Chapter 35
Life at the Avenger's Tower went back to as normal as it ever did. Loki and Sera went with you nearly everywhere. They both went with you on days you went to teach at the magic school. Loki's presence there was welcome; he was great with the kids and a surprisingly good teacher. The kids also respected that he was a god and being taught by him was an honor and were on their best behavior.
The school also loved seeing Sera. It had been centuries since anyone had seen a dragon in America, and even if she did usually spend her time in cat-dragon form, they were pleased to see her. She even consented to showing off her abilities for them, especially if they bribed her with with fishes. She lit up in delight when anyone offered her a fish, especially if it was an entire fish she could have for herself. The day the headmistress offered her sushi was probably her happiest day ever. Professor Nakayama became one of her favorite people, since she, like Loki, wore cat-ears all the time, and that made her a good person in the cat-dragon's book.
Loki didn't go with you to Stark Industries, though, he wasn't exactly welcome there. Stark allowed him for the first couple of weeks after you'd been home, and Loki had tried to be on his best behavior. But Loki got bored easily and annoying the employees was too easy and he got kicked out after he made gravity disappear in the building one day. So he was only allowed back if they really thought you were in danger.
The witch hunters had been quiet since your return from Asgard. You weren't sure if they had given up, or were just biding their time until the defenses dropped. The team wasn't taking chances with your safety, though, and you had a dragon as a constant companion. You were perfectly safe.
You usually left Sera at home when you went on missions, though. You always had Loki with you and as your partner, so it wasn't necessary to bring Sera and you didn't want to put her in undo danger. It didn't matter that she was a dragon and perfectly capable of defending herself. You didn't like taking her, or any familiar you'd ever had, into danger and avoided it whenever you could.
About a month after you'd gotten back from Asgard, right before Christmas you went out to visit your mom before you got tied up in the holiday celebrations. She would understand when you didn't come visit on Christmas itself, but it was rude not to come see her at all. Besides, you were returning to Asgard for a week or so during Christmas while the rest of the tower was empty. You took Loki and Sera with you.
"Must we fly?" Loki whined when you were up on the roof getting your broom.
"Yes, we must," you replied. "Don't know what you're whining about, Lokitty, I'm the one who has to do all the work," you reminded him and mounted your broom. Sera hopped up to perch on the edge of the handle, much like Jiji in Kiki's Delivery Service. You knew you shouldn't have let her watch that movie with you, but if she fell off at least she could fly. Unlike the Lokitty who hopped grumpily into your lap and burrowed there. You unzipped your coat cuddled him to your chest, and zipped him inside so only his little head was peeking out. "There, you're safe," you told him warmly. He made a soft noise in agreement and you flew off the top of the tower, cradling him to your chest with one hand. He still made an indignant noise and huddled closer to you as you dove down to fly at a lower level while Sera trilled in delight. You stopped by the flower shop and Loki turned back while you went in to speak with Grandmother Helene.
She looked at Sera on your shoulder. "Oh, a dragon has chosen to be your familiar? How rare," she cooed over the dragon and Sera preened at the attention.
"This human is smart, I like her," Sera informed you brightly.
You laughed. "Grandmother Helene is very wise indeed. She is also very kind," you told Sera warmly. She trilled in happiness and fluttered over to Grandmother Helene to allow the old witch the honor of petting her. Or at least Sera thought it was an honor for Helene to be allowed to pet her. Helene laughed and happily pet the dragon.
She looked over at Loki. "And you're taking proper care of our girl?" she asked him sternly. "I heard there was trouble with those nasty hunters,"
"Yes ma'am," Loki replied as polite as ever. "I love Y/N and wish for nothing more than her to be safe and happy," he reassured her. She patted his cheek.
"Good boy," she told him fondly, and somehow he didn't take offense at that. He liked Grandmother Helene and her caring doting.
You had to practically drag Sera away from Grandmother Helene, reminding her that you had things to do that day. She pouted, but wanted to meet you mother, so she finally left Grandmother Helene and fluttered back to your shoulder. After you had your flowers, you continued on your way to your mother's grave. You dismounted and Loki turned back to normal so you could both kneel beside her grave.
"Hi mom," you told her as you laid the flowers down. "Grandmother Helene says hello as always. I was chosen by a new familiar. Her name is Seraphina and she's a dragon. She chose me on Asgard," you proceeded to tell her all about your adventures on Asgard, sitting in the grass in front of her grave, insisting to yourself that she could hear you. You spent a long time talking to her with Sera in your lap and Loki sitting in the grass beside you. A lot had happened since you saw her last.
You were interrupted when Jarvis announced an emergency downtown and you were needed immediately. "Sorry, mom, we have to go. I'll come visit as soon as I can," you told her as you jumped to your feet, your battle armor shimmering into place as you did. You took your broom and slapped it against your wrist, where it obediently curled itself around, hiding as a bracelet as your wand always did.
"Sera, are you up to flying us in?" you asked the dragon. You were nervous to bring her in on a mission, but it was safer to bring her with you since she was already out. She wouldn't go home while you were in danger, unless she wasn't up to going with you. In answer, she transformed into her full dragon form.
Loki groaned, knowing exactly what was coming. "Darling, darling no. This is a terrible awful idea," he whined at you, his tail puffing up in distress.
You ignored him and raised a hand to the comm in your ear. "We're on our way. Travelling by dragon. We'll be there soon," you told the team and swung gracefully onto Sera's back. "Loki, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You know it's dangerous for us to teleport into battle. Flying on dragon-back is faster than flying on broom," you reminded him. He sighed.
"I know. I just really hate flying," he grumbled and took the hand you reached down for him and swung himself up behind you on Sera's back. His arms were tight around you as his only indication that he was afraid of what was about to happen.
"Come on Sera, show us the meaning of haste," you needed another line, but you couldn't help quoting Lord of the Rings. Sera lit up in delight and took a few running steps, unfurling her wings as she did. She gathered herself and leapt into the sky. The additional weight of Loki seemed to be no hindrance to her as she barreled through the skies. You knew your weight was nothing to her and it was good having two passengers didn't slow her down any.
She flew far faster than your broom could manage. "Fly lower, Sera," you told her as she approached the battle. The crowd of bystanders and the team and attackers all looked up as the dragon flew over the battle. A jet black dragon flying over New York instilled fear in the hearts of the attackers and the monsters tried to flee.
They were doomed the second you arrived.
Well, the second Sera arrived anyway. For these were ice monsters and she was a dragon. A few bursts of flame from the dragon and the ice monsters were defeated. The men controlling them tried to flee, but between Sera and the team, they were soon sat on by the dragon until Shield came to take them away.
For some strange reason the bad guys were fairly quiet after that extremely short battle. None of them appeared to want to take on a dragon.
Finally the bad guys had some common sense.
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