The Wolf In Me
Hey everyone! This is a continuation of "The Lone Wolf Saber" Enjoy!
"One. Two. Three..." I counted.
I swung and slashed the Lone Wolf Saber as I counted, trying to get the feel of it. I was up before the Atollon sun, training.
I haven't used the Lone Wolf Saber in battle yet, so I wanted to get accustomed to the weight and power before anything else.
Using a boulder as my training dummy, I practiced all my forms and techniques, not wanting to break the boulder.
I already did that five times before...
With one final swing, my lightsaber rested right next to the boulder. I panted slightly and smiled.
"I think that's good enough. I'll practice more with you this afternoon." I said, looking down at the lightsaber.
I deactivated my weapon and leaned against my training boulder. I looked up at the Atollon sky and sighed. The sky began turning from dark blue to orange in the most beautiful way.
If I'm going to be stronger than Crowvern, I'll have to practice every day if I have to...
I got off the boulder and tied up my hair. I activated my weapon and began training again. With every swing and slash, the Lone Wolf Saber began getting lighter and easier to handle. When I brought down my weapon, a jolt of electricity went through my arm. I dropped my lightsaber and clutched my arm.
What was that all about...?
"Hello Zelara." said a voice.
I looked all around me but didn't see anyone.
That's not Bendu's voice...
"I most certainly am not Bendu," the voice said.
"You can hear my thoughts?" I asked.
"Of course."
"Who are you?"
"I'm you. Well, another part of you."
"Another part of me? What, are you the Dark Side of me?"
"Not at all."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
"I'm you, and if I know you, you're not that good of a liar."
"Guess you do make a valid point..."
"Of course."
I leaned against the boulder and continued talking.
"So, what do you want with me?" I asked.
"We both know why you are training so hard and vigorously," the voice said.
"His power grows with each passing day."
"And his apprentice?"
"They seek to become more powerful."
"But don't know the trouble and danger that awaits them in the long-run."
The two of us were quiet for a short while.
"So, what made you start talking to me?" I asked.
"My, you sure ask a lot of questions, don't you?" asked the voice.
"You're me. What'd you expect?"
The voice chuckled.
"It was your lightsaber. It awakened me," the voice said.
"The Lone Wolf Saber awakened you?" I asked.
"I've waited four years to talk to you, Zelara."
"Four years? You mean ever since I first met Atlas and the other Lothwolves?"
I couldn't help but smile.
"Well, why don't we get back to training? I can help you with some really good combo moves." said the voice.
"That would be great, thank you." I said.
Like the voice suggested, I went back to training. The voice gave me different commands and I followed every single one. It gave me different flip, kick, and Force technique combos that is said to really surprise my opponent and catch them off guard. After an hour or two, I finished training and wiped the sweat from my brow.
"Fine work, Zelara. You sure are a fast learner," said the voice.
"Thanks. I know you're me, but what can I call you?" I asked.
"You can call me Aralez if you'd like."
"That's my name, but backward."
"Yup. If you don't like it, you can change it."
"No, I love the name. If you don't mind, can I call you Ara for short?"
"Please, by all means."
"Well, thank you for today, Ara. Will you help me train this afternoon?"
"You can count on it."
After that, everything was silent. I smiled and hoisted my weapon. Walking back to the base, I soon noticed the others talking in front of the Ghost. When I walked up to them, Hera smiled when she saw me.
"There you are Zel. Where were you all morning?" Hera asked.
"Sorry, I was just training with my new lightsaber; trying to get used to its power," I said.
"How long have you been up?" Ezra asked.
"Before sunrise."
"That long?" Sabine asked.
"When you're a Jedi, you always have to hone your skills. You never know when you're going to need them."
"I second that notion." Kanan said.
I smiled at the blind Jedi and turned back to Hera.
"Well, we have a lot to do today. We're heading to Dunoir for a pickup this afternoon." Hera said.
Perfect! Maybe I can slip away to Lothal while they're gone. I just hope Atlas will know something about Aralez.
"For now, let's take care of the work that needs to be done here." Hera said.
With a final nod to one another, we started getting to work. I was helping AP-5 with maintenance.
"These crates here are going to Iron Squadron, and the crates over there are going to the Starbreaker Brigade," I said.
"I never knew you were so good at organizing," AP-5 said.
"Well, I used to do it all the time with my Master when I was younger, but I'm nowhere near as good as you, AP."
"Thank you. I'm glad someone recognizes my skills."
He can be so full of himself sometimes...
I chuckled and continued checking on the crates and shipments. After an hour of work, Hera called us to the Ghost.
"Good work today, everyone. But we're not done yet. On Dunoir, there's a shipment for us at the market. Lucky for us, Kanan, Ezra, and Zel know the shopkeeper we're meeting," Hera said.
"We're not dealing with another Lando, are we?" Zeb asked.
"For once, we're not, and I'm glad. This little trade may take all day, so be ready."
We nodded and walked aboard the Ghost. I walked into my cabin and sat on my bed.
Hope I can slip away and meet up with Atlas...
"Don't worry. I can help with that." Aralez said.
I smiled when I heard Aralez's voice.
"How?" I asked.
"Tell Hera that you'll stay back and help with the incoming shipments. As smart as that AP-5 droid is, he won't be able to handle the shipments that are yet to come," Aralez said.
"That could work."
"Trust me, it will."
I got up and walked into the cockpit where I saw Hera.
"Hey Hera, can I ask you something?" I asked.
"You just did." she said.
I gave Hera an annoyed smile and she chuckled.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"I was wondering if I can stay back and help AP with the upcoming shipments. I checked the supplies that are supposed to be coming in, and there are a lot. AP might be smart in this kind of field, but even he won't be able to handle all of these shipments on his own." I said.
Hera then gave me a weird look.
"This is the second time you're skipping out on something like this. Is everything okay, Zel?" Hera asked.
I forced a smile and nodded.
"Yes Hera, everything's fine. Believe me when I say that," I said.
"Well... okay. Just keep your comm on in case we need your help." Hera said.
"Alright, thanks Hera."
With a final wave, I walked out of the Ghost and went to the shipment area. Seeing the mountain of crates, I started getting to work.
"Sorry, Ara..." I said.
"Don't apologize. This is a lot of work for one person, or droid for that matter, to do on their own," Aralez said.
"I'm going to do at least more than half of the work, then AP can do the rest."
"Sounds like a plan."
I soon began sorting out all the crates and putting them into separate piles.
If I mess up at least one or two things, AP can fix it.
When I felt like I did more than I had to, I started heading to the ship docks. Seeing a pilot, I walked up to them and greeted them.
"Commander June, what can I do for you?" he asked.
"I need to borrow a ship. I have some business to take care of on Lothal," I said.
"Well, you can borrow the ship over there. No one is using it at the moment."
"Thank you."
I walked over to the ship and saw that it was an A-wing. Climbing in, I powered up the ship and flew into the sky.
"Your plan worked, Ara." I said.
"Was there any doubt?" Aralez asked.
Putting in the coordinates for Lothal, the A-wing jumped into hyperspace.
"So, you know Atlas, Ara?" I asked.
"I know, I know... You're me, so you know everyone."
Aralez laughed.
"You're catching on." Aralez said.
When I came out of hyperspace, Lothal came into view. Entering the planet's atmosphere, I landed the A-wing closer to the Lothwolf den than usual. I climbed out of the ship and walked across the field.
"So, how often do you see Atlas?" Aralez asked.
"Not as much as I'd like to. But with everything going on with the Empire, I barely get a chance to see him and the other wolves. But when I do see them, it's always something to do with the Empire," I said.
"Sorry to hear that."
"It's not your fault. Sometimes I wish things could go back to how they used to be, like-"
"Before you met the Rebels?"
What Aralez said made me stop in my tracks. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists.
"Sorry, shouldn't have said that..." Aralez said apologetically.
I remained quiet and continued onward. When I reached the den, Atlas was already there at the entrance, waiting. I smiled and walked up to him.
"Hi, Atlas... I'm back." I said.
Atlas smiled and gently bumped his head on mine. I cupped his head in my hands and placed a kiss on his nose.
"You know why I'm here, right?" I asked.
Atlas groaned and nodded.
"Ara, you there?" I asked.
"Always." Aralez answered.
I smiled and then faced Atlas.
"I'm assuming you know who this is, right?" I asked.
"I do... Aralez..." Atlas said.
"It's wonderful to meet you, Atlas." Aralez said.
Atlas then nodded. Then, the most oblivious question dawned on me.
"Hey, Ara. I just realized something. What are you anyway?" I asked.
She remained quiet.
"I am the Wolf Jedi..." Aralez said.
I couldn't help but scoff.
"I know that already. Since we're the same person, it's kind of obvious." I said.
"My dear Zelara, you do not understand..." Aralez said.
Then, a bright blue light started emitting from my chest. It hopped out of me and then began circling around me. When the blue light began floating in front of me and Atlas, it started to turn into something. It took on the appearance of a human, but on top of its head, a pair of ears popped up.
What in the world...?
Then, I noticed a tail swishing back and forth. When the light died down, a girl who looked exactly like me could be seen. She had silver hair, silver ears, and a silver tail. When she opened her eyes, they were icy blue, like Atlas. She even had on the same exact clothes as me.
"We finally meet face to face, Zelara." she said.
"Wait... Aralez...? Is it really you? How? I don't understand..." I said.
She chuckled and walked up to me.
"Like I said before; I'm another part of you," Aralez said.
"But, why do you look like that?"
"I'm the wolf part of you."
"Wolf part of me...? But why do you look like Atlas?"
Atlas then walked next to Aralez.
"Ever since you met Atlas, you made a very deep connection with him. A connection strong enough to create... me." Aralez said.
"Create you...? That doesn't mean you're my daughter, right?" I asked.
Aralez let out a laugh.
"No, no, no. I was always a part of you, Zelara. I just waited for the right time to come." Aralez said.
"And you knew about this?" I asked, looking at Atlas.
Atlas nodded casually.
"Zelara, you have no idea how powerful you are. With me by your side, you'll be more powerful than Crowvern." Aralez said.
Exactly what the Inquisitor said years ago... Could he have been talking about Aralez...?
"Merge with me," Aralez suddenly said.
"What?" I asked.
"Hold out your hand, and merge with me."
I turned to Atlas and he nodded.
Here goes nothing...
Taking a deep breath, I held out my hand and Aralez did the same. When our palms touched, Aralez dissolved into tiny, blue light particles, and the particles attracted to me. When the bright light dimmed down, I noticed my hair was the same color as Aralez. I even had wolf ears and a tail.
"Whoa! What happened to me!?" I asked in surprise.
"We are one. Whenever you wish to merge with me, just think of me, and then you'll look like this," Aralez said.
"Okay... how do I change back to my normal-looking self?"
"Think of how you looked before."
Doing what Aralez instructed, I thought of what I looked like before. Soon after, I was back to normal.
"Train..." Atlas bellowed.
"Atlas is right, Zelara. You're going to have to work extra hard now," Aralez said.
"It's what I do best."
"And I'll be there to help you every step of the way."
I smiled at Aralez's words. I walked up to Atlas and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I have to go now. I'll be back as soon as I get the chance." I said.
Atlas nodded with a smile. On my way back to the A-wing, I heard Hera's voice through my comm.
"Hey, Hera. Need something?" I asked.
"Yeah. We're about to head back to the base. Tell AP-5 he has more shipments to sort out." she said.
"Will do."
Picking up the pace, I climbed in the A-wing and blasted off into space. Putting in the coordinates for Atollon, I jumped into hyperspace.
"Your friends sure know how to get things done, don't they?" Aralez asked.
"It's what we do best." I said.
It was quiet for a while before Aralez's voice broke the silence.
"Zel, about what I said..." Aralez began.
"Don't stress about it. I sometimes wish the same thing, but if I haven't met the Lothwolves AND the Rebels, my life would be meaningless," I said.
"So, you're not mad?"
"Well, I was a little ticked off about what you said, but then I realized that you were right."
"Great minds think alike."
I couldn't help but chuckle at her words. When Atollon came into view, I quickly landed the A-wing and went over to the shipment area where I saw AP-5.
"Hey AP," I said.
"There you are. I was looking everywhere for you. I wanted to praise you on your amazing organizing skills," AP-5 said.
"Well, I learn from the best. Speaking of which, we have more shipments coming in. The Rebels are bringing them now."
"Excellent. More crates for me to sort."
I smiled as I watched AP walk away.
"Hey Ara," I began.
"Yes?" Aralez asked.
"We're in this together, right?"
"Then let's take down Crowvern together."
"It would be my pleasure."
Bonus: Into the Unknown remake!
Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this part and the video. I don't know what the next part will be, but stay tuned for it. Suggestions are greatly appreciated. May the Force be with You!
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