Chapter 74
Once Loki got his own emotions under control again, he pulled you into his arms. "Thank you, magelet," he told you warmly as he pressed a kiss to your hair.
"Always, Lokitty. We're going to be married soon. We're in this, in everything, together now. You don't have to be alone," you reminded him and leaned up to steal a kiss. He didn't need to say anything more. His love was in that kiss, his gratitude, all of his emotions. He was known as the silvertongue for more than one reason. His words were silver, but so were his kisses.
And you enjoyed every single one of them.
You pulled away after awhile of enjoying his kisses. "Better?" You asked him gently.
His eyes were warm again, full of love and his body had relaxed. He nodded and absently pet Fenna in his lap. "Much better, thank you, magelet," he said warmly. Then his expression grew serious again. "Can you keep an eye out for the others to return? I need to speak with Thor when he gets back, but I also need to get my spells recast,"
You nodded and summoned your Jarvis screen. He would let you know when the others were back. "I'll keep an eye out and have Thor come up here when they get back," you reassured him. It would be better if Thor got his own spells fixed in the privacy of Loki's suite, instead of in the common room in front of the others.
Loki kissed your forehead. "Thank you, darling," he told you warmly. He cuddled Fenna closer. "We have work to do, my dear," he told her gently and gathered his power, his eyes glowing green as he worked on his spells.
While he was working, you scrolled the internet on the Jarvis screen and petted Autumn in your lap while you waited for word from Jarvis that the team had returned. You didn't expect them to stay at the restaurant much past when you and Loki had left.
True to your expectations, it wasn't long before the team returned to the tower. You asked Jarvis to have Thor come up to Loki's suite. Loki was still lost to his spells, so you had to let Thor in when he made his way to the suite. "Hey, Thor," you greeted him gently. He looked off and kinda sick too, like Loki had in the restaurant.
He gave you a wan smile. "Lady..." he was being polite as ever and you could see how strained he was. He didn't even have a familiar to help him, or any grip on his magic to help him. Thor had magic, he just couldn't use any of it without mjolnir.
You grinned up at him. "All this time and you still call me lady?" You teased him. "I'm going to be your sister-in-law soon," you reminded him and took his hand to drag him inside.
Thor's eyes focused on you and he chuckled. "You're right, Y/N," he said fondly. He'd taken a liking to you ever since you'd started helping Loki. He was just having a hard time right now.
"Loki told me about the worshipers. We can help you get them back under control," you explained as you dragged him into the suite and closed the door behind him.
Thor sighed in relief and gave you a puppy-dog eyed look. "You can?" He asked, too hopefully, practically begging.
You nodded. "Loki's working on his own spells, then he promised to help you," you reassured him and led him over to the couch. You kept your hand in his, grounding him in reality while you waited for Loki. You could see his mind slipping as he was having trouble, even with your help. "Stay with me, Thor. Tell me about them," you urged him, trying to keep him focused on the here and now.
His grin returned. "I haven't felt worshipers like this in centuries," he said, just as and as Loki had been at that revelation.
You smiled fondly. "Loki explained it to me. Christians ruined everything," you didn't mean all Christians, of course, but the worst of their kind. The same ones who had hunted your kind were the ones who hunted down the pagans, and Thor's followers.
Thor nodded. "Mistakes were made on the part of men. We lost a lot of followers in those days, by death or by conversion to new religions. I never... realized... how much I missed it. How many of them there had been, until now..." he trailed off, unsure.
"Now that they're back, you know," you agreed easily. "Loki said he has more than he used to. What about you?" You asked, trying to keep the oaf ground in reality and not lost to the voices.
He shook his head. "About the same, I think. Though more are asking for..." he actually blushed and looked away.
You recalled your mythology lessons and laughed. "Women have remembered that you're the god of fertility?" You said knowingly, teasing your future brother-in-law.
Thor inclined his head. "Exactly so," he agreed and you could see that it was a conversation he didn't want to have with you.
So, naturally, you pressed on. It was keeping him grounded after all. "So they're asking for... your hammer's... services?" You teased.
He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Loki has been rubbing off on you," he informed you instead of answering your question.
"Speak of the devil," you said and looked to the doorway to Loki's bedroom, where the Loki in question was coming in to join you, Fenna at his heels.
Thor looked over to Loki. "Your lady said you might be able to help-?" He started to ask.
Loki nodded and made his way over, sitting on the air in front of Thor. "I can help, brother, trust me," he said gently as he reached his hands up, his fingertips nearly at Thor's temples. His hands glowed green, but he hesitated on using his magic, hesitated until he had Thor's permission.
"Always," Thor replied fondly. Loki would always have his brother's trust, despite all that had happened between them. "Always," he repeated and closed his eyes, so Loki could get to work helping him settle the voices in his mind.
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