Chapter 77
Loki steadied you when the kiss ended and offered you his arm when you were steady. He was the perfect gentleman as ever, which was to be expected of one of the princes of the realm. You placed your hand lightly on his arm with a beaming smile up at your husband. It didn't seem real yet that after everything you'd been through together, that you were finally married.
Your familiars trotted at your heels as you made your way back down the aisle. The people of Asgard as well as your friends and new family clapped and cheered for your marriage. Loki may not have been the more popular of the two princes, but he was still royalty and this was a realms' wide event. There were diplomatic representatives here from multiple realms. Jotunheim wasn't represented as you all hadn't thought it a good idea to risk Loki's heritage being exposed to them. They wouldn't have wanted to come anyway unless they knew that Loki was their rightful king. The Avengers were acting as representatives from Midgard, which wasn't technically true as they couldn't really be considered diplomats, but no one was arguing that point.
You made your way to the feast hall where your wedding feast was set to begin. You and Loki had the seats of honor for the event, the main seats at the head table. It was strange and you didn't like taking Odin's and Frigga's usual places, but Frigga had insisted for the evening. At least it was only this evening. After this, you would go back to your usual places.
You stood by your seats as the guests entered the feast hall. Obviously, the entire realm couldn't fit, though you were sure most of them had been to the actual wedding. The reception would still be huge and it took forever for everyone to come in. The royal family joined you and Loki at the head table. Sif's place was next to Thor that night as the pair were flirting heavily. You weren't sure if they'd officially acknowledged that they were seeing each other, but they were definitely courting and you had the feeling the wedding festivities were getting to them.
Finally, all the guests had arrived and Loki could start the feast. It was a high honor for the prince, as it was usually Odin's job to start all feasts. He banged gungnir and announced the start of the feast, so proud of himself and how far he'd come from the sulking cat you had met.
You all took your seats and the courses and courses of feast began. There was so much food, so much mead, and so, so very many people constantly coming up to your table to congratulate you. Sif and the Avengers including Thor finally had to intervene and keep the guests away for a few minutes so you and Loki could eat.
There was dancing and music and the whole night was perfect, despite how drunk you were by the end of it. You and Loki had to share a cup of mead from a ceremonial chalice as an Asgardian tradition, cut the first slice of wedding cake as a Midgardian tradition. You tried to mix your cultures together in the celebration.
At least until Thor strode up to you with a very drunk smirk, holding Mjolnir in one hand. "It is time to bestow my blessing upon the new couple," he announced and set Mjolnir on your lap to cheers from the crowd. You knew it was tradition for Thor, the god of fertility, to be called upon to bless the bride at weddings. Either Mjolnir itself, when Thor was on the realm, or a replica of it, to ask for fertility in the marriage.
"Alright, you oaf. You bestowed your blessing, now please remove your hammer from my wife," Loki grumbled when it had gone on too long for his liking. Thor laughed and finally removed Mjolnir. Only for him and his idiot friends to lift you and Loki, chairs included, to carry you to Loki's suite.
It was another Asgardian tradition. The bride and groom were carried to the marriage suite to 'prove' that the wedding was consummated. In the olden days, the couple would sometimes be watched as the wedding was consummated. Luckily, that was no longer the case and you and Loki were trusted to perform your duty that evening.
As if you minded in the slightest.
It was embarrassing to be paraded through the palace on the shoulders of Thor and his idiot friends, but you laughed and tried to pretend that it wasn't as terrible as it felt.
Autumn and Fenna would be spending the night with Frigga. They generally stayed out of the way when you and Loki were... occupied, but you hadn't wanted them to get trampled in the parade on the way to your suite. So Frigga promised to look after them. As you were being paraded away, you saw her sneaking them more scraps from the table.
The group paraded you and Loki loudly through the halls. You gripped Loki's hand, knowing he hated this as much as you did. Thankfully, you were drunk enough that you didn't actively care too much.
Thor made sure you were set down carefully on your feet and opened Loki's suite door. He shoved you both inside, laughing. Loki flipped him off for it, but they were both laughing, so you knew he didn't mean it.
"Go away, Thor, and take your idiot friends with you. We're busy," Loki told his brother.
"You better be," Thor grinned and promptly had the door slammed in his face and Loki's shields activated, keeping everyone out and from eavesdropping.
Loki pulled you into his arms and kissed you deeply. "We survived the wedding," you told him breathlessly when the kiss broke.
"Yes, my dear. And now, we are going to have a wonderful end to our evening," he purred seductively. He gave you a moment to consider. Even on his wedding night, he would honor your right to revoke consent.
You had no intention of doing that.
Your lips were locked as Loki backed you into his bedroom so you could celebrate your wedding night together.
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