The Closing of the Noose
22nd October, 1939
Outside of Lincoln, Maine, USA
Chaney sat in a small roadside diner, halfway between Portland and Ashland on route ninety five. His polished black Ford Coupe was rather conspicuous given his country location. The local police cruiser parked parallel, only making it more so. The way Siodmak had casually proceeded to eat a hamburger, annoyed the senior detective immensely. However it was Chaney, who had been left alone for the last week, surveying possible suspects while his partner had made a trip across country, partakeing in something Lon had little idea about. But then it was Siodmak who had strange ideas about this case, his prime suspect being a woman.
"You didn't expect anything to happen while you were gone, did you?" The annoyance in Chaney's voice was clear if not fully deserved.
"Neither did you." Carl rightly pointed out, his eyes smiling behind his dark rim glasses. "We both know nothing will happen before the moon is full."
"On that we can agree." Chaney sighed, feeling ill at ease with the current state of the investigation.
"You don't agree with my choice of suspect then?" Carl seemed unfazed by his friends lack of enthusiasm.
"I don't think she has the physical capabilities such a task would require." He replied stroking his chin subconsciously.
"What has she been up to since I departed?" Carl's question was leading, but Chaney was following anyway, so he continued.
"Nothing unusual at all, she has been working at the tavern and shopping, little else. As far as I've been able to tell she hasn't gone out at night except to work. She has even picked up more shifts at the other place across town." This got raised eyebrows from Carl.
"The place where George drinks?"
"Yeah why? You think they are in it together?" Chaney's face lit up like a hound on a scent.
"I don't know friend, but when the only new resident in town, is rubbing shoulders with the last person to see the victim alive, well it's more than a coincidence." Carl looked more puzzled than Chaney thought he should have. To him it was getting clearer all the time now their killer had a face. Carl took a long package from the seat next to him and placed it on the freshly cleared table. Untying the string he opened the box and removed a wooden walking stick, complete with a silver wolfs head handle. With the stick came a smaller wooden box, ornate and quite heavy, Carl sat it in the middle of the table, opening it to inspect the contents. After a minute he spun it around to show his partner.
"Custom bullets? Why?" Chaney asked
"When this case started I consulted a friend in England where I heard of similar cases. He didn't have a lot to say on the matter but he sent me these with a note saying I might need them." Carl removed six bullets placing them on the table before Chaney and closed the box once more. "He lost his son awhile back, the details are sketchy, all I know is he thinks we might need silver bullets." Carl finished.
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