Chapter 19- Mystrey Singing?
||The next Day||
||Lava POV||
Im at Scalewinds docks now to just be in....peace...i dont know why but...i feel calm near felt like it stayed here for hours now....have i?
Youve been a have
Oh...explains alot acutally at peace somtimes
Yeah...i guess
I take a deep breath and close my eyes just listening to everything around me then i hear footsteps i turn around to see aph and laurance
"Hey..."i said
"How have you been?"Aph askes me kinda worried, i look back at the ocean
"At peace..."i respond still looking at the ocean
"Huh?"they both ask confused...
"..Being near the nature...and water...or somthing simlar..just calms me down...i need to do it somtimes..and somtimes i want too..even tho i dont have any idea why its calming too me..."i say while closing my eyes still looking at the ocean
"Oh"Laurance saids understanding it
" guessing its lunch?"i ask
"How did you?!?"Aph seems suprised
"I can see its almost noon..."i say opening my eyes again and looking back at them, then i stand up
"Then lets go"Laurance saids and starts to walk of leaving the and aph follow
||Time Skip||
Its night and i cant...i just CANT sleep...i cant...and i dont know why....
"What now"i mutter to myself sadly...
Am i regaining emotions
No...its never THAT easy...
What doss that mean
Somthing big is coming...Danger...thats all...war...
Your body is worried...Your......Normal self
Everybody has a normal self...say and repeat this 'I will protect aphmau with my life'
"I will protect Aphmau with my life"i mutter to myself bravely
I WILL protect Aphmau with my life....Its my....
Job....Our job
We will PROTECT Aphmau with Our Life...
We will PROTECT Aphmau With Our Life...
Were getting along
Im amazed it been a while sence anyone has gotten along with me
Before i knew it, it was day time so i got up and saw aph down staries then i think of the conversation last night with ev-Nice me
"Hey Lava were gonna be heading back to Phenoix Drop...and you slept in can you go see if laurance is awake?"Aphmau said/askes
"Okay"i respond then walk to laurances room he jumps on me
"So did i miss breakfast?"He askes
"Yeah it was also really good"I respond
"Do you want me to get off you or stay?"He askes
"Of"i respond without thinking and he gets off and i stand up,and aphmau walks up
"I ship it"Aph whispers under her breath
"I heard that!" Me and laurance say to aphmau
"Heehhe...Your seeing things im a ghost..bbooooo~" Aph saids while walk backwards i just fall over laugthing and laurance stares at aph like 'what even?',nicole comes up
"Uhh...What happener here?"Nicole askes i open my mouth to speak but fail
"Aphmau pretended to say where pretty much hearing things"Laurance saids
"HEY!" Aph whisper shouts and i finally calm down
"What did she say?" Nicole askes
"Your seeing things im a ghost....Booooo~" I say while doing a aphmau impression
On point
YAY!...wait THE CURSE!
"...Aphmau...Curse....Gone"I say then jump up with a smile on my face they all laught and i join in
"Wait what even was the curse?"Aphmau askes me
"No emotions"I respond,Then we all walk away to do our things i go back to the room and where leaving tomorrow so yeah
"Err..bored"I say
|| Third person POV||
Yet did those four know they where all singing at the same time
???=(girl)This type
???=(girl)This type
???=(male) this type
???=(male) this type
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
Always aming paper airplanes
At me when your around
You build me up like a building
Blocks just for you
Can bring me down
You put a fever inside me
And ive been cold sence
You left
Alphetbet boy
Jump starting your car
Cause this city is a bore
Buying e-cirrates
At the covience store
Making new clichs
On our new little tour
Lets ride
Wish we could turn back time
To the good ol' days
When our momma sang us to sleep
But now we're stressed out
We've been melting shades of purple
Out of red and blue
Sicking sweet like honey
Dont need money
All i need is
A-a-aa b-b-b-b
Were stressed out
Apples arent always
Approite apozglie
Butter scoth and bubble gum
Drops are bitter sweet to me
But then your eyes
Start to wander
Cause they werent
Looking at me
You werent lookin for me
Alphetbet boy
And we take jokes way to far
Cause somtimes living is to hard
Were like two haflves of one heart
We are we are we are
Wish we couod turn back time
To the good ol' days
When our momma sang us to sleep
But now were stressed out
Weve been making shades of purple
Out of red and blue
Cause i came here so youd come for me
Im begging you
To keep on hauntin
Im begging you
To keep on haunting me
Im begging you to keep on hauntin
We use to play pretend give each othe different names
We would build a rocket ship and fly it far away
Used to dream of outer space
But now theyre laughing in my face
"Wake up you need to make money"
Wish we could turn back time
To the good ol' days
When our momma sang us to sleep
But now were stressed out
Weve been making shades of purple
Out of red and blue
Sicking sweet like honey
Dont need money
All i need is
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa b-b-b-b
Alphebet boy
Yet none of them knew they sang at the same time,nor did they hear each other
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