13 Years Ago...
I was just an infant. I was one of the few to be born Force-sensitive. My parents, Heidi and Kent, kept this a secret from me ever since I was six. My pale-skinned father was a professor for the Resistance, and my dark-skinned mother was a merchant on our home planet, Maitlyn. I soon learned of my Force abilities when I accidentally lifted my mother.
"What is this, Momma?" I asked.
"That, my dear, is the Force. Very few are born sensitive to it. It's a wonderful gift indeed, but you must never use it outside of this house," she replied.
"Why not?"
"Just like the Force can be used for good, it can also be used for bad. There are people out there who would love to get their hands on you, just because you are Force-sensitive."
"Are there people out there who use the Force for good?"
"Indeed, there are. The Jedi Knights. Powerful and inspiring people who speak out against the Empire. They wield these magnificent weapons known as lightsabers, powered by the mysterious and rare kyber crystals."
"Momma, how do you know so much about the Jedi?"
Momma looked away and sighed.
"I, myself, was once a Jedi..." she said.
I thought she was kidding, but the next day, she showed me her lightsaber. It was a brilliant blue color, and it was just all-around amazing! Her dark skin was glowing in the blade's light. Momma then showed me what her Master had taught her; Master Nova Kry'ila. Momma says that she was part of the Resistance and fought in Order 66. Sadly, she perished during that time but left behind her knowledge and teachings. Before Nova died, she gave Momma her notebook on everything she learned when she was a Padawan. Momma soon gave me the notebook and I was immediately overwhelmed with the knowledge within it. I learned so much about how to use the Force, how to use a Lightsaber, and all of the greatest Jedi Masters that ever lived; Master Luminara, Master Crowvern, Master Yoda, Master Depa Billaba, Master Kenobi, Master Skywalker, Master Alura Moone, and so much more.
"Momma, can you help me use the Force?" I asked one day.
"Of course, my little star. But only in the house." Momma said.
We started off slow by moving and levitating objects of different sizes. Momma said that the only way to be truly connected with the Force is to open yourself up. That is the way of the Jedi. Opening yourself up and connecting to every living creature. Let's just say my father was overly cautious.
"Heidi, why are you training her? If her abilities get any stronger, they'll find her..." Father said.
"Who'll find me?" I asked.
"...No one, sweetheart... Zela, go to your room. I need to have a word with your father..." Momma said.
I nodded and went into my room. I sat cross-legged on my bed, holding my stuffed Porg close to my chest, listening to my parents argue.
"Kent, why would you say something like that in front of her?" Momma asked.
"I don't want to lose her, Heidi. And teaching her the one thing that can get her killed..." Father said.
"I know what I'm doing, Kent!"
"What if something happened to her or us!?"
"Why do you think I'm teaching her these things!?"
Their argument was scary to listen to. What Momma didn't teach me about the Force... is how it can kill someone...
There soon was a knock at the door. I walked out of my room and stood at Momma's side as Father opened the door. Standing in the doorway was a man dressed in black with two stormtroopers at his side. The man in black had dark gray skin and piercing red eyes. I had no idea who or what he was.
"Zela, go and grab the notebook I gave you and my lightsaber, now..." Momma whispered.
I nodded and went to find what Momma asked.
"Can we help you, gentlemen?" Father asked.
"Yes... I felt a disturbance in the Force... A Force signature I have never felt before... and it led me here to this hobble house you call home." the gray man said.
"What are you talking about?" Momma asked.
"...Your child... She does not know how powerful she is. The Force is extraordinarily strong with your daughter... If you do not mind, I will be taking her off your hands."
The room was silent when I returned. I held Momma's lightsaber behind my back, as well as the notebook she gave me. The gray man looked down at me and smiled fully, showing off his pointy teeth.
"Ah... so this is the young Force wielder. Young indeed, but still immensely powerful. She will make a fine Imperial Inquisitor..." he said.
An Inquisitor is a trained Jedi to hunt down any surviving Jedi from Order 66, the Clone Wars, or just any surviving past Padawans to dispose of them. I thought he didn't know about Momma. Turns out I was wrong.
"You're not taking our daughter!" Father cried.
The Inquisitor tilted his head to the side and smiled. The moment he snapped his fingers, one of the stormtroopers fired his blaster at Father. Father crumbled to the ground, smoke wafting from the hole through his back.
"DADDY!" I cried.
Momma glared at the Inquisitor and snatched her lightsaber from my hands. She ignited her blade, and a blue beam of light appeared. The Inquisitor smiled and chuckled.
"Heidi June, Padawan of Master Nova Kry'ila..." he said.
He reached behind his back brought his own lightsaber back around. When he ignited it, a crimson red blade appeared.
"ZELARA, RUN!" Momma cried.
I didn't need to be told twice. I ran to the back of the house without stopping.
"Find the girl and bring her back." the Inquisitor said.
The stormtroopers nodded and began to search the house. The Inquisitor turned his attention back on Momma and smiled.
"Let's see what your Master Kry'ila has taught you." the Inquisitor said.
The two then began their fight. Lightsabers colliding and crackling with sparks of electricity. I heard everything. Glass breaking, wood cracking, Momma's blaster. I was scared.
"Check the rooms. She could be hiding." said a stormtrooper.
I held my breath as I heard one of the stormtroopers walk into my room. I needed to get out. I looked out from under my bed and saw my stuffed Porg on the floor next to me. I grabbed it and crawled back under my bed.
"This room is clear." the stormtrooper said.
I then threw my toy behind me and waited. Over my shoulder, I saw the stormtrooper pick up the toy and examine it. I then made a break for it. I got out from under my bed and ran down the hall, only to bump into the back of the other stormtrooper. He turned around and walked up to me. I turned around and was blocked by the other stormtrooper. I was completely boxed in. Now, this is where I discovered my real power. I held my hands out and pushed the stormtroopers away from me using the Force. When I made it back to the front door, my heart sank. I saw Momma on the ground, gasping for air. I looked up at the Inquisitor and saw that he was pinching the air. This kind of technique is known as Force choke. Choose your victim and you can choke them without even touching them, and the Inquisitor was using it against Momma...
"Zel... take... this..." Momma choked up.
Momma then handed me her lightsaber. I looked at it and began to cry.
"I'm... sorry... my little... star..." she said.
I glared at the Inquisitor and began to breathe heavily. I readied Momma's lightsaber and ignited the blade. I heard the footsteps of the stormtroopers draw near, and when they were behind me, I held out my hand towards them. I raised them in the air and then slammed them on the ground.
"Ah, yes... Good... Embrace the Dark Side, child. Join me, and I will teach you what your pathetic mother could not." the Inquisitor said.
"I'll never join you!" I cried.
The Inquisitor just smiled at me.
"Then say goodbye to your mother..." he said.
His pointer finger and thumb touched, and I saw Momma fall with a thud. Tears welled up in my eyes and they began to flow down my cheek. Without thinking, I charged up at the Inquisitor and brought down the lightsaber. He casually moved out of the way and watched me stumble over. Exactly what I wanted to happen. I deactivated the lightsaber and ran out onto Maitlyn's plains. There was a Resistance outpost not too far from where I live, so I went there. You'll never guess who I met. As I went through Central City, I stopped in my tracks when I heard a voice.
"Are you in need of assistance, child?"
I whipped my head around to see that no one was around. When I turned back around, a man was standing right in front of me. He had pale skin and he wore a brown robe and hood.
"So, you did hear me, huh?" he asked.
My eyes widened in surprise. He was that faint voice I heard.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"A friend of parents..." he said.
I just stared at him blankly. In truth, he really was a friend of my parents, but not the one I thought of.
"Come with me, or you will die running away from them." he said.
I nodded and took his hand. He then led me to a big ship and lead me inside. He went to the cockpit and turned on the ship. I felt the ship leave the ground and vanish into the darkness of space. He then went into hyperspace and put the ship into autopilot. The man turned to me and smiled softly.
"You carry Heidi's lightsaber, no?" he asked.
I looked at Momma's lightsaber attached to my belt and placed my hand over it. I nodded silently.
"Who are you, anyway, and... why did you help me?" I asked.
I then heard him sigh. When he removed the hood from his head, I immediately knew who it was.
"Jedi Master Crowvern? I thought... I thought you were... dead..." I said.
"No, I'm still here, and I know why you ran." Crowvern said.
I looked away and fought back the frustrated tears.
"I... I didn't know what else to do... I was scared, and... and afraid... and angry... I didn't know what to do, Master..." I said between sobs.
"I know, and you did the right thing. A good run is better than a bad stand..." Crowvern said softly.
I wiped away my tears and looked Crowvern in the eye.
"I want to become a Jedi. Just like my mother, just like her master, just like you... Will you take me under your wing, and train me as your Padawan?" I asked.
At first, Crowvern was taken by surprise at my offer but soon accepted it. He taught me everything he knew. We went to a lot of different planets with a lot of different terrains to help me get used to them in case I were to fight someone there.
(The way Kanan trained Sabine is exactly how Master Crowvern trained Zelara, amongst other things)
I trained with him for 10 years, until I discovered something. Because of Momma's notebook, I taught myself how to sense the presence of others through the Force and make out whether they are good or bad. I still regret learning that technique to this day. I used it on Crowvern, and my heart and stomach sank... He was a servant to the Dark Side. I didn't want to believe it, but the Force is never wrong. At that time, I wish it were. I soon confronted him, and of course, he tried to kill me. I escaped him by taking the ship's pod. I soon landed on a planet called Lothal. It was peaceful but was completely conquered by the ruthless Empire. I at least got away from Crowvern. When I stepped out of the pod, I walked around the plains to see what I could see. Then, I heard a faint meow. I looked behind me and saw a little ball of fur on a rock, grinning at me. It was brown and golden yellow with big, hazel eyes. They're called Lothcats, native creatures to Lothal, and super adorable! I smiled and pet the little creature on its head. The Lothcat purred and meowed. It then looked up at something behind me and ran away. I turned around and I was face to face with a giant, magnificent creature. Its fur was silver as steel and its eyes were a piercing ice blue. They're called Loth-wolves, one of the very few Force-sensitive creatures. I wondered what it wanted with me. It leaned closer to me and smelled me. I stood completely still as it inspected me. It pulled away huffed out a groan. It then spoke.
My eyes widened.
"You... You know who I am?" I asked.
The great predator nodded.
"Then... you know why I'm here..." I said.
The wolf nodded again. I then gently placed my hand on the Loth-wolf's nose and felt him inhaling and exhaling.
"Stay..." the wolf said.
"You want me to stay... on Lothal?" I asked.
The Loth-wolf stepped back and nodded.
"I mean no disrespect, but... why?" I asked.
"In time... you will meet... a rebellion... and you, June... will join them... to protect Lothal... and the galaxy..." the wolf said.
I thought about the wolf's offer. I looked back and saw nothing but factories and black smoke. I looked back at the Loth-wolf and nodded.
"Alright, I'll stay... but, where am I going to stay?" I asked.
The Loth-wolf then bent down and gestured his head towards his back.
"You want me to ride you?" I asked.
The wolf nodded silently. I took a deep breath and walked over to the great predator. I climbed on its back and gripped its fur as it stood up. Then, it sprinted away across the plains. I felt free on the beast's back. It was like a dream that I never knew I had.
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked.
"Atlas..." the wolf answered.
"Atlas, huh? Well, thank you for helping me, Atlas."
Atlas smiled inwardly. Atlas soon came to a halt at a clearing of rock pillars. I dismounted Atlas and saw many other Loth-wolves. I followed Atlas as he walked past the other wolves, feeling cautious, yet safe at the same time. Atlas then stopped at a rock and laid down. I sat down in front of him and leaned back into his fur. A Loth-wolf's fur is so soft. You would think it would be rough, but it's really soft.
"I'll do whatever I can to help Lothal, Atlas." I said.
Atlas groaned and nodded.
It's been 3 years since the Loth-wolves accepted me. Thanks to them, I'm known across the galaxy. The people call me the Wolf Jedi. Now that the Empire knows of my existence, they're doing everything in their power to take me, and my pack down. I'm known for taking down any and every stormtrooper that comes my way... but... something's been nagging me for the past few years... There were some people who were wanted for speaking out against the Empire, just like me... Could Atlas' vision becoming true...?
And that was my backstory. Sorry if it was long, but can you blame me? It IS a backstory. Next part is about how I met the Rebels.
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