Help From Purrgil
Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a Force-tastic day! I'm soooooooo sorry for not updating! Family drama and school work.
This is a part based off my number one favorite episode; "The Call" (Season 2, Episode 15). I was watching it the other day, and I'm obsessed with the Purrgil. Now, on with the show!
The Ghost crew and I were flying in deep space, entering an asteroid belt.
One problem; it's freezing!
"Sabine, fuel status," Hera said shivering.
".05. We're almost down to fumes." Sabine said, hugging herself.
"Sorry guys. Have to divert more power from thermal subsystems. Reducing heat to 2%."
I couldn't help but groan.
"If you see a volcano up ahead, just throw me in it..." I whined.
"I second that..." Zeb said over the comms.
Kanan sighed after he took a sip from his cup.
"Our intel on this fuel source better be solid, Hera. I'm losing feeling in my fingers." Kanan complained.
"Saw the report myself. Somewhere in this belt, the Mining Guild's been refining clouzon-36 for the Empire." Hera said.
"Nowadays, anyone would do anything for money. Even if that anything is the Empire." I said.
Chopper rolled in with a data pad in hand and handed it off to Sabine.
"Whoa... One shipment of that stuff can fuel us and every ship in Phoenix Squadron for a full cycle." Sabine said.
"So, when is the Empire supposed to pick up this stuff?" I asked.
"Empire is scheduled to pick up their shipment today. We just have to get there and find it... first." Hera replied.
I nodded and sighed.
"The asteroid field is scrambling our sensors." Sabine groaned.
"Well, I'm getting nothing on the old visual scanners." Ezra said.
"That's just great." I said.
"All right, cut the chatter. Keep your eyes peeled for that refinery." Hera said.
I nodded and walked toward a window when I heard something.
"Does anyone hear that noise?" Ezra asked.
"The only thing I hear is my brain freezing." Zeb complained.
"No, I hear it, too." I said.
Then, the faint wailing sound continued.
"There. I hear the noise again." Ezra said.
"Same. It's getting louder." I said, looking out a window.
But there was nothing there...
"I don't see anything out here. What does it sound like, you two?" Kanan asked.
"It's hard to explain. It's sounds... kind of sad..." Ezra said.
"Right? I mean, it's coming from all around us. How could you guys not hear it?" I asked.
Hera looked at Sabine, and Sabine shrugged her shoulders.
"Guys, there's nothing to hear. Sabine, check the scanners again." Hera said.
"Don't have to... Look..." Sabine said.
We all looked outside and saw giant, whale-squid like creatures. We were all in awe as they roamed around us.
"Whoa..." Ezra said.
Then, the creatures started bumping into the Ghost and rattling us inside.
"Brace yourselves!" Hera cried.
The creatures continued ramming into the Ghost as if they didn't care about what happened to it, or us.
"What the bloody blazes are those things?" Zeb asked.
"Purrgils." Hera replied.
The Ghost then started to shake again.
"They'll rip the hull apart. Prepare to fire. We need to drive them back," Hera said.
"Don't shoot! They'll pass... Just let 'em do what they do," Kanan said.
"What they do is destroy starships like ours."
"We can't waste power fighting these things."
"Well, what choice do we have?"
The purrgil kept ramming into the Ghost, rocking it and us back and forth.
"We could just get out of their way." Sabine suggested.
"We either run into them or the asteroids. Take your pick." Hera said.
The Ghost began to rock more violently.
"Try flying with them instead of against them." Ezra said.
"That could work." I said.
"It's not a half-bad idea." Sabine said.
"Fine... Can't believe I'm doing this..." Hera groaned.
"Well, it's not the strangest thing we've ever done." Kanan said.
"Yeah, that doesn't make me feel better..."
Hera took the controls and turned the Ghost around, now flying side by side with the purrgils. To everyone's relief, they weren't crashing into us anymore.
"I think they're calming down. I don't hear them anymore." Ezra said.
"Smart thinking, kid." I said, patting Ezra's shoulder.
Ezra sported a friendly smile.
"That was some good thinking, Ezra. How'd you know?" Kanan asked.
"It just seemed like the right thing to do." Ezra said.
I smiled and looked up at Hera.
"Okay, we're low on fuel, surrounded by asteroids, and caught in a swarm of purrgil. How has the situation improved exactly?" Hera asked in a very annoyed tone.
I looked outside at the amazing creatures around us.
They're magnificent...
"Hello? Are we shooting them or not?" Zeb asked.
"We most certainly are not... Wait, why?" I asked.
"'Cause here comes a really big one."
We all looked outside and saw a purrgil as big as the Ghost, right next to us.
"Wow... These creatures are amazing. Who would want to shoot them?" Ezra asked.
"Hera." everyone said.
Hera groaned and rolled her eyes.
"You guys don't know what you're talking about. I do," Hera said.
"Well, since we're so uneducated, why don't you explain your problem?" Kanan asked.
"These creatures are a menace. A big, lumbering menace."
I turned to Ezra as he held out his hand to the purrgil next to him. I then saw its eyes shift and flicker with nerve.
"Uh... something's upsetting it..." Ezra said.
"Maybe it's Hera." Zeb teased.
The purrgil next to the Ghost then let out a wail and began moving away from us.
"No, it's not Hera. TIE fighters. Two of 'em. I need a better angle." Kanan said.
Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better...
"Hang on!" Hera said.
We felt the Ghost rock when one of the fighters shot at us. Luckily, Kanan reduced our problem by half by shooting down one of them. When the other TIE passed our vision, the way it looked caught me off guard.
"Last time I checked; TIE fighters aren't supposed to be yellow." I said.
"Those TIEs have been modified. They're not Imperial." Sabine said.
"Well, they're certainly acting like it." Kanan said.
He can say that again...
The TIE soon made a U-turn, coming right back at us.
"I've got him... I've got him..." Ezra said.
Then, an alarm began to go off near Ezra.
"Hera, I lost my cannons." Ezra said.
"Rerouting auxiliary power from the Phantom." Hera said.
I heard the power from the Ghost's rear diminish.
"Karabast..." Zeb groaned.
As the TIE grew closer, it began shooting at us.
"Hera...?" Ezra asked.
"Hold on Ezra." I said.
Hera pressed many buttons as the TIE drew even closer. Ezra let out a scream before his cannons were back. Ezra didn't waste a second more shooting down the TIE. Ezra slumped down in his seat and let out a heavy sigh.
"Oh, see? If we shot at the purrgil, we wouldn't have had..."
Hera rolled her eyes and cut off Kanan's comm.
"Those TIEs we're Mining Guild," Sabine said.
"So, they must be from the refinery." I said.
"Think you can track where they came from?" Hera asked.
"Maybe... Give me a minute."
We continued to fly through deep space with the purrgil in tow. Then, Kanan came through the door with a knowing grin on his face.
"As I was saying. It's a good thing we didn't waste energy shooting at the purrgil." he said, leaning against a chair.
"I heard you the first time..." Hera said, rolling her eyes.
She does not sound amused...
Ezra and I looked out the window and saw the purrgil go a different direction.
"They're turning around. I think we should follow them." Ezra said.
"Following them is the last thing we should do," Hera said.
"Sabine, did you find out where the fighters came from yet?" I asked.
"I did..." she said.
"Great. What's our heading?"
Sabine sighed before answering.
"Follow the purrgil..." she said.
"What?!" Hera asked in surprise.
"Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but the purrgil are heading exactly where I calculated those fighters came from."
"That can't be a coincidence." I said.
"That's so interesting..." Kanan chimed in, wearing a cocky grin.
Hera sighed and shook her head in defeat.
"All right... I guess we're following the purrgil..." she said.
"Hey, for what it's worth, I've got a good feeling about this..." Ezra said.
I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm with you, kid." I said.
Kanan and Hera looked at us before turning away, Kanan still wearing that cocky grin on his face as Hera began following the purrgil.
How anticlimactic can this get...?
"Go check your cabins. Make sure everything is switched off. We've got to save every little bit of fuel." Hera said.
We all nodded before leaving the cockpit.
"Come on, big guy." Kanan said, patting Zeb's shoulder.
"It's colder back there..." Zeb groaned.
Ezra and I stayed behind with Hera to make sure everything was okay with her. She looked out the windshield, watching the purrgil fly in front of us.
"I'd never imagine there being creatures in deep space." Ezra said.
"Me either, and I've been to a lot of places and met a lot of different creatures in my Padawan time, but this... this is different." I said.
"When I was young, I was told amazing stories of creatures that lived in the stars, traveled between the worlds. Old pilots say that it was the purrgil that inspired us to jump from system to system." Hera said.
She then let out a heavy sigh.
"Do you believe that?" I asked.
"No... The purrgil are dangerous. They wander into hyperspace lanes, crash into ships... I lost more than one friend that way..." Hera said, voice full of sadness.
I placed a hand on the Twe'lik's shoulder and gave her a comforting smile. She placed a hand over mine and smiled softly.
"Well, maybe they don't realize they're putting people in danger. Maybe it's like Kanan says. They just do what they do." Ezra said.
"Right now, as long as they don't come between me and my mission, I really don't care what they do."
Ezra huffed out a chuckle and smiled.
"Fair enough." he said.
Then, an alarm began going off. We looked ahead and saw a crater with teal gas emitting from it.
"Scanners are picking up an energy source from that planetoid ahead," Hera said.
"Do you think it's the refinery?" Ezra asked.
"We're about to find out..."
As we grew closer to the planetoid ahead, we were relieved that it was the refinery we were looking for.
"There it is. The refinery," Hera said.
"I wonder why the purrgil are heading that way." Ezra said.
"Who knows." I said.
"Works out for us. Between them and all these asteroids, the Mining Guild will never see us coming."
I then turned to the sound of grunting. Then, I saw Zeb force the doors open and Kanan and Sabine walked in.
"The automatic doors aren't so automatic anymore." Zeb said.
"I've rationed what energy we have left," Hera said.
"What's your next move?" Kanan asked.
"I want to get a secure position to plan our attack. Sabine, Chopper, ready a short, controlled burst from the engines."
Sabine and Chopper got in position and waited for Hera's signal.
"Three, two, one... now!" Hera said.
The Ghost then began to move, and we soon landed on a stray asteroid.
"Okay. So how exactly are we going to pull off this raid with our limited resources?" Zeb asked.
"Give me a second, and I'll tell you." Sabine said, grabbing binoculars.
I looked down at the refinery and then back at Sabine.
"Well, what do you see?" I asked.
"More fighters. That's not good. Anti-ship cannon, also not good." Sabine said.
I sighed in frustration.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Aha... The Empire's shipment. Okay, lots of guards around, but I think we can drop down there, scoop it up, and go." Sabine said.
"Forget the scoop job. We have just barely enough fuel to get down there. We'll have to land." Hera said.
"Refuel on the platform? They'll blow us to bits. We need a diversion." Zeb said.
I then started wracking my brain with diversion ideas.
"I've got one," Sabine said, handing the binoculars to Ezra.
"Let's hear it." Zeb said.
"The gas in that pool is unrefined clouzon-36. Highly explosive in its pure form. We drop in a few charges, and the blast will give us all the diversion we need."
"In the chaos, we grab the fuel." Kanan said.
"And that huge fireball will destroy the Empire's ability to refine more." I said.
"I like it. Ezra, you hear the plan?" Hera asked.
I turned to Ezra who was occupied with something.
"Yeah... Sure... They're using the cannon to shoot the purrgil. Why would the bother?" Ezra asked.
"Speaking of which, how do we get past that gun undetected?" Sabine asked.
"Good question..." I said.
"We jump." Kanan said.
I quickly turned to face Kanan.
"Excuse me?" Sabine and I asked.
"We're in the upper atmosphere. We can glide in on the catwalk. With all the purrgil around, we can probably slip by unseen." Kanan said.
Probably, he says...
"Sounds like a dangerous plan," Zeb said.
"Don't worry, buddy. You're staying here." Kanan said.
"Oh. Sounds like a good plan."
Zeb forced the automatic doors open and he, Kanan, and Sabine walked through.
"The purrgil and the gas are connected... Hey guys...?" Ezra asked.
"Not now Ezra. You need to go prep for the mission." Hera said.
"But I think the purrgil want the fuel."
"Well, so do we." I said.
Ezra sighed silently in defeat.
"Get going, you two." Hera said.
I wrapped an arm around Ezra as we walked out of the cockpit.
"Don't worry kid, I believe you." I said.
"Thanks, Z." Ezra said.
We met up with Kanan, Chopper, and Sabine, who was waiting for us near the ramp.
"Sabine, you have the helmet I lent you?" Kanan asked.
Sabine nodded and tossed over a Stormtrooper helmet, but it had a Lothcat stripe pattern design.
"You said you just wanted to look at it." Kanan said.
"I did look at it. And it looked bad. Here Zel. Made an extra for you." Sabine said.
She tossed over another helmet to me and I like the design on it. It was the same color as Sabine's hair with a purple Rebel symbol on the side of it.
"Thanks Sabine. It's amazing." I said, looking at Kanan.
Kanan groaned and put on the helmet.
"I think it looks great." Ezra said.
Chopper made a sound as if he were laughing. Sabine put on her helmet before opening the ramp.
"Wait, we're not taking the Phantom?" Ezra asked.
"You know, you should really pay more attention." Sabine said.
"How are we getting down there?"
"Like Kanan said. We jump." I said.
We took a running start before jumping out of the Ghost, surprised shouts escaping our lips. We soon started picking up incredible speed. As we were diving, we heard wailing next to us. We looked to our sides and saw two purrgils diving down with us.
"Whoa..." Ezra said in awe.
"Amazing..." I said.
Ezra held out his hand and lightly stroked the purrgil next to him. The purrgil let out a moan before leaving his side.
"Five seconds." Kanan said.
We nodded as we drew closer to the platform. Sabine held onto Chopper as he used his rocket to stop himself and Sabine from crashing. Kanan and I held out our hands and used the Force to slow us down. I looked up and saw Ezra try to do what Kanan and I did, but it wasn't working. When he fell past the railing, Kanan and I quickly used the Force to haul him back up before he fell into the gas. I sighed with relief when we set him on the ground.
"I going to have to work on that." Ezra said.
"We're going to make sure you do." I said.
"Look out!" Kana said, blocking a blast with his lightsaber.
Ezra and I did the same and began deflecting the blasts as well.
"So much for our stealth mission." I said.
"Sabine, toss the detonators." Kanan said.
"I'm on it." Sabine said.
She took the detonators off her belt and pressed the buttons on their sides.
"Detonators?" Ezra asked.
When Sabine was about to throw the detonators in the gas pool, Ezra smacked them out her hands.
"Ezra, are you crazy!?" Kanan asked.
"We can't blow up that gas," Ezra said.
"Don't tell me this is about the purrgil." Sabine said.
"It is."
"Hold that thought. Sabine!" I cried.
I ducked down and Sabine shot her blaster, taking out the guard in front of us. Unfortunately, the guard behind the anti-ship cannon started firing at us. Kanan and I were able to keep the guard occupied long enough for Ezra to use the Force and throw him off the edge.
"Okay. Explain yourself." Kanan said.
"Okay. The gas and the purrgil are connected. We can't blow up the gas without hurting them." Ezra said.
Kanan then let out a deep sigh.
"Kanan, what's the plan?" I asked.
"I trust your instincts, kid. Now get on that cannon and cover us." Kanan said.
Ezra nodded and rushed over to the cannon.
"What exactly are we doing?" Sabine asked.
"We're going to secure the landing zone." Kanan said.
The three of us turned around and began making our way to the platform.
"Uh-oh. There's no explosion. How come there's no explosion?" Zeb asked.
"Guys, what's going on?" Hera asked.
"We're improvising... again... Kanan, Zel, and I are securing the landing zone while Ezra covers us with the cannon." Sabine said.
"Who changed the plan?"
"The purrgil changed the plan." I said.
"Not the purrgil again..."
She sounds really annoyed...
"Do you think you can secure the landing platform? Once I start heading down there, I can't turn back." Hera said.
"Hera, if you're looking for a guarantee, you're on the wrong mission." Sabine said.
"We'll contact you once the platform is clear." I said.
We soon made it to the platform and hid behind some crates while the guards were shooting at us.
"Where's our cover fire?" Kanan asked.
"Working on it." Ezra said through the commlinks.
We then saw blasts being fired at the guards.
"Careful! Don't hit the fuel!" I said.
"Hera, you better start getting down here. Your landing zone is temporarily secure." Sabine said.
"Then it's a good thing we're here." Hera said through the commlinks.
We then saw the headlights of the Ghost as it landed on the platform.
"Spectre-6, do you copy?" Kanan asked.
"Kanan, I figured it out. You're not going to believe this." Ezra said.
"I believe I need more cover fire!"
The guards were soon firing at us once more.
"Right. Sorry." Ezra said.
Another round of blasts in the guards' direction started up again. Soon, Chopper, Sabine, and I began pushing the fuel onto the Ghost while Kanan and Zeb covered us. Getting annoyed, Hera used the Ghost's cannons to fire back at the guards.
"I thought you said the landing platform was secure." Hera said.
"Temporarily. I said temporarily secure." Sabine said.
Hera groaned in frustration.
"Refuel commencing." Zeb said.
With that, the Ghost started gaining fuel, but at an awfully slow rate.
"Come on, come on..." Hera said, watching the screen.
Taking matters into our own hands, Kanan and I jumped up on the Ghost and ignited our lightsabers. We then started deflecting the blasts coming from two TIE fighters.
"We've got fighters. Ezra." Kanan said.
We looked over at the cannon, but he wasn't there.
"Ezra! Ezra, come in!" I cried.
Nothing but static rang in my ears. Tears started welling up in my eyes.
"Ezra, where are you? Ezra!" Kanan cried.
"Ezra!" I cried.
We continued deflecting the fighters' blasts, still trying to get in contact with Ezra.
If that kid dies on my watch, I'll never forgive myself...
"We need to find Ezra." Zeb said.
"Without fuel, we can't find anyone." Sabine said.
The blasts from the fighters and the guards began to get really overwhelming.
At this rate, we'll die before we even get off the ground...
"Ezra's down. We need to get out of here." Kanan said.
"Just a few more seconds." Hera said.
Then, the two TIEs stopped right in front of Kanan and me.
"Time's up..." I said, readying my lightsaber.
We then looked up at an alien who looked down at us from a hanger.
"Surrender, thieves. You are at my mercy." he said.
Who and what is this guy...?
"I can't believe we're going to lose to this guy..." Kanan said.
"What is your answer?" he asked.
I glared at him through my helmet, gripping my lightsaber.
"Kanan, Zel, don't worry. We'll be right there." Ezra's voice said through the comms.
"We?" Kanan and I asked.
We looked near the gas pool and saw the purrgil fly out of it. Then, one of the purrgil rammed itself through one of the fighters, reducing our TIE problem by half. We then saw Ezra, standing on the back of the largest purrgil.
"We found Ezra." Zeb said.
I couldn't help but smile at Ezra.
"Boss Yushyn?" a guard asked.
"Blast those disgusting things!" he cried.
The guards didn't waste any time obeying his order. Ezra ignited his lightsaber and deflected every blast. Then, the remaining fighter came around and began firing at him and the purrgil. When the fighter got close enough, Ezra brought down his lightsaber and cut the TIE in half.
That's my Padawan...
"How's the Ghost?" Kanan asked.
"We're back in action." Hera said.
Thank goodness...
"This is the last fuel canister. Let's go!" Zeb said.
Hera didn't waste a second more getting off the ground.
"Forget the beasts. Stop that ship!" Yushyn said.
The guards soon began firing at the Ghost, but luckily, Kanan and I were there to deflect the blasts. Soon, Hera began shooting at the refinery, so that the Empire can't refine anymore clouzon-36. As the refinery was exploding, Kanan and I saw Ezra, still standing on the purrgil.
I'm so glad he's okay...
We were all soon in deep space once more with the purrgil at our sides. Kanan and I watched Ezra flip off the purrgil and stroke the creature. We walked up to him as we watch the purrgil join the others. We soon took off our helmets when we got inside the Ghost.
"It wasn't like anything I've ever experienced. I could see what they were thinking," Ezra explained.
"You must've established a deep connection with them." I said.
"Exactly what I was going to say." Kanan said.
"I guess so... I could see that they need the gas to breathe and travel. The crater wasn't their home, just one stop on a long journey."
We all looked out of the cockpit's windshield, watching the purrgil fly freely.
"I have to admit, without the help of the purrgil, we never would have gotten off the ground again." Hera said.
Ezra leaned against Hera's chair and smiled.
"Whoa... Look..." Sabine said.
We looked outside and saw the purrgil's tentacles beginning to glow.
"Can it be...?" Hera asked.
Then, one after another, the purrgil disappeared into hyperspace.
"It is true. They can travel through hyperspace." Ezra said.
"Amazing..." I said.
"We better get moving, too." Kanan said.
"Back to the fleet?" Sabine asked.
"How about we follow the purrgil?" Hera suggested.
We all smiled as we jumped through hyperspace, following the purrgil's lead.
Hey everyone! I am so, so, sooooooooooooo sorry for not updating. So much was happening and I couldn't find any time at all. Please forgive me😓... Anyway, the final part of "The Masters of Masters" will be out probably tomorrow or Sunday. Suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. May the Force be with You!
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