An Old War Victory
Hey everyone! This suggestion was given to me by my sister, HowlSeeker Thanks so much! "The Last Battle" (Season 3, Episode 6) Enjoy!
When the Ghost jumped out of hyperspace, the snow-white planet of Agamar could be seen. Entering the planet's atmosphere, and old, beat-up transport came into view, and Hera safely landed the Ghost on the outskirts of the planet. Opening the ramp, Kanan, Rex, Zeb, Ezra, Chopper, and I walked out.
"You're sure you don't need help?" Hera asked.
"I'm sure everything will go horribly wrong," Kanan said.
"You can say that again." I said.
"We'll be fine. We got a Clone Wars veteran with us." Ezra said.
"Ready, Captain?"
"Yes, sir. Uh, General... Kanan." Rex stuttered, putting on his helmet.
As we started walking, the Ghost left the ground and flew away.
"There was a battle here during the Clone War. This old transport's the perfect place to find weapons, ammo, maybe even some proton bombs." Rex said.
I looked to my side and saw Ezra pick up an old droid head.
"Hey, was this a Separatist battle droid?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah. Little piece of one anyway. This place used to be crawling with 'em. We called 'em clankers," Rex explained.
"Clankers. I like that. How many of those things do you think you blasted?" Zeb asked.
"I don't know. Thousands. Probably tens of thousands. Never kept count like some of the boys."
I walked up to Ezra and examined the old battle droid.
"I remember my Master telling me how much of a pain these things were." I said.
"They don't look very dangerous." Ezra said, tossing the droid head over his own.
You have no idea...
Rex stopped and turned to Ezra.
"Listen, those droids wiped out a lot of Republic troopers. Many of them... were my friends." Rex said, continuing to walk.
"Rex has been through a lot. Battles leave scars, some you can't see." Kanan said.
Preach to that notion...
Getting rid of the thought, I picked up the pace to keep up with the boys. When we entered the hanger, we stopped behind some crates.
"Hold up. Let me recon first." Rex said.
Rex then sprinted away from us. He then stopped and waved us over.
"The munitions depot is fully loaded. More proton bombs in there than we can carry." Rex said as we got close.
"Good going, Rex." Kanan said, patting Rex's shoulder.
"Way to go, Captain." Ezra said.
After that, we walked into a hallway, with Ezra in front.
"Careful, kid. The droids used to protect their armories with ray shields." Rex asked.
"What's a ray shield?" Ezra asked.
The moment he asked, a barrier quickly surrounded us.
"This is a ray shield." Rex said.
"Look! Aren't those battle droids?" Ezra asked.
I looked over his shoulder, and sure enough, there were functioning battle droids with blasters in their hands.
"I thought they were all shut down." Ezra said.
"Well, these weren't." Zeb said.
"You have been captured by the Separatist Alliance." said one of the droids.
"What?" I asked.
"Separatists?" Rex asked.
I looked all around us and there were at least six battle droids heavily armed.
"Prepare to blast the Republic invaders." said a battle droid.
"Republic invaders?" Kanan asked.
"Delay that order." said another battle droid.
It pressed on its head and began speaking.
Looks like he's getting a call from someone...
"Roger, roger." the droid soon said.
"Wait, who's Roger?" Ezra asked.
I couldn't help but facepalm at Ezra's question.
"We have new orders, incapacitate, and capture. Activating stunner." the droid said, holding up a control pad.
I then felt a jolt of electricity and let out a painful cry. Then, everything went black.
"Take them to the command center." said the droid.
Geez, for droids who are as fragile as glass, they sure know how to pack a punch...
When I finally came to, I saw a lot of other battle droids walking around. I then saw a much larger droid who was staring down at Rex's helmet.
"How intriguing. Well done, B1-268." the larger droid said.
"Roger, roger." it said.
When I tried to move, I noticed that I couldn't. My wrists were in cuffs, but they were much more durable for some reason.
"The war, it's not over!" Rex cried.
"Rex. Rex!" Kanan said.
Rex turned to Kanan, and then sighed with relief.
"Ah, Kanan. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." he said.
"You alright, Captain?" I asked.
Rex sighed and nodded.
"I need you here now, buddy. We're in the usual mess. I think the commander's a super tactical droid." Kanan said.
When Kanan said that, the larger droid stood up and walked over to the control panel, staring out the window.
"You're right. He is," Rex said.
"Is that bad?" Ezra asked.
"Very." I answered.
"That droid's extremely intelligent."
You can say that again... If I remember what Crowvern told me, these droids were smart enough to become tacticians, sometimes even Generals.
"Near the end of the war, Separatist droids significantly outnumbered Republic units. By my calculations, our probability of being defeated was only 23.6%," the droid said.
"After Clone Order 66, the whole droid army was given a shutdown command. How are you even operating?" Rex asked when the droid walked up to him.
"The Jedi betrayal ended the war for most of the galaxy. But here on Agamar, I assumed it was a Republic trick and prevented the shutdown command."
Someone had way too much time on their hands...
"Well, it doesn't matter how it ended. The war is over. Let us go!" Rex demanded, trying to get his hands free.
"Negative, Captain. I calculate that this will be my only opportunity to end the Clone Wars as I planned, with a victory for the Separatist Alliance," the droid said.
"What do you want us to do, surrender?"
"On the contrary, I want you to fight, to prove, once and for all, whose tactical strategy was superior."
He's joking, right...?
"Well, you can count me out. I'm not playing some stupid war game." Zeb said.
"That is correct, Lasat. Your species were not in the Clone Wars, so you will be the hostage your allies must save. The "Jedi Rescue" is a recurring scenario based on 132 battles I have reviewed," the droid said.
"Yeah, we've done it a few times." Ezra said.
"Jedi, is this your Padawan?"
"Most of the time." Kanan and I said.
And we're not wrong either...
"Good. A complete set of Republic opponents will make this authentic," the droid said.
"No, it won't, because we're NOT fighting." Rex said.
"If you will not fight, you will be terminated."
After hearing that, I couldn't help but glare at the super tactical droid.
"I'll fight you Clone War," Ezra spoke up.
"What?" Rex asked in surprise.
"Ezra, no!" Kanan said.
"You're insane!" I said.
"Rex and Kanan, you both talk about the Clone Wars. What it was like, the good and the bad. Zelara, you've probably heard almost every war story from your mother and Master."
Hate it when the kid's right...
"I want to help you win this last battle. Besides, look at them. How can we lose?" Ezra asked, referring to the battle droids.
Kanan then let out a deep sigh.
"Okay, it might be easier to fight them head-on than to get out of our current dilemma." Kanan said.
"Agreed." I said.
"Fine. Fine, we'll do it." Rex said.
"Okay, but if we win, Zeb goes free and we take all the proton bombs in the hanger." Ezra said.
"I accept your terms." the droid said.
When the droid dropped Rex's helmet on the ground, Kanan, Rex, and I looked at Ezra with annoyed looks.
"I hope you realize what you just got us into, kid." I said, my voice a little cold.
"Come on, we've been through so much worse. How can we not prevail in this dilemma?" Ezra asked.
I sighed and shook my head in defeat.
Reap what you sow, kid... Reap what you sow...
Before we knew it, Kanan, Rex, Ezra, and I were outside the transport waiting for further instructions.
"The objective of this battle is simple. You must fight your way back to my command center and capture it to free your friend." the tactical droid said over the PA.
"Rex, you've got more battlefield experience than any of us. You lead." Kanan said, crossing his arms.
"All right. Our first goal is to get inside the hanger. Kalani is a war machine, programmed to kill, and he's got the numbers and fire power to do it." Rex explained.
Really, what gave you that impression...?
"Our only chance is to be aggressive, surprise him, hopefully, put him on the defensive." Rex said.
"How many droids do you think he has?" Ezra asked.
We all looked up when we heard Kalani's voice.
"The last battle will begin now." he said.
Turning back to the hanger, we saw many armed battle droids walk out the hanger.
"A lot. He has a lot of droids!" Kanan said.
"We've got to scatter them. Use the sword and shield maneuver." Rex said.
"Wait. What does that mean?" Ezra asked.
"We block, he fires." I said.
Ezra then ignited his lightsaber, and I followed suit.
"Everybody ready?" Kanan asked, ignited his lightsaber.
"Yup." Ezra said.
"Absolutely." I said.
"Let's go!" Rex said.
Almost immediately, the battle droids started firing at us. With our quick reflexes, the boys and I were able to deflect the blast.
"Guys, get ready to duck." Kanan warned.
"Okay!" Ezra and I said.
Waiting for the signal, we blocked and deflected the blasts that coming our way.
"Now!" Kanan cried.
When the three of us ducked down, Rex threw a bomb at the battle droids and it took out a significant-good amount. The boys and I soon got up and deflected more of the ongoing blasts.
"Again!" Kanan cried.
Ducking down once more, Rex threw a bomb and we watched as more of the battle droids fell.
"That scattered 'em! Everybody forward!" Rex said.
With his command, we charged at the rest of the droids and began taking them down.
"Ezra, form it up! We've got to stick together." Rex said when Ezra started moving ahead of us.
When we took out the last of battle droids, we hid behind a crate that was in front of the hanger.
"The hanger looks clear. Let's go," Ezra said, starting to move.
"Wait. That's not how it normally goes," Rex said, stopping Ezra in his tracks.
"What's wrong?"
"Looks can be deceiving, Ezra." I said.
"The droids usually keep coming, wave after wave."
"That tactical droid has had a long time to think about this. And remember, he wants to win." Kanan said.
Ain't that the truth...
"I'm surprised it means so much to him," Ezra said.
"Yeah, it means a lot to his programming. It means a lot to mine as well,"
"Your programming?"
"We clones were bred for combat. With few exceptions, there was no other way of life for us."
Kanan then placed a hand on Rex's shoulder.
"We should move." Kanan said, jogging ahead.
"Right, Commander... Uh, Kanan." Rex said, jogging after him.
I looked at Ezra, and he had this look of uncertainty.
"Ezra, let's go." I said, running after the other two.
Ezra nodded and ran after us. We all soon stopped when we heard nearby doors hiss open. Following Ezra and Kanan, I activated my lightsaber.
"Incoming!" Rex said.
Looking up at the catwalk, I saw destroyers.
You've got to be kidding me...
The destroyers put up their shields and began firing at us. Ezra tried deflecting the blasts back at them, but with their shields activated, it was pointless.
"Ezra, get back! They're too dangerous!" Kanan cried.
"Dangerous is an understatement!" I said.
We soon retreated behind a large crate with the destroyers still firing at us.
"Can't advance with those destroyers up there. There's no way to breach their shields." Rex said.
Ezra looked up and smiled.
"Look! That crane! I bet we can use it to take out the catwalk. I'll make a run for it," Ezra said.
"We'll draw their attention." Kanan said.
"There's going to be a lot of fire. We'll have to be quick." Rex said.
"Ezra, move as fast as you can." I said.
"You can count on me."
With a final nod to one another, we got on either side of the crate and waited for Ezra's signal. When Ezra nodded to us, Rex, Kanan, and I bolted across the hanger. Waiting for us were more battle droids. Like before, they began firing at us. Activating our lightsabers, Kanan and I began blocking and deflecting the blasts.
"More droids! We've got to take cover." Rex said.
Not wasting any time, the boys and I sprinted behind a crate, watching many blasts fly past us or graze the side of the crate.
"Where is that kid? We're going to get trapped here," Rex said.
"He is known for being fashionably late." I commented.
"We need to move, now!"
"No, Rex. Wait!" Kanan cried.
By that time, Rex got shot and hit the ground.
"Rex!" I cried.
"Zelara!" Kanan cried as he was deflecting the blasts.
Following suit, I began deflecting the blasts as well. A few minutes later, the large crane soon took out the catwalk and destroyed the battle droids and the destroyers.
"Are you alright?" Kanan asked, helping the clone to his feet.
"I'm good. Generation one armor always holds up." Rex said, knocking on his breastplate.
The three of us soon sprinted to the hallways; Ezra soon joining us. Rex then took out the ray shields above us.
"No more ray shields." Rex said.
We slowed down as we entered the hallway but remained cautious.
"Well, that went just as planned, more or less. I make a pretty good soldier, huh?" Ezra asked.
"No, a good soldier follows orders. That plan was based on timing and execution. And you took too long!" Rex said.
"But Chopper wanted to show me-"
"This is not a game! This is life and death! Every move you make affects the rest of us. If we're going to survive this, we're going to do it with strategy and discipline."
Rex turned around and started walking again.
I've never seen Rex so riled up before. Kind of scary...
Kanan then walked up to Ezra and put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's not you. He needs to finish this battle, his way." Kanan said before jogging after Rex.
"Just like that droid..." Ezra muttered.
I looked at Ezra and bumped his shoulder with mine.
"Come on, kid. Don't want to fall behind." I said.
Nodding to me, the kid and I caught up with Rex and Kanan. Ezra, Kanan, and I had our lightsabers activated in case Kalani tries any dirty tricks. Rex was doing just fine as he blasted some lone battle droids. Then, a destroyer rolled out and began firing at us.
"Rex, get between us." Kanan said as he deflected the droids' blasts.
"Ezra, incoming!" Rex said.
When he said that, another destroyer rolled out and began firing at us. Luckily, the kid and I were quick and deflected the blasts.
"Push and fire, now!" Kanan said.
When Kanan used the Force to deactivate the destroyer's shield, Rex quickly fired at it. The destroyer began shorting out and started knocking itself against a wall until it shot itself. As Ezra and I deflected the other destroyer's blasts, a blast passed through our defenses and shot Ezra in the shoulder.
"Ezra!" I cried.
As the destroyer kept firing at us, one of its blasts shot Rex in the head.
Thank goodness he had that helmet on...
Rex then threw his helmet at the destroyer and, just like the last one, it began shorting out.
"It worked!" Rex said.
Not wasting a second more, Rex fired at the droid and marked its end.
"Shield overheated. That droid's too old." Kanan said.
"Just like me." Rex said, rolling his shoulders back.
I reached my hand out to my fallen Padawan and helped him to his feet.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." he said.
The four of us soon made it to the command center and opened the door. When the door opened, Rex shot the blaster out of Kalani's hand.
"Well, looks like we win." Rex said.
"I disagree, Captain." Kalani said, looking at a battle droid.
The battle droid soon placed its blaster's end on Zeb's back.
"Rex, no! Don't!" Ezra said.
When Rex fired, Ezra made him miss Kalani.
"We didn't win. These droids are so old, they malfunctioned. If they hadn't, we'd be goners." Ezra said, getting in between the General and Captain.
"The boy is correct. The droid army would have prevailed. So, technically, victory is ours." Kalani said.
Quite the bragger if you ask me...
"No, it's not! I never really thought about it. I never asked. I know the Jedi were wiped out, the clones were decommissioned, and the droid army was just shut down. The Clone War ended, but why? If none of you won, who did?" Ezra asked.
Everyone stood in silence.
Wow... Now that I think about it, Ezra's right... If the Jedi, clones, and droids never won, who did...?
"Uh, the Empire," Zeb said.
"Zeb, that's right. How did you know?" Ezra asked.
"Because they're here, and they're about to win again."
Looking out the windshield was indeed an Imperial Star Destroyer.
Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better...
"I've got a new calculation for you. What are the chances your droid army can defeat the Empire?" Ezra asked, turning to Kalani.
"My resources are depleted. However, the droid army is not currently at war with the Galactic Empire." Kalani said.
"You want to bet?" Zeb asked.
Kalani then pressed on the side of his head and started speaking.
"Unit B1-268, analyze the threat."
We all watched from the command center as B1-268 and some battle droids walked towards the shuttle. After a while, the stormtroopers blasted them. Then, two ships dropped down two AT-DPs and two AT-ATs.
Great. Now we have to deal with both two-leggers AND four-leggers...
"I think we face a common enemy now," Ezra said.
"Wait a minute!" Rex said.
"Let him finish, Captain." Kanan said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Clones? Battle droids? You destroyed each other. And when you were both weak enough, the Empire took over."
Rex and Kalani both casted their gazes to the ground, knowing the kid was right.
"Whenever the Empire finds a weakness on anything or anyone, they exploit it in the blink of an eye." I said.
"General, what were the Separatists fighting for?" Ezra asked.
"According to my programming, freedom from the tyranny of the Republic," Kalani answered.
"Hmm, fighting tyranny. Sounds like the Empire has always been your enemy."
"You are against the Empire. I am against the Republic. Now the Republic has become the Empire."
Kalani paused for a moment before continuing.
"I accept your logic. We are on the same side," Kalani said.
"I guess we are." Rex said, taking off his helmet.
"However, as I stated, my forces are too depleted for me to plan a successful counterattack."
"Fighting insurmountable odds?" Kanan asked.
"We can help you with that." I said.
With a final nod to each other, we went into the briefing room. Then, Chopper's agitated buzzing and beeping came through our comms.
"Yes Chopper, we know the Empire's here. How's the shuttle coming?" Ezra asked.
"Shuttle?" I asked.
"What shuttle?" Kanan asked.
"The one I tried to tell you about earlier."
"We have three Sheathipede-class shuttles, but they have no weapons." Kalani said.
We looked to where he was pointing on the hologram, and there were indeed three shuttles in the hanger.
"No, but they can get us out of here," Kanan said.
"A successful retreat is improbable. The walkers will destroy the ships before they escape the hanger." Kalani said.
"We don't have the firepower to take on walkers." Rex said.
"What about the bombs we came here for?"
"That could work." I said.
Kalani shook his head before turning to us.
"We have no canon to fire the shells. Otherwise, I would have used them on you," Kalani said.
"Oh, thanks." Kanan said with a grin.
"We're running out of time!" Ezra said.
"Ah, we roll 'em! The proton bombs. We roll 'em across the hanger and into the feet of the walkers. Then we blast 'em!" Rex said.
"My battle droids are not accurate; however, you are, Jedi Masters."
Kanan and I looked at one another with looks of uncertainty.
"I don't understand." Kanan said.
"What are you getting at?" I asked.
"My droids will line up and fire at you two and your apprentice. You three will then redirect their blaster bolts toward the shells more accurately, thus setting off more targets than my droids could hit alone." Kalani said.
Everything Kalani said was projected on the hologram before us.
"Well, this takes trust to a whole new level." Rex said.
Kanan sighed and brought out his comm.
"Chopper, get the munitions ready to roll." Kanan said.
With the plan in mind, everyone got to work. Looking outside, I watch the walkers inch their way closer to the hanger.
Let's hope this plan works...
"Ready Zeb?" Rex asked.
Zeb looked over and saluted.
"One last glorious day in the Grand Army of the Republic." Rex sighed.
"Chopper, have the shuttle ready to go!" Ezra said.
Chopper nodded and rolled away.
"D squad, get ready!" Kanan said, turning to a handful of battle droids.
"Let's do this, E squad!" I said, looking at our once former enemy destroyers.
I looked at the proton bombers near the hanger entrance and sighed heavily.
I really hope this works out in the end...
After a while, everyone got into their positions.
"I have never attempted such a desperate strategy," Kalani said.
"That's why WE always won." Rex said.
"Not always."
"Hey, guys, focus on the present." Ezra said, breaking up the argument.
I looked at the approaching walkers and saw that an AT-DP was the furthest in the hanger. Then, Zeb threw a bomb, and it took out the two-legged walker. Zeb and the battle droids moved from their post and began firing at another incoming AT-DP walker. The destroyers soon rolled out and started firing at the walker as well, eventually taking it down.
"Now!" Rex cried.
Four battle droids soon walked up to the proton bombs and rolled them towards an incoming AT-AT.
"Fire." Kalani said.
At Kalani's command, five battle droids began firing at me, Ezra, and Kanan. Following the plan, the boys and I deflected every blast at the proton bombs. When one of the blasts hit the shell, it exploded, taking out the walker and the other bombs around it.
"This might be our chance. Get to the ships!" Ezra cried.
At Ezra's command, everyone ran to a shuttle. The boys and I got in first while Zeb made sure we weren't being followed. Rex took control of our shuttle and lifted it off the ground.
"Lead shuttle, bank right! Bank right!" Rex said.
Before the lead shuttle could bank right, it got shot down by yet another AT-AT walker. Rex made our shuttle go right and we flew out of the hanger, past the walker.
"We made it! General, do you read us?" Ezra asked.
Then, a holographic image of Kalani soon appeared.
"Affirmative. We have survived the battle. It was not a victory, but a successful strategy nonetheless." Kalani said.
"No, it was a victory." Rex said.
We all turned to Rex in surprise.
"We all just won the Clone War, and you ended it, Ezra. A galaxy of senators couldn't do that. An army of Jedi, clones, and droids couldn't find the middle ground, but YOU did," Rex said, placing a hand on the kid's shoulder.
"Rex, all I did was point out that none of you were meant to win. You couldn't." Ezra said.
"And we needed to hear it."
"Agreed. I am satisfied if you are, Captain." Kalani said.
"I am."
Kalani nodded and then turned to the rest of us.
"Now, based upon this battle, I calculate that you have less than a 1% chance of staging a successful rebellion against the Empire, so this is where we must part ways." Kalani said.
Translation, if you guys get killed, I don't want to be in the line of fire.
"Roger, roger." Ezra said saluting.
Kalani's image soon faded away.
"I know I've never fought in the actual Clone War, but after what just went down today, I feel like I did." I said.
"Same. I can't imagine fighting that many droids all the time." Ezra said.
"Well, if you think that was bad, let me tell you about the Battle of Geonosis." Rex said.
When we were in space, Kalani's ship flew away from us. We then caught sight of the Ghost. Then, Hera's voice came through our commlinks.
"This is Ghost to away team. Spectre-1, are you there?" Hera asked.
"Hera, I was just about to call you. How was your day?" Kanan asked.
"We're tracking two shuttles leaving the system. Is everything alright? Did you have trouble securing the bombs?"
Kanan rubbed the back of his neck before continuing.
"Well, that bad news is, we didn't get the bombs. The good news is, we don't need a pickup because we found a new Phantom. Tell Sabine she's going to need a paint job." Kanan said.
We may not have gotten the bombs we came to Agamar for, but at least we got something good out of it, and that something is a new Phantom...
I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY for not updating in a while😓😓😓! My online school is really taking a toll on me and my time. I hope you enjoyed this part nonetheless. The next part is something I've never done before, so be ready for it. May the Force be with You!
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