Chapter 40
"SERA! NO!" You yelled again, but the dragon was gone.
You had do to something about the out of control dragon and you needed to do it now. Before she did something unforgivable. You tried the door of the roof first, it was right in front of you after all, but it was sealed shut.
You teleported to the lobby and tried the door down there, but it was sealed and shielded shut as well.
You were trapped in a fucking tower because of a dragon.
This wasn't a fairytale.
You tried contacting Loki by magic, but you couldn't get any spells past Sera's shielding around the tower.
You couldn't teleport out.
You had to come up with another plan.
You teleported up to the kitchen and started raiding the pantry of every vial of potion you'd stocked there. You didn't know what you might need, so you gathered everything. You heard the TV from the other room.
You hadn't noticed it at first since the TV was always on. Usually to news unless someone was actively watching it, but the TV was always on in the background. It was just static to life at the tower.
If TV signals could get into the tower, then. "Jarvis?! Are you still awake?" You asked the AI. You'd picked up Tony's habit of talking to the AI like he was a real person and truly sentient. Most of the tower had picked up the habit.
"I am here, Miss," Jarvis replied. You sighed in relief. You weren't completely alone and with a bit of luck...
"Are you still in contact with the rest of the team? With Tony?" You asked him, sounding almost desperate. You hated the desperation in you voice, but you had to act soon. You had to save Sera before she did something stupid. You had to stop her, though you didn't know how.
You needed sleep and to recover your magic before you could do anything really useful.
You cursed the witch hunters for making this mess.
You cursed yourself for not seeing the warning signs in Sera. You knew she was too overprotective. You hadn't realized she was thisoverprotective. But that was neither here nor there. You needed to warn the others. They might be able to stall her until you could recover enough magic to catch up with her to reason with her hopefully or... stop her if it came to that.
You hoped it wouldn't come to that.
But you would do what was necessary to protect the innocents.
"Yes. I can reach Mr. Stark," Jarvis replied.
You sighed in relief and summoned your comm device, slipping it into your ear. "Patch me in, J," you told the AI and an interface screen came up in front of you. "Guys? Can you hear me?" You asked the team, hoping they would be able to hear you.
"Y/N!" Came a chorus over the comms.
You were so relieved to have backup. "Guys, I'm alright, but Sera... She's on a warpath. I'm trapped in the tower while she's decided she's going to go kill all of the humans. She promised not to kill any of you, but I don't know what she's going to do," you told them quickly. They took a moment to process that information.
"You're ok?" Cap asked.
"I'm fine, Cap. Besides being locked uselessly in the tower. My powers are weak right now thanks to the witch hunters,"
"What can we do?" Stark asked you.
"I need time to recover. Loki? Do you have a comm?"
"Neither of the Asgardians carry them," Nat told you. "The oaf is with us,"
"Find Loki. I'll need his help to break these shields. Keep an eye on Sera. Try to keep her from harming anyone until I can get out of here," you told them, begging them to help you save your familiar.
You wouldn't have to put her down if you could get through to her before she did something unforgivable.
You begged to any deity that might be listening that you could get to Sera before you had to kill her. You couldn't stand the thought of having to kill her.
"We'll do what we can. We can hold her off for awhile. Or at least distract her," Cap reassured you. "And we'll find Loki,"
"Thank you all. This is my responsibility and I hate that it's falling on your shoulders," you told them earnestly. Dealing with your out of control familiar was your responsibility. It shouldn't fall on your friends to deal with.
You could barely think past the bone-numbing exhaustion. You needed to lie down soon.
"We're a team, kid. We all help each other. We'll find boyfriend and send him to help you. In the meantime we'll distract the dragon. We have things handled out here," Stark reassured you. The entire team chimed in to agree.
"Thank you all," you told them and ended the connection. They'd call you if they needed you. You summoned all of the witchcraft supplies you had in your dimensional pocket and spread around the tower, spreading them over the coffee table to try to form a plan. There was nothing you could do until you got your magic up to full charge. So you went to the kitchen and devoured the rest of the leftover pizza and laid down on the couch in the living room with the news playing a report of the Avengers seeming to fight your dragon. She wasn't trying to hurt them, you saw, she was trying to capture them.
You let your eyes close, knowing that your friends, and the rest of the humans were safe.
For now.
Hopefully long enough for you to get some rest and recharge your magic.
"Jarvis, wake me if something happens,"
"Yes, Miss,"
With that taken care of, you passed out on the couch with the news playing in the background.
You woke to a loud crashing noise upstairs and curses that weren't in English. You jumped to your feet and teleported up to the roof where you saw Sera land holding a squirming angry Loki in her claws. She shoved him through her shielding and flew off.
"Lokitty! You're ok!" You called to the angry snarling god and rushed over to him, wrapping your arms around him. He hugged you back tightly.
"Are you alright, darling?" He asked you as he held you too tightly.
"I'm alright, just locked in the tower waiting to be rescued by a handsome prince," you told him, joking to reassure you both that you were alright.
He chuckled. "Well, I'm here, but I'm not doing much better on the rescuing front," he teased you back. You laughed at that and everything seemed much less dire with Loki here. You stood up on your toes to kiss him. He held you to him and kissed you back. You could tell he was grateful to have you safe in his arms again.
Things were dire, but there was still hope. You had Loki to work with now. The two of you would be enough to face down Sera. He was a Master Magician and you were the brightest witch of your age. You had Loki's thousand years of experience and power on top of your own power and the power stored in the black gem. You could handle this. You just needed a plan.
"Well, time for the handsome prince and self-rescuing princess to team up to escape the tower and face the dragon,"
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