chapter 5
Derrick's POV
I was freezing. The last thing I remembered was being carried by Jake after he fought off the clan of cats in the alley. I shifted to my opposite side feeling the cloud-soft material of the sheets under me and the sharp sting in my arm just below my shoulder. 'Fuck! Those cats sure did do a number on me.' I commented in my head. "Derrick? Are you awake?" cooed Jake's deep but gentle voice. I stayed still I didn't want to get up yet. 'Damn, I'm hungry.' I complained. "I brought you blueberry waffles with extra blueberries just how you like it," he continued.
'Fuck. You. Jake Howlston.' I replied in my head. I couldn't resist extra blueberry waffles. I wagged my tail and sat up in the bed. The first and my favorite thing to see was future husband's big, soft, yellow eyes. "God I love his eyes," I smiled. Jake chuckled and set a tray of waffles in my lap. "You're thinking out loud again love," he replied. 'Fuck.' I thought. I blushed pink as I gave a cheeky smile and shrugged. I quickly grabbed my shoulder as a bolt of pain ran through it making me whine. "Easy Sweetheart. Here take these," Jake held out two small round blue pills. "It'll help with the pain from your wound," he added urging me to take them.
I always did hate taking pills, but when it was my only resort I did anyway. Laying my ears against my head and took the bitter small pellets that tasted like dirt. Surprisingly, they started working quickly. "You had Josive make those didn't you," I questioned. Jake smiled and nodded. Josive was a mix between a scientist, chemist, and a doctor. He made stuff for the gang to help them with jobs like truth potion, gender-changing pills, and other stuff like that. I wasn't gonna sit and let met my waffles get cold so I started chowing down. 'Something is up.
He never makes extra blueberry waffles perfectly without them being a bit crispy.' I looked at Jake as I took a bite of waffle. He pulled his custom made, gold and black, name engraved, gang branded Glock 22 from his gun cabinet. All the gang members had one with there gang name on it. Jake's was Beta Red. He was careful not to scuff up the muzzle as the checked it over then quietly slipped it into the back of his pants. Next, he walked to the closet and took his gang jacket off the hanger and slipped it over his shoulders. 'The hell? He can't have a job. Not this early. Right?' I questioned as I finished off my breakfast. "Finished? Get dressed babyboy we need to talk to Alex remember," he smiled grabbing the keys.
"Um ok?" I raised an eyebrow as I got out of the bed and walked to the closet. I knew Jake would want to show me off so I decided to go with my best. Slipping on a fitted short-sleeve plaid shirt, black ripped jeans and my collar. Along with my gold pants chain, three ear piercings, and black Jean jacket. "Damn babyboy," awed Jake wagging his tail. "I know how to dress what can I say," I bragged a bit doing a little twirl for daddy. Jake shook his head clearing his mind as he wrapped his arm around my waist leading me out the room. "Let's go Sexy," he teased. "After you big boy," I returned. I could faintly hear the growl that rumbled in his throat as a shiver ran down his back. I always did have a way with Jake when it came down to teasing. After leaving the house and passing guards at the territory border, Jake and I made our way to Alex's house. "Here goes nothing," sighed Jake parking the car and getting out.
'Please don't let anything go wrong.' I pleaded before walking up to the door with Jake. I took a deep breath and knocked. It didn't take long for us to hear Alex's strangely high voice say "I'll get it!" Within seconds Alex opened the door and his eyes lit up as he saw me. "Derrick! I can't believe it!" He purred tackling me with a hug. "Good to see you too Alex. I brought Jake with me this time," I laughed hugging him then gesturing to Jake who was looking tense. "Nice to meet you, Alex," grinned Jake holding out his hand. Alex simply mewed and shook his hand. "Come in come in. Leonardo is upstairs he should be down soon. He wanted to finish an art piece," he meowed stepping aside letting us in. I looked around.
'Just like when I first visited.' I commented in my head. "What brings you by big brother?" Alex bounded over to the couch and sat down. I didn't care that Alex was a calico cat and I was an arctic wolf. We grew up together, so we saw each other as brothers. He called me big brother since I was a year older than him. "Jake and I are getting married in a few months and I was wondering if you could tailor our suits," I wondered. Alex rolled his eyes periwinkle eyes. "About time you asked. Let's start with Jake's size," he quickly grabbed some measuring tape and started measuring Jake who was leaning against the wall on his phone. It never took Alex long to do anything tailor related. He loved making clothes.
Alex had even gone to college for it. When Alex finished up with Jake, he moved to me. "Excuse me but where's the bathroom?" asked a bored Jake. "Down the hall to the right, first door to your left," Alex mumbled passed the pencil that hung from his mouth like an oversized toothpick. He nodded and followed the instructions. Not long after Jake left, Leo comes prowling down the stairs without a shirt like always. "Hey, Derrick. Getting a suit made?" He asked adjusting the red Glock 19 under his waistband. "Yeah, wedding in a few months," I responded smiling. Me and Leonardo got along great but I was afraid how he would respond to Jake. I would know my answer soon. "Ok, much better now..." Jake walked back in and stopped mid-sentence when he saw Leo. "Bone?" He continued not taking his eyes off Leo. Leo tensed and froze then looked at Jake.
"Oh shit Fang," he finally replied. Both Leo and Jake drew their guns cocking them. 'Oh. Shit.' I cursed in my head. "What the hell are you doing in my house Lunar!?" snarled and pissed off Leo. "It doesn't concern you Claw," Jake shot back with a growl. Alex and I ran between them. We were shorter than them so they still had a view of each other, but they couldn't shoot or they would hit one of us. Me and Alex had to calm them down before someone is gonna get hurt.
There you guys go. Will Leo and Jake shoot or will Alex and Derrick be able to calm them down come see next time. Funtim_rockstar_John, JohnHades1, Joules1012, Ca13b__ha330n7d, reaper12094. Give them a shoutout and down forget to send in any stories you think the world with love @ [email protected].
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