chapter 6: the forbidden forest
Clay had just swallowed a dozen rabbits. He and Hela went back to the base. ( still in wolf shape).
Ruina and Monstrox were creating a plan to conquer Knighton.
"So, how did it go ?"asked Ruina
"I went very well, normally he's not hungry anymore " says Hela
"How was your first hunting lesson, son ? Was it easy?"
"Nice but..."
"What going on, sweetheart? " she asked as she approached him.
"I don't know, but I don't feel very well after earing an animal".
"It's because you're not used to it. It was the first time, I'm sure you'll get used to fresh meat", she says, stroking her hair. He looked at her.
"You're right, it's probably because it's the first time".
"Now, let's move on. We tried to create a plan". She showed him a map of Knightonia.
"We will send several monsters to different places in the knigdom so that the knights will be separated and will not be able to have nexo powers. It was my idea." Holomonstrox said proudly. (Refers to the end of season 1).
"I think we should wait for his knights to come here, the wolves will think they're intruders since they're going to cross the border and then there'll be the whole tribe all of a sudden so it'll be easier", says Clay.
"What do you think Ruina? Who's right?" Holomonstrox asked.
"You both have good ideas but it's better to do Clay's plan. Anyway, wolves are more powerful than my brother's powers. When we have eliminated his knights and my brother then it will be easy to destroy Knighton"she says with a sly laugh and everyone laughed with her.
The Fortrex arrived near the wolf territory. The knights got out of the fort in their vehicles and stopped to look at the forest.
"Whoa, the place is gloomy", says Aaron
"You're sure we have to go", says Lance
"I can feel it, Clay is over there," says Macy
"In any case, the place bears his name well. The forbidden forest must really be forbidden to everyone. I wonder how people can dare to venture into it" says Aaron
"Maybe it's because he eats because when I eat, I'm not afraid anyone " says axl (reference to the end of episode 2 of season 4)
They started the vehicles and crossed the border.
"They're coming" says Clay
"Yes, I've already sent a group to intercept ghem" says Hela
"What do we do ?"
"I would like you to rest as much as possible" said ruined to his son.
"But why ?" Said Clay annoyed
"Since your magic is more powerful than most witches, it will take energy from you faster than others" she says.
"And where should I sleep?"
"I'll take you there" said Hela's army general. ( the color of the general's hair is dark blue).
They both went into a tunnel.
The knights went further and further into the forest. They stopped.
"Why are we stopping? "Asked Jestro in a worried tone of voice.
"This is where we're going to start our research " says the princess.
"We have to split up", says Robin, who's already afraid just to see the place.
"Yes, but don't worry, you'll never be alone," says Macy to conform her.
"With whom I will know ?"
"You can choose"
"It's true", he says happy, but this emotion was quickly replaced by sadness, "but for me you're all important, but Clay is my hero, if he were here I'd choose him, but he's not here," he says, making tears flow.
"Well, I do the bands," says Macy, " Robin, you'll go with me and Aaron and the second team will be Lance, Axl and Jestro" she ends up saying.
"Where are we going" asked Aaron
"We go north and the others go east "
They separated.
PDV: Macy
I was worried about Clay's disappearance. I want to see him again. I want to hug him but I can't. I can't imagine what he's going through. I don't even know how how he feels, anger, sadness, happiness or any other emotion. What does Ruina want to do with him ? I asked myself.
"Macy, Macy? "Aaron asked me.
"Yes what? "I asked
"We're being watched " said the green knight
"Is that who you think it is ?" Asked Robin, " wolves? "
"Anyway, we can still download Merlok's powers" says Macy
A noise appeared in the silence. They heard growls.
"It's... it's them" says Robin.
"Calm down, it's all right" says Macy
There, they saw in the darkness behind the bushes, red eyes of demons and sharp, pointed fangs like razors ready to eat them.
"Are you sure you need to be calm now. Did you see the number ?"Said Aaron
"We're surrounded!" Said the black knight
The pack came out of the bushes. The number was greater than last time in the village.
On the side of the second group:
"My legs hurt" Complained Lance
"I wonder if they're okay" says Axl
"Anyway, we can still communicate with them" says Jestro
"How about we check in" says Lance
Part of the pack had already been watching them for a while but had been ordered not to attack until they had contacted the others.
"Hey, how's it going on your end ?"
"Bad! Very bad!" Says Macy
"We're surrounded,"says Aaron, " What about you ?"
"Nothing..." spear couldn't keep talking because of Axl," stop, I can't talk. What's going on" continued Lance.
"A clue" he said, pointing to wolves approaching them.
"I'm correcting, we're like you. Surrounded!!!" Said Lance
Both groups are surrounded by wolves.
I hope you enjoyed it and sorry for the wait.
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