My Ex-Pirate
Continuation of "Reliving the Moment" Enjoy!
It was a warm afternoon, and the Rebels and I were relaxing on my homeworld; Maitlyn. There weren't any missions or OPs to go on, so we were taking this time to finally relax. I even got a chance to show the two Jedi what my planet had to offer
But seriously though, trust me when I say this; try running away from the Empire, Inquisitors, and a Sith Lord... it is NOT easy...
I was sparring with Ezra, showing him some new Jedi moves and techniques, with Kanan closely watching from the Ghost's ramp.
"Good job, Ezra. I see you used some techniques Kry'ila once used," I said.
"Yeah. Those holographic lessons were useful. Now I can counter your attacks." the boy said.
"Don't get cocky, Ezra. There are still a lot of things I haven't taught you; things Kanan probably can't do."
Kanan looked up when he heard his name. He walked up to us and crossed his arms.
"What can you do that I can't?" Kanan asked.
"Hm... Let's see... Force singing is one." I said.
Ezra chuckled. Kanan rolled his eyes.
"Keep doing that and you just might see your brain." I said.
This time, Ezra barked out a laugh.
"Making hilarious puns is another thing." Ezra said.
I smiled at the young Padawan's comment.
"Okay, fine. But like the old saying goes; nobody's perfect." Kanan said.
"Very true." I said.
"Well, one thing's for sure; you're both very wise, really cool, and amazing and incredible Jedi Masters." Ezra said.
Ezra's words brought tears to my eyes.
"Thanks, kid." Kanan said.
"Yeah." I said.
Ezra grinned from ear to ear.
"Well, now that we dragged you out here, want to train with us?" I asked.
Kanan nodded and pulled out his lightsaber. When his blue blade appeared, we began our training.
Ezra was getting better at handling two opponents. Learning something like this is very crucial, and it can save your life in the long run.
Our training stopped when Hera told us to come inside. We obeyed and walked into the Ghost. Zeb, Chopper, and Sabine were in the common room waiting for us.
"What's this all about, Hera?" Sabine asked.
Hera then turned to me and nodded. I nodded back and turned back to the other Rebels.
"There's a pickup on a pirate planet, and it's very important that we get it," I said.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... Did you just say... a pirate planet?" Ezra asked.
"Yup. Chopper?"
Chopper buzzed and showed a holographic image of said planet. It was a desert-mesa planet.
"This is the planet Alvar, a planet infested with scoundrels, thieves, crooks, criminals, and yes, pirates. My Master had a friend who lived on this planet. He used to work with the Resistance but soon backed out for whatever reason. Wouldn't be surprised if he were dead by now... but he has an important item that can be very useful to us. If we can get it from him without any trouble, or causing any, we'll be home free."
Zeb, Sabine, Kanan, and Ezra looked at me with confused looks.
"What...?" Ezra said.
"Long story short, we need to get something from a pirate without causing a ruckus. Clear?" Hera said.
"Like crystal." Kanan said.
"Good. When we get there, let me do the talking. The guy we're looking for is a Quarren, and he's just as bad as Lando." I said.
The Rebels groaned.
"Thought dealing with one Calrissian was enough..." Zeb complained.
"On the bright side, he's more cooperative, but only to those he thinks will pay him well. Thankfully, you guys have me." I said.
"So, when are we leaving?" Ezra asked.
Before we knew it, we were on our way to the planet Alvar.
Just hope he remembers me...
When we landed in Alvar's main city, the night was alive.
Alvar is known for having amazing nightlife; surprisingly, some of the galaxy's most famous casinos, bars, and clubs are right here in Alvar.
The Rebels and I stepped out of the Ghost and walked around the city. Chopper was watching the Ghost.
"So where are we supposed to meet this guy at?" Sabine asked.
"Alright, you guys head to Kalmora's, and I'll meet you guys there," I said.
"What are you going to do?" Ezra asked.
"I have to look the part for him. Be there in a few."
I then disappeared into the crowd.
"Hera...?" Kanan asked.
"She knows what she's doing. It's the only way to get that part," Hera said.
"Trust her..."
Kanan sighed and nodded. They soon made it to the club and went inside. They saw a lot of different species of aliens playing Sabacc and drinking.
"Okay, keep an eye out for a Quarren." Hera said.
The crew nodded and went around the club. Then, my voice came through the others' comms.
"You guys ready?" I asked.
"For what?" Kanan asked.
"Look at the door."
As if on cue, I walked through the door as a completely different person. My hair was up in a half-high ponytail and I was wearing a black slit dress with black heels. The whole club looked my way.
I looked the part, and now it's time to sound the part...
I walked up to the bar and sat down. I noticed Hera and winked. She nodded knowingly. I then noticed the Quarren we were looking for.
"Keep your comms on." I said into mine.
"Roger that." Sabine said.
The boys are awfully quiet... Wonder why...?
The Quarren walked up to me and leaned against the bar table.
"Long time, no see, Nuka." I said.
"I thought it was you, Zelly. You still got the look of your old man and the beauty of your mother is very visible." the Quarren said.
I groaned and rolled my eyes.
The only way to this guy is to act like this guy...
"Can we talk about the past another time, and focus on a potential future?" I asked.
Nuka smiled.
"Alone... by the corridor?" I asked.
"Now, you're talking..." Nuka whispered.
I got up and the two of us headed for the door. I looked back at Hera and nodded.
"Be ready..." I mouthed.
Hera nodded. Nuka and I stepped out of the club and he then wrapped an arm around my waist.
"So, you got what I asked for, right?" I asked.
"Anything for you." Nuka said.
He reached in his satchel and pulled out a small chip. I reached for it, but Nuka pulled it away.
"But only if you got what I want..." Nuka whispered.
"And to this day you wonder why I left you..." I muttered.
I reached in my pocket and pulled out a small box.
"After all these years, I thought men were supposed to propose." Nuka said.
"Please, I'd rather marry a Hutt than marry you." I said.
I opened the box and showed him a green, glowing shard.
"You always do get the best for me..." Nuka said.
"And why wouldn't I...?" I asked.
Then, he fell face down on the ground. Behind him was Zeb and the others, and Zeb had just knocked Nuka down. I crouched down and took the chip from his grasp. I then lifted his squid-like head off the ground.
"Sorry Nunu, I made that mistake for trusting you the first time... not going to happen again." I said.
Nuka growled at me.
"But hey, at least you got you to see me again. Isn't that worth more than this precious shard?" I asked.
Then, the bartender walked out of the club to see what the commotion was about.
"What happened?" he asked.
"This is Alvar for you. You can never have too much to drink. My ex here wouldn't leave me alone. Crawling back to me when he fell apart." I said.
"I see... Well, I just hope this rat hasn't caused you too much trouble."
I smiled softly and shook my head. He then flipped a coin towards me and winked. I nodded silently.
"Well, we got what we need and more. Let's get going." I said.
"Okay, but we are seriously going to talk when we get to Lothal." Kanan said.
We made it to the Ghost, and we went inside. Chopper came over and then began to beep and warble.
"Yes, it's me, Zelara." I said.
Chopper sighed with relief and rolled away. I went to my cabin and put on some normal clothes.
I never want to wear something like that again...
I met up with the others in the cockpit with the items in hand.
"So, what did you even get from that Quarren anyway?" Ezra asked.
"This." I said.
I then held up the small chip Nuka gave me.
"This little thing will really help us. Along with these two items, of course." I said.
I then took out the green shard and the coin the bartender gave me.
"With these three items, we can turn the Ghost, into a REAL Ghost." I said.
"Wait, you mean turn it... invisible...?" Zeb asked.
I nodded with a smile.
"Soon, we'll be able to go into stealth mode, and go undetected by Imperial forces." Hera said.
"This is great!" Ezra cried happily.
I couldn't help but smile.
"Changing the topic, how did you know that Quarren?" Kanan asked.
"He was a friend of my Master's... and my... ex..." I said.
They were all astonished.
"I left him when I found out he was stealing for me and getting me mixed up into his schemes. I was young, so I didn't know better." I said.
"Well, I can tell you're more than happy that you're not with him anymore." Sabine said.
I nodded firmly.
"But the one thing about him that always got him in trouble was that he was too gullible for his own good." I said.
The others laughed.
"Well, let's not waste a second more! I want to see this thing turn invisible!" Ezra said.
We all nodded and got straight to work on the Ghost's new update.
Hey everyone! Okay, this one was all over the place, but now you got to see what Zelara was like as a teenager. The next part is either going to be based off an episode or a continuation of this part. Whatever comes first. May the Force be with You!
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