Where can she be? Fairy godmother asked as she regrouped with the others. I don't know. Carlos and Jay said. Hay Evie uses your mirror. Mal said to Evie. Mirror, mirror, in my hand, is Amelia in this land? Evie asked her mirror, and the snitch of a mirror showed Amelia on the roof above her Carlos and Jay's dorm, everyone looked at Carlos. Wait why me? Carlos asked looking around. Dude, she's your friend. Jay said to Carlos with a chuckle. Ugh fine, I will go on the roof. Carlos said as he walked away and somehow he was able to get on the roof and was standing behind Amelia. Amelia was sitting down looking out at the isle. What are you doing up here and how did you find me? Amelia asked him without turning to face him.
I hate that mirror. Amelia muttered.
I could ask you the same question. He said walking over to sit next to her. I asked you first. Amelia said to him. Fair enough. He said smiling. So why are you here, mate? Amelia asked bluntly. Wall, you freaked out and left so we came to find you. He said to her. Why would you guys do that? Amelia asked him not moving to look at him. Because you're our friend. He said to her with a smile. And that's a problem. Amelia said facing him. Wait what? He asked shocked. I'm a danger I hurt him what if I hurt you or them or anyone else? You guys are a part of my pack I don't want to hurt you. Amelia said with a sigh. And that's why I have to go back. Amelia said looking down at her feet.
Good, you should go back! Chad yelled Amelia rolled her eyes and turned to face him. Run. Amelia said then made a fireball Chad got up and ran out of the room and Amelia stopped the flame. Let's see how long it will take for him to grow a brain and realizes I didn't care enough to chase him. Amelia said everyone laughed. We will be waiting a long time. Cassidy said laughing.
You are not a danger you are kind nice and caring. He said to her moving a piece of her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. And besides Chad was asking for it when he messed with you. He said as he nudged Amelia making her laugh. Thanks, Carlos. So how is Chad? Amelia asked looking at him. His left arm is broken, and he has a mild concussion so he says, the nurse said it was just a headache. Carlos said well rolling his eyes Amelia chuckled.
You are weak. Amelia said looking at Chad who had come back.
Hay Amelia Evie and Fairy godmother think they know why you have powers. Carlos said. Whit seriously?! Amelia asked him she looked him in the eye to see if he was joking he wasn't. Yeah so apparently you're mom is some kind of sea god which makes you a demigod. He said with a chuckle. Well, that's something. Amelia said shocked. Yeah, tell me about it. Carlos said to her. So mate how did you find me? Amelia asked looking him in the eye. Evie used her mirror. Remind me to break that thing. Amelia muttered Carlos chuckled.
You are not breaking my mirror. Evie said holding the mirror close. Don't give me a reason to. Amelia said with a smile.
So... um... can we get down now. He said a little fear in his voice. Don't tell me you're afraid of heights. Amelia said and nudged him playfully. I am not afraid of heights I'm afraid of falling from them. He said straightening himself up and acting like an idiot Amelia laughed.
A few people laughed. I can see why you like him. Lonnie whispered to Jane making her blush. I never told you that. Jaen said quietly Lonnie smirked. Your diary did. Lonnie said Jane turned deep red. Well, that's fine. Jane said with a smile Lonnie looked at her. Really? Lonne asked Jane smirked. Yeah, because I read yours. Jay, who knew? Jane said her smirk getting bigger Lonnie blushed beep read. Karma can be a bitch. Jane said well eating some popcorn.
Ok, we can get down. Amelia said, as they got up Carlos went to the ladder, Amelia went to the edge of the roof turned into an eagle, and flew down and turned back to normal. Why did you not use the ladder? Evie asked her. Ladders are for wussy and Amelia is no wussy. Jay said to Evie with a grin. Well, I guess that explains why you broke your foot when you decided to jump off a ten-foot-high roof. Mal said to Jay well smirking. They all laugh except for Jay. Amelia fist-bumped Mal and thye go to lunch.
Everyone laughed. It was stupid you don't need to rub it in. Jay said Mal nudged him. Yeah, I do.
Hey, guys. How is everyone? Yeah? Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Ok, Elsa. Amelia said in her head well Ben rambled on.
Elsa. Carlos said between fake coughs making everyone laugh. I was going to say that. Amelia muttered.
Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay I have to go. I'll see you guys later. Ben said to them, then left. Easy for him to say, he did not black out for two hours and then find out that he's a demigod. Amelia said they all laughed. Listen, Evie, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just... Doug said to Evie. Doug! Chad yelled. it's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry. Evie said to Doug. No, It's mine. Doug said to Evie. Doug! What? Chad yelled. Doug... Evie said to him. Sorry, I can't. Okay. Doug said to Evie then want to sit with Chad. Evie truned to face me. You couldn't have finished him off when you got the chance. Evie said to Amelia in a voice so cold it sent a shiver down her spine.
Evie got dark. Bhavisya said Ava nodded.
If I could without getting sent back to the isle I would, mate. Amelia said to her, and they all laughed. How long does she think that's gonna last? Mal is just the bad girl infatuation, and that Amelia is a monster. Audrey said making sure to get close enough to Amelia so she would hear, her eyes glowed gold she turned to get up but Carlos grabbed her by her right wrist and shook his head no, she sat back down with a huff crossed her arms, and rolled her eyes. I just want to shut her up with a quick punch. Amelia muttered Jay giggled.
I would have let you. Jay said Amelia smiled. Audrey. Aurora said Audrey sighed. I'm sorry.
Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen. Jane said to Audrey which shocked them especially Carlos it was obvious he had a crush on her. Mal got up. Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair. Mal said as she read a page out of her spell book. Jane screamed boldly murder. Ew! Chad said mocking the fairy.
Chad. Cinderella said Chad sighed. Two more weeks. Cinderella said Chad groaned. I'm sorry I said that to you guys. I don't even know why I said that. Jane said looking down. You just wanted them to like you, I get it. I used to do the same thing back on the isle. Mal said Jane looked up at her. Really? Jane asked Mal nodded. Yeah, well, I was evil I wasn't as evil as I pretend to be.
There's a lot more where that came from. Mal said. Excuse me, who do you think you are? Audrey said to Mal getting too close. Do I look like I'm kidding? Mal said as she filled through her spell book everyone ran away screaming. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Let's grab that wand and blow this Popsicle stand. Mal said to them as they walked away.
At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all. Snow White said. "I'm snow white."The Evil Queen mocked. Who are you kidding? She's had definitely work done. The Evil Queen said.
I didn't! Snow White said a little mad. The fact that she can still get to you after all these years is sad. Amelia said eating some popcorn.
Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair? And there is Fairy Godmother's wand. Snow White said.
I am sorry I said that. Snow White said Jane nodded.
I want that wand! Maleficent said leaning closer to the tv. Do you? Hadn't heard. Cruella said to Maleficent.
Carlos chuckled. Well, his mom was crazy she was funny.
You wouldn't mind if I sit here. Jack said as he sit in between Evil Queen and Maleficent, with a bottle of rum. Oh, and here comes Ben now. Snow White said. Well, If it isn't... Evil Queen said. My daughter. Looking like some kind of... Maleficent said. Princess! Now, let's see who this beauty is wearing. Evie. Maleficent was cut off by Evil Queen. Evie! That's my dau... Evie! Evil Queen said. Someone named Evie designed her gown. Snow White said. That's my daughter! Evil Queen said excited. Oh, wow. She sewed a dress. Meanwhile, my girl duped a prince, and she's this close to grabbing the magic wand. Maleficent said to Evil Queen.
That's what you think. Kaira said in a sing-song voice. Don't remind me. Jane said looking down
Bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one. Evil Queen said. Jack just laughed and took a sip of rum. It's happening, people! It's happening! I say, gird your loins! Gird your loins! Villains, our revenge begins today. Maleficent said.
What is wrong with them? Ben asked Mal shrugged.
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