Chapter 2
Derrick's POV
I was close to finishing my shift when I called Jake. Like always he forgot where he put his keys. It was cute to see him run around like a chicken with his head cut off but only when I was there. If I wasn't around he would destroy our room or the entire house looking for his keys. I always knew when Jake was destroying something because I always get the tingling urge to punch him. I worked at a daycare. I had my degree in musical arts but I also got my degree to work with children. I loved being around small children.
It was a job that required patience. I had plenty from dealing with Jake for 6 years. He was like a child sometimes. Especially after he started his own company leaving most of the work for the gang up to me. I more often than not found myself wanting kids after work. Most of the time, I wanted to throw all children in a trash compactor. Of course, that's before I remind myself that even children have bad days.
I was helping get the children ages 1-3 ready to have lunch and children ages 11 months and below to get laid down for a nap. A few of my coworkers were struggling to get the babies together so I helped out. Taking two babies in each arm, I put them in their respective cribs and started rocking them to sleep one by one. We had 8 babies and around 12 toddlers. Not to mention I was the only male worker.
Sometimes I doubted but being a guy had its benefits. Like being able to carry the heavier children for a longer time when needed. I was small but I was strong. Not stronger than Jake who stopped by on occasion to play with the kids and pack as many of them on his back as he could manage for a trip around the playground acting like a dinosaur for them. He had a way with children. I wanted kids in the future but when was a different question.
I was in my own thoughts as I rocked my 4th baby to sleep. At least I was before I heard our boss call one of his second-oldest employees into the hall. I wasn't the one to get into the business that doesn't concern me, but our boss was a common asshole. Give an already aggressive chow chow the personality of a kamado dragon and put all that into a raccoon with two missing fingers and you have my boss. I gently laid the baby I was holding down and walked to the door.
Two of the other caretakers took over laying the rest of the infants down for a nap. They nodded to me that I was free to clock out so I grabbed my stuff and listened to the conversation happening outside the door. I couldn't hear much since the door was designed to keep noises out unless they were very loud. From what I did catch I learned that Trinity, my coworker, was being fired for showing up late for the last week.
I growled lowly as I stepped out the door standing to her defense. "Move along Derrick. This doesn't concern you," he shrugged off. I dropped my bag. "No, I think it's you that need to move along. You are firing one of your best employees for being late. I have not once seen you ask her why she's been late or trying to work out a new schedule for her," I huffed. He looked up from his clipboard so his dark brown eyes met mine intending to intimidate me. My boss was taller than me and he was a war vet. In a normal situation, I would have immediately backed down. Thanks to Jake and the help of the gang I was used to it so intimidation never worked on me. Unless it was my mother-in-law. She was beyond scary.
"I said this isn't your concern. Clock out and go home," he growled lowly stepping forward. "Make me. Trinity has been working here for ages. Busting her ass for you like all of the females here and me! You try being a single mother raising two hard-headed teenagers and 2 middle schoolers in a three-bedroom house! Try working two jobs to provide and care for your kids! One of them is working for a sexist, heartbroken, close-minded Raccoon! We all know you treat her worse than the rest of us because she reminds you of your ex-wife! You can't treat her like shit because your wife ran off with another guy while she was pregnant with your kid while you were serving! Everyone knows how you treat her but they're too scared of you or of getting fired to tell you that! That's why you hired only desperate females Huh?! That's while you hired Me! The gay wolf boy! You knew they wouldn't stand up to you! You thought I wouldn't stand up to you! Well, let me open your motherfucking eyes! You think just because you're a war vet and our boss you can push us around! You expect us to do as you say no matter how outrageously hard or stupid the task might be! Guess what you can't! You're only a self-righteous asshole that wants his way! Unlike everyone else, I don't need this fucking job so I'm gonna say what these ladies are afraid to! Get the hell off your high horse, pull the telephone pole-sized stick out your fucking ass, be a man, and be more appreciative and nicer to your employees! I want this job I don't need it so I'm gonna leave you with this. I have the resources, connections, and power to do one of two things. Put you out of business or become your boss. Good. Day," I snarled as I turned to grab my bag.
The other employees had come out of their rooms to see what the commotion was and had stayed for the show. Our boss was still. He didn't know how to respond. No one did. He had to do something. All eyes were on him. "Hey Derrick," he growled after me. I turned locking eyes with him and saw the last bit of confidence drain from his eyes. He gulped before stuttering out "T-take tomorrow off." I smirked and nodded leaving the building making sure to clock out by the exit.
I walked to my car tossed my stuff into the back seat and started up the vehicle. I loved the light rumble of the Camaro as it started. With a sigh, I sat back and buckled up before starting on my home. Having not gotten a call or message from Jake, I assumed he was at work. He had been working on a new home security thing. I didn't care too much about robotics, but I loved seeing Jake happy. On good days when his team has a breakthrough, it was always amusing to sit and look at him walk back and forth in front of the bed as he explained everything with a smile on his face. Even if I didn't understand half the words he was spouting.
When I pulled into the garage and didn't see Jake's prized motorcycle. One of them at least. Jake owned three. A black and green 2015 Kawasaki H2R.
A blue and white 1999 Suzuki Hayabusa.
Lastly, a yellow and gold chrome-wrapped 1998 Yamaha YZF-R1.
Today Jake decide to take his Kawasaki. I chuckled and got out of the car. I walked to the front seeing a massive box with his company logo on it. Most likely a tester. He tested a lot of his company's products before they sold them. I unlocked the door and dragged the box inside trying to be as careful as possible shutting the door behind me with my tail. "Ok, now that I'm home time to kidnap the bedroom TV," I walked upstairs humming not taking notice that I was still wearing my scrubs.
My ears twitched as I heard Jake's motorcycle coming down the street and pulling into the garage. I chuckled enjoying the fact that I beat him home knowing he came home to play with his new toy. I opened our bedroom door to the biggest mess I have ever encountered. My jaw dropped before balling my fists and my fur sparking with lightning as it rose. I heard the front door shut as quietly as possible but it wasn't enough. I turned towards the stairs snarling. "JAKE SPARKJUMPER LEE HOWLSTON!!!" I screamed. I started down the stairs the electricity getting so violent and out of control that some of the sparks hit light bulbs breaking them.
Ooooooo. Jake in trouble. You know you're gonna get body-slammed onto a bed of nails when they call you by your full name INCLUDING your second first name. don't worry every one Jake might not die. Derrick isn't that violent. I think I haven't exactly Planned Derrick completely but that s the fun of it you roll with the punches. It's literally 3 in the morning as I'm writing this. I need sleep soooo Byeeeeeeeee!!!!
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