Chapter 1.
A single tear ran down the furry cheek of a lone wolf as it howled it's loss and griefs to the moon.
The howl echoed lightly throughout the entire mountains, making it seem as though there were still others of it's kind and it no longer felt so alone as it curled up into a ball on the ledge of a mountain top.
Soon drifting off to sleep.
Thus the wolf didn't notice the boy wobble out of the forest and onto the ledge until it herd a small thump.
It's ears and tail flicked in alert and the wolf lifted up it's head to witness the boy passed out just a few feet away.
Cautiously, it stood and stealthily made it's way towards the boy and cautiously sniffed him.
He smelt like a human, that much was obvious, but also of blood, sweat, dirt and tears.
The wolfs senses also noted that he was scared.
His head was a mop of brown hair and his eyes were closed. His mouth was slightly open, as he took sharp breaths in and out of the cold night air that made the tip of his nose turn red.
The wolf nudged him with it's nose but he only took a deeper breath in and out before letting out a small strangled sob.
This boy reminded Karma of herself.
Alone and broken.
Slowly, the wolf lowered itself down by the boy on the ground and enveloped him with it's warm body so the cold could no longer harm him.
Closing it's eyes it once again fell asleep.
Neither of the two were aware of this yet, but this was the begining of a great friendship.
The boy cuddled further more into the warmth he felt beside him.
Sensing the human was awakening, the wolf got up and left to hunt for food.
As it's paws thundered on the ground, making it disappear off into the woods, the boy shivered as the early morning cold air raked through his body.
He slowly opened his eyes to see a wolf in the distance.
Seeing a wolf was rare because of the fight between werewolves and men six years ago.
He reached for his pocket knife, only to remember that he had lost it in the woods when escaping from a bear.
He was defenseless.
Then vague memories came from last night.
The wolf had helped him.
But why?
He wondered many other things like this as he once again started to venture
If that's what you could call it.
His father refused to let him in until he managed to kill a large animal.
It was tradition among the humans to send they're 12 year old sons to kill a large animal to bring honor to they're family.
Elias had failed.
He was now 14 and had yet to kill a beast so his father told him:
"Until you kill a beast, you're no son of mine." And with that Jacob Stealth shut the door in the face of his only son; leaving him alone outside in the middle of winter.
After two years he finally broke.
He couldn't take it anymore...
"You're up" came a small voice as he approached a small cluster of trees.
He looked all around him but saw no one.
"Your ancestors were smarter" the same voice remarked, making his blood boil with anger.
"You know, anger doesn't help when you're trying to find someone or something. It clouds your mind and you can't think straight"
"Who are you!?"
"Someone who obviously has more experience than you do. Next time I won't keep you warm at night or you'll never learn to look out after yourself."
"You... But there was a... Wolf, not a... Where are you!?"
"Up here" Answered the voice as a small twig fell on his head.
Elias looked up to see a girl way up in a tree, sitting on a branch with ripped clothes that were obviously to small for her that seemed to be stained in red? He couldn't be sure though.
She was to far up to tell.
"Who are you?"
"That's classified information" she answered flatly and then took a bite of something she was eating.
"You're a hunter"
It sounded like an accusation as her voice was laced with hatred as she spoke that last word with hate.
Elias fidgeted with his hands a bit and looked down at the ground.
"I wish..." He muttered under his breath but Karma heard him.
Elias snapped his head back up once he heard leaves and twigs crunching and snapping in front of him where the girl had somehow landed.
But how in such a short time was beyond him.
As she stood up straight, he finally got a good look at her.
Long tangled auburn hair (who knows if she ever brushed it?), pointy nose, no older than twelve at first glance till you saw her eyes, grave, serious, wise and deadly yet bright with a hidden light; her bare arms revealed some muscle.
All in all, she had the body of a runner and a fighter and her tall figure gave off a sense of agility.
"Maybe it's a good thing not to be one."
It took Elias awhile to realize what she was talking about but when he did he glanced elsewhere, incapable if holding her strong gaze.
"Why are you?" He couldn't help but ask again.
The girl hesitated, unsure of what to say.
Then finally
"Karma. My name is Karma."
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