Chapter 4
Derrick's POV
"This is nice. This is really nice," I sighed taking a sip of wine before finally getting out the tub. Jake was loved pampering me, but I only let him when he did something. Some might say it's manipulative of me, but I don't see it. After drying and brushing my fur I got the bright idea to tease my destructive wolf. Nothing made him go crazy more then when I wore his robe with nothing under it. The sweet aroma of simmering meat let me know Jake was down stair making dinner. I tiptoed to our room and stole his robe of the hook it hung from.
Everything her wore was too big for me but his robe was just the right amount of too big. I sipped it on wagging my tail as I tied it and grabbed my wine from the bathroom and walked down stairs making fun of Jake before plopping on the couch. I put my feet up only to get up and put in the movie Jake bought me.
Throughout the movie I constantly looked over at Jake. I didn't like it when Jake was being so quiet. Not as much as a sigh. Setting down my glass I walked over to my husband only for him to notice me and immediately turn off his phone and put it in his pocket. "Yes?" He raised his eyebrow giving me his best "I'm innocent" smile. "What are you doing? You've been so quiet," I nuzzled into him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Nothing. Just a little online shopping," he grinned softly and I knew he was lying. Jake is always over excited about something he found online. On the regular it results in me telling him no. Like the many times he tried to convince me he needed a blow dart gun. Jake was smart. When he came up with a lie he stuck to it. I on the other hand had my ways.
Walking back to the couch, I bent over the arm of it using my tail to slowly lift the robe allowing it slide up my back. "Oh Jake," I called curling my tail over my back. The sound of him nearly choking on water let me know I've caught his attention. "What are you doing," I giggled, swaying my hips. "I'm planning your anniversary surprise." The thud of Jake's wagging tail against the cupboard echoed throughout the kitchen and living room.
"That's all I wanted to know." I chuckled and started up the stairs hearing him call me cruel with a chuckle of amusement to follow. I took off Jake's robe since I started to get hot in it. It was fall but Clover had cold falls and freezing winters. Since Jake didn't know what "turn down the heater" meant, it was always spring or summer inside the house.
I was feeling feminine today so I tossed on one of Jake T-Shirts and pair of sapphire blue panties. On the way out, I grabbed a small box. If you ask Jake he would call it The Box Of Torture. In all reality it was just my nail box. Humming God Is A Girl, I sat down on the couch and took out the electric claw file of death. I peacefully shaped my claws making sure they weren't extremely sharp. I was just starting on my other hand when my ears twitched to the sound of footsteps approaching the door.
I got up and opened it just as Zane, a gang member, was about to knock. "Profit counting?" I stepped aside letting Zane in as he shivered from the cold outside. "Yeah, since Star is on maternity leave I'm filling in. Damn, went from cold to hot," he partially complained as he took off his leather jacket. "Tell that to Jake. He's allergic to turning down the heater," I relocked the door before leading Zane to the den. Not before he said his hellos to Jake.
Zane and I soon sat down and counted the profit for the month. It was a monthly thing of course. All the profit made from providing protection, assassinations, and repaid loans was put together and counted by the leader and one of the members that's trusted by the leader and has been there for a at least 10 years. Zane was on of my favorites if I had to be honest. He didn't ask questions and did as told. Not to mention he always had a funny story to tell. Today he seemed more joyful.
"What's got you so bubbly," I giggled teasing him. "I got accepted to be a foster parent. Got a call this morning. Three siblings that want to stay together. Two girls and boy," his smile only grew bigger. I thought his face was gonna rip in half. "Congrats!" I cheered before throwing a pillow at him. He laughed and threw it back. "Thanks Derrick, means a lot. What about you and Jake? Ever thought of foster care? Adoption?" He popped gum in his mouth as he continued counting his stack. "I've thought about but I haven't brought it up to Jake yet. I don't know about adoption or foster care. Takes forever to get accepted," I shrugged moving on to the next stack.
"Try a surrogate. They offer to have kids for gay couples or couples that can't have kids." Zane finished his half yawning and laying back. "I forgot that was a thing. Surrogate mothers are hard to find here," I huffed. Zane saw the disappointment behind my constant recounting of one stack of cash. "I can help with that. I have twin sisters. Rain and Storm. They stop by the mansion sometimes to hang out and cook the gang lunch. A month ago they were talking about registering to become surrogates. They are both very healthy and super sweet. I'll give you their numbers just in case you think that's something you wanna do," he didn't hesitate to send me the contact information of his sisters.
I was surprised honestly. I knew of his sister, but I didn't expect Zane to offer them as an option. Most brothers would go to war rather than let their sister become a surrogate for strangers. Than again Jake and I weren't exactly strangers to Rain and Storm. We thought of them as part of the hand since there brother was well respected in the ranks and they always stayed at the mansion while they were in town. Maybe they were a wish come true. I would have to talk to Jake about it first. That might be the hard part. At least I think it will.
Batabing Bataboom there's chapter 4. I really shouldn't write this way before hand but what can I say I procrastinate. I do have a question all the men or people that can't get pregnant reading this. If your sister wanted to be a surrogate would you let her? For ones that can get pregnant if your older sibling told you that you can't be a surrogate because they don't want you to be would you listen to them or would you ignore them? I'm interested in knowing your options on surrogate mothers. I personally think they're saints for doing what they do because I know child birth can be hell.
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