Chapter 8
Jake's POV
Once Derrick and I made it to the mansion there were three members outside drinking. I couldn't tell who they were because of the masks they had on. 'Must have just got back from a mission.' I wondered as I got out of the car. "Is it just me or does the mansion seem. Larger the last time I came here, " asked Derrick as he looked around. "Oh yeah. The last time you were here was at least 2 years ago when you joined the gang, " I teased. He shot me a Fuck you look and pulled his gun from under his seat, spun it on his finger, then slipped it in the front of his jeans. 'Damn...' I stared in awe. I've never seen Derrick do such a move like that before. "What? I can't be a kid forever baby, " he winked walking up to the entrance swaying his hips like always. "How did I get so lucky?" I wagged catching up and walking inside.
To my surprise, my mom, Silver Claw, and Blake stood in the living room. Blake had a gang gun and a gang leather jacket folded neatly over his left arm. "Uh, " I lifted a single eyebrow look at Blake. He wasn't supposed to be here. "Jake, son. I've been meaning to talk to you, " Mom coughed standing up. "Is everything ok? Am I in trouble? If I am I didn't do it, " I quickly defended. "Why would you think you are in trouble?" questioned Blake. "You're here?!" I raised a bit. Before anyone could say anything else, Silver Claw slapped me and my brother. Following a sharp yelp from us both, we lowered our heads and said in unison. "Yes, ma'am." Everyone knew when you got slapped by Silver Claw it meant Shut up or else. "Now that all questions are aside. Jake, you have watched me run the Lunar Moon Gang long enough, " Mom put her hand up as my mouth opened.
"I'm not finished. Derrick told me what happened and I told Blake. He wants to make amends now, but that can be done later. I personally am getting too old for this. I trust that you can bring fresh ideas to the plate while keeping to tradition. Saying that, your new gang name, that I have talked about with all the gang, Trigger. Picked solely on your itchy trigger finger, " she laughed lightly and gestured to you Blake. Without the slightest of scowls, my older brother walked over to me and with a proud smirk on his muzzle, took off my old jacket and slipped the new one over my shoulders, grabbed my old gun and handed me the new one properly. Handle first. I didn't have a single word. "Mom. I don't know what to say, but what will you do?" I had both excitement and worry in my eyes.
"Me? Oh, I'm gonna go by our clients let them know about the new leader then go home and enjoy some well-deserved TV, " she chuckled. Classic Jade. I didn't have anything thing else to say. "Oh, and before I forget your brother will be taking over your old name, " she gestured to Blake. "Damn you are small for my older brother if you can fit in my jacket, " I played. "Oh shut up little brother, " he flicked my ear playfully. I actually missed his playful flicks. I spent time with everyone before Blake left to be Mom's personal chauffeur. Derrick, AKA Quickdraw left to go play basketball in the indoor court. I, on the other hand, needed to go talk to the two nomads. As I walked to the holding hall in the basement I was joined by Cod. He was a mix between the grey wolf and snake. How did that happen I don't know so don't ask me. Ask his parents. "What can you tell me?" I glanced as I walked to hall number 3.
"They are dating each other that's for sure. They refused to say anything unless they knew the other was safe and unharmed, " Cod shook his head slowly and hissing softly. 'Mates. Could be used as a weakness.' I noted. "Anything else?" I raised an eyebrow. "Nothing except we have put them through everything. Even pure brutal force. They won't talk, " He held back from yelling. Cod had a temper, but he knew who was in charge. I nodded and stepped into the room looking at the nomads. 'A dragon and a hedgehog huh' I was very curious about these two. Cod walked around and slammed the Dragon's head into the table busting his nose. "You are talking to the big wolf now so watch your tongue nomad, " he hissed. I shook my head. "Cod! That's enough. I will take it from here, " I took off my jacket and handed it to Cod as he stood behind me. The dragon huffed blood dripping down his face.
"Sorry for Cod. He has a temper, but he is a promising component of this gang, " I took a tissue and wiped his scales free of blood. I could clearly see the shock and angry in the reptile's sights as he looked at the hedgehog and back at me. "Now. This could go good or bad. Easy or hard. Smooth or rough. North or south. Whatever terminology you prefer to use. It all depends on the two on you, " I made sure to speak calmly and direct. They once more looked at each other. The dragon was first to speak. "That guy said you are the top dog. Who are you?" even though his tone was full of venom, at least he was talking. "We prefer wolf not dog but yes I am. I lead this pack of wolves. My name will depend on your cooperation. Now my first question. What are you two called?" I stayed standing walking slowly around the table. The hedgehog spoke this time. "My name is Nico. The dragon is my mate Alex, " he answered.
'Bingo. Found the sub. If thing start getting out of hand I can fall back on him.' I took more notes as I grinned. "There we go. See how well this going? No one is getting threatened and no one has gotten hurt, " I snapped and Cod walked around to the two and cut the rope that tied them to their chairs, but the one around their waist stayed. 'Step two gain their trust.' I planned. "Look boys I'm not gonna hurt you two. Not like the others have. You two look parched. Sparkling water?" I offered. I opened a fresh bottle of peach sparkling water and poured us all a glass. Alex started to relax a bit. Nico, on the other hand, was already chugging his water and asking for more. "Why have you brought us here?" Alex asked with a glare. 'Step three then. Let them ask the questions' I mentally smirked. I leaned forward and placed both arms on the table.
"I didn't bring you here. Cod did. The explanation for that is because you were talking about My gang in public. Loudly. That is very dangerous. You see my gang has a lot of rivals. So if they heard you they would most like kidnap you, tie you up, torture you, and if you couldn't answer their questions they'll kill you, " I explained. "I told you to keep your voice down Alex, " Nico scolded nudging his scaly lover. "Lucky for you I don't kill innocent people unless you give me a reason. You two haven't. I do want to know. Why were two nomads like you talking about my gang?" I lowered my tone. "I wanted to join. I wanted to prove my self to the leader so I could join. I'm a strong and powerful fight. We both are. We tried finding a member and asking them to bring us to their leader. I found out about your gang through my family. I was raised by wolves. They talked very highly of this gang.
How the leader helped them get of debt with the Blood Claw Clan. My father that raised me was an Indian wolf. He joined a long time ago when I was in high school. He told me how you guys were so friendly. Trusting and willing to help the misunderstood members of the community. I wanted to be part of it too. Please I'll do anything to join your ranks, Blood Fang. Please, " Alex held back his tears as he kept his head down. 'Damn kid.' I commented to myself. "Haha! I know you then!" I smiled getting up and cutting him and his boyfriend free. "You do?" Nico was confused. "Of course! You are Crow's adopted kid. He wouldn't shut up about you. You're Alex the dragon that's a Cloudchaser not too uncommon. And you are Nico the friendly hedgehog that's an Earthstomper. Oh, and Blood Fang was my mother." I laughed. "Mother?" Alex questioned.
"Yes. My mother started and ran this gang for 48 years. I'm her son. Trigger. Note these are only our gang names, " I lead the duo how the room and back up to the main room of the mansion. "Oh ok. Thank you for giving us a chance, Trigger." he thanked. I brushed off the thanks. Anyone related to Crow was always welcome. I showed them to an empty room in the house they could stay until their initiation. After straightening out a few disagreements between members, me and Derrick went to a spare room and cuddled each other till we fell asleep for the night.
It's 3 am in my time. Help. It might not be when I publish this but still. Shoutouts are. Aja_is_queen, BladeSaurus, jchcgcdhgdd, BoltsyFurr, and DearestShookenkooky. Have fun babes. Peace my fluffies✌🏾✌🏾😋😋
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