back of his head, but nevertheless hugged Mrs. Weasley—Molly—back. "Thank you all the same for being so welcoming, Molly."
"Think nothing of it, dear," Molly said, pulling back and gently steering Draco towards the doorway, where he could hear people talking. "Come along, now; you too, Remus. So many people would like to say hello to you."
Draco was pulled from the living room and away from his solo conversation with Remus, down a short hallway, and into the large connected dining room and kitchen. He was embraced by Severus immediately, which put him at ease, and Harry, who was holding Esmeralda, along with Hermione and Ron came forward. Harry spoke to him animatedly, while Ron clapped him on the back and Hermione kissed him on the cheek; Hermione's scent was like sage, and quite pleasant, too, like an expensive herb garden. Draco flushed when Harry unexpectedly handed over Esmeralda to him, and Draco did his best to rock the baby, who made a soft noise in her sleep and snuggled closer.
"You remember Ginny, don't you?" Ron asked, and his only sister came forward, a familiar face just behind her, arm around her waist.
"Draco, it's lovely that you could make it," Ginny said, beaming as she kissed him on the cheek, the scent of violets flooding into his nostrils. "I'm sure you remember Viktor, my fiancé," she went on, looking over her shoulder lovingly at the Bulgarian Quidditch player.
"You are Draco Malfoy," Viktor said, his accent heavy, practically dripping with Alpha scent, although it was muted, letting everyone know that his chosen was Ginny. "I remember you from the tournament days. We sat together, and had such long conversations."
Draco nodded, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet to keep Esmeralda asleep. "I do remember that, yes," he said. "Lovely to see you again."
Draco was then re-introduced to Fred and George, plus their girlfriends Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson; Bill, the oldest of the Weasley children, was there with his new wife, Fleur Delacour, who was pregnant with their first child; Arthur Weasley beamed when he saw him, and said that it was wonderful to have another son in the family; and he was told that Charlie was working hard in Romania, but would be returning to England for his bonding ceremony to Remus in a few weeks. Draco was positive that there was another Weasley sibling, and Harry and Ron whispered to him that Percy, the third Weasley child, was actually in Portugal on his honeymoon with his new wife, Audrey.
Molly came out of the kitchen shortly thereafter, where many intoxicating aromas were coming from, and levitated a large roast on a serving platter. This seemed to be the cue to sit down, and Ron gently guided Draco into a free chair, before he himself moved to sit with Hermione. Draco knew he shouldn't be too surprised when Remus claimed the seat next to him, and Draco did his best not to blush at their closeness.
"Severus mentioned that the negotiations for your bonding contract were going well, dear," said Molly as she made sure everyone was being served roast, mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, and Yorkshire puddings.
"Yes, I think so," Draco said softly.
"Draco has been taking it quite seriously," Severus put in.
"He is being most generous towards me," Remus said, and Severus affirmed the statement with a nod as he sipped his glass of water.
"As well he should be," Harry said, without heat in his voice, as he temporarily turned his attention to the tiny crib in the corner, where Esmeralda slept soundly.
"Don't be rude, Harry," Hermione cut in. "This entire process is bound to be emotional, not to mention difficult, for all involved."
"Well said, 'Mione," Ron replied, although his mouth was full.
"I concur with Ronald, although I wish you would learn to swallow your food. Wouldn't want you choking at the dinner table," Severus muttered.
"It's going to be a lovely day," Arthur said, nodding to himself as he cut into his roast. "Will the pair of you be living at the manor?"
"Yes," Draco replied. "Although I suppose some renovations will have to be done eventually, so as to suit both our tastes."
"Have you considered where to hold the wedding?" Molly asked, stabbing at a carrot.
Draco turned and looked at Remus, who raised his eyebrows at him. "No," he said at last, and turned his attention to his dinner. "Nothing's been decided there yet."
It took weeks, but Draco and Remus finally ironed out the bonding contract, and made up their minds as to where they would hold the bonding ceremony. They decided that Hogwarts was out, due to the bad memories associated with the place, as well as the notion that they had literally met there as teacher and student. As for Malfoy Manor, Draco and Remus had met with a plethora of decorators, and the place was on its final hours of repairs and refurbishments, so it was out as well. They finally decided to hold it at the Burrow, because Molly insisted, Remus was fine with it, and Draco didn't have a counter argument.
Draco stayed at Harry and Severus's home while the last of the renovations took place at the Malfoy ancestral family home, and found he was quite nervous about the bonding. His new dress robes from Madam Malkin's hung in his temporary wardrobe, and his new Oxfords had been shined by Dobby himself. He and Remus had decided to go to the Amalfi Coast in Italy for their honeymoon, and it had been Hermione who had helped him plan the trip.
"I got your goblin to book you in Romeo and Juliet Chalet," Hermione informed him with a bright smile on her face. "It's absolutely beautiful. I think you and Remus will be very happy to be there."
Draco opened his eyes on the day of the bonding ceremony a nervous wreck. He somehow managed some tea and toast, and accepted the Calming Draught from Severus. When the time came, he changed into his dress robes and Apparated to the Burrow. He slipped into the tent that had been put up for the occasion, and waited for his cue to walk out and down the aisle to meet Remus for the ceremony. When the music began, Draco straightened up and stepped out from behind the fabric of the tent, locking eyes with Remus, his eyes wide.
Kingsley Shacklebolt was to perform the ceremony, and he stood just beside Remus, resplendent in sapphire robes trimmed with purple silk. He spread his hands as Draco approached, and waited for him to join their semi-circle. Once that had happened and the music died down, the Minister of Magic began the ceremony.
"Welcome family and friends to the bonding ceremony of Remus and Draco," he said; Draco and Remus had asked that he keep it short, for it wasn't as if it had suddenly become a love match in the weeks leading up to the ceremony. He turned to Remus, as the elder and the Alpha of the pair, and began. "Do you, Remus John Lupin, take Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be your lawfully bound magical partner? In the name of Merlin, Circe, and the Founders?"
"I will," Remus responded, and took the platinum ring intended for Draco, and slipped it onto his almost-Omega's correct finger.
Kingsley then turned to Draco. "And do you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Remus John Lupin, to be your lawfully bound magical partner? In the name of Merlin, Circe, and the Founders?"
"I will," Draco managed to get out, and slipped Remus's ring onto his finger.
"In saying these vows, Remus and Draco have pledged themselves to one another, forsaking all others, for as long as they both shall live," Kingsley proclaimed. "Those of you who bear witness to this ceremony today will go on the record of doing so." He then turned and stared at the grooms once more, before he said, "You may kiss."
Draco swallowed, looking nervously up at Remus; surely, despite his kindness and understanding over the past several weeks, the man wouldn't actually want—
Remus bent down then, cupping Draco's cheek and dragging the pad of his thumb over the soft skin, before he bent his head and pressed his lips to Draco's.
Draco trembled at the first touch of lips, and found himself standing on his toes, desperate for more affection from his Alpha. At the slight pressure he brought forth into the mix, Remus rather unexpectedly opened his mouth beneath his, his tongue gently teasing Draco's lips. Draco, hoping he was doing it right, opened his own mouth, his tongue meeting his Alpha's, and he felt ripples of something akin to happiness as they tasted one another for the first time.
Remus then pulled back, for he could hardly take his virgin Omega in front of everyone. He smiled down at his young groom in approval, causing Draco to quake ever so slightly in his new Oxfords. "Later," he told the younger man.
Draco's heart hammered in his chest. "Later?" he managed to get out.
"Later," Remus assured him, his eyes never leaving his, despite the cat-calls from Fred and George Weasley, as well as the heartfelt congratulations from everyone else who had been present at their bonding ceremony.
Draco somehow managed a smile at his Alpha's promise; perhaps, just perhaps, this bonding hadn't been the worst idea after all.
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