The Wolf and The Crow {Part 4}
Hope you're ready for this part! Enjoy!
The four of them looked at me in shock.
"He wouldn't really make you fight on THAT planet, would he?" Ezra asked.
"He would... He's that cruel. He's going to try to throw me off my game while we're there." I said.
I then remembered what Bendu and Mother told me.
"But I'm not going to let him. All my life, I've been fighting in his element; now, it's time for him to fight in mine." I said.
Kayla, Kanan, and Ezra smiled whereas Nerezza looked uncertain.
"What's wrong, Nerezza?" Kayla asked.
"I must be going. If Crowvern knew I was here without giving me the order to come here, he would..." Nerezza began.
"Kill you..." I said.
She looked up at me with her white eyes.
"Yeah... that..." she said regrettably.
"It's not a good feeling, I know. Having to wake up every day thinking that your life might end that day. But I don't think about that. I'm grateful to wake up every morning with a smile. Just hang on to every hour at a time." I said smiling.
Nerezza cast her gaze to the ground and let out a sigh.
"Thank you," she said.
"For what?" I asked.
"For placing your trust in me, even after I tried to assassinate you, twice. I wouldn't even trust me after everything I did."
I shook my head with a soft smile.
"They say trust is something you have to earn, and you've earned mine." I said.
"And mine." Ezra said.
"Mine as well." Kanan said.
"And mine." Kayla said.
Nerezza looked at us and smiled softly.
"I really must be going. I guess I'll contact you if something happens." Nerezza said.
She then walked out of the command center without another word.
"Think we'll hear from her again?" Ezra asked.
"Definitely." I said.
Then, I felt a presence behind me, and I knew exactly who it was.
"I got to go guys." I said, walking in the opposite direction.
"Where?" Kayla asked.
I continued on my way, not turning around to acknowledge Kayla's question.
Why now of all times...?
When I was a safe distance away, I let out a heavy sigh and stopped in my tracks.
"I'd rather not do this now." I said.
"Why? Are you afraid?" he asked.
I turned around and saw my former Master.
"So, Ilona failed to kill you yet again. Typical..." he said.
"Why send her when you can just get the sweet satisfaction and mileage from killing me yourself?" I asked.
Crowvern paced around his cabin in thought.
"I guess that makes sense," Crowvern said.
"And I know you don't really care about what happens to Nerezza." I said.
"You just now figured that out?"
I let out a sigh and shook my head.
"What was the point in convincing her to join you if you were just going to kill her in the long run?" I asked.
"She would not be the first to fall for that trick. Fear, anger, hate, pride, greed; all give me strength and power. She is one of the largest sources of power I have had in a long time."
"So, you just leech off her...?"
Crowvern smiled and nodded.
He's a sick man, I tell you. A sick man!
"Why are you even doing this? What was the point in even contacting me in the first place?" I asked.
"To discuss our meeting plan." Crowvern said.
What he said hit me like a rock to the head.
"I guess this conversation was bound to happen sometime." I said.
"Indeed. I was thinking of dueling here, on Crumore. Sound familiar?" Crowvern asked.
Don't let him rattle you...!
"How can I forget? You almost killed me there." I said.
"Exactly, and I want to fulfill that." Crowvern said.
I glared at my former Master and shook my head.
"No, I have a better place in mind where no one can disturb us and we can be as wild as we want," I said.
"Oh, and where might that be?" Crowvern asked.
"A planet called Rivdar, a desolate and deserted planet with nothing but wide a valley of rock and sand. A few creatures live there, but no other living organisms. It'll be just you and me."
When Crowvern smiled, his eyes glowed a bright red.
"Alright, I accept. Five days from now. That should be enough time for you to prepare for your demise." Crowvern said.
I rolled my eyes and shot cold glares at Crowvern.
"More than enough time." I said.
Crowven smiled and walked up to me.
"I look forward to seeing you soon, Padawan." he said.
"Likewise, Master." I said.
After that, he just disappeared. I looked up at the sky and sighed heavily.
"Zelara?" asked a voice.
I looked ahead of me and saw Kayla, Ezra, Kanan, and the others.
"Kayla, Ezra, and I saw him." Kanan said.
"I've never felt so much negative energy before." Kayla said.
"I've never seen anything like him." Ezra said.
"Yeah... That's my Master." I said.
I hung my head and breathed out.
"How are you going to measure up to him?" Zeb asked.
"I have a secret weapon." I said.
"Which is?" Hera asked.
I smiled and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to see a bright blue light emitting from my chest. It swirled around me a couple of times before stopping in front of me. Then, the light started taking form into a person. When the light died down, Aralez was visible. She turned around and smiled at the others.
"Hello Rebels." she said.
"Whoa! Who are you?" Hera asked.
"Zelara, how did you do that?" Sabine asked.
"Everyone, meet Aralez. She is the wolf part of me." I explained.
The others were spellbound.
"That is correct. I am a living entity of Zelara's enhanced power, a living conscious. I can communicate with Zelara in her mind. Ever since she met Atlas, a bond was formed, and it created me. The Lone Wolf Saber she carries awakened me." Aralez said.
"Guess that explains why you look like Zelara, but with ears and a tail." Kayla said.
Aralez smiled and nodded firmly.
"That's not all." I said.
Aralez and I soon faced each other and held out our hands. When our palms touched, Aralez disappeared and left behind blue light particles. When they attracted to me, I felt the ears and tail appear.
"That is so cool!" Ezra said.
"Zelara, your power is..." Kayla began.
"Immense." Kanan said.
"With my power combined with Aralez's and the Lone Wolf Saber, I'm stronger and more powerful than Crowvern ever will be in years." I said.
"Now you REALLY look like the Wolf Jedi." Zeb said.
I smiled at the Lasat and let my ears and tail disappear, along with my hair going from silver to black and brown.
"Crowvern gave me five days to train before we have our duel," I said.
"That doesn't sound like enough time." Hera said.
"But to me, that's more than enough time. I'd be most grateful if you three will help me train; Aralez will be helping as well."
Kayla, Kanan, and Ezra nodded.
"Of course, we'll help you." Kanan said.
"You don't even need to ask." Kayla said.
"We're with you every step of the way." Ezra said.
I looked around at my family and smiled.
Crowvern has no idea what he's got coming because he's about to get a taste of what happens when you mess with the Wolf Jedi...
A little shorter than I wanted it to be, but I still hope you enjoyed it. You can probably guess what the next part is going to be. May the Force be with You!
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