I was exhausted. I kicked at the wolf's back one more time, just to show my defiance, before I stopped. I have no idea how much time passed or where she was taking me, all I know is that I'm probably not going home. Goodbye Mom, goodbye Dad, goodbye Lindsay, Erick, Kreg, George, Richard, Keven, Lila, Patrica, Sophie and Franky. I kicked at my captors back, only to have her jostle the sack and made me crash into her. I listened outside for any clues where I was, not a sound coming from the woods besides the wolf's soft singing and the snow crunching under her feet. Sleep began to call me, but fear of what would happen to me during my unconsciousness kept me from closing my eyes. I started to think of what the wolf plans for me. Was she going to sell me? Eat me? Or was she going to enslave me?
"Auntie Ulva!" A little girls voice brought me out of my thoughts, the wolf stopping when the girl spoke.
"Luna! What are you doing so far from the pack? Not to mention what time it is." The wolf questioned as fast paced footsteps came toward us, the wolf staggering back a little with the impact, making me fly in the air and land back, hard, onto her back.
"Mom said to go to your house until the end of the week." The girl, Luna, explained. "She said you agreed to it."
"I did." The wolf agreed. Ulva, was that really her name? "I just thought that it was next week. I don't keep up with the events in the pack."
"Aunt Ulva? What's in the sack?" Luna asked, making me freeze a little and my heart to rise.
"Just something I caught in the woods." Ulva said carelessly, like she did it everyday.
I felt something push into my side, the spot becoming damp as it breathed in and took in my scent. I moved to where it wasn't in my side and aimed a kick at the bump in the sack, only to kick at nothing as it retreated.
"It's a bunny!" Luna yelled excitedly, the snow crunching underneath her feet as she jumped up and down. "May I see it? Please, please, please, please, please?"
Ulva chuckled when I felt that she had slung me off her back, my heart hammering against my chest in fear. "Sure thing."
I tried to jump out when the top of the sack opened, only to have Ulva grab my ears. That really hurt. I kicked as the bag fell away and her other hand grabbed my legs, relieving the pain, but left me defenceless as I looked at the world upside down.
"Ohh, he's so cute!" The girls voice came from overhead.
I looked up to see that there was a grey wolf cub shiftier in front of me, her blue eyes sparkling in the dim light from the moon and stars. She was smiling wide and her tail wagged behind her as she reached over and stroked my stomach. I squirmed in Ulva's grip, Luna retracting her hand as she looked at me.
"What are you going to do to him Aunt Ulva?" She asked, looking up at the wolf that held me, the question making me prick my ears and stop struggling.
Ulva tightened her grip a little on my legs as she looked down at the grey cub. "Just going to keep him around for a while. Thought you would like him, and I need a little company when your not not around. He's only temporary though."
A chill went up my spine as I looked into her blood red eyes, hoping to see that she was joking. Temporary? Is she planning on killing me? Or is she going to break me then sell me? I jumped when a padded hand went over my stomach, looking up to see that it was Luna. Ulva also stroked me, making me tense as her hand went down my back, my fur catching on her rough, padded hand. She took back her hand when I began to struggle, reaching down to grab the sack that was still laying in the snow.
"Aunt Ulva?" Luna began getting her attention before she put me in the sack. "Could I hold the bunny?"
Ulva thought about it for a second, my heart hammering as an opportunity to escape opened, all I needed was for her to say yes, then I'm home free. She stuffed the sack back into the bag on her side, my heart racing as my hope rose. She's going to say yes! Luna's face brightened up at the action too, watching intently as Ulva dig through her bag, looking for something. My heart sank when she pulled out a small rope, wrapping it around my legs as she held me out to Luna, the smaller, paw like hands grabbing my sides and held me up as Ulva tied the rope.
When my legs were tied together tightly, Ulva lifted me up and turned me around, letting Luna hold me as she tied my front paws together. She made sure they were on tight before Ulva allowed Luna to take me. The young wolf was gentle compared to Ulva, holding me in both arms and pressed against her chest, my heart pounding as she nuzzled my back.
"Don't worry bunny." Luna whispered, my ears flattening against my head in fear. "I'll make sure Aunt Ulva takes good care of you."
"Come on Luna, it's getting late." Ulva said softly, pushing the cubs back to get her to walk, keeping it on her shoulder to keep Luna close as I gnawed on the ropes around my paws.
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