Chapter 34
"How is it my fault they are after her? I have done nothing to them, or any of the Midgardians recently," Loki growled, an actual growl and his tail puffed up in anger. "And the last time I did it was mind control," he grumbled. He hated any idea that you were in danger because of him, especially when it wasn't even deserved.
Nat was unphased by Loki's growls or his puffed up tail. Loki pulled you closer to him on the couch, determined to protect you though the threat wasn't here. You reached up automatically to pet his hair to soothe him. "They think you're being corrupted by, in their words, an 'evil sorcerer'," Nat explained.
It was your turn to glare. "Loki has done nothing but help the team since he's been back. And like he said, the alien attack doesn't count. It was mind control and that's been made perfectly clear," you protested, determined to defend your Lokitty.
"We know that," Nat reassured you quickly. "It doesn't make them less stupid,"
"It does not make sense," Thor protested. "Why attack Lady Y/N for my brother's actions, even if they were his fault?"
You sighed heavily and cuddled the cat-dragon in your lap, soothing yourself more than anything. "They never have made sense," you told them softly. "Rogue witch hunters are the ones who killed my mom with no provocation," you started to explain. You looked down when you realized that all their eyes were on you and petted Sera as you spoke. They needed more answers now that the witch hunters had become their problem too. "Witch hunters are semi official professionals. They range between bounty hunters and magical police. Most of them are barely more than squibs, those born from magical families with no magical ability of their own. Actual squibs go to live as muggles." You absolutely loved how prevalent Harry Potter was in society, it made explanations such as these easier when you could use terms that everyone was already familiar with thanks to those books and movies. "There are some with just enough power to use the magical items crafted for the witch hunters to use when capturing their bounties. Those kind of people are also usually really against those of us with real power and more likely to go rogue. That's what happened to mom, and I think that's what's happening here. Had I done something to actually deserve getting called before the Witch's Council, they would have sent official messages calling me before them. They would have contacted the academy where I work. There would have been a lot of things done before they sent proper witch hunters after me. These have to be rogues," you told them. They all sat in silence for a long minute digesting that information.
Nat recovered first. "We've got your usual haunts secured, and I'm sure Loki and Sera will keep you safe. Just be careful," she told you.
"I will be," you reassured them all. "Trust me, I don't want to mess with witch hunters any more than I have to,"
"She will be," Loki added quickly and pulled you tighter against him.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Yes, silly Lokitty, I just said that," you told him overly patiently.
He kissed the top of your head. "I love you. I'm allowed to worry," he reminded you warmly, though you could hear the touch of worry in his voice.
"I love you too," you told him and kissed his cheek. You pulled out your phone to tell the headmistress and Strange that you were home and perfectly ok. They both asked for you to stop by the next day and you agreed, quick to reassure them.
"So what's with the rock on the back of your hand?" Stark asked. Trust Stark to be blunt.
"It's a magical artifact known as a focus. I don't know all of the properties yet, but it's a reservoir for power," you explained to them. They accepted that answer and you knew you'd be spending the rest of the day with the books Frigga had given you so you could learn more about your new magical toy.
You, Loki, and Thor had to tell the team all about your adventures on Asgard, and about how you were an Asgardian citizen now for saving the queen's life. And how you were not only a citizen, but a noble. A lot had happened over your few days in Asgard. There were gasps and uproars over the fact that you were an Asgardian noble. No one seemed able to comprehend it better than you were.
And so you did spend the rest of the day curled up with Loki reading more about the focus and how to use it. It had chosen you for a reason and you knew it had to be important, whatever it was.
The next morning you went down to breakfast to find Lokitty waiting for you, already dressed in his teacher's robes. And looking really attractive while wearing them. Even with his cat-ears. You kissed the top of his head between his cat-ears. He smirked up at you and stole a real kiss. You kissed him back happily. "Silly Lokitty," you teased and scratched behind his cat-ears.
"Barton made French Toast," Loki told you happily. The boy loved his sweet breakfasts. You smiled and kissed him again.
"Lucky us," you replied and settled Sera on your shoulder as opposed to being held in your arms. Clint handed you your plate as soon as you entered the kitchen. He also had an entire tuna for Sera, which she basically ate whole. And purred and shamelessly begged Clint for another one. Which he gladly handed over before she decided to eat him instead. Smart man.
After breakfast you teleported yourself, Loki, and Sera to the academy. Sera stayed perched on your shoulder and looked around at everything with curiosity. "These are magic students?" she asked.
"Yes. They come here so we can teach them magic," you told her as you placed your hand automatically on Loki's arm to let him escort you to your classroom.
The headmistress did a double-take when she saw you, well more accurately when she saw Sera. "Your new familiar is a dragon?" she asked you incredulously. Sera puffed up, obviously expecting the magic people to be smarter than the normal humans.
"She is. This is Seraphina. She chose me while we were on Asgard," you explained, reaching up a hand to pet the puffed up cat-dragon.
The headmistress turned to address Sera directly. "I didn't mean to offend you. We haven't seen a living dragon in a millennia," she told the dragon. "It's an honor to see one again." She looked like she wanted to say more, but wouldn't do so in front of the dragon. "I'm glad to see you're ok," she told you. "The Avengers told me what happened. I assure you we've gotten no official requests for your presence before the Witch's Council. These are definitely rogues, but you're safe in the school,"
"Thank you, headmistress," you told her and had to rush off to class to get there in time. You'd spent too much time talking with the headmistress.
"Professor? Is that a new familiar?" your students asked quickly and excitedly once you had arrived and they had settled.
"Yes, her name is Seraphina and she's a dragon," you told them while Loki perched on the edge of your desk looking sexy as hell in his teacher's robes. And you could tell by his smirk that he knew it too. Damn Trickster was posing on purpose. "So what can you tell me about dragons?" you asked the class while Sera fluttered around investigating the students, occasionally leaving paw prints on their notes and demanding pets. The students listed off facts about the insanely strong magical creatures and Sera purred when they got things correct and usually went to lick the student in question as a reward for the correct answer. She hissed when they said something wrong. They weren't going to forget that lesson anytime soon.
At the end of the class she turned back into her full dragon form and allowed them to pet her.
You taught a couple more classes that day with the same lesson and same format. There were also some stolen kisses with Loki between classes which he minded oh so much. As did the gossips who were the students. And the worse gossips who were the teachers. There were lots of whispers of 'about time' throughout the halls that day.
After classes you went to the sanctum to see Doctor Strange. You opened the door and walked in without bothering to knock. "Hey Strange!" you called and he appeared in front of you a moment later.
"Y/N, I'm glad you're alright. I heard about the attack," he greeted you warmly. His look at Loki was less cordial. "Loki," he said with a barely polite head nod. Strange and Loki still didn't see eye to eye, but they didn't actively attack each other, so you let them be, unless things got worse. Strange looked at the cat on your shoulder. "Finally found a new familiar?" he asked, before Sera fluttered off of your shoulder to look at him more closely. "What is that?" he demanded.
"A cat?" you tried.
He glared at you. "That is not a cat,"
"Really? She looks like one," you replied innocently. He glared at you. You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Fine. She's a dragon, named Seraphina. Don't upset her. Tell her she's pretty and she might even let you pet her," you told him.
"A... dragon?" Strange asked, flabbergasted. He recovered quickly, however and didn't upset Sera. She was getting used to the foolish humans being confused at first. "She is quite lovely," he finally said and appeased the dragon, who happily changed forms again to let Strange study and pet her. Mostly pet, though Strange got a lot of up close studying of a dragon in exchange.
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