Past Battle Scars
Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a Force-tastic day! This is a continuation between both "Imperial In Disguise" and "The Master of Masters {Part 3}" if that makes sense. Now, on with the story!
"I'm really glad we found Zunela." Kanan said.
"So am I." I said.
"Me too." Ezra said.
A few days passed after Ahsoka, Kanan, Ezra, and I found The Master of Masters and brought her back to the Rebellion.
Thanks to Zunela's military tactics and Isen's knack for technology, the Rebellion is growing stronger each passing day.
The Rebels and I were on Lothal, making sure everything was okay.
We're always on Lothal since this planet has an immense Imperial presence. Plus, it's Ezra's home...
As I was walking through the Ghost, I bumped my arm on the wall and winced in pain.
Still hasn't healed...?
I quickly walked to my room and rolled up my sleeve to my shoulder. I then stared at the stitches on my arm. Three long stitches could be seen.
When it was just me and the Lothwolves, I used to fight Inquisitors that were sent to kill me. I'm just grateful I made it out alive... but these scars are things that will always bother me. How close I was to losing an arm... or worse... Thanks to the kind folk on Lothal, they patched me up. Still, it's one of the heavy burdens I carry...
I ran my hand over my scars, feeling the stitches on my palm.
How do I suppress the pain? The Force. When I'm fighting, I use the Force to suppress the pain when I'm moving my arms. It's not easy, but it helps.
Then, there was a knock at my door. I rolled down my sleeve and opened the door with the Force. In came Ezra.
"Hey, Ez. Need something?" I asked.
"Just wanted to see if you were okay." Ezra said.
"I'm good, thanks for asking."
Ezra stared at me with a look of uncertainty.
"You sure? The last time I've seen you look like this was when we were going to meet up with Lando on Maitlyn." Ezra said, sitting next to me.
Karabast... Hate it when the kid's right...
I draped an arm over Ezra's shoulder and smiled softly at him.
"Ezra, I'm fine, really. Just thinking about some things," I said.
"What kind of things?" Ezra asked.
"Curiosity killed the Lothcat."
"But satisfaction brought it back."
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Just thinking about my past. Before I met you guys. When it was just me and the Lothwolves against the galaxy..." I said.
"You've come a long way." Ezra said.
"Hasn't everyone?"
Ezra smiled at me and leaned into my embrace. I leaned my head on his and sighed with content.
If this is what it feels like to have a kid, I can't wait to have one of my own...
Soon, Kanan came walking into the room.
"Ever heard of knocking, Kanan?" I asked.
Kanan rolled his eyes and advanced forward.
"Ezra, Jedi training. We'll meet you outside. I need to talk with Zel." Kanan said.
Ezra groaned and leaned in closer into my embrace.
"Can't. Zel is holding me hostage." Ezra said.
I chuckled and looked up at Kanan who seemed a little less amused.
For someone who's as cocky as him, he sure knows how to let his seriousness show...
"Ezra, I'm serious." Kanan said.
"So am I. Look." Ezra said.
Using little to no strength at all, Ezra tried shoving my arm away. Of course, it didn't move.
"Kanan... help me..." Ezra said tiredly.
Kanan put a hand on his temple and sighed. I smiled and shook my head in amusement.
"You're lucky I'm merciful, boy. I suppose I can let you go... but only if your Master bows to me..." I said, playing Ezra's game.
Ezra laughed and Kanan groaned.
"Zel, don't encourage him." Kanan said.
"Come on, Kanan. If you do it, I'll wait outside for you..." Ezra said.
Kanan was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Kanan sighed heavily and bowed like a gentleman.
"On your knees." I said.
I can be really playful when I want to be. Not in a weird way, just in a fun and annoying way.
"No way." Kanan said.
"If you don't, Ezra will be my prisoner for all eternity." I said.
"Please, Kanan... save me..." Ezra teased.
Kanan groaned and bowed down on his knees.
"My liege." he said.
Kanan looked up at us and we all burst out laughing.
I knew he was enjoying this to some degree.
"I'm a woman of my word. You're free to go, kid." I said, retracting my arm.
Ezra got up and walked out of my cabin.
"I knew you were having fun," I said, facing Kanan.
"Yeah, whatever," Kanan said, still smiling.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"
"Believe it or not, I actually forgot in the midst of the little game Ezra pulled."
I chuckled and stood up.
"Well, don't want to keep the kid waiting." I said, beginning to walk.
"Don't you want to take off your cloak? It's scorching outside." Kanan said.
I froze in place.
If I do, they'll see my scars...
"Don't worry, I will. I'll meet you outside. I'm just going to slip into something more comfortable." I said.
Kanan patted my arm as he walked out. I bit the sides of my cheeks as the pain traveled through my entire body. When the door closed, I took off my cloak and gawked at my stitches.
Sometimes I forget that the scars are almost as long as my arm... I'm grateful that I didn't lose an arm...
I put on a dark gray shirt and threw on a long, thin sweater on top. I sighed as I ran my fingers along the scars through the sweater's sleeves.
Hope they don't find out...
I walked out of my cabin and out onto Lothal's plains. To my surprise, I saw Zunela, sitting on a rock behind Kanan and Ezra.
"Zunela! What a surprise." I said.
"Yes. I would join you three, but I want to see what you and Kanan taught Ezra." Zunela said.
I nodded and drew my lightsaber, igniting the brilliant blue blade. The boys did the same.
"Alright Ezra, imagine us as the two Inquisitors, and it's only you. What do you do?" I asked.
Kanan and I charged at Ezra and brought down our lightsabers. Ezra held up his lightsaber and blocked ours. Using his free hand, Ezra used the Force and pushed Kanan and I back. He then began firing at us, orbs of energy heading our way. With our quick reflexes, we used our lightsabers to absorb the energy blasts.
"You know that's my move." Kanan said.
"I steal from the best." Ezra said.
I ran up to Ezra and swung my lightsaber upwards. Ezra caught on and abruptly stopped my lightsaber from cutting him in half. Then, Kanan joined in by swinging his lightsaber near Ezra's face. Ezra backflipped away and dodged Kanan's attack.
"Is that the best you got?" Ezra asked.
Kanan and I glanced at one another and smiled. Kanan held out his hand and lifted Ezra in the air. I charged at Ezra and brought down my lightsaber. Ezra, being the crafty minded, used the Force and stopped me in my tracks.
"Well done, Ezra. Very well done." Zunela said.
Kanan released Ezra and Ezra released me. We deactivated our lightsabers as Zunela walked up to us.
"You two taught him well." Zunela said.
"Thank you, Zunela." Kanan said.
"We try." I said.
Ezra stood in between us and smiled.
"Do you boys mind? I need to talk with Zelara." Zunela said.
The boys nodded and made their way back to the Ghost.
"What's going on, Zunela?" I asked.
"Drop the facade." she said.
"What are you talking about?"
Zunela lazily waved her hand and a wave of pain crashed over me. I swallowed the scream that was welling up in my throat and clutched my arms.
"How'd you know...?" I asked.
"You really think I didn't notice? I've been blind for years, and within those years, I've become one with the Force. I felt your pain, and I know what happened to cause it." Zunela said.
I looked at her and sighed.
"You won't tell the boys?" I asked.
"I won't tell them." Zunela said.
I sighed with relief and smiled.
"But YOU will." Zunela said.
I looked at her like she was crazy.
"But, I can't... I'm... afraid... Afraid of what they'll think of me..." I said.
"You thought that the last time when you didn't want to tell them about your past. What's stopping you now?" Zunela asked.
I averted her gaze and felt my expression grow dark and grim.
She's right...
"Zelara, everyone has a past. In the end, we're all the same. They'll understand and relate. Trust me..." Zunela said.
I looked at her and sighed.
"You're right. I shouldn't be afraid of my past. These scars are proof of my strength. Thanks, Zunela." I said.
I then ran back to the Ghost with a smile on my face.
"Just like Heidi..."
I soon spotted Kanan and Ezra and walked up to them.
"Hey, guys." I said.
They turned around and smiled.
"Hey. Everything alright?" Kanan asked.
"Yeah... I want to show you guys something. Just... don't freak out." I said.
I sighed and removed my sweater, revealing my scars.
"Whoa! What happened!?" Ezra asked in surprise.
I exhaled a shaky breath and told them everything. All was silent afterward.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner... I was afraid of what you would think of me..." I said.
"Why would you think that? We all have battle scars; some that are not even visible." Kanan said.
"We wouldn't care if you never told us this. You're still our friend, and we wouldn't think of you any less than that." Ezra said.
I smiled wrapped my arms around the boys' necks.
"Thanks, you two..." I said.
The two of them smiled and placed their heads on mine.
I love these two so much... From now on, I won't be afraid to talk about my past; for my past does not define me, because my past is not today...
Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this part. The next part will be a surprise. Stay tuned to find out what it is. Suggestions are forever and always welcomed and appreciated. May the Force be with You!
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