♫ Be... our... guest! ♫♫ Be our guest! ♫♫ Put our service to the test ♫♫ Tie your napkin round your neck, Cherie ♫♫ And we'll provide the rest ♫♫ Soup du jour ♫♫ Hot hors d'oeuvres ♫♫ Why we only live to serve ♫♫ Try the grey stuff ♫♫ It's delicious! ♫♫ Don't believe me? ♫♫ Ask the dishes ♫♫ They can sing! ♫♫ They can dance! ♫♫ After all, Miss, this is France! ♫♫ And the dinner here is never second best! ♫♫ Go on, unfold your menu ♫♫ Take a glance and then you'll ♫♫ Be our guest ♫♫ Oui, our guest ♫♫ Be our guest! ♫♫ We tell jokes, ♫♫ I do tricks! ♫♫ With my fellow candlesticks ♫♫ And it's all in perfect taste ♫♫ That you can bet ♫♫ Come on and lift your glass ♫♫ You've won your free pass ♫♫ To be our guest ♫♫ If you're stressed ♫♫ It's fine dining we suggest! ♫♫ Be our guest! ♫♫ Be our guest! ♫♫ Be our guest! ♫Oh... That was so lovely! Belle said to Ben well clapping.
It really was. Adam said Ben smiled.
Wa... mm. Jay and Carlos said wall stuffing their faces at the chocolate fountain. Ready? The cameraman asked. Oh, by the way, I have a new girlfriend. Ben said to his mom and dad. Oh! Adam said. Yeah. Ben said. Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up. Belle said through her teeth.
Wow! Savage Belle. Kaira said laughing. I'm sorry I said that Audrey. Belle said looking at Audrey who nodded.
Do we know your new girlfriend? Adam asked Ben. On the count of three. One, two... The cameraman started to count down. Well, sort of. Mal! Ben said. I gotta go, okay? Mal said to us. Three! The camera said. Huh? Belle said with a shocked face. Mal? Mal. Ben said. Uh... Belle said. I wanna introduce you to my parents. Ben said to Mal. Ben. Mal said to him. This is Mal. From the island. Ben said to his mom and dad. Mm... Belle said. My girlfriend. Ben said. Hi. Belle said. Hi. Mal said. I was thinking maybe she can join us for lunch. Ben asked his mom and dad.
This is so awkward it hurts. Lonnie said with a chuckle. I have seen worse hanging out with them. Amelia said pointing to the boys. Hay! They yelled she looked at them. Yes? Ameli asked with a smile. Cool it. Evie said they huffed. You three just love to fight. Mal said Amelia nodded.
Of... course. Any friend of Ben's... Adam said then got cut off by Mal. Um, I actually came with my friends. Mal said looking down. Well, you should invite them. Because the more the merrier! Belle said to Mal. Yeah, I'll go grab them. Mal said smiling. Uh, how about a game of croquet before lunch? Adam asked Ben and Mal. Huh? Of course. Mal said confused. Game on. Ben said smiling and fist bumping the air. Game on. Adam said do the same as Ben. Have you played before? Ben asked looking at Mal. No. Mal said to Ben looking down. You'll be fine. Ben said to her.
What is croquet anyway? Evie asked Ben looked over at her. You just use a hammer to hit a ball under a stick. Ben said Evie nodded.
Whoa. Belle said as Mal and Ben walked off. Come on, dude. Carlos said. Here, stand up. Ben said to Mal trying to help her. Come on, dude. Carlos said to Dude. Stand here. Mal asked Ben changing her stance. Hey, get them! Hey, get them! Carlos said as he was playing with Dude. I can't believe I used to be scared of these little cuties. Amelia said to Carlos, as she pet Dude. Me neither. Carlos said, then started to pet Dude. Nice! Jay said to Mal as she hit the ball. Hello there. Queen Leah said to Mal. Hi. Mal said. Now, have we met? Queen Leah asked Mal trying to remember.
Here we go again. Mal muttered.
No, I don't think so. I'm new. I'm sort of like a... Transfer student. Mal said to Queen Leah. Oh, yes. Queen Leah said with a smile. Grammy. Audrey said as she ran up to Queen Leah and hugged her. Oh, Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss, dear. Queen Leah said to Audrey. Audrey kissed her grandmother on the cheek. "Grammy"? Mal said confused. Sleeping Beauty's mother. Grammy, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap. Audrey said to Queen Leah. What? You! How are you here? And how have you stayed so young? Queen Leah asked Mal but scared and mad.
Bucket head. Amelia muttered Carlos chuckled. What does that mean? Carlos asked she looked at him. I don't really know. Amelia said with a chuckle.
The four of them walked over to see what is going on. Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance? Ben said to Queen Leah as he was standing by Mal. A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you? The poison apples. And the spells. Spells. My daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all! You mustn't trust her. Queen Leah said to Ben pointing at Mal.
Um, you could have had her for the first 16 years, but whatever your stupid decision, not mine. Mal said Queen Leah looked pissed. Yes! You tell her! Caissdy yelled well laughing. Yeah! Elliebath yelled laughing.
I'm so so... Mal was trying to apologize when she was cut off by Chad. Go away! Stay away from her! Chad yelled at them.
And that is a one way ticket to me kicking your ass. Amelia said eating a handful of popcorn.
Don't do this, Chad. Ben said to Chad. What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh. You stole another girl's boyfriend. Chad said pointing at Mal. Hey, hey! Ben said stepping closer to Chad. Oh. You enjoy hurting people. Chad said pointing to Jay. And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater. Chad said to Evie.
Said the prince who had a perfect childhood and yet still atcs more like a villain than all five of us pot together. Mal said with a smirk. You are still the kid of a villain I am much better. Chad said sticking his nose up in the air. If this is nice is I would rather be back on the isle with my mom. Carlos said with a shutter. You must be the worst thing senes the plague if he wants to go back to his mom. Jay said everyone looked at Carlos who nodded. She is crazy!
Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land? Evie asked the mirror then put it up in Chad's face and it showed him. What? Come on! Chad said pushing the mirror to of his face. Back off, Chad. All right? Back off! Jay told Chad well pushing him. The mirror don't lie mate. Amelia said to Chad with a smirk which made him mad. Evie was about to spray him with the potion but he knocked it out of her hand, then he pointed at me. And you are nothing but a lying stealing cheating filthy bloody pirate! He yelled at Amelia.
You went to far calling her a bloody pirate! Elliebath yelled at Chad well throwing popcorn at him. We will be good friends. Amelia said to Elliebath with a smile,
All right that's it I have had enough of you and your attitude! You can insult me all you want but never and I mean never my friends!!! Amelia said as she walked up to him, then her eyes start to glow gold and a black mist surrounds her she don't look away she kept glaring at Chad, then the mist settled, she was on the ground she get up and spread out her wings and flew up.
You look like a badass. Lonnie said Amelia smiled. I guess I do.
People were screaming and running away she could hear her friends screaming at her to stop she didn't listen, Amelia surrounded Chad in a ring of fire before he could run, and she use the wind to bring him up to her level, a huge vine erupted from the ground and started too slowly wrapping around him, he was shaking with fear.
Weak. Amelia muttered. What a wuss. Jay said Carlos nodded. Even I'm not that much of a scaredy cat. Carlos said Mal nodded.
Are you going to apologize to my friends!? Amelia asked him in a menacing voice. He shook his head too scared to talk. Wrong answer, mate. Amelia said then had the vine swing him around with him screaming, the vine let go and flung him, through a cloud of black magic, and he hit the ground hard, and he balked out.
A few people started to clap. You are now all my allies. Amelia said with a grin.
Amelia turned around she could see her friends waving their hands in the air and screaming her name she felt dizzy and put her right hand to her head, her hearing was going in and out so was her vision started to blur it was like a bad hangover she was trying to stay awake but she couldn't she slipped in and out until she blacked out and started to fall, as she was falling a white mist surrounded her, and she turned back to normal with just a black strand of hair left, Jay caught her before she hit the ground.
That's why you would wear the gloves. Jay said Amelia nodded. Thank you. Amelia said turning to Jay he nodded. I wasn't going to let you hit the ground falling from the high. Jay said Carlos nodded.
Chad! Chad? Chad! Amelia did something to Chad! Audrey yelled wall slapping his cheek trying to wake him up. Wake up. Check if he's okay. Lonnie said to Audrey. Come on, Mal. Evie said to Mal well walking away. Guys! Ben said to everyone but Amelia because she is unconscious. Jay! Mal said to Jay. Jay went with Mal. Chad, wake up! Lonnie said. Come on, Chad. Doug said.
Wait. So, after him being a total jerk and getting a good dose of karma you two still helped him? Amelia said looking back at Lonnie and Doug who nodded. Going back I would have helped you. Lonnie said Amelia smiled. Me too. Doug said looking up. Thanks, mates.
I feared something like this would happen. Adam said to Ben. This isn't their fault! Ben said to his dad. No, son. It's yours. Adam said to Ben. Mom? Ben said to his mom in hope of some support. But she said nothing. Adam and Belle walked away leaving Ben, the school nurse came to get Chad to the school infirmary.
Wow! So, he tries to give them a better life and gets in trouble because Chad was a jerk, and they were just standing up for themselves? Man, this item is broken and racist. Nāmaka said Kaira and Ruby nodded. Everyone looked over at Adam.
At Mal and Evie's dorm. What did you not tell us she has powers? Mal yelled at Carlos who was sitting on Evie's bed. Did she have them on the isle? Evie asked Carlos in a calm voice sitting next to him. What other powers does she have? Jay yelled at Carlos who crossed his arms.
You three are crazy. Ruby said well giggling.
She told me not to tell you guys, yes, she had powers on the isle, and she controls the elements she can also talk to animals and shape-shift hypnotize people, and well that whole turning into a demon thing is new. Carlos said to them without taking a breath. Well, that does not explain why she has powers I mean her dad is a normal human, ok maybe not normal but still, a human. Mal said to Carlos with a chuckle when she said normal.
You have a point there, mate. Amelia said Mal nodded.
Well her mom was a siren. Carlos said to Mal looking down preparing for more yelling. Of course! Her mom was a siren. Evie said standing up and snapping her fingers. Yeah, he just said that. Jay said. No, what I mean is that sirens are the daughters of Poisoned the greek god of the seas, and Amphitrite, and sisters of Triton the king of Atlantic which are gods which would make her a demigod. Evie said with a smile.
You think faster than you talk. Mal said Evie rolled her eyes. So we are related. Hank and Melody said at the same time Amelia nodded. Yeah, anyone related to mermaids or the gods is related to me. Amelia said everyone was shocked. As if the family tree wasn't confusing enough already. Jason muttered.
A god! Mal Jay Carlos said at the same time. Demigod don't overreact. Evie said with a smile. Well, at least it makes sense now. Jay said sitting back down on Mal's bed. Well, I am going to go check on Amelia. Carlos said getting up and leaving. She's unconscious. Mal said to Carlos before he shut the door.
How many times have you helped me when I was unconscious? Carlos asked Amelia looked at him. Two, the first when we met and the second when I knocked you out when playing the video game.
Amelia was still asleep on Carlos's bed by the window. Carlos was sitting in a chair reading her book with Dude lying down next to him on the floor.
What book is that? Evie asked looking at it. Pirate history. Amelia said with a smile.
The black strand of hair went back to its normal color and Amelia woke up and gasped. Oh good, you are awake you have been out for two hours. Carlos said getting up. What happened? Amelia asked him. Um... well... He said trying to speak. Wait I remember Chad... then... oh no! is he ok? Amelia asked Carlos in a panic.
Why would you care? Chad asked Amelia shrugged. Believe it or not. I can be really nice and only violent when pushed too far. Amelia said Chad rolled his eyes.
Well, he is in the school infirmary. Carlos said. Amelia tried to get up but she was too frail and fall on the floor. Are you ok? Carlos asked walking towards her, she scrambled back to the window. Stay away from me! Stay away! Just stay away! Amelia yelled at him as she backed up to the open window.
You didn't want to hurt me> Carlos said looking at Amelia who nodded. I also tried to keep my powers under control, I wore the gloves so I would be less likely to hurt someone. After I attacked Chad and lost my gloves I didn't want you to come near me, and get hurt. Amelia said looking down Elsa frowned. She had gone throw the same thing with her powers when she was younger which led her to isolate herself from her friends and family.
Amelia jumped out the window and turned into an eagle and flew off Carlos ran to the window and looked out Amelia was nowhere in sight, Carlos ran out of the room and dashed down the hall running past other students until he came to a stop where Mal Evie Jay and the Fairy Godmother were talking.
What were you guys talking about? Belle asked Fairy Godmother looked at her and smiled. We were talking about what happened and how we could help.
Amelia's gone! He said almost out of breath. What do you mean she's gone? Mal said to Carlos walking over to see if he is all right. She woke up and asked about Chad and if he was all right then she started to freak out, she turned into an eagle and flew out the window, that's how she's gone! He said to them. What do you mean freak out? Mal asked Carlos. She was yelling at me to stay away from her. Carlos said to Mal. Bibbidi-bobbidi oh no, we need to find her if we don't it could be dangerous. Fairy godmother said in shock.
I'm not that dangerous. Amelia muttered.
What do you mean by dangers? Jay asked Fairy godmother crossing his arms. Well after what happened I did a little research on her family history and what I found out was she is some kind of demigod. Fairy godmother said. We never would have guessed. Carlos said sarcastically well, rolling his eyes. We don't have time for this let's go. Evie said then ran off.
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