Chapter 75
Loki and Thor worked for the rest of the evening on managing the spells. The three of you had to explain the situation to the team the next day. Thor and Loki had to be put on light duty while they dealt with the godly responsibilities.
You didn't see much of Loki in the weeks up to the wedding. He was teleporting all over the place to tend to his worshipers. He left Fenna in your care while he did, not wanting to drag his familiar all over the realm. So Fenna spent those evenings with you and Autumn. It wasn't quite the same for her as being with her person, but she understood and you were to be married to Loki soon, so she would be family too, soon enough.
While Loki was out, he gave the correct bodies to trans kids. He helped people come out to their family. He listened to them, cared for them and they gave him more and more power as his worshipers only grew. He made sure to come home every evening. Most of them he was drained and tired, but so very happy. He was making a difference and absolutely loved helping his flock of followers. Even the ones who called themselves 'Loki's Army'.
There were a few women who made the mistake of calling on Loki for intimate favors. Those nights he came home angry and you didn't know what he did to those women, but whatever it was convinced them not to try that trick again. That didn't mean you didn't have to hold him and comfort him when those women tried to use him. Fenna helped you calm him down on those evenings.
You didn't know where the time had gone. It had seemed like you had so much and there was so much to do. It all vanished and you found yourself in Asgard with the team, Thor, and his friends, on the night before your wedding.
It wasn't a typical bachelorette party, but it was perfect nonetheless. You were drinking in the warrior's lounge, more commonly referred to as the moron's lair. You wouldn't traditionally have Loki, or any of the men at your bachelorette party, but this was just the first stop, post-dinner drinks with your friends. The parties would be splitting up soon. You'd already tucked Fenna and Autumn in your bed in your suite so they would be safe during your evening out. They had orders to go to Frigga if anything happened. They were content not to go drinking and looking at whatever Asgard had in the way of strippers.
You didn't know what an Asgardian bachelorette party entailed, but you were about to find out. Sif was going to make sure of it.
The group allowed you one very good kiss with Loki before Sif and Nat dragged you away to get your evening started properly. Sif led the way into town, laughing with you and Nat. There were a couple of female guards trailing you discreetly, but you couldn't forget they were there. It was something that you had to get used to, but as a princess of Asgard, you wouldn't ever truly be without guards again on Asgard. You wouldn't be a princess until the next day, but the realm and guards treated you as such already.
You didn't know what you were expecting for the evening, but there was enough booze to drown in, and some amazingly well-chiseled men who danced in one of the Asgardian bars you visited. You hadn't known that Asgard had strippers, but apparently, they had male strippers too.
"It's your last night to see other men!" Sif called, teasing loudly as she was drunk by then. "Might as well look at Asgard's finest,"
"I'm pretty sure Loki's still Asgard's finest," you replied.
Sif laughed and elbowed you "I still vote for Thor, but I'm sure these gentlemen would be glad to try to change our minds," she said and the show commenced. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks as the men danced and lost more and more clothes as they tried to get your attention and gold.
You saw every inch of their skin by the end of the night, to cheers from the entire bar, especially Nat and Sif.
You still thought Loki was a better specimen of male than any of them.
You had no idea what time it was when you finally fell into your bed that night. Loki would be staying in his own bed. It was tradition on Asgard as well as Midgard for the groom not to see the bride before the wedding. So you were sleeping separately.
You had both of the familiars and enough booze in your system to make you float. That was the only reason you actually got any sleep that night. You'd have been too nervous otherwise. But you were exhausted and drunk off your ass.
So you passed out without a care in the world, despite how huge the next day would be.
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