Reliving the Moment
The Rebels visit Zelara's old home planet for a supply drop, and Zelara starts having horrible flashbacks of what happened years ago. Anyways, on with the story!
It's been a few days since I joined the Rebels and being with them is amazing. Outsmarting the Empire, taking down Stormtroopers; basic stuff. Right now, Zeb and I were running a diagnostic on the Phantom.
The Phantom is a separate shuttle that detaches from the rear of the Ghost.
"Everything looks good," I said.
"Good, 'cause I am beat," Zeb said stretching.
"Isn't there anything you do that doesn't make you tired?"
"Busting some bucket-heads."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"Come on, Hera's waiting for us." I said.
Zeb and I walked out of the Phantom and into the common room where everyone else was waiting.
"Everything checks out for the Phantom, Hera." I said.
"Thanks, you two. Now, today we're doing a supply drop to a good friend of ours," Hera said.
"When Hera says, "good friend", she really means an acquaintance we can tolerate." Ezra said.
"Got it. So, who is this acquaintance of yours?" I asked.
"His name's Lando Calrissian, a get-rich-quick smuggler. He promised that he will pay us handsomely when we deliver his awfully specific supplies to him."
"Knowing Lando, he's not going to give us a cent." Sabine said.
They don't sound too thrilled with this drop-off...
"How did you come to know him?" I asked.
"Zeb was playing Sabacc with him when he bet Chopper and lost." Ezra said.
Chopper buzzed and beeped angrily.
"Sounds like Chopper still hasn't gotten over that yet." I said.
"The plot twist is that Kanan told him to do it, too." Sabine said.
"What? He had a good hand. How was I supposed to know he would lose?" Kanan asked.
"You could have used the Force." Ezra teased.
Zeb laughed at Ezra's remark. Kanan just glared at his Padawan and Zeb with a very annoyed look on his face.
"Jokes aside, we need to start heading out before Lando gets impatient," Hera said.
"Where's the drop off at anyway?" I asked.
My heart stopped.
No... why there of all places...?
"You okay Zel?" Sabine asked.
I blinked back to reality and turned to her.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I said.
Hope my voice wasn't too shaky...
"Well, let's get a move on." Hera said.
We all followed Hera into the cockpit, but I was dragging behind. Ezra noticed and began to walk at my pace.
"You okay Zela? You were pretty spaced out back there." he asked.
"Ezra, I'm fine. No need to worry." I said, my voice a little shaken up.
Ezra looked at me with a serious expression.
For someone so young, he sure knows how to show he's serious...
I sighed as I sat down on one of the chairs in the cockpit. I watched as we flew into space and then jumped into hyperspace.
"Seriously, Ezra, I'm fine. Let's just focus on the trip ahead." I said.
Ezra nodded with a concerned looked on his face. I leaned my head back on the chair and sighed.
Well, I had to go back eventually. I've been to a lot of planets during my time as a Padawan; Tatoonie, Yavin, Dunbarr, Calypsa, Bespin, Hoth; but there's no place like home...
When we jumped out of hyperspace, a green and sandy yellow planet could be seen.
"Here we are. Maitlyn." Hera said.
"Home sweet home..." I muttered to myself.
We landed on the surface of the planet in the middle of the Maitlyn Plains. We walked out and looked around at the planet.
"So, where's Lando supposed to be at?" Sabine asked.
"Somewhere on the outskirts of the market." Hera said.
"I think I saw the market as we were landing, to the Northwest." Kanan said.
The others nodded and started walking.
"You guys go on ahead, I need to check something." I said turning around.
"What do you mean?" Hera asked.
I didn't turn around to acknowledge her question.
"Kanan, Ezra, go follow her. We'll deal with Lando." Hera said.
The two Jedi nodded and began to follow me. I soon walked up to my old house, surprisingly still in one piece. I opened the door and walked inside. Everything was exactly how it was left 13 years ago; destroyed. I then saw the replay of what happened to my father.
"You're not taking our daughter!"
I then saw him fall to the floor. The tears burned my eyes as they flowed down my cheek. I could hear my mother screaming in my head.
I walked into my old room and looked around at the mess. I then spotted my old stuffed Porg on the floor. I picked it up and sat on my bed, rubbing my thumb on its white stomach. I got up and walked into my parents' room. It was just as messy as mine. Books were scattered everywhere and paintings that used to be on the wall were on the ground.
It looked like a war happened here.
I looked at the books and saw that most of them were on Jedi.
Not surprised.
I walked back into the kitchen and my heart drop. My breathing became quick and heavy.
"I'm... sorry... my little... star..."
My legs gave out and I dropped to my knees. I then began to sob in my hands.
Why...? Why did you have to go...? Why does the Empire make us suffer...?
I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ezra and Kanan, sharing the same sad and concerned look. I looked away, then leaped into Kanan's arms and cried. Kanan was taken by surprise at first, but then embraced me. I soon felt Ezra hug me from behind. We sat in silence for what felt like hours.
I didn't need to tell them why I was so shaky when we were coming to Maitlyn.
"We're right here... We got you..." Kanan said softly.
I nodded into his chest. I then heard a faint voice, and I recognized it immediately.
"We're here to guide you, my little star..."
I breathed out and smiled.
"May the Force be with you..."
I pulled out of their embrace and wiped away the remaining tears. I got up and brushed away the dust and dirt.
"Come on. Hera must be wondering where we're at." I said.
I lead the two Jedi out of the house and into the market. The place was bustling with customers, as usual. I even noticed some new stalls.
A lot can change when you're away from home for 13 years...
The boys and I soon saw Hera and the others talking to a man with fair brown skin, like me, and dark brown hair. We walked up to the others and joined the conversation.
"Ah... I was wondering where you two were." he said.
"Good to see you again, too, Calrissian." Kanan said with an annoyed tone.
Lando then dropped his eyes on me.
"And who's this angel?" he asked.
"June. Zelara June. I've heard a lot about you, and sorry, I'm not for sale," I said.
"Come on. I bet you are worth thousands."
"Hah! Not even close."
"Alright, that's enough." Hera said, getting in between us.
I sighed and then glared at Lando.
"We have what you wanted. Take it, pay up, and we'll be on our way." Hera said.
"With pleasure, Captain Syndulla. Follow me." Lando said.
We followed Lando to a stall in the market and he went behind it. Lando came back out with a small case. He opened it and it was stacked to the brim with credits.
"Your payment, as promised." Lando said.
Hera closed the case and took it from Lando's hands. She then turned around and began walking away. We all followed suit.
"Pleasure doing business with you!" Lando called out.
Hera groaned and rolled her eyes. We made it back to the Ghost and we all headed inside.
"You're lucky you weren't there, Zel. We had to wait a whole hour just for Lando to show up." Sabine said as I was walking by her.
I nodded and continued my way to my cabin.
"She okay?" Sabine asked.
"Yeah, just... give her some time. She just relieved a moment she didn't want to relive." Kanan said.
I laid on my bed looking up at the metal ceiling. I sat up and then took out my lightsaber.
My mother's lightsaber...
I activated it and the brilliant blue blade appeared. I investigated the blade, gazing at my reflection. My eyes soon widened when I saw my mother's reflection instead of my own. She smiled and nodded.
"May the Force be with you, my little star..."
Then, her reflection faded away. I blinked and then smiled.
I'll make you proud, Momma...
I jumped off my bed and took out my notebook. When I did, a piece of metal fell out. I deactivated my lightsaber and picked up the object. I soon noticed it was a hologram. I turned it on and an image of Nova Kry'ila appeared.
"Hello, young Padawan. I am Master Nova Kry'ila. Today I'll show you some techniques my master taught me."
It's a training simulator.
When I placed the hologram on the floor, it grew to my size. Kry'ila ignited her lightsaber and began her lesson.
I already know these techniques, but it's good to hone your skills.
I copied every move. I then heard a knock at the door. I paused the hologram and went over to open the door. When I opened it, Kanan and Ezra were standing there.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"We just want to make sure you're okay." Ezra said.
I couldn't help but smile.
"For once, I'm doing great. Come in." I said, stepping to the side.
The boys walked in and saw the hologram of Kry'ila.
"Who's that?" Ezra asked.
"That's Master Nova Kry'ila. She was my mother's master. I found this hologram of her in my notebook and decided to check it out." I replied.
I started the hologram and Kry'ila resumed her teachings.
"Now, the only way you can achieve and succeed at being a Jedi is to open yourself up. There is nothing but the Force that lingers. Remember this, and you shall never falter."
After everything, I gave the hologram to Ezra, to help him train whenever Kanan and I weren't around to train him ourselves.
I know this is what Momma would have wanted. For me to train the next generation Jedi. With her guiding my hand, how's can I not? And with the Force by my side, how can I falter?
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this part. Believe it or not, I was actually crying when I writing this part. If you don't know why read "Pup". The next part will be based off an episode from Season 2 of the SWR series. Guess in the comment section, and if you guess right, I'll give you a shout out in the next part. Good luck, and may the Force be with you!
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