The Witch of The Woods
Shelby's Perspective-
I looked around, flying on my broom.
I was sent here to help people.
To prove that I could be a witch.
I passed over some villages.
One village full of color and llamas.
The other was full of animals. Frogs, pandas, bats, and foxes!
They were all very cute.
And I passed a village that was full of red, orange, and yellow.
There were also many bees there.
Each town was beautiful and had their own specialty.
I wanted to land and talk to each person who ran them, but I didn't have time.
I must find a forest to set up my hut before it gets dark.
So I kept on flying, looking for a spot.
It was getting dark, and I was getting nervous.
I was flying over a mangrove forest.
The trees were thick and there was some fog around.
But eventually, I found a clearing and landed.
This'll have to do. I thought as I looked around.
There was a river that led to the ocean and there was the perfect spot for my house to go.
I grabbed an axe and started chopping down some of the trees.
I collected the wood and got started on a little house.
Nothing fancy as I would probably make a new one tomorrow.
But as long as it would get me through tonight, it would do.
As I was building my house, I heard a ribbit.
I yelped and fell off of the wall.
I groaned as I rubbed my back, which fell onto the muddy ground.
I then looked around for what made the noise and saw a frog.
It was a white frog that was a bit bigger than my palm.
It tilted its head at me and ribbited again.
I sighed, "You can't scare me like that."
I got up and dusted off some of the mud that got on my outfit.
I then slowly crept over to the frog.
"I'm Shelby!" I greeted, smiling.
The frog blinked.
"I'm new here. I'm supposed to be a witch that helps everyone out!"
I set down my palm and the frog booped it before stepping on.
I smiled, "Every witch is supposed to have a familiar, which is like a pet. Do you wanna be mine?"
The frog croaked and I squealed.
"Great! I'm gonna call you Tortoise, you okay with that?"
Tortoise blinked and I smiled.
He then hopped up onto my hat and I giggled.
"Here," I said, lifting up my hat so he could go under it.
I felt him settle onto my head and I smiled.
"I need to finish up my house, but then we can sleep." I said continuing to build.
Eventually I finished and walked inside.
I stretched and yawned as I put down a bed.
I took off my hat and took Tortoise off my head.
I smiled as I saw that he was already asleep.
I then cuddled up in my blankets before falling asleep.
I didn't know how big this job would be.
Trying to be there for everyone as well as myself.
But hopefully I could pull it off and still be able to go to the academy.
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