Chapter 12
Jake's POV
I walked close to the guy but not too close looked at him. 'he is hardcore drunk.' I thought as he growled. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" I said firmly trying hard to keep calm. "I already told you. I want my son. Where is he." he snarled. I snarled back "That doesn't explain why you are in my house!" I sigh and say I little calmer "Who is your son? Tell me his name or leave."
He bared his teeth growling. "I'm not leaving without him give me my son." he growled lunged at me. I move out the way but not quick enough. His claws ranked the side of my face. I groaned as I grabbed my face. 'Oh it's on!' I growl as I get in a fighting stance. "Azrael, take Seth and go to the room and don't come out till I tell so."
Azrael nodded and grabbed Seth's hand leading him to the room they shut the door and locked it. I faced the wolf and snarled he did the same. "Oh this is gonna be fun." I growled as I lunged at him tackling him to the ground.
(If you wanna see the fight let me know and I will up date it into the book))
Derrick's POV
I sat on the floor of the closet with my knees pulled close to my chest as tears streamed down my cheeks soaking my face fur. "Why? Why did he have to find me? Why does this always happen?" I whispered to myself. I eventually hear someone walk into the room. I lower my ears and whine quietly then fall silent as I shrink in the corner of the closet.
As I cry praying that he doesn't find me I hear snarling and growling from the other side of the back wall of the closet. I heard smashing of glass and the thudding of heavy things falling. After awhile it all suddenly stopped with a loud thud. 'God no god please no' I cried to myself as I heard someone with big paws walking to the closet.
I closed my eyes tight and got ready to feel a big paw yank me off the ground. Instead I felt two soft ones slowly grab me and lift me up. I kept my eyes closed as I they held me close. "Derrick baby it's me. He's gone." I heard Jake's voice. I opened my eyes to see my favorite wolf. Jake. I smiled and hugged him.
He pulled me close and licked behind my ear. I pulled away and said "I'm so glad you're ok Jake." he look at me with the look he gives when he is upset, but won't hurt anyone. I lowered my ears and whined as I looked up at him. "Derrick, who was he. Do you know him." he asked.
I swallowed and said "W-well my mom didn't to go to the hospital for a sperm donor, so she called her friend instead." Jake raised his eyebrow and said "What does that have to do with..." I stopped him. "I not finished. He friend got her pregnant, but he was a huge drunk and didn't want him around me or her. So we moved but he kept finding us demanding for my mom to let him see me or to have custody over me. Eventually I moved here. Her friend was Marcus cardwell. Who was that wolf you fought. You fought my dad."
Ooh snap. There you go dudes and dudets. I don't really have any announcements. Oh I have one. I get pretty bored when my bf is busy and I have no one to talk to so add me on discord @ moon_alpha218#0767. I'm open to rps of all kinds. Anyway shout-outs are Baxter_Jill24, CupCaekez, Darkness_blade, FoxxysDesire. Have fun reading the chapter. Bye fluff butts.
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