They were outside and all stopped walking. Come on. Check your mirror. Mal said to Evie. Is my mascara smudged? Evie asked Amelia looked at the boys. She can't be serious can she, mates? Amelia asked the boys nodded she sighed.
I don't see why you don't like makeup. Evie said Amelia looked at her. I don't see how you could. Amelia said Evie nodded.
Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand? Mal said to Evie who was looking at herself in the mirror. Sure this way. Evie said. They walked around the building over to the front door and looked inside. That's your mother's spinning wheel? Jay asked Mal looking at the spinning wheel. Yeah, It's kinda dorky. Carlos said Amelia looked at it. Yeah more so than Doug. Amelia said Jay and Carlos snickered Evie glared at her.
Hay! Doug said Amelia looked back at him. Sorry, mate. Just to let you know I'm s little dorky too. Amelia said Dougd smiled and nodded.
Good one fish. Carlos said nudging Amelia rolled her eyes. It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary. Mal said to them then pulled out her spell book. "Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." Mal said but nothing happened. And nothing. Amelia said Jay and Carlos smirked. Impressive. Jay said looking at Mal. I got chills. Carlos said Amelia chuckled Mal had a look of annoyance on her face. Okay, you know what? "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." Mal read the man got up and pricked his finger on the dorky spinning wheel. Ooh! The man yawned and fell asleep on the ground. Not so dorky now. Mal said Amelia just shrugged.
Just like her mom! Queen Leah yelled standing up Mal stood up. I am not my mother! Mal yelled Queen Leah was mad. You are a liar stealing no good little twerp! Queen Leah yelled Mal was pissed. That is enough! Belle yelled everyone looked at her. Queen Leah, get out. Belle said in a firm voice Queen Leah opened her mouth to speak but Belle held up her hand. I don't want to hear it. Get. Belle said Queen Leah huffed and stormed out of the room. Everyone started to cheer! Thank you. Belle said sitting down. You are not your mom. Ben said kissing Mal on the forehead.
Huh? Mal said as she tried to open the door that was locked. Stand back. Jay said stepping back. "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick," Mal said and the door opened as Jay was going to kick it. Ahh! He yelled as he fell on his back they walked in. I could have picked that for you, mate. Amelia said walking in.
Everyone laughed. You're funny. Loonie said giggling Jay smiled. You can pick locks? Ben asked Amelia shrugged. It's not my strong suit, but yeah.
Coming? Mal said walking past Jay with a smirk. Come on, Jay. Carlos said trying to help Jay up. I'm good. Jay said shooing Carlos's hand away and stumbling to his feet. Yeah right. Amelia said he looked at her but kept walking. Just trying to help. Carlos said putting his hands up. Tell me about it mate. Amelia said we walked over to the man that was out cold on the floor the man moved.
That hurt. Jay said with a chuckle. Who would have thought that falling on cold hard ground could have hurt? Mal said Jay rolled his eyes.
Shh. Carlos Amelia! Mal yelled at them. Coming. Amelia and Carlos said then ran over to Mal. So close. Upstairs. Evie said as they walked up the stairs. Come on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up. Mal said to them running up the stairs. Ruching us much, mate. Amelia said Mal rolled her eyes.
A few people laughed.
Come on, guys. Almost there. Evie said then came to a stop and was looking at something. We stopped and turned to see what she was looking at. There in front of them were life-like wax figures of their parents.
We should have taken those down. Fairy Godmothers said the vks nodded. Sorry. Adam said looking over at the vks.
Mommy? Evie questioned looking at the wax figure of her mom. Killer. Jay said in a cold tone of voice looking at the wax figure of his dad. Amelia looked at him. What else did his dad do? she thought.
I don't even want to know. Eago said flapping his wings.
I will never forget mother's day again. Carlos said staring at his mom's wax figure. Amelia was leaning against the wall looking at a wax figure of her dad shooting Barboss. No. Amelia said under her breath so no one would hear. She knew her dad would never do something like this. But then again he never talked much about his life when he sailed the seven seas. She thought.
Weren't they enemies? Elliebath asked looking up at her mom who nodded. Yes, but they could get along. Carina said with a smile. I wonder how he is doing. Carina said Amelia looked back at her. He's doing well. Barboss might have been one of my dads' enemies but he was also one of his allies and ever scene they were put on the same rock together they have been nicer to each other Barboss even let me keep Jack when he saw how attached he was to me and has senes then become a friend of the family. Amelia said Carina smiled.
Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce. Let's go. Jay said bringing Amelia out of her thoughts. She shook her head and looked up and followed Jay Evie and Carlos out of the room.
Wheres Mal? Hank asked.
♫ Look at you, look at me ♫ ♫ I don't know who to be ♫ ♫ Mother ♫ ♫ Is it wrong? Is it right? ♫ ♫ Be a thief in the night ♫ ♫ Mother ♫ ♫ Tell me what to do... ♫ Mal sang.
Everyone looked at her. You sing great. Ben said Mal blushed.
Mal. Come on. Evie said Mal looked at her and then at the the wax figure of her mom. The statue trued into Maleficent with a puff of green smoke. Don't be so serious, darling. I'm sorry. Maleficent said with a smile as Mal was shocked.
What? How? Adam asked Mal was just as shocked. I don't know. Mal said.
♫ I was once like you my child, slightly insecure ♫ Maleficent sang walking down the steps and sitting on the lege Mal sat next to her. ♫ Argued with my mother too thought I was mature ♫ Maleficent sang then kicked out her leg almost hitting Mal. ♫ But I put my heart aside, and I used my head ♫ Maleficent sang pointing to her horns. ♫ Now I think it's time you learned what dear old momma said ♫ Maleficent sang getting up and lightly flicking Mal on the head.
She is crazy. Audrey said Mal nodded.
♫ Don't you wanna be evil like me? ♫ Maleficent sang walking down the stairs. ♫ Don't you wanna be mean? ♫ Maleficent sang well taking the scepter and spinning it. ♫ Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine? ♫ Maleficent sang walking around the scepter well Mal looked at her. ♫ Well, you can spend your life attending to the poor ♫ ♫ But when you're evil doing less is doing more ♫ Maleficent sang tossing the scepter from one hand to the other.
What's wrong with helping people? Ben asked everyone facepalmed. Villains don't help people. Evie and Carlos said at the same time.
♫ Don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad? ♫ Maleficent sang walking away from Mal. ♫ Don't you wanna be very very good at being bad? ♫Maleficent sang twirling her scepter and then pointed it at Mal.
She is really good at that. Carlos said everyone nodded.
♫ I have tried my whole life long to do the worst I can ♫ Maleficent sang walking over to Mal and sitting next to her. ♫ Clawed my way to victory built my master plan ♫ Maleficent sang standing up and grabbing the scepter. ♫ Now the time has come my dear for you to take your place ♫ Maleficent sang then slammed the bottom of the scepter down near Mal making her gasp.
That was a little close. Mal said with a chuckle.
♫ Promise me you'll try to be an absolute disgrace ♫ Maleficent sang Mal got up and Maleficent walked down to her before nudging her. ♫ Don't you wanna be evil like me don't you wanna be cruel ♫ Maleficent sang holding the scepter and dancing.
Does she do this as a hobby? Cassidy asked Mal nodded. She loves to sing and even had me join her a few times it was fun. Mal said with a smile.
♫ Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool ♫ Maleficent sang well dancing by Mal. ♫ And when you grab that wand that's when your reign begins ♫ Maleficent sang tossing Mal the scepter Mal smiled.
That was the first time she ever let me hold the scepter. Mal said with a smile. She doesn't seem to be that bad of a mom. Aurora said Mal looked back at her. Most of the time she isn't but every now and then she can be nice. Mal said with a frown.
♫ Who wants an evil queen without a sack of sin ♫ Maleficent sang and clapped her hands together and Mal tossed her the scepter and she caught it with her right hand. ♫ Don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone ♫ Maleficent sang them and licked the scepter.
Gross! Everyone said at once. Why did she do that?! Audrey asked Mal looked at her. I don't know. She is just crazy that's why. Mal said Amelia chuckled. More than my dad ad that's saying something. Amelia said everyone nodded.
♫ Don't you wanna be finger lickin' evil to the bone ♫ ♫ This is not for us to ponder this was pre-ordained ♫ Maleficent sang floating up and the room had blue fire around it.
She is good at that. Philip said.
♫ You and I shall rule together freedom soon regained ♫ Maleficent sang floating from one side of the room to the other. ♫ Mistress of the universe powerful and strong ♫ Maleficent sang floating down and laded by Mal. ♫ Daughter, hear me, help me, join me won't you sing along ♫ Maleficent sang floating Mal smiled and walked over with her mom. ♫ Now we're gonna be evil it's true never gonna think twice ♫ Maleficent and Mal sang well holding on to the scepter. ♫
I'm glad you didn't steal the wand. Ben said Mal smiled. So, am I.
And we're gonna be spiteful ♫ Mal sang pulling on the scepter. ♫ Yes spiteful that's nice ♫ Maleficent sang pulling on the scepter them pointing to Mal before taking the scepter out of Mal's hands. ♫ In just an hour or two our futures safe and sure ♫ Maleficent sang as she and Mal walked in a circle and then stopped. Maleficent held out the scepter and Mal gabed onto it. ♫ This mother daughter act is going out on tour ♫ Maleficent sang as she and Mal walked up the stairs. Maleficent let Mal have the scepter. ♫ If you wanna be evil and awful and free ♫ Maleficent sang helping Mal down the stairs and taking the scepter back. ♫ Then you should thank your lucky stars that you were born the girl you are ♫ Maleficent sang as she pointed the scepter at Mal who walked down the stairs. ♫ The daughter of an evilicious queen like me ♫ Maleficent sang floating up into the air and laughing as a green light surrounded her turning her back to a wax figure.
Not going to lie she is a good singer. Ben said everyone nodded. Why better them my mom. Carlos said with a smile. You think your moms signing is bad? My moms voice killed people. Amelia said a few people stared to laugh. I don't get what it is with Moms trying to tell you they know best. Ruby said eating some popcorn Rapunzel nodded. What does evilicious mean? Adam asked Mal looked at him. I don't know. I think it means to be really evil. People on the isle like to make up words a lot. Mal said Adam nodded.
They were walking behind Evie then stopped at a room that said hoistory of fairy magic. They walked in and there it was there's the wand. Wait where's Mal. Carlos asked looking around. I thought she was right behind us. Jay said Amelia looked at him. Guess again, mate. Amelia said Carlos chuckled.
Alwse making jokes. Jay said Amelia smiled.
I will go get her. Evie said then walked out of the room. Hey, I found the wand. Let's go. Evie said Mal looked at her and followed. Here it is. Evie said to Mal well pointing at the wand. About time you showed up, mate. Amelia said Mal rolled her eyes. Whoo! Jay said jumping up onto the rail that was around the wand. Jay, don't! Wait, no! No! Don't! Ah! Mal screamed at Jay but he just smirked at her and went to grab the wand when he did he got blasted backward and fell to the ground as a loud alarm went off.
Amateur. Eugene said with a chuckle. Give the kid a break. He didn't know about the force field. I would have made the same mistake. Aladdin said Jay smiled.
They put our hands over our ears. A force field and a siren? Carlos sad Amelia glared at him. He knows she is part siren. Sorry. He mouths to her she nodded.
You two could be related. Bella said they looked at each other. Um, my hair is white and hers is blonde. Carlos said Amelia shapeshifted to have black and white hair. Now we could be. Amelia said Carlos looked at her and laughed. You look funny. He said she rolled her eyes. No more than you, mate. Amelia said turning back to normal.
That's just a little excessive. Jay said getting up and putting his hands over his ears. Let's go! Mal yelled they ran out of the room and down the hall. Hurry. Evie said running down the stairs. Come on. Mal said as they ran out the door. The phone was ringing Carlos picked it up. Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm. It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus. Carlos said to the man on the phone and hung up. Carlos! Mal yelled at him he ran out after them. You're welcome. Carlos said well running. Thank you. Amelia said he rolled his eyes. Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow. Mal said as sarcastically as possible.
Everyone laughed. How did you know what to do? Bhavisya asked Carlos looked at him. I'm psychic. Carlos said Bhavisyawas shocked. Really?! Bhavisya asked Carlos chuckled. No. When Mal called me I saw that there were blueprints for a new piece for the security system. Carlos said with a smile.
Amelia woke up and the boys are still asleep. She head to the bathroom and get ready. You got to be kidding me it's seven thirty and they're still sleeping. Amelia said to herself. Wake up!!. Amelia yelled at them.
You two can sleep. Mal said with a chuckle. Well, we were up till one playing video games. Jay said with a chuckle. Do you three ever sleep? Evie asked they looked at each other. Not much. They said at the same time Evie facepalmed. Boys. Evie muttered then Amelia throw Popcorn at her. Evie looked up at Amelia. And girl. Amelia said her hands on her hip.
Amelia start banging pots and pans, and they still did not wake up. All right that's it. Amelia said, she shape-shifted into Cruella de Vil. Carlos!!! Amelia yelled, and he fell out of bed. Yes, mommy. He said in a timed voice well getting off the floor. Amelia started to laugh, then I changed back to normal.
Everyone was laughing. You're adorable when scared. Jane said too busy laughing to realize what she just said Carlos blushed a little.
That is not funny. He said little mad well crossing his arms. Yes, it is, mate, now watch this. Amelia said to him, she then turn into Jafar. How snake-like I can be! Amelia yelled and immediately turned back to normal, Jay jumped out of his bed. Wait what? Jay said looking around, Amelia and Carlos started to laugh. That is funny! Carlos said. Told you, mate. Amelia said to Carlos well still laughing. Ha ha ha real funny. Jay said well rolling his eyes. Ok, guys am going to the cafeteria. You two come down when you are ready. Amelia said then walked out the door.
You three are like kids. Firey Godmother said with a chuckle. We are. Amelia and Carlos said at the same time. Try having to live with them. Jay said pointing to Amelia and Carlos. You're just mad that we had to dump ice water on you to wake you up. Carlos said Amelia faceplmed. And you are never doing that again. Jay said in a firm voice they nodded. Yeah, being stuck in closets for twenty four hours with fish breath is just awful. Carlos said pointing to Amelia who rolled her eyes. Said the guy who smelled like dog. Amelia muttered. Isn't that child abuse? Evie asked Amelia and Carlos nodded well Jay shook his head. Brake it up. Mal said they all stopped and looked back at the screen.
Amelia walked into the cafeteria. Oh, hay Amelia over here! Evie yelled well waving her arms in the air. Amelia walk over to where they were sitting and sat down. So where are the boys? Evie asked her. Oh, they slept in so I woke them up. Amelia said smirking. How did you do that? Evie asked again. I scared them, mate plain and simple. Amelia said Evie nodded. Impressive. Evie said with a simile. The boys walked in and sat down. Hay Mal, how come you guys want to steal the wand? Amelia asked Mal looked at her. To free the isle, why? She asked looking Amelia in the eye. I want to help you guys. Amelia said looking at them.
I thought you said you didn't want to help. Hank said Amelia sighed. I did and I didn't. Like I said I only wanted to get my dad off of that rock. Amelia said Hank nodded.
Of course, you can help. Evie said to Amelia well hugging her. What? Evie no! Mal said to Evie with a stern look on her face. Oh, come on I mean she already knows, and besides the more the merrier. Evie said well giving Mal puppy dog eyes. Argh, fine Evie don't do that to me ever again. Mal said then looked at Amelia. So kid what can you do? She asked her. Excuse me? Amelia said confused. She means what can you do like your talents? Carlos says to her. Oh, you mean what I can do like steal not much but this. Amelia said to Mal well holding up Jay's wallet. What how when?! Jay said as he checked his pockets. Last night. Amelia said as she throw Jay's wallet at his chest and he puts it in his pocket.
How did you do that? Elliebath asked shocked. I can never pickpocket without getting caught. Elliebath said Amelia looked at the girl. A lot of practice. Amelia said Elliebath nodded.
Impressive kid what else? Mal asked Amelia smirked. Oh you know the usual fencing picking pockets deceiving and coning people master escape artists, that sort of thing. Amelia said with a smirk. Ok, you are in! Mal said. Well, when you're the kid of Captain Jack Sparrow you're bound to impress. Amelia said smirking, then the bell rang they got up dumped are treys, and went to class.
You really are his kid. Carina said with a chuckle.
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