The limo pulled up to the school they opened the door and were greeted by a band then the boys fall out of the car fighting over a piece of cloth.
Really? Jane asked with a chuckle well looking over at Carlos and Jay.
Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is? Carlos asked Jay from on the ground. 'Cause you want it! Jay shouted back. Amelia rolled her eyes. No! Give it to me! Ow! Let go! Carlos yelled right back. Guys, guys, guys! We have an audience. Mal said looking at them they stopped fighting and Jay took the cloth. Just cleaning up. Get up. Jay said to Carlos. Who got up. Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it. Said some lady Amelia snickered.
Go, mom. Jane said Fairy Godmother smiled.
Hello, foxy. The name's Jay. Jay said walking up to some girl dressed in pink who just acted like he was not there. Amelia chuckled at his failed attempt at flirting.
A few people were laughing. Ha ha ha. Real funny. Jay said well rolling his eyes.
Welcome to Auradon prep. I'm fairy godmother, headmistress. Fairy Godmother said smiling at them. The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"? Mal asked stepping forward Amelia looked at her. Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it. Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile. Mal said smiling. She never smiles no one on the isle does she up to something. Oh. Fairy Godmother said looking at Mal. And that sparkling wand. Mal said again, we get it you want to know about the wand. Amelia thought. That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or You'll miss the future." Fairy Godmother said smiling. What future? Amelia muttered.
Why did you say that? Lonnie asked Amelia looked back at her. We came from the isle. No one was going to be nice to us like they are to you. We have to fight for a good future every step of the way like we did on the isle. Amelia the vks nodded.
It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben. Ben said walking up to them. Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king. Audrey said clinging to his shoulder. You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess. Evie said stepping forward. The evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you. Audrey said Amelia rolled her eyes.
Audrey that was really rude. Aurora said to Audrey who looked down. No, it's not. Queen Leah said Aurora looked over at her. Mother! Her acting like this to them is not acceptable. So, don't tell her that it is! Aurora said Queen Leah said rolling her eyes.
What about snow white, mate? Amelia asked Audrey just ignored what she said.
She is right. If The evil queen has no royal status then that would mean I don't. Snow White said with a smile. But you do have a royal status. Belle said Snow White smiled. So, that would mean that Evie has one to making her a princess. Snow White said looking over at Queen Leah who looked mad then at Evie who was smiling. So, does that me we will have to can you, your highness? Carlos asked jokingly Evie chuckled. I don't know. Evie said with a smile then looked over at her step sister.
This is Audrey. Ben said smiling. Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo? Audrey said still clinging to him. Bennyboo. I think I just puked in my mouth. Amelia whispered to Carlos who chuckled.
A few people laughed. It wasn't that bad of a nickname was it? Audrey asked Ben looked at her. A little. Ben said Audrey sighed and nodded.
Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews. Fairy Godmother said smiling at them and walked away. It is so, so, so good to finally me... meet you all. This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... Ben said shaking their hands. Is that chocolate? Ben asked Carlos who had chocolate all over his face. As the day our two peoples began to heal. Ben said shaking hands with Mal. Or the day that you showed five people where the bathrooms are. Mal said to Ben with a smirk. A little bit over the top? Ben asked with a chuckle. A little more than a little bit. Mal said grinning. Well, so much for my first impression. Ben said Amelia chuckled. It wasn't going to go well either way mate. Amelia said to him. Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Audrey asked walking up to Mal.
Oh no. Amelia Jay and Carlos said at the same time.
Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping... Audrey was cut off by Mal. Beauty! Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening. Mal said trying her best to sound nice. Water under the bridge. Audrey said with a fake smile. Totes! Mal said then they laughed. Awkward. Amelia said in between fack coughs Jay and Carlso chuckled Audrey rolled her eyes.
Everyone laughed. That is why we are friends. Carlos said laughing. I thought it was because I saved you from getting beaten to a pulp from Codfish and bird brain junior. Amelia said Carlos laughed again.
Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah? Ben asked they shrugged and followed him over to a statue. Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king. Ben clapped twice and the statue changed shape Amelia and Carlos jumped back but Carlos jumped into Jay's arms.
Everyone was laughing. It's not that funny. Carlos muttered. Why did you jump? Jay asked looking over at Amelia. I never really knew things could shapeshift. Amelia said eating some popcorn.
Carlos, It's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible. Ben said them Jay dropped Carlos who fell on his back Jay stepped over Carlos, Amelia helped him up.
That really hurt you know. Carlos said Jay shuddered. Sorry, but it was too funny not to. Jay said laughing Carlos rolled his eyes.
Does he shed much? Mal asked Amelia chuckled Ben smiled. Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch. Ben said jokingly he walked away and they followed.
Really? Adam asked looking over at Ben who looked down. Sorry. Ben said Adam playfully rolled his eyes.
We walked into the school it was big Amelia looked around. So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and things like that? Mal asked Ben well looking around. Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals. Ben said to Mal with a smile. Sucks to be them. Amelia whispered to Carlos he rolled his eyes. He is the only person besides her dad that knows she has powers. Ok, fish. He said Amelia rolled her eyes.
Puffball. Amelia said ruffling his hair. Whatever fish breathe. Carlos said with a smirk. You two are crazy. Jay said rolling his eyes.
Who happened to be kings and queens. Mal remained him Amelia chuckled. That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years. Audrey said Amelia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Then a boy wearing a band uniform and glass was walking down the stairs. Doug. Doug, come down. Ben called. Doug walked down the stairs and over to Ben. This is Doug. He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later, okay? And If there is anything you need, feel free to... Ben was saying before Audrey spoke. Ask Doug. Audrey said clinging to Ben. This time Amelia rolled her eyes. Ha. Mal said under her breath. Ben and Audrey walked off. Well more like Audrey was dragging Ben.Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Doug was saying then, saw Evie. Heigh-ho. Doud said completely starstruck. Evie. Evil queen's daughter. Evie said walking up to him and smiling.
And I thought Ben was starstruck. Jay said Ben and Doug blushed. Not as starstruck as you when you saw Lonnie. Amelia whispered to Jay making him blush a little.
Ok. Doug said coming out of his trance. So about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already... history of woodsmen and pirates, safety. Wait, mate you telling me that you have pirates here in Auradon? Amelia asked Doug looked at her. Um yeah. You know pirates like Will and Elizabeth. Doug said smiling Amelia scoffed. Please. Will isn't even a real pirate he's a blacksmith with a sword who happens to be married to the king of pirates. Amelia said Doug cleared his throat.
Amelia looked back at Wil who smiled. She's not wrong. Will said to Elizabeth who nodded. I must say I have never met a person who knows so much about pirates in years. Elizabeth said Amelia smiled. Well, it's impossible not to hear about the first woman pirate king. Who fought and won some of the most famous battles in all of history. Amelia said with a smile. You sound just like your dad wants he doesn't want to get in trouble. Elizabeth said Amelia smirked. Where do you think I get it from Amelia said Elizabeth playfully rolling her eyes.
Mal walked over to Doug and was looking over his shoulder. Rules for the Internet, and, uh, remedial goodness 101. Doug said looking down at the papers in his hands. Let me guess. New class? Mal said eating a piece of candy that she stole from the limo. Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms. Mal said everyone but Amelia followed Mal up the stairs Amelia walked up the other seat of stairs. Oh, uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys. Doug said Amelia smirked and Mal rolled her eyes. They walked down the stairs and over to where Amelia was. Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Doug said as Carlos walked up behind him. Sneezy. Carlos said then followed them.
How did you know what stars to go up? Hank asked Amelia looked at him. I didn't I just did what I wanted instead of following someone. Amelia then looked back at the screen.
Mal and Evie walked into their room It was so Bright. Wow. This place is so amaz... Gross. Mal interjected Evie. I know, right? Amazingly gross. Evie said well smiling. Ew. Ugh! I'm going to need some serious sunscreen. Mal said trying to keep the light out of her eyes.
It's not that bright out. Cassidy said Mal looked over at her. We don't much sun on the isle. Mal said the vks nodded.
Yeah. Evie said looking around. E. Mal said Evie shut the curtains. Whew! That is much better. Mal looked around.
I git used to it. Mal said with a smile. Yeah. Carlos said Jay said Amelia smirked. But you two never put on sunscreen. Amelia said they rolled their eyes at her.
Amelia had to share a room with the boys because there were too many students. Amelia walked into the room there were two beds over by the window and one over by the bathroom door it had a curtain over it. Amelia walked over and unpacked she put her ship in a bottle on the nightstand. The ship had three floors gray sails and the black pearls flag. Not only are there three hundred cannons but it is magic. It is as strong as the storm and fast as the wind and as unpredictable as the sea itself.
Cool! Elliebath yelled Amelia smiled. Yeah, it has three floors gray sails, and the black pearls flag. Not only are there three hundred cannons but it is magic. It is as strong as the storm and fast as the wind and as unpredictable as the sea itself. Amelia said Elliebath was shocked. So cool. Elliebath said Amelia chukled. Thanks. Amelia said Elliebath turned to her mom and dad. Could I get a ship? She asked looking up at them with puppy dog eyes. Maybe one day. Henry said patting her on the hand. What the? Carina mothed to him.
Amelia hared a knock at the door she turned around to see Mal and Evie walking in she sat on her bed a picked up a book. Whoo! Whoa! Ah! Whoa! Carlos yelled as he was playing a game. Jay, what are you doing? Mal asked Jay who was dumping a bag of stolen goods onto his bed. It's called stealing. Jay said sorting through the stuff.
Really? Ava asked Jay shared. Old habits die hard. Jay said Aladdin and Eugene nodded.
Okay, what's the point? Mal asked Amelia looked at her. Amelia was now laying on my stomach. Well, Mal, It's like buying whatever I want, except It's free. Jay said to Mal who rolled her eyes. Well said, mate. Amelia said from over on her bed. Okay. So, you could do that, or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world. Mal said Amelia perked up at that. You sound just like your mom. Evie said to Mal who turned to face her. Thank you. Mal said beaming with pride. Not a compliment mate. Amelia whispered to herself.
Oh no. Here we go again. Jay said Amelia rolled her eye and lightly punched Jay in the arm. Ow. Jay said Amelia chuckled. I didn't hit that hard. She said Jay rolled his eyes. Yeah, you did. Jay said Amelia shared. Guess I don't know my own stanch. Amelia said eating some popcorn.
You do it your way and I'll do it mine. Jay said Mal was glaring at Amelia. Did you say, something pirate? Mal asked Amelia who sat up. Yeah. I said that was not a compliment. Amelia said Mal was looking at her then looked at the ship on the nightstand next to her. She walked over to Amelia with a smirk and picked up the bottle Amelia through the book to her side, and got off the bad she was now standing in front of Mal. What do we have here? Mal asked looking at the ship. Give it back. Amelia said stomping my foot Mal rolled her eyes. I'm not going to drop it. Or am I? Mal said then dropped the ship then caught it before it hit the floor. Don't do that! Amelia yelled she lifted the ship over her head. Amelia jumped up trying to grab the ship that was out of her reach.
Mal. Ben said Mal sighed. I'm sorry. It's that I didn't like what she said about my mom and I haven't had the best past with pirates. Mal said Amelia nodded. We can be sneaky two faced lying jerks. Amelia said Mal chuckled a little. So, we good? Mal asked Amelia pretended to think for a moment. Yeah, we're good, mate. Amelia said Mal smiled. And you did get me back so yeah. Amelia said Mal chuckled.
Mal put her hand on Amelias' forehead pushing her away. Jump doggy jump. She said in a mocking tone of voice. Give it back! Amelia yelled Mal looked at her. It's just a stupid ship in a bottle. She said Amelia glared at her. That's not just some stupid ship in a bottle my mom gave me that! Amelia snapped everyone looked at her Evie sighed.
What happened to you're mom anyway? Mal asked Amelia sighed. She died when I was born my dad doesn't take about her much. He did say I look and act just like her there. Amelia said with a sad chuckle.
Mal that's enough give it back to her. Evie said Mal rolled her and let Amelia go then shoved the ship into her hands. Amelia bared her teeth at Mal and put the ship down before sitting on her bed. Die, suckers! Jay, come check this thing out. Man, It's awesome. Carlos said Amelia looked at him. Jay walked over to him and started to play the game. Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for? Mal said Carlos Evie and Amelia looked at her. Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah. Jay said Amelia got off her bed.
Everyone laughed. Ok, that was a little funny. Fairy Godmother said chuckling.
So that's why you wanted to know where the waned is. Amelia said everyone looked at her. Don't tell me you guys forget that I was here. Amelia said everyone was quiet. Ouch. Amelia said then sat back down.
Been there. Carlos said Amelia nodded.
This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah? Mal said looking at them. Yeah. They all said.
I thought you didn't want to steal the wand. Ruby asked Amelia looked at her. I didn't at first. The only reason I was going to help would be so all the innocent people could be free. I wanted my dad to be able to be a pirate again and go on afters with him. Amelia said everyone awwed she rolled her eyes.
I'm good. Amelia added at the end of her yeah.
A few people laughed. I try. Amelia said with a smile.
Evie, mirror me. Mal said Evie got up and walked over to Mal and sat down. Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand? Evie said trying her best to make it rhyme. There it is! Mal said pointing at the mirror Zoom out. Carlos said Amelia walked over and looked at the mirror. Well, that's pathetic if I ever saw it. Amelia said looking at the mirror then went and sat down on her bed and opened up her book.
Not going to lie it is really pathetic for a magic mirror. Evie said everyone nodded.
Magic mirror, not so close. Closer. Closer. Closer. Evie said Mal looked at Amelia and smirked. Well, you should know senes you lived with it all your life. Mal said referring to her dad.
Jack is a lot of things I don't care for, but he is not pathetic. Elizabeth said Will Henry Carina and Elliebath nodded.
Amelia took a knife out of her boot and through it not even looking. It landed on the wall behind Mal almost hitting her. She looked at Amelia. Do you have a problem? She asked Amelia put her book down and got up and walked over to the wall. Amelia pulled the knife out of the wall and put it back in her boot. Yeah. Just trying to eliminate it. Amelia said and went to stand by Carlos.
You two are really mean. Nāmaka Kaira said Mal and Amelia shrugged. It's the way of the isle. They said then turned to the screen.
Can I go back to my game? I'm on level three. He said awkwardly Amelia shrugged. Stop! It's in a museum. Do we know where that is? Mal asked Carlos pulled a computer out of nowhere and started to type. 2.3 Miles from here. Carlos said they all ran out of the room. Come on. Carlos! Mal yelled. That's when Amelia realized Carlos was not there. Coming! Carlos yelled and ran after them trying to put on his jacket.
Every time. Jay said with a chuckle.
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