Rebels Play "Among Us" {Ghost Crew}
Something random I came up with. Let me know if you laughed😋 (Kanan isn't blind and Ahsoka isn't dead, BTW) Enjoy!
Once the game started, we all wished each other good luck.
My face broke out into a sinister grin.
So, I and Kanan are the Impostors, huh. This ought to be interesting...
I moved around the ship to find what "tasks" I needed to do. Going into Admin, I went up to the table pretended to swipe my card.
Ahsoka was next to me so if anything were to happen, she could vouch for me. Since swiping the card in Admin is like, the most tedious thing to do, I stayed there for a few seconds to not look suspicious.
Once Ahsoka walked out, I walked out of Admin and went to Electrical to "fix the wiring." Once I got there, I saw Ezra.
Perfect opportunity...
Pressing the button, I watched as my character decapitated Ezra's. Running up to the vent in the corner, I vented and made my way into the Security room.
Thankfully, no one was there.
Getting out of the vent, I made my way back to Electrical to see if anyone else was there. Luckily, there was, and it was Sabine.
Seeing on the screen, I saw that Ezra's AND Zeb's names were crossed out.
Nice going, Kanan.
"Sabine, how could you?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Sabine asked.
"His blood was staining your hands. I saw you standing over Ezra's body when I walked in."
"That's because I had to fix the wiring, and Ezra's body was right there."
"Uh-hu, sure..."
They have no idea...
"Okay, what was everyone else doing? I was doing Shields." Hera said.
"I was in Admin swiping my card. Ahsoka was with me." I said.
"She was, and I was uploading some data." Ahsoka said.
It's always good to have a witness and an alibi when you're the Imposter.
"I was in O2." Rex said.
"I was in Weapons. Sabine?" Kanan asked.
"I swear, I was going into Electrical to fix the wiring, and that's when I saw Ezra's body," Sabine said.
"You could've self-reported." I said.
"I didn't!"
When the time came to vote, everyone voted Sabine.
"Great. Now we're gonna lose." Sabine said.
"Sabine was ejected"
Best part is, it doesn't say who the Impostor is, so it makes it twice as hard.
Going back to my "tasks," I followed Hera to Navigation.
If I'm correct, we just need two more kills, and Kanan and I win.
Once I saw Hera beginning to leave, I killed her and quickly vented over to Shields. Seeing that no one was there I came out and pretended to do my task. Suddenly, my screen went black.
"You're kidding me!" Sabine complained.
"Zelara, how could you?" Ezra asked.
"Sorry kid. All's fair in love and war," I said.
"Kanan is a scary Impostor. His calm demeanor makes him so unsuspicious, and I hate it." Zeb said.
"What can I say?" Kanan asked with a cocky grin.
"That was a smart play, Zelara. Killing Ezra and wait for someone to find his body to use as an alibi." Rex said.
"Thanks, Rex."
After a short intermission, we started round 2.
"Crewmate. There are 2 Impostors among us."
So, I'm a crewmate this round. Got to be careful. Knowing Ezra if he got Impostor, he'll go after me first, if not last.
Seeing what my first task was, I walked into Medbay to do my scan. After I was complete, I walked out and headed for the Reactor. That's when the lights went out.
Once I walked in, I saw a body in front of the Reactor. I quickly hit the report button when it popped up.
Looking at the screen, I saw that Rex and Sabine were crossed out.
Geez, that was fast...
"Who and where?" Hera asked.
"It was Rex's. I was heading from Medbay to Reactor to do a task, and that's where I found the body," I explained.
"Did you see anybody?" Hera asked.
"No, the lights were out, so I didn't see the body until I walked up to the Reactor."
"I was heading to Electrical to fix the lights." Ezra said.
"I can confirm that. I was with Ezra the entire time." Zeb said.
"I was heading to Storage to fix the wiring." Kanan said.
"I was heading to the Lower Engine from Communications. Hera, where were you?" Ahsoka asked.
It took a while before Hera answered.
"I was heading to Medbay from Weapons," she said.
"Why did you hesitate?" Ezra asked.
"I had to remember, Ezra."
"Sure took you a while to remember." I said.
"Before you guys get any ideas, it wasn't me. Zeb saw me in Weapons."
"Zeb, can you confirm?" Kanan asked.
"...She was. I saw her before I started following Ezra." Zeb said.
Geez, this is hard...
Before the time ran out, we all cast our votes. Unfortunately for Hera, she got more votes than the ones that skipped.
"Hera was ejected."
When you're not the Impostor, it's annoying when you don't know who the Impostor is when you eject someone.
Seeing what other tasks had to be done, I started making my way to Communications. Once I reached my destination, the lights started to dim out.
I'm dead, I just know it...
Right when I said that I watched as Zeb's character kill my own.
The sneaky Lasat...
I couldn't help but grin when I saw my character's little ghost form. Once I completed my task in Communications, I followed Zeb to see if he was going after anyone else. Fazing through the wall into Admin, I watched as Zeb and Kanan pretended to swipe their cards. Once Kanan left, that's when Zeb attacked.
He's self-reporting...? I must say, that's a very smart play.
"Where and who?" Ahsoka asked.
"It was Kanan. I found him in Admin." Zeb said.
"I saw Kanan walk into Admin, and then after I completed some tasks, I headed back to Admin to upload some data, and that's when I saw Zeb walk into Admin. I have a feeling it was him." Ezra said.
I heard Zeb chuckle before he continued speaking.
"Sounds like you practiced that speech, kid." Zeb said.
"I didn't. I'm just telling you what I saw." Ezra said.
"I honestly do not know, so I'm just going to skip." Ahsoka said.
No! Please don't skip Ahsoka!
When the voting time was drawing near to its end, the three of them voted, and Ahsoka skipped, Zeb voted for Ezra, and Ezra voted for Zeb.
One more kill and Zeb wins...!
Once the meeting was over, Zeb wasted no time killing Ezra.
"Wow! What did I say?" Ezra asked, dragging out his words.
"I knew it!" I exclaimed when I saw Hera and Zeb as the Impostors.
"Zeb killed me when I was doing Shields and then vented." Sabine said.
"Hera killed me. Harsh Hera." Rex said.
"Had to win somehow." Hera said.
"Zeb self-reported after he shot me in the back." Kanan said.
"That was good, Zeb." Ahsoka said.
"Thanks. That was fun." Zeb said.
After a while, round 3 commenced.
"Crewmate. There are 2 Impostors among us."
Crewmate again, huh? Wonder who the Impostors are this time...
Once the game loaded in, I went straight to Electrical to fix the wiring. Once that was complete, I started making my way to Shields to fix the wiring. When I made it to Shields, I watched as Sabine killed Kanan in front of me. Not wanting to be next, I quickly ran to the cafeteria and pressed the emergency button.
"I saw Sabine kill Kanan in Shields." I said.
"What do you mean? I was in Navigation doing my tasks."
She vented...!
"I was in Electrical fixing wires. When I was done, I was going to fix the wires in Shields. That's when I saw Sabine murder Kanan in cold blood." I saw.
"Sabine, is this true?" Ahsoka asked.
"No! I was in Navigation. Rex, you saw me, right?" Sabine asked.
"I can confirm that Zelara was in Electrical because I saw her leave, but I never saw Sabine during that round." Rex said.
Rex is either telling the truth or he's the other Impostor and he's throwing Sabine under the Walker.
"I was in Reactor and Hera was in Security across from me." Ezra said.
"That's true. And I did see Zel leave Electrical the cams." Hera said.
"I was in Upper Engine aligning its output." Zeb said.
"Well, I know who I'm voting for." I said.
When the time to vote came, I immediately voted for Sabine.
I know what I saw... Looks like everyone agreed with me.
"Sabine was ejected."
Once that was over, I went back to finish what I started. Once I finished fixing the wires in Shields, I went to do the same in Navigation. Once I walked in, I saw Ezra's body in front of the control panel. I quickly hit the report button when it popped up.
"It was definitely Rex," Ahsoka said.
"What? How?" Rex asked.
"I watched you doing your "tasks" in Admin. When you supposedly finished swiping your card, the bar didn't go up."
"I agree. I found Ezra's body in Navigations when I was going to fix the wiring." I said.
"Got anything to say Rex?" Hera said.
Rex sighed and chuckled.
"You guys are way too good at this detective stuff." Rex said.
When the time came to vote, we all voted for Rex; even Rex voted for himself.
"Rex was ejected."
"I knew it!" I said.
"Rex, why did you leave me for dead? You could've backed me up." Sabine said.
"You know I'm a bad liar, Sabine." Rex said.
"It was still a fun round, nonetheless." Ahsoka said.
"I agree." Kanan said.
"Same." Ezra said.
Shortly after, the final round started.
"Crewmate. There are 2 Impostors among us."
Aw, kind of wanted to be the Impostor again. It's fun.
Leaving the Cafeteria, I went straight to the Reactor to start it up.
It was a very tedious task, but I at least got it done.
Once I finished, I watched as my character was stabbed to death by Ezra's character.
Knew he was out for my blood...
I shook my head with amusement as I followed my Padawan. He then abruptly stopped in the middle of the hallway. That's when a red light started flashing, and my task read "Reactor Meltdown."
A saboteur, huh? Interesting...
I followed some of the others as they ran towards the Reactor.
Right, where my body was...
Looking at the screen, both I and Sabine were dead.
"That was quick." Zeb said.
"It was Zelara's body, in Reactor. Ezra, Kanan, Rex, and I were all there." Hera said.
"So, the Imposter must've killed Zelara before the Reactor meltdown," Ahsoka said.
"Ahsoka, where were you? You didn't come when the meltdown was happening." Rex said.
"...I was uploading data to Admin." Ahsoka said after a while.
"What was that hesitation?" Kanan asked.
Before the time to vote ended, I saw that Kanan and I voted for Ahsoka, but everyone else skipped.
Yep, we lost...
Once that was over, I went over to Electrical to reroute the power to Shields. As I floated in, I saw Ezra, Zeb, Hera, and Ahsoka there. My eyes widened as I watched Ezra kill Hera and Ahsoka kill Zeb. Ahsoka ran out and Ezra vented.
Ugh, if I wasn't dead, I would've called an Emergency Meeting...
I decided to follow Ahsoka to see where she was going. Once she walked into Admin, I knew exactly what she was doing.
She's trying to find either Rex or Zeb...
Once Ahsoka left, I followed her all the way to Security. Once we arrived, I saw Kanan checking the cams.
If Ahsoka kills Kanan and Rex is already dead, we lose...!
When Ahsoka killed Zeb, my screen went black.
Hearing Ezra's victory laugh made me burst into laughter.
"I knew it! I knew it was Ezra." Rex said
"That double-kill worked really well in your favor." Zeb said.
"I knew you were after my blood, Ezra." I said.
"Well, you were after mine." Ezra said.
I chuckled and continued to listen to the others' rant.
"I had a feeling it was Ahsoka, but I shrugged it off." Hera said.
"I was surprised when Ahsoka killed me." Sabine said.
"Ezra and I had to win somehow." Ahsoka said.
"Something told me it was Ezra." Rex said.
"My own Padawan, a killer. I thought you were a Jedi, not a Sith." Kanan joked.
The eight of us couldn't help but laugh.
"Nonetheless, it was still really fun." Hera said.
"Agreed." Ahsoka said.
"I'm definitely playing this again." Ezra said.
"Same, and I better get Impostor next round." Kanan said.
"Well, I know who I'm voting for in the next round when a body gets reported." Sabine said.
I smiled as I listened to my family's hilarious conversation.
Can't wait to play this again...
C'mon! I had to! My brain was hurting not putting this out on paper. Next part will be with the cast. Suggestions are forever open. May the Force be with You!
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