Chapter 9
"Easy, love, easy. You've been unconscious for two days," Loki's sweet honeyed voice greeted you as you cracked your eyes open with a groan. You were tucked into your own bed and Loki was sitting in a chair next to it. He was still in human form, though it looked like he hadn't managed to ditch the cat ears or tail yet. They were still adorable.
"I forgot how much of a kick that godawful potion packs," you groaned as you tried to sit up. Loki moved instantly to help you sit against the pillows against the headboard. "Thanks," you said, suddenly awkward around the handsome man. The cat had been your friend and near constant companion, plus you knew cats well. The man? He was new and a unknown. Or he should have been? It was confusing since you felt like you already knew him so well.
He smirked and you suddenly felt on familiar terms again. "Well, you were mostly dead all day," he grinned, the joke lighting his bright green eyes. The tension eased and the awkwardness was gone. He was just as much your friend in human form as he'd been as a cat. He could just communicate easier this way. Also opposable thumbs were useful.
"Why did I let you watch The Princess Bride. I should've known better, snarky cat," you teased, laughing with him. You enjoyed the companionable laughter for a minute until his expression started to turn sad. "What is it, Lokitty?" you asked him softly. He was suddenly on the bed next to you, his arms wrapped firmly around you. You should have stiffened, should have been uncomfortable in such close proximity to what should have been a strange man, but he just... wasn't. He was your Lokitty no matter his form.
"You almost died," he finally said as your arms went around his slim waist, your head resting in a comfortable spot on his shoulder. His voice was soft, pained, afraid.
"I didn't, though. I'm alive and well. Or I will be in a couple of days. I have you to thank for that," you reminded him. You would have died without him there.
He hugged you tight. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," he told you firmly.
"I have no intentions. The emergencies only potion tastes like death and kicked like two teams of demented draft horses on speed. Not an experience I'd like to repeat." That got a chuckle out of him and he relaxed a little. You sighed. "I'm going to have to make another vial," you whined and he relaxed further at the familiarity. Enough that he could let you go, though he still sat next to you on the bed. "It's a pain in the ass to make. There's only one vial kept here at any given time, and it's only for that exact situation. Healing isn't my specialty, but I can do it..." it was comfortable talking with him about magic. You'd explained spells and potions to him for months.
"That potion is if you are too gravely injured," he finished your thought and you nodded. Anyone else they could get to you in time to heal. That potion was for if you were that bad off.
"You're still human-shaped," you commented innocently, impressed he hadn't hidden back as a cat, especially as it had been two days.
He sighed and looked put-upon, pouting when he answered "Yes, and it's been an awful two days, thanks for that," he whined, then steeled himself and said with...pride? his voice. "But I made a promise to a lady..."
"Why was it so awful?" you asked, knowing it was honor that had made him keep his word and not change back, no matter how much he'd wanted to.
He sighed again and looked sad enough that you were the one moving to wrap your arms around him, as if you could hug the broken pieces back together. "Thor has been supportive, of course. He's annoyingly delighted. But the others... they befriended the cat, forgetting that I'm me... they...they are having trouble accepting me in this form," he admitted with more vulnerability than you had expected from him. You held him and ran your fingers through his hair, scratching behind his cat ears. He moved back enough to look at you. "You don't seem affected like they are..." he commented too innocently.
You gave him a warm smile. "You're still my Lokitty no matter your form. Besides, I've seen this form before..." he gave you a look so you continued and explained how he'd turned back in his sleep one night. "You're still you, silly ball of mischief. The others will realize it soon. They're just not as smart as I am," you teased, just as you would have any other day. He stuck his tongue out at you in reply and you giggled, though it hurt. Gods, you were sore. You moved to get out of the bed. Loki tried to stop you, concerned. "I need a shower, clean pajamas, and food," you told him firmly. "And to go downstairs and see the others so they know I'm still alive," you added. He finally relented and helped you stand and get your balance. "Was it really that bad?" you asked him softly.
You saw the tears in his eyes as he turned and hugged you tightly to him instead of just supporting you while you steadied after two days of unconsciousness. "You nearly died. You were moments from death, love, if that. I thought I was going to lose you before I ever got the chance to really know you," he held you too tightly, as if he were afraid you would vanish if he didn't hold you. He held you for a minute before he finally relaxed, accepting that you were there and safe. He kissed the top of your head and you noted that he was taller than you, which wasn't a surprise, except that you couldn't reach the perfect spot between his cat ears to kiss from this angle. "Before I plucked up the courage to ask you on that date," he added softly, but with just a touch of mischief in his voice.
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