Chapter 27
Barrelling through the air as fast as a dragon could fly was definitely an experience. It would have been exilerating had the situation not been dire, had Loki not been terrified for his mother, had people not been in dager. Sera felt your worry and sped even faster. You gave her directions based on the pull of the locator spell. It felt like you flew forever and for no time at all. She flew low so you could hop off her back in the middle of the village and swept back up to the air to keep watch above you. You needed to finetune the locator spell and needed to be on the ground to get a better lock on Frigga's location.
You ran through the village, darting through the battles still raging. You had only one task: find Frigga. You would help with the battle once the queen was safe, once Loki's mother was accounted for. You finally tracked her to a large building toward the edge of the village. Sera shrank back down to cat-dragon form and settled on your shoulder to help however she could. You burst inside and took in the horrible scene in front of you.
At the far side of the building was a huddle of small terrified children, the eldest of whom were bravely holding weapons. Of course Frigga was here to protect the children. Your brain finally registered what it hadn't wanted to: the scent of blood, the shapes lying on the ground, one with a golden dress and equally golden hair. Frigga.
Someone else entered the building and ran to her. "Frigga, no!" Odin shouted as he knelt beside her.
You ran to her and skidded to your knees beside her. She was laying on her back, looking up at her husband with glazing eyes. There was a huge gash across her stomach, she'd been cut nearly in half. It was amazing she was still alive. You saw her attacker in two pieces nearby. She'd been injured defending the children.
"Why? You fool, you should have-" Odin was telling her, weeping over her death, though she wasn't lost yet.
You weren't going to let her be lost.
You moved to Frigga's other side, ignoring Odin completely. He would just be in the way, grieving husbands always were. You touched Frigga's cheek. "Stay with me," you bid her softly. She gave you a warm smile.
"Love my Loki for me,"
You dumped power into her, strengthening her, holding her self to her battered body, much as Loki had done for you. "Now is not the time for you to go to Valhala," you told her firmly as you used more healing magic, though healing wasn't your speciality. You could do it and do it well, though years of hard work and practice. "It is going to hurt and be hard for both of us, but I can and will heal you," you told her firmly. She nodded, accepting the work and effort to stay here with her family. Good.
Odin glared at you. "You are Midgardian, what can you possibly do?" he demanded.
"Save your wife's life," you told him firmly and started summoning supplies to do just that. He started to protest. You glared at him. Right now he wasn't a king. He was an idiot male, an idiot husband standing in the way of your work. Those you knew how to deal with. "What have you to lose? I am the only one here with a chance to save her. So let me do my job," you growled.
You didn't wait for his reply, you got back to your task. It would take all of your magic, too many potions, and all of your skills for this healing. You even had to get out the emergencies only potion and would have used two vials of it had you had another.
You don't know how long you worked, how long you and Frigga both fought for the healing to take. You lost track of how much power you were using. You completely ignored Odin and the children in the room.
Finally, finally, it was done.
At least as done as you could make it right now. The wounds were closed and she was out of the woods. You let go of her mind, letting her fall into sleep or unconsciouness. You looked up at Odin, finally remembering that he was there. "She'll be fine," you told him, your voice hoarse with exhaustion and power drain. "She needs to take it easy and put up with some pampering from her loving husband, but she'll be fine." It was your usual speech to worried husbands after a healing, usually from midwifing, but it tended to work in all situations on worried husbands.
"Mother!" yelled two equally worried male voices. You stood and got out of the way before you got trampled by Loki and Thor. Sera was already passed out in your arms. She was exhausted from flying you here and the energy she had poured into you to boost your powers. You stepped further out of the way. Your part here was done and now it was time for the family to worry over Frigga. You leaned against a wall in the corner, watching the happy reunion even as you slid down the wall to sit on the ground, knees to your chest and familiar curled safely in your lap. You laid your head against the wall to rest for a moment.
You saw a legs in front of you an indeterminate amount of time later. You foggily looked up to see who they belonged to. All three Asgardian males. Odin was carrying Frigga, but all three men were there. You dreaded whatever words would come out of his mouth. You hadn't exactly been kind to him while you were working. He was bound to be offended at how a little nothing girl from Midgard spoke to him the king of Asgard, especially now that Frigga was alive and well.
Loki knelt beside you and wrapped his arms tightly around you. "You saved her. I can't thank you enough, or tell you how much it means to all of us," he told you and you heard the emotion in his voice, the tears he wanted to shed over the fear and grief at the near-loss of his mother.
"I told you I'd keep her safe," you told him softly.
"I was wrong about you, Y/N. I judged your rashly based on the fact that you are from Midgard. You have shown bravery and strength today worthy of a Valkyrie and my son has done well, choosing you to court for as long as you will have him. We owe you a great debt, and it shall not be forgotten," Odin spoke then. You turned your attention to him, such as it was. You were drained. You couldn't quite believe his words. Loki stared up at him shocked too. Odin was calling him 'my son'? And approved of you? That didn't seem possible. And yet.
"Your majesty. The village has been secured," a guard announced from the doorway.
"Good, help the villagers clean up here. My sons, the ladies, and I will return to the palace,"
"Yes, your majesty," the guard told Odin and turned to do as he was told.
Loki turned his attention to you. "Come on, love. On your feet," he told you warmly and stood, pulling you to your feet with him. The world spun, turned black as you swayed, a roaring in your ears. You had way overtaxed your abilities to bring the queen back from the brink of death.
The next thing you knew, you were on something moving. You opened your eyes and found that you were cradled in Loki's lap, his arms around you, but you were moving. Your brain finally woke up and you realized that you were on horseback, sidesaddle in front of Loki so he could hold you safely in his lap. "Sorry, darling, that was unkind of me," Loki whispered in your ear.
"What was?" you asked him softly.
"I wished for... Father..." he hesitated over the word, old hurt hindering his words. "To see exactly how much power and strength it cost you to heal Mother. He doesn't usually understand or appreciate how much energy magic takes until he can see the evidence of it himself,"
"You knew I'd pass out when you moved me," you accused. He inclined his head, looking apologetic. You then realized Sera wasn't in your lap. "Sera? Where's Sera?" you demanded, sittting up properly and frantically looking for the little cat-dragon.
"She's safe, it's alright, darling, she's safe. Thor has her," Loki reassured you quickly. He gestured to the horse Thor was riding, just ahead of your. "Brother!" Loki called loudly. Thor turned in the saddle to look back.
"What is it?" Thor asked, slowing his horse so Loki's would catch up without Loki having to increase his speed. "Y/N, you're awake! You gave us a fright passing out like that,"
"You have Sera?" you asked him. He nodded and let you see that the little cat-dragon was cradled safely in his lap, held there securely with one of his strong arms. You relaxed when you saw she was safe.
"Fear not, she's safe. As is Mother; she is riding with Father ahead," Thor gestured to the eight-legged horse, where you could see that Frigga was cradled in Odin's lap, much as you were in Loki's. "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned over the fact that you had passed out.
"I'm fine. You know healing takes a lot of power, and that healing was... difficult," you reminded him and settled more comfortably in Loki's arms. Now that you knew Sera was safe you could relax. Loki kissed your forehead and Thor gave you a sad look.
"Thank you for saving her," Loki told you softly, you could tell from his tone that he didn't feel words were enough. You leaned up to kiss him.
"Like I would have done anything else,"
"A lesser sorceress would have never drained this much power, put this much into the healing, to save one life, even the queen's," Loki said loudly and you saw Odin's spine stiffen. He knew exactly how bad the queen had been. Loki turned his attention back to you. "We still have a little while before we're back at the palace," he kissed your forehead "Rest, darling. Sera's safe with Thor, Frigga is alive and well, you're safe with three strong men to watch over you," he told you warmly with a small smile.
"Silly Lokitty," you replied warmly and curled as comfortably as you could in his arms, laying your head on his shoulder while your arms wrapped around him.
"I love you, my darling, and I cannot even begin to thank you enough for what you have done for us," he told you and kissed your forehead again.
"I love you too," you replied and closed your eyes to rest until you got back to the palace, trusting Loki to keep you ahorse.
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