Amelia Evie Carlos and Jay walk into Mal's room. Yo-ho-ho! Jay said. Hey! Carlos said to Mal. Hi Mal. Evie said to her friend. Hay mate, why do you sound like a drunk Santa? Amelia asked Jay he just shrugs.
Everyone laughed Jay rolled his eyes.
Did you're plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand? Evie asked Mal. Do you think I would be going through every single spell in this book? If I hadn't completely struck out? Mal said to Evie well, flipping throw her book. Oh someone's in a bad mood. Jay said in a mocking tone. My mom is counting on me! I can't let her down! Mal said putting the book down. We can do this... if we stick together. Jay finished for Mal. And we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten. Mal said. To the core. Everyone said but Amelia because she had no idea what just happen.
I got the hang of it, eventually. Amelia said a few people chuckled.
Oh yeah. I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben at the Coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear of course. Evie said looking down they all look at her. What? Evie asked them. Just then there was a knock at the door. Hold that thought. Mal said to Evie and went to answer the door. Hay Mal. I did not see you guys today. I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything.... that.. you needed... Ben said to Mal smiling. Not that I know of. Mal said to Ben. Ok. all right. Well uh if you need anything just uh... Ben said to Mal before she got an idea.
It never means anything good when my mom gets that look. Bella said Tinkerbell rolled her eyes well Terence laughed.
Oh, wait! Um is it all true that we all get to go to your coronation? Mal asked Ben. Yeah, the whole school goes. Ben said Mal smiled at hearing this. Wow, that is beyond exciting. Do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to Fairy Godmother just so we can soak up all that goodness? I wish you could. Up front, it's just me my folks, and my girlfriend. Ben said to Mal. And your girlfriend? Mal asked Ben a brow raised. Yeah. I am sorry. Ben said to Mal with a small smile. Ok, thanks bye. She said as she slowly closed the door on him. Oh. but no. there's plenty of. He tried to say something as the door shut in his face.
A few people laughed.
I think it's time Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell. Mal said then Carlos through Mal her book. Oh great. Amelia said wall rolling her eyes.
I'm not a big fan of spells. Amelia said they looked at her. But you have magic. Bhavisya said Amelia nodded. Yeah, but pirates find it best to leave that kind of stuff alone. It's bad luck. Amelia said Bhavisya looked at her funny. How? He asked Amelia sighed. My dad messed with it and look what happened to him. Amelia said all the pirates nodded. Well leaving out of the blue this makes a lot more sense now. Audrey said in shock.
All right it says we still need one tear and I never cry. Mal said as she was mining the batter. Let's just chop up some onions. Carlos said as he was sitting on the center next to Amelia, and Dude.
Why is the dog in the kitchen? Kaira asked Carlos shrugged. I don't really know why I brought him with me. Carlos said with a chuckle.
No, it says we need one tear of human sadness. And this love option gets the best reviews so we have to follow it exactly.
It has reviews? Audrey asked Mal looked back at her. Yes and no. My mom would write down stuff about the spells she used and worked and what didn't. Mal said Amelia smiled. So, your dad must have been spelled! Amelia said with a smile Mal looked at her and rolled her eyes. I don't even know who he is. Mal said Evie looked over at her and nodded.
A tear's a tear. Jay said. That's not true Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflux tear. Evie said to Jay with a smile. Listen to you. Mal said to Evie who looked down and smiled. Yeah, I know that. Jay said he was celery lying. Did not. Carlos said to Jay. Yeah, I did. Jay said to Carlos taking a step forward. Amelia took out her squirt bottle and squirt them. No fighting! Amelia yelled. Oh, come on! Jay said taking a step back. Seriously where did you get that? Evie asked Amelia with a chuckle. I brought it from home comes in handy when training Jack. Amelia told her with a shrug. Evie looks at her funny well tilting her head. The monkey. Carlos said as he pet Dude. I did not know you had a pet monkey. Evie said shocked.
That makes two of us. Jay said raising his head. You really don't want to meet the monkey. He's scary. Carlos said with a shutter a few people laughed. He can't be that bad. Jay said Carlos shook his head. It's evil. Carlos said Jay rolled his eyes. My dad calls him a demon monkey if that gives you an idea. Amelia said Jay shrugged.
Yep. Amelia said as she put the bottle bake in her bag. So why is he named Jack? Evie asked her curiously. It's a long story, mate. Amelia said with a chuckle. Just then Lonnie came in and walked over to Mal. There you are Mal I was looking for you. You know all the girls want you to do their hair! midnight snack huh? What are you making? Lonnie asked looking at the bowl. Nothing special just cookies. Mal said with a fake smile. Just then Lonnie took some batter on her finger and ate it.
I'm so glad that wasn't fished. Lonnie said with a chuckle. Yeah, I don't want to have to get your dad and brother to help me bury anyone. Mushu said looking over at Lonnie's dad and then at Mushu the human. Oh, Mushu. Mulan said with a chuckle.
Oh no no! Mal said trying to stop her. Wait wait wait. Carlos said. What I am not going to double dip. She said looking at Mal worried. Feel anything? Evie asked coming closer. Yeah like maybe it might be missing something. Mal asked Lonnie was thinking. Jay walked up to Lonnie, and lend against a pole. Hay there. Jay said to Lonnie with his famous smirk.
That's when Lonnie realized that Jay was trying to flirt with her and blushed. They're all glaring at me, aren't they? Jay asked Amelia looked back to see everyone but Lonnie glaring at Jay like they were going to kill him, and they probably will. Amelia turned to Jay. Oh, yeah, but Lonnie is blushing. Amelia said Jay smiled and little. Really? He asked going to look but Amelia stopped him. Don't. Amelia said Jay huffed and then saw Lonnie out of the care of his eye blushing. Carlos then quickly took a pitcher of Jay. I'm using this for back email. Carlos said Amelia and Jay looked at him he looked up from his phone. What? Carlos asked Jay facepalmed and Amelia gave Carlos a high five.
It could use some chips. She said with a smile. Chips? Jay said confused. She turned and walked over to the counter and picked up a small bowl of chocolate chips, Amelia was sitting on the counter and started to giggle a little, Jay turned to her he looked a little mad Amelia tilted her head to the right crossed her eyes, and stuck her tongue out at him, he shook his head and chuckled as he walked over to her and Carlos.
Are you three? Elliebath asked Amelia rolled her eyes. No, but I can act like it.
And those are... Mal asked. Chocolate chips. Just the most important food group. Lonnie said as she set the bowl down. Wait didn't your mom ever make you guys like chocolate chip cookies? Like when you're feeling sad and they're fresh from the oven with a big old glass of milk and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and... Everyone looked a little sad even Mal. What mom? Amelia muttered Jay glanced over at her. He was the only other one besides Amelia that doesn't have a mom.
Foot in mouth. Musch said Lonnie rolled her eyes at her older brother. You don't have a mom? Belle asked Amelia nodded. She died when I was a baby. Amelia said looking down. Most kids on the isle are raised by one parent. Jay said all the aks looked at each other.
Why are you looking at me like that? Lonnie asked not knowing what she said. It's just different where we're from. Mal said looking up a Lonnie. Yeah, I know. I just you know I thought... that even villains loved their kids. They all are quiet for a moment. Oh.. how awful. She said as a tear slid down her cheek, Mal took the tear and put it in the batter.
Really Lonnie" Audrey asked Lonnie looked over at her. Sorry. I didn't mean to help them make the spell I didn't know about until twenty minutes ago. Lonnie said sarcastically. You have no chase. Carlos said to Jay who rolled his eyes.
Wall big bummer but we have to get these in the oven so thank you so much for coming by. Really really have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Evil dreams. Mal said to Lonnie as she was trying to get rid of her. Good night. Lonnie said to Mal. See you tomorrow. Mal said wall shutting the door and turning around to them. Ok, boys cookies sheet. Evie oven. Amelia help me get the dough on the sheets. Yes ma'am. Amelia and Evie said and did as they were told. Well, helping Mal Amelia chuckled. What's so funny? Evie looked at her. You know how Lonnie said that her mom makes cookies? Amelia said looking at Evie. Yeah so? Evie said with a shrug. Well, all I can think about is my dad in a pink apron and blue oven mitts. Amelia said to Evie, Evie Jay and Carlos started to laugh.
Everyone stared to laugh.
They were at their lockers. Look it's Mal. A girl said. Hi, Mal love my hair, Mal. Girl 2 said. Are you feeling kind of wired about this? I mean it's not so bad here you know. Jay said to Mal. Are you insane? Long live evil! You are mean! You are awful! You are bad news! Snap out of it. Mal said to Jay snapping her fingers.
You are the exact opposite of that, mate. Amelia said Jay rolled his eyes. He didn't to say it, but she was right.
Thanks, Mal. I needed that. Jay said to Mal with a smile. Oh hello. The name's Jay. You all going to the tourney game tonight? Jay asked a group of girls. Yeah. The girls said to him. Keep a lookout for number eight all right? Scoring the winning goal. He said to them smirking. Ok. The girls said Amelia rolled her eyes. She walked up to Jay and started to pull him away from the girls back over to them. Aww. Jay whined like a kid Amelia rolled her eyes again.
A few people laughed. Really Jay? Carlos asked Jay shrugged.
Don't get to attached. We aren't staying long. Amelia said pointing at him she said that last part a little sad. I know. He said and walked over to Mal. Ben walked up. Hey bennyboo! Mal said to Ben. Hey. Ben said with the same dumb smile plastered on his face just every other day. Mal held up a beg. I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip do you want one? Mal asked Ben. Oh, I have a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so so much. Next time. Ben said to Mal. Oh yeah, I completely understand. Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains. Mal said to him looking down.
You are playing him like a violin! Hank said Mal chuckled. Or had Chad plays girls to get his homework done. Like he did with Evie. Cassidy said well smiling over at Chad. Groned for a mother. Cinderella said Chad looked shocked. And how do you know she is not lying? Chad asked Cinderella looked over at Cassidy. She has never lied to me before, and I don't think she is going to start now. Cinderella said Chad gowned knowing he was not going to get of this one. I love my life. Cassidy said with a big smile.
No, on on. Ben said. No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that. Mal said to Ben pretending to be sad. No that's not it. No no no I... I... really do... Ben said. No, I get it you're cautious. That's smart. Oh well more for me I guess. Mal said tacking out the cookie Ben but he snathed it and took a bite.
A violin I tell you! Hank said everyone laughed.
No no Hey... see that totally trust you totally. Ben said eating it. How are they? Mal asked Ben. They're er good! they're great! they're amazing! they're uh... I mean they're chewy and and you know they... is that walnuts? I love walnuts. I mean uh you the... the chocolate... the the chocolate... the chocolate chips.. are am sorry. Um... uh they're... they're warm and soft and they're sweet... Mal have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes? Ben asked looking at Mal. How you feeling bro? Jay asked. I feel... I feel... I feel like... like singing your name. Mal Mal. Ben said then Jay put his hand over Ben's mouth, and walked away. That was so cute and lovey-dovey that I am going to puke. Amelia said putting her hand on her stomach and sticking her tongue out.
That works fast. Mag said everyone nodded. And that is why we are friends. Carlos said Jay nodded. Thank you. Amelia said with a smile.
Mal rolled her eyes and walked away Evie just chuckled. Come on fish. Evie said to Amelia who looked at Evie. What did you just call me mate? Amelia asked Evie stopped walking and looked at her. Oh well, I heard Carlos call you that so I thought that was your nickname. Evie said Amelia looked at her and smiled. Yeah, it is, mate. Amelia said to her. Is it ok that I called you that? Evie asked Amelia looking down. Yeah, it's fine. Amelia said smiling Evie looked up at her and smiled then Evie and Amelia went to go see the game.
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