Hush everyone hush. Fairy Godmothers said but nothing happened. Amelia sighed and walked onto the small stage by the screen. Shut the hell up!!! Amelia yelled at the top of her lungs and everyone went quiet. Thank you. Amelia said in a sweet voice and walked off the stage. We have to deal with that every day. Jay said to Mal who chuckled. I heard that, mate. Amelia said Jay facepalmed. Don't think you will get away with it. Amelia said with a smirk and sat down next to Carlos who was on her right next to Evie and Jay sat on her left with Mal and Ben. Let's start. Fairy Godmother said waving her wand and the screen lit up.
Once upon a time, long, long ago... Mal stared.
It's you. Evie said looking over at Mal who was shocked. But I don't remember doing this. Mal said Evie shrugged. Well, it must have happened at some point. Jay said Carlos rolled his eyes. Thank you captain obvious. Carlos said making a few people laugh. Your welcome sergeant sarcasm. Jay said with a smark making a few more people laugh. Indeed comrade comeback. Carlos said with a grin making everyone laugh. Boys. Mal said but nothing happened. To talk to them you have to go down to their leave, mate. Like this. You are both major dumbasses. Amelia said the boys turned to face her. Sorry. They said at the same time she smiled. It's fine. Amelia said then they turned to the screen. Aww! It was getting good. Acva said making a few people giggle. I wonder what Jay was going to say next. Kaira said Jay looked back at her. Nothing nice. He said then turned back to the screen.
Well, more like 20 years ago. Amelia said interjecting Mal.
You are in here too. Carlos said Amelia smiled. I guess I am. Amelia took a bite of popcorn.
Amelia this is my intro. Mal said Amelia rolled her eyes. Fine. Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake.
A few people laughed. Thank you. Mal said with a smile.
No kidding. Amelia said Mal glared at her. Ok ok, I'm going. Amelia said then backed out of the room. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon.
Wait you didn't have a honeymoon? Ben asked looking over at his mom and dad. We did. But it was more important to keep the kingdom safe first. Belle said with a smile.
He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically, all the really interesting people... Mal said Amelia cut in. No kidding some of worst even evil. Amelia muttered Mal looked at Amelia her eyes glowing green.
What do you mean? Adam asked Amelia smiled. I am so glad you asked. What I mean is that my dad and Gibbs are innocent. They never drew their swords first and only fought in self-defense. Amelia said the other pirates nodded. Free the pirates!!! Elliebath yelled the rest of the pirates shred as well. I like this one. Amelia said looking back at Elliebath.
Amelia rolled her eyes and walked away. And he booted them off to the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my hood. No magic. No wi-fi.
Wait you guys don't have wi-fi? Ruby asked they nodded. What did you do for fun? Chad asked they rolled their eyes. Got out of the house. Carlos said as if it was obvious.
No way out. Or so I thought. Hang on, you're about to meet us. But first, this happened.
What?! Everyone but the royal family and the vks asked. You'll see. Ben said with a smile.
Sleeve. Head. Ah-ha! Lumiere said to Ben trying to fix his cote. Then Belle and Adam walked in. How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month? You're just a baby! Adam said walking over to Ben he was clearly embarrassed.
Everyone was laughing a little. You ok baby? Mal asked with a smirk Ben huffed. I know your middle name. Ben whispered to Mal and she shut up. Well played. Mal said looking back at the screen.
He's turning 16, dear. Belle said well picking up some of Ben clothes off the floor.
Really, mate? Amelia asked looking over at Ben who looked down. I didn't have time to clean up after I had to try on five outfits. Ben said the vks were shocked. You can have thay mamy cloches. Mal asked Ben nodded. Yeah, do you not? He asked they nodded. My mom will have me make clothes but that's if I can find anything to make them out of. Evie said Carlos nodded. Yeah, the only person who has that much coach on the isle would be my mom. Carlos said the vks all nodded. And she wears none of it. I would just like to set that closet on fire and see her face. Amelia said with a grin. She would kill you, and it would not be quick. Carlos said Amelia Shugerd. Worth it. Amelia said with a smile.
Hey, pops. Ben said trying to get his dad's attention. 16? That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42. Adam said to Belle who looked at him. Uh, you decided to marry me at 28. Belle reminded her husband.
Oh, on. Everyone said at the same time. You had to sleep on the couch, didn't you? Amelia asked Adam nodded. Not the best sleep ever. Adam said with a chuckle.
Ah, it was either you or a teapot. Adam laughed at his joke.
Not happening. Mis Pots said everyone nodded.
Kidding. Adam said when he saw the look Belle was giving him. Mom, Dad... Ben said getting their attention they looked at him. Ah! Nn-nnh! Lumiere said fixing Ben's cote again. I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon. Belle dropped his clothes on the floor and Adam looked shocked. Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned. Ben said looking out at the isle.
Oh, no shit! Amelia said but Carlos stopped her. Calm down. We don't need you going off. Carlos said Amelia huffed.
The children of our sworn enemies, living among us? Adam said looking at Ben.
And what did we do? Carlos asked crossing his arms semming all though. Calm down. Amelia said Carlos rolled his eyes. And to answer you. Nothing you are too much of a softy. Amelia said bopping Carlos on the nose he shooed her hand away. Don't ever do that again.
We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them. Ben said looking at them. Have you? Adam asked raising a brow. I gave you a second chance. Belle said looking at her husband. Who are their parents? Belle asked Ben. Cruella De Vil... Jafar... Evil Queen... Jack Sparrow... and Maleficent. Ben said and everyone looked shocked.
Caption! It's caption! Caption Jack Sparrow! Amelia said making everyone laugh. Sorry. Ben said Amelia raised a brow at him. You better be. She said glaring at him.
Maleficent! She is the worst villain in the land! Adam said almost losing his temper.
Cruella took that from her fourteen years ago. Amelia said everyone looked over at her. The mad hatter looks tame compared to her. Carlos said everyone was shocked.
Dad, just hear me out here! Ben said trying to calm him down. I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes. Adam yelled.
Hay! All the vks yelled.
Dad, their children are innocent. Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life? Dad? Ben asked looking at him who was looking down. I suppose their children are innocent.
Suppose? What the heck is that supposed to mean?! We are victims of circumstance for Zeus' sake! Amelia yelled everyone looked at her. The kids' right. Wendy said Petter Pan nodded.
Dad said looking up at Ben who was smiling like an idiot. Well, well done. Shall we? Belle said then walked out of the room with Adam.
You two talked about this before you told me, didn't you? Adam asked looking over at Belle and Ben who were smiling then nodded. I like you even more now. Mal and Amelia said at the same time.
Amelia was walking in the market when she heard laughing and then screaming she turned to see that all the villagers were running away. Amelia was going to walk away but as she turned she saw Mal and her gang Amelia stopped and hid behind a small fruit stand to see what was going down.
You were there the whole time? Jay asked Amelia smiled. Yeah. Amelia said Jay looked at her. Why? He asked she looked at him. One word for you, mate. Curiosity. Amelia said with a smile Jay nodded. That's two. Hank said everyone facepalmed.
Hi mom. Mal said facking her mom a smile. Stealing candy, Mal? I'm so disappointed. Maleficent said to Mal with a smirk so evil it could kill. It's from a baby. Mal said to her mom smiling. DespicableI. Amelia said to herself. That's my nasty little girl. Maleficent said then she took the lollipop spit on it and put it under her arm. Give it back to the dreadful creature. She said as she gave it to one of her henchmen.
Gross! Everyone said at the same time. She has done worse. Mal said Audrey nodded. The one thing we can agree on. Audrey said everyone nodded. Why can't my new girlfriend and old one get along? Ben muttered to himself. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Amelia said Ben nodded.
I stand corrected. Amelia muttered. Mom... Mal said looking up at her mom. It's the deeds, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil. When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms. cursing entire kingdoms. Mal said at the same time.
Heard that a lot? Belle asked Mal groaned. That was the first sentence I learned to speak.
You. Walk with me. See, I'm just, just trying to teach you the thing that really counts... how to be me. Maleficent said as if she was a saint. I know that. And I'll do better. Mal said looking at the ground. Then Maleficent turned around really fast. Oh! There's news! I buried the lede. She said now Amelia was interested. You fore and some Amelia girl have been chosen to go to a different school... In Auradon. Maleficent said Amelia grinned from ear to ear. Carlos Jay and Evie tried to run but were stopped by Maleficent's man. What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses! Mal yelled. Amelia nodded.
Hay! Lonie shouted Mal looked back at her. Not you. You're cool. Mal said Lonnie grinned and crossed her arms. You bet I am! Lonnie said Mal chukled. I see why you are friends with her. Amelia said looking over at Jay who nodded.
And perfect princes. Evie sighed dreamily. Amelia chuckled at the look on Mal's face.
Oh. Doug said Evie looked at him. I like you more. Evie said Doug blushed. Thanks.
Yeah, and I don't do uniforms. Unless It's leather. You feel me? Jay said about to high five Carlos. Amelia nodded. I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave. Carlos said Amelia shuttered.
Why would she tell you that?! Anita asked Carlos looked at her. She's crazy and hates dogs. That's more than enough reason for her. Carlos said the vks nodded. Bigger question. Why did Amelia shutter? Jay asked looking over at Amelia. When you are friends with Carlos for two years and have never met a dog you start to think they going to try and kill you. Amelia said everyone chuckle she rolled her eyes.
Carlos had told Amelia about dogs and if she's being honest they scared her more than the Kraken. Woof! Jay barks making Carlos jump and turned around and hits Jay on the arm. Amelia rolled her eyes.
Everyone laughed. That wasn't funny. Carlos muttered crossing his arms. Yes, it was. Jay said with a smirk. That wasn't nice Jay. You knew he was deathly afraid of dogs. Evie said Jay sighed. Sorry, Carlos. Jay said Carlos smiled. I didn't know you were that afraid of dogs. How come you didn't tell us? Mal asked Carlos looked over at her. You never asked. Carlos said then looked back at the screen. Carlos one, Mal goose egg. Amelia said Mal rolled her eyes.
Yeah, mom, we're not going. Mal said in a stuck up voice. Oh, you're thinking small, pumpkin. It's all about world domination. KNUCKLEHEADS! Maleficent yelled as her minions followed her along with the kids.
Was she yelling at you or the gone's? Cassidy asked they didn't even looked at her. Both. The vks said at the same time.
Once they were gone Amelia came out of hiding and left. She was walking when she saw the kid with the lollipop so she pulled one out of her bag.
What are you going to do with that? Jay asked Amelia smiled. You'll see, mate. Amelia said Jay shrugged and looked back at the screen.
Hi. Amelia said to the baby as she crouch down to the baby. Here take this one instead it is much better than that old smelly one. Amelia said as she held out the lollipop, The baby looked at her mom, the mother nodded, and the baby took the lollipop from Amelias' hand and gave her the old one, Amelia got up and the mom mouthed thank you as they walked away the baby smiled and waved at her she waved back, Amelia throws the lollipop over her head and into the trash behind her, then ran off.
That was nice of you. Will said Amelia smiled. I might be tough but I'm still nice. Amelia said then looked back at the screen.
You will go. You will find fairy godmother and you will bring back the magic wand. Easy peasy. Maleficent said well filing her nails.
I told you they were villains! Chad yelled pointing at the vks. Shut the hell up. Amelia said calmly making a few people laugh.
What's in it for us? Mal asked her hand on her hip. Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns. Maleficent said with a grin. Um, I... I think she meant us. Carlos said Maleficent throw her file to the ground and stood up.
Your mom is really really stupid. Bella said Ruby nodded. She can get worse. Mal said with a chuckle.
It's all about you and me, baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer? Maleficent asked Mal smiled. Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn't? Mal asked.
Did you really like that? Ben asked Mal sighed. A little but not now. Mal said Ben smiled. Let's just say me and Carlos learned that firsthand. Amelia muttered they looked at her and Carlos. What? Ben asked Carlos sighed. Before I become a part of Mal's gang Evie and Jay weren't the nicest to me. I made friends with Amelia then at one point Evie then Jay so Mal let me in the gang. Carlos said Mal looked down. Sorry. She said to Carlos and Amelia they smiled. It's ok. Carlos said Amelia nodded. I don't know how many times Amelia fought me and Evie to keep us from beating up Carlos and we didn't know her. Jay said with a chuckle. Twenty seven. Amelia said with a smile.
Well, then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bond both good and evil to my will! Maleficent said throwing her hands up in the air. Our will. Evil Queen said Cruella pointed at her. Our will, our will. Maleficent said then snaps her finger, which makes Mal looks back at her. And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your lives, missy. Maleficent said with a grin.
I might not like you guys but that's just wrong. Audrey said Mal nodded.
What...mom... al said but Maleficent takes her hand and shuts it to stop Mal from complaining. They stared at each other, which makes their eye turned green like a staring contest. Mal blinks and looks away with a sigh.
What was that? Aurora asked Mal looked at her. It was a challenge for power to prove whos more dominant. It's basically her way of saying I'm weak and keeping me in line. Mal said with a sigh Amelia was confused. There's a line? Hu? I just do what I want. Amelia said they looked at her. What? It's the life of a pirate. Take what you want and give nothing back. Amelia said now everyone was looking at her. That's wired. Evie said Amelia shrugged. So, you have no rulls? Jay asked she shook her head. Yes, I do. The rules of a pirate. I have to live by those rules but other than that I can do want I want. Amelia said Elizabeth and Will nodded.
Fine. Whatever. Mal said looking away. I win. Maleficent said posing. Evie my little evil-lette in training. Evil Queen said as Evie walked over and sat down in the chair across from her mom. You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing. And lots and lots of mirrors! Evie and Evil Queen said at the same tie Evie laughed. No laughing. Wrinkles. Evil Queen said Maleficent facepalmed.
Laughing doesn't cause wrinkles. Snow White said in a firm voice Evie looked at her. Try telling that to her. Evie said Snow White nodded. I just might. I can't believe she told you the same things she told me. Snow White muttered that last part but Evie heard. She did what?! Evie asked Snow White sighed. She did the same thing to me. Snow White said Evie frowned. I'm sorry. Evie said Snow White looked at her. No, I'm sorry she is still up to her old tricks. Snow White said Evie smiled and nodded.
Oh, well, they're not taking my Carlos, because I'd miss him too much. Cruella said Carlos looked up at his mom. Really, mom? Carlos asked with a smile. Yes. Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet? Cruella asked tossing her leg up for Carlos to catch.
Ewwwww! Everyone said at the same time. That was worse than having to sleep in the closet. Carlos said with a shuttered. I like her even less now. Roger whispered to Aniat who nodded.
Yeah, maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing. Carlos said with a weak smile. Oh, Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon. Cruella said Carlos was scared. Oh, no! I'm not going! Carlos said as he put his mom's leg down as she smirked. Well, Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store. What did you score? Jafar asked Jay took out a lamp from his cote. Oh. Ooh. A lamp. Jafar said taking the lamp and rubbing it. Dad. I already tried. Jay said looking down. Ah! Jafar yelled throwing the lamp down.
Why does he even try? Aladdin asked looking at the screen. Because he is stupid. Jay and Ava said at the same time Jay looked back at her. Oh, gods not another one. Amelia said making everyone but Jay and Ava laugh.
Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow, hmm? Evil Queen said picking up some tweezers and plucking a hair off of Evie's eyebrow. Ow!
You don't have a unibrow. Audrey said everyone was shocked and looked back at her. I'm not blind. Audrey said Evie smiled.
What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island. For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge... revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men. Maleficent yelled.
Hay! The seven duffs yelled at the same time.
Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie! Maleficent yelled Jafar got mad I will... Jafar said holding out his fist Jay had to stop him. Pop! Jay said holding him back.
Well, I did get a little bigger. Genie said with a chuckle. Wait your dad was a genie, does that make you... Mal asked Jay shrugged. No clue. Jay said with a chuckle. Join the club. Amelia said Jay chuckled.
Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches. Maleficent said. Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... They didn't get the baby! Cruella said petting the face dog head on her cote.
How, and I mean how am I related to that? Carlos asked a few people laughed. You must take after your dad. Evie said Carlos smiled. If he had a kid with her he must not be that sane. Jay pointed Carlos sighed. Just fricken fantastic. Carlos muttered.
And I, Maleficent...The evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince. Villains! Maleficent said with an evil smirk.
She is still scary. Aurora said Mal looked at her. Not really. She's more crazy now. Mal said they all nodded.
Yes. Evil Queen and Jafar asked. Our day has come. E.Q., give her the magic mirror. Maleficent said pointing to the Evil Queen. Yeah. Evil Queen said handing Evie her mirror. This is your magic mirror? Evie asked looking at the mirror in her hands.
I always thought it would be bigger. Snow White said looking at the mirror.
Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again, neither are we! It will help you find things. Evil Queen said Evie smiled. Like a prince? Evie asked excitedly. Like my waistline. The Evil Queen joked. Like the magic wand! Hello! Maleficent yelled at them. Hello. The Evil Queen said with a smirk.
Hello! Everyone but Amelia yelled at the screen and then burst out laughing. Buy! Amelia yelled well waving making more people laugh.
My spell book. My book. I need my... that book. Maleficent said then walked over to a figure and started to pull on the door. Oh, ah! The safe. The safe. Queen, help me! I never can figure this thing out. Maleficent said the Evil Queen walked over and opened the freezer half of it. Voila. The Evil Queen said opening the door.
That's a fridge. Mails and Bhavisya said Mal looked at them. Oh, so, that's what it's called. Mal said with a smile.
My spell... come, darling. Come. Oh... ooh! Oh, Oh. There she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon. Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives. Maleficent said as she gave Mal her spell book. Like it was yesterday. Evil Queen said with a smile. And now you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you. Door. Maleficent said Mal sighed.
What a bitch. Nāmaka and Hank said at the same time.
Whoo! Let's get this party started! Jay said with a smile. Carlos! Come. Cruella said walking out the door with Carlos behind her.
He's not a dog! Anita and Roger yelled at the same time.
Who is the fairest of them all? Evil Queen asked Evie smiled. Me. Evie said the Evil Queen looked at her. Ah! The Evil Queen said Evie sighed. You. Evie said the Evil Queen: smiled and got up. Yes! Let's go. The Evil Queen said then Evie got up. Now, recite our mantra. Jafar said picking up a bag. There's no team in "I". Jay said with a smile.
I hate that I thought that. Jay said Amelia smirked. And yet you also hung out with Mal and the gang. Amelia called him out he shrugged.
Oh, run along. You're making me tear up. Jafar said with a smile.
He's not as bad as a dad as I thought he would be. Jasmine said Jay smiled. Yeah, he's pretty cool even if he can be a bit stupid every now and then. Understatement. Eago said Jay chuckled.
My bag. Jay said pointing to his bag. Yeah. Jafar said tossing Jay his bag and Jay walked out. Dad! Jay yelled. Coming! Jafar yelled walking out. The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it. Maleficent said standing on the balcony with Mal.
No pressure or anything. Mails said rolling his eyes.
Ah! Smells like common folk. Evil Queen said looking at the limo. Come back here, now! Carlos! Ingrate. Cruella Yelled Evie stepped in front of Cruella and Carlos dived head first into the car.
I am so lucky she didn't catch me. Carlos said Jay chuckled. I have seen you run. A cheetah couldn't catch you. Jay said Carlos smiled.
Bye-bye. Jafar yelled. The jackals have landed. A man said into his mic.
He's fired. Belle Adam and Ben said at the same time.
Amelia ran to her home in pirates bay. She stopped when she was outside the black pearl. Amelia walked up the ramp and into the captions quarters her dad was chasing Jack around trying to get his compass back.
Everyone was laughing.
Hi, dad hi Jack. Amelia said they stopped running and turned to face her. Hay do you think you could help me get the compass back from that hell monkey? Jack asked Amelia facepalmed.
Everyone was laughing again. That's him alright! Elizabeth said laughing.
Jack come here mate. Amelia said Jack walked over to her she held out her hand and he gave her the compass Amelia walked over to her dad. Here you go. Amelia said as she gave him his compass. Thanks. It helps when you can talk to animals. Amelia said petting Jack. Now, why home so early? He asked putting the compass in his coat pocket. I have good news. Amelia said he turned to her. And what good news did you bring mate? Well, I did a little eavesdropping and found out that five of us kids will be getting off the isle and I'm one of them, mate. Amelia said smiling her dad smiled. About time one of us, Sparrows is getting out of this hell hole. Good job wolf.
Why did he call you wolf? Cassidy asked Amelia showed her the birthmark. Every siren has one in the shape of their spirit animal this is mine. Amelia said with a smile.
Thanks, dad but I haven't gotten out of here yet. Oh, I have to go pack. Amelia said she walked out of the room and went below deck where she slept on a hammock. Amelia packed a small bag and walked back outside. Ok, I am ready. Amelia said with a smile. Jack climbed up her and sat on her shoulder. No Jack. I don't know if you can come you will have to stay here. Amelia said picking him up and putting him down on the floor.
He could have some. Belle said Amelia sighed. I know that now. Amelia said looking at the screen.
Ok, you have to get going. Oh and don't forget to send me my jar of dirt. Jack said Amelia hugged him and let go. Bye dad bye Jack! Amelia yelled as she ran off down the street. Well well, what do we have here? Amelia hared she turned around to see Harry and Gil she sighed.
Who are they? Wendy asked Amelia looked at her. Harry, captain hooks kid, and Gil son of Gaston. Amelia said then looked back at the screen.
Hi, Harry hi Gil weres Uma? Amelia asked looking at them Harry was just smirking. She told us to meet you here fishy. He said Amelia rolled her eyes. Look mates what ever she wants from me she won't get it. Bye, Amelia said turning on her heels to walk away but Harry hooked the collar of her shirt.
He gets more annoying every day. Amelia said well rolling her eyes.
Amelia sighed as he turned her around to face him. Look here. Harry said before Amelia injected him. Oh first you make me look at you now I have to smell your breath great. Amelia said sarcastically well rolling her eyes Gil giggled Harry looked at him then back at her.
Everyone was laughing. Oh, gods.
Look Uma wants to know if you will join us. I said it once and I will say it again mate. No! Amelia said you could see Harry was getting annoyed Amelia smirked. I can hurt you. Ya know that don't ya? He said to her with a menacing smirk she rolled her eyes. And I can do the same to you, mate. Ya know that don't ya? Amelia said he was getting mad now. He was about to punch her but she ducked and punched him in the jaw and ran off.
Did he just try and punch a girl?! Jane asked shocked the vks were confused. Yeah. Amelia said calmly. But that's wrong. Jane said Amelia facepalmed. On the isla it doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl. If you are a threat to the power they have over you then they will try and put you in your place, and I was a threat. Amelia said then aks were confused. How were you a threat? Hank asked Amelia sighed. I was a rival pirate that had twice as much power alone than Harry had with his crew because of my tide as caption. Amelia said everyone was still confused. He wants what I have. Amelia said they nodded.
Amelia got to the limo and jumped in and sat down. Everyone looked at her. Who the heck are you? Mal asked Amelia who looked at her. You don't know who I am mate? Amelia asked looking at Mal and her friends. Nope! Evie said. Well, that's embarrassing for you isn't it? Amelia said Mal Evie and Jay looked at each other.
You are a Sparrow. Will said Amelia smiled.
Captain Amelia Sparrow. Amelia said holding out her hand so Mal could shack it she pulled away. Wait you're a pirate. Mal said a hint of anger in her voice Carlos facepalmed. You did it now. He said Amelia looked at him. Did what mate you knew I was a pirate. Amelia said everyone looked at Carlos.
Busted! Hank said making everyone laugh.
Wait you know her? Jay asked. Yeah, that's what I said. Amelia said looking at Jay he rolled his eyes. Can we get back to the part that there is a pirate in here with us? Mal said everyone looked at her. Pirate captain. Why does everybody forget the captain? Amelia muttered.
Everyone laughed. Your dad must be so proud.
So you. Mal said pointing to Amelia. Yes. Amelia said looking up. Are you friends with Uma? Mal asked Amelia she rolled her eyes. You mean shrimpy? Amelia asked Evie nodded. Heck no! I am a pirate captain and will not tack orders from some pirate want to be and her crew. Amelia said everyone looked at her.
You're your dads' kid alright. Henry said Amelia smiled she would love to live the life of a great pirate like her dad.
So you are not part of Uma's crew? Jay asked. No, we can't stand each other mate. Amelia said folding her arms. Well, she isn't a part of Uma's crew so we should give her a chance. I'm Evie! And this is Jay. Evie said shaking Amelias' hand. And you all ready know Carlos. Nice to meet you, Evie, and Jay. Amelia said to them Mal rolled her eyes. You're looking a little washed out. Let me help you out. Evie said trying to put makeup on Mal Amelia chuckled. Ew, stop. I'm plotting. Mal said punching Evie away. Well, It's not very attractive. Evie said putting some blush on herself. Oh! These! It's salty like nuts, but it's sweet like I don't know what. Carlos said eating something. Let me see. Jay said Carlos turned to him and opened his mouth. Ew! Jay yelled looking away.
Ewww! Everyone said Carlos rolled his eyes.
Idiots. Amelia muttered. Ow! Carlos said fighting Jay Amelia rolled her eyes as she eat a piece of candy. Look! Evie yelled pointing out the window to a broken bridge. It's a trap! Carlos yelled. They all started to scream and climb over each other. What just happened? Carlos asked looking around. We didn't fall. Amelia said he rolled his eyes.
We would never do that. Ben said the vks smiled. Especially with the driver in there. Chad said everyone glared at him. Hand me your phone. Cinderella said holding out her hand Chad sighed and reached into his pocket for his phone and pulled out nothing. I lost it again. Chad said Cinderella sighed. Then we won't buy you a new one. Cinderella said Chad groaned and Caissdy smiled.
It must be magic. Evie gasped. Hey. Did this little button just open up the magic barrier? Mal asked the man in the front of the car. No, this one opens the magic barrier. That one opens my garage. And this button... The man said rolling up the window. Okay. Nasty. I like that guy. Mal said smiling. I don't. Amelia said Evie chuckled.
Can we fire him twice? Ben asked looking up at his mom. Unfortunately, no. Belle said Ben sighed.
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