Chapter 20 - Mancical
|| Time Skip 2 months ||
|| Lavas POV ||
Why cant you go near laurance~
Nu uh~ #Laurva for life yo
I punch the fence in anger and i regret it
"Ok oww.."I mumble to myself
Na na a bo bo
Im not a stupid thingy im a dragon spirt
Ggrrrrrrrr.....WILL YOU NOT SHIPPPPP!!!
look behind yo-us~
I hear a laugth and a giggle i turn around to see the 2 people i really you know what i really just want some time alone..
"H-hey"I studder out to them pretending i just didnt hit my hand of that fence
"Its Katelyn birthday"aph saids jumping up and down
Forgiven but no forgotten...
I just stare at her at shock...i think laurance remembers but im not fazed
"Wanna help plan a surpise party?"Aph askes me and i just fall to the floor laugthing and i think alureance understands
"Lava~? You ok?"Aph askes me
"Its sombody...elses birthday to"I say then calm down
"Who...? Who who?!"Aph askes me confused
"Ok im use to this"I whisper to no one but i think laurance hears it
"Lavas Katelyns twin sister.."Laurance saids calmly then aph looks at me sadly
"IM SO SO SOOO-" i cut her of
"Its ok...This is the day i honstally want no one to remember"I say while stareing at aph
"What..??"Aph saids confused
"Pruzah spirts aak zey"I say and they both look confused
"What dose that mean?"Laurance askes very confused
"Well the spirts guide me"I respond to them
"Oh"They both respond
"Raven once spoke like that before"Aph mutters to herself
"Wait...Ruvaak?"I say surpised
"Can you not speak like that?"Laurance askes
"That launage dose seem fimlar.."Aph saids to herself
"Aal dez aak hi ahrk saviour do mun ahrk wyvern kein daal"I say its a...
The special saying
May fate guide you and saviour of the human ands wyvern war return
"I understand two of those words...Wyvern and saviour"Laurance saids then i look at aph..
"May fate guide you and saviour of the human ands wyvewrn war return"Aph saids and laurance looks suprised
"Correct"I respond to aph, and a wyvern flies in and i understand its roar but its...bigger than a normal wyvern in the human world
"Niil kosaan fod"The wyvern speaks to aph
"R-raven?!? Its been so long"Aph saids then hugs raven im guessing
"Ahnok til im goraag"I say the to wyvern
"Saraan hi tivaak dii fron?"Raven yet again roars out
"Yes i speak your kin"I respond to her in human launage this time
"Wait you understamd raven to?"Aph saids suprised
"No i understand her roars..How irene understood them for some reason then sounded human to her and she would here words like goraag every now and then"I sau responding to there question
"Oh"Laurance saids,then we go througth the portal to the island(WHO CARES IM NTO ADDING EVERY EP! BTW is is taken place right before the ep where aaron dies)
"I still cant belive it went missing"Aph saids to herself then i remember somthing
"Wait...If my father and mom arent my real parents....Then who are"I ask to myself thinking out loud,then we see mikai i think
"Aphmau,We found out part of why Tu'la wants ok'hasis"Mikai saids then i dont pay accetion to i dont know what he saids,then we all walk of before i know it
"Lava,Katelyn your coming with me"Aph said hen we follow her to onky find Mikai,Levin and Malachi
Sombody is here
"Well well well so i get to meet you Mikai"The girl saids
"WHO ARE YOU?!?!" Mikai responds whisper shouting
"Katelyn?" Aph askes katelyn
"Ivy...Ivy the vedom sycth"Katelyn responds
"Wait..I havent been called that in- OH OH OHOHOHO! Katelyn i almost didnt renize you without your amour"Ivy saids evily
"You"I say icely
"Well...Katelyn i cant belive its you,So your alive. You and Jeffory should stay dead"Ivy splats evily me this makes me and katelyn mad
And then the next second katelyn is hurt and this makes me MoRe MaD
I calm down but either way im gonna trancform so i help aph bring katelyn to the tree shout and i go to the old docks to calm down but its not workng...i feel it coming for me...I feel it there..i need to get away from here, i sneak out of the gates of phenoix drop and run and then hear a big explosion and i couldnt stay near any longer so i got as far away as i could, i find a big forest with a cave in it anrpd i make camp there
"I couldnt hurt them, and i wouldnt"I say to myself then it comes
Im still here...
Okay....Thank shad...
Huh? need to learn the truth about irene
All dragon- no not all onky special dragon spirts know irenes personal life
Irene....She...She was the longest living divine warrior...She still lives to this day...A witch named hyria was the last person to ever see her before she went into her slumber...This is because she wanted to learn to love again....irene was a marton and shes different....Her friends went thougth rencarnation thougth death...Yes the divine warriors lived a long time....But irene...she was pretty much immortal...She went thougth a slumber and locked all of her memories away for reasons that only hyria knows and one other which is me....I was a great great friend of hyrias but i died one day and became a dragon spirt and i matched you
I dont know what came over me after that was said and i just started singing
Lava singing=this type
Out of song=this type
The other night
I had a dream
There was a world full of kings and queens
But it was cold
Dark as night
We were the fire lit on the moonlight skies
I stand up
We werent divived
We werent the same
And we were free but we all wore chains
We couldnt see it
But we created
A place between truth and overrated
If i could just see it all
Like a fly on the wall
I walk to a pond
Would i be able to keep what i cant control
And would i share what i saw
Or just sit back amd ingore
Like nothing ever happened
I havent seen you before
Im on a run from the theif i let into my head
I know i hold the keys so dont be scared
I look down at the pond
When i turn and say
I dont think i need you anymore
Take all your words and lies and just beat it
I dont think i need you anymore
Take all the hurt and pain i dont need it
I wanna live
I wanna change
I start to feel myself tranform into....
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to belive
If we can just learn to belive
We had a plan to build a wall
A great divive that would never fall
To seprate us
From all the pain
And keep our skeletons locked away
Robotic form
And brick by brick
We bulit so thick
That is blacked out of the sky
And all the sunlight
And one by one
We all became numb
We were all making the bullets to a broken gun
I look down to the water to see my robitic eye already there
If i could just see it all
Just like a fly on a wall
Would i be able to accpet what i cant control
And would i share what i saw
Or just sit back and pretent nothing every happened
And i havent seened you before
Im in a run from a theif
i let into my head
I feel my foot turn metal
I know i hold the keys so dont be scared
When i turn and shout
I dont think i need you anymore
Take your words and your lies and just beat ir
I dont think i need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain i dont need it anymore
I wanna live
I wanna change
I feel my manilcal wings comes out
We can all be kings and qubelive
If we can just learn to belive
If we can just learn to belive
I dont think i need you anymore
Take your words and lies and just beat it
I dont think i need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain i dont need it
I wanna live
I wanna change
I look into the pond to only see....
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to belive
If we can just learn to belive
Not evil me...But a manical me...
By this point i felt power but i knew how to control myself to i went back to where i cam from and hear talkign so i hide
"Hehehe...I sure hope to get that irene relic soon, Aphmau im sure we'll meet again"A voice saids then i relise its ivy then she disappears...I have to keep watch of aphmau
|| Time Skip 3 weeks ||
Well...Ive been following aphmau and she has a horrible idea....great
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