Chapter 24
"This is the family wing," Loki explained as he led you down the hallway. Your hand was on his right arm. He was taking the position to the inside of the corridor, the more 'vulnerable' position as if there were an attack, or someone not paying attention to where they were walking, he would be between you and danger. Silly overprotective Lokitty... "Odin and Mother have suites and workrooms and such a floor up. Thor lives down the hall," he gestured back the way you'd come. There were plenty of empty rooms, probably in expectation of a larger family.
Loki pointed out more landmarks of interest as he led you through the wide, airy, beautiful halls of the palace. You strolled leisurely, not in any apparent rush to reach your destination. For all the world, Loki acted a polite, maybe a little reserved, courtier.
"I still can't believe you grew up here," you commented at the literal palace you were walking through. You knew you didn't belong here. You could make yourself comfortable in almost any facet of human/witch society back home, but this was completely different. Loki was just so comfortable and comforting. He didn't seem...different, per se, this just wasn't a side of your Lokitty you saw often on Earth.
He chuckled. "I did grow up a prince, darling," he reminded you gently, kindly. He was amused by your awe at the palace, though had obviously been expecting it and was preening over showing off his culture and home to you. You couldn't help wondering, though, why he was interested in you when he was a prince. A prince of an alien world no less. You were just a little witch from Midgard...
You also noticed the blatant stares of the palace stares, nobles, basically anyone and everyone you passed. They all stopped to stare at the pair of you. "Why are they staring?" you asked Loki softly enough that they couldn't overhear. You couldn't tell if it was because you were Midgardian, or if it was because of Sera.
"Because you are a beautiful lady," he replied warmly, the words gliding off his silver tongue. You gave him a look. That wasn't true. He gave you a warm smile. "They are unused to the sight of a gorgeous woman on my arm. My idiot brother on the other hand..." he grinned and you couldn't help smiling. Thor liked women and probably would have sought your attention if you were even slightly more his type.
"Surely the sight couldn't be that uncommon," you teased, back to normal friendly territory. Light teasing was safe. Loki was over a thousand after all, there was no way that some lady hadn't caught his attention in all of those years. You'd had your share of relationships over your 500 years, they hadn't gone well, but that was a different problem.
He scoffed. "Most of the court ladies have feathers for brains and I've met rocks with more personality. Plus it is hard to remain interested in their flirtations when I can hear-" he tapped his forehead to indicate telepathically. You knew he didn't pry with his telepathic abilities, but he could overhear things even when he wasn't trying. "-that they are only interested because of my station, or believe me to be a poor substitute for my brother, or don't understand and fear my magic," he explained. "You, my darling, loved me when I was nothing more than a cat, a friend, a teammate, and finally your suitor. It is refreshing to be the pursuer instead of the pursued for once and even more refreshing that you have never once wanted me for my station, wanted my brother over me, or feared my power," he added warmly and kissed your cheek,
"You've been my dearest friend since we met, Lokitty. I never wanted that to go away, just become...more," you reminded him just as warmly. You flushed then and realized that you probably shouldn't call him 'Lokitty' here. He did have appearances to maintain after all.
"That is all I desire as well, dearest," his voice was a warm purr. His smile changed to a mischievous smirk. "You said you were uncomfortable with having maids because you used to be one?" he asked. He was genuinely curious, but also teasing a little, probably your discomfort with the maids in general.
You rolled your eyes. "Not everyone grew up in a palace," you reminded him sourly, hoping he wasn't looking down on your for your background. Though you saw from his expression that he wasn't. "Mom was a hearth witch, a garden witch without a lot of power," you reminded him. He nodded, remembering that you'd said you were much more powerful than she was. "I started outstripping what she could teach me about magic by the time I was five and that was much too young for me to start attending the magic school. As you well know, magic needs to be taught and used or it goes wrong." That was answered with another inclination of his head. "We didn't have the money for tutors, but one of the Grandmother witches agreed was rich and powerful. She agreed to teach me if mom and I helped her with the chores she couldn't do anymore. She let me keep the position through school. She paid decently and knew everything... I learned a lot more than just magic from her. Mom hated that I worked through school, but hearth witches aren't in high demand and she didn't make a lot of money..."
Loki stiffened a little at your defensive tone. "I didn't mean to insult, I was simply curious about your life," he explained.
"Sorry, I know. People just used to make fun of me for my secondhand books and robes. They were jealous that I was nearly the strongest in the class, since I didn't come from a super powerful family, and I got top marks.... They didn't care that I worked my ass off for those grades. They also seemed to have forgotten all about that since we graduated. I've been one of the most desired witches for my skills since then and have lived and worked in all facets of society from helping the poor to being a court lady... I didn't really find anything I wanted to settle down to doing until I joined the Avengers," He looked impressed at that part of your explanation, and was pleased at the glimpse into your past.
"Children can be cruel no matter the realm," Loki's voice was consoling. "Thor was always the favorite as physical strength is prided here..." It seemed he did understand. You reached a pair of double doors. "Ready, darling?" he asked. You didn't know what was waiting for you, but you nodded. You would face whatever challenge arrived. Loki shifted so he was holding your hand, your joined hands lifted in an older escort style than you were used to, but you recognized it for what it was. He nodded to the doormen and they opened the double doors. He led you past the long dining tables to the stares of the court seated there. He looked straight ahead, not allowing himself to get distracted by the open stares, nor did he look at all like he noticed or cared about the attention.
He stopped in front of the head table where Odin, Frigga, and Thor were seated. "Allfather, Mother, may I present Lady Y/N, sorceress from Midgard, member of the team Thor and I work with to defend Midgard from threats, and the woman who has graciously allowed me the honor of courting her,"
You knew your cue and dipped a low, elegant, graceful curtsy. You were very well practiced over your 500 years in the art of the curtsy. Sera balanced herself on your shoulder effortlessly. Loki didn't drop your hand while you did, just lowered his to accommodate. "Your majesties," your words were simple and polite, and thankfully all you needed to say at this juncture.
"Welcome to Asgard, dear," Frigga greeted you warmly, kindly, gently. Loki had been correct that she wasn't going to hold the state you had been in when you arrived against you. Loki lifted your hand, a silent indication that you should rise. You did just as gracefully and Loki led you to your place at the table, he was next to Frigga and your place was next to his. Servants pulled your chairs out for you and seated you. It was something you hadn't experienced in years and you had to pretend that it wasn't weird. "Is this the creature from the egg?" Frigga asked you when Sera crawled to your other shoulder for a better vantage point.
"Yes, your majesty, this is Seraphina. Her true form is a dragon," you added and lifted the cat off of your shoulder to show Frigga properly. Frigga questioned you on the little cat-dragon, and about magic on Midgard. She wanted to hear all about Loki's adventures there and get to know the woman he spoke so highly of. She was so open and kind that you couldn't help liking her and it stopped being important soon that she was the queen. She was just Loki's mom and she seemed to absolutely adore you. It warmed your heart that she did and you saw Loki's relief as well. "Loki has done quite a lot of work with me teaching at the magic academy," you told Frigga. That was a safe story to tell and one that would befit his standing as a master magician here. Frigga was interested in the magic school and you and Loki could both tell her about it.
"Your Asgardian is quite good, dear," Frigga told you, questioning your ability. Loki raised an eyebrow. He was so used to using Allspeak on Earth that he forgot you could actually speak his native tongue. Most times it didn't even register with them when you switched over. The record without them noticing was two hours, and they only did then because Tony grumbled that he couldn't understand what you were talking about and it wasn't fair.
You gave her a smile. "I learned it as a child, studying other magical cultures was part of our education and since the Asgardians had visited Midgard previously, I felt it would be best to start with your language," you'd learned a lot of languages over the years. You had fun annoying the others by speaking Russian with Nat, or Asgardian with the boys. Nearly everyone signed because of Clint, so that wasn't as much fun. "You're quite kind. Thor has reminded me that my accent is atrocious,"
No one questioned how much Sera ate and you wondered just how much bigger the dragon was going to get. You had a feeling whatever that magician had done was what had made her grow as fast as she had already.
After the meal, you had to put up with being shown off by Loki and Thor. Thor introduced you to Lady Sif and The Warrior's Three. "Thor's stupid warrior friends," Loki whispered in your ear. You grinned.
"You best be saying nice things about us, Loki," the taller blond one warned as he bowed over your hand to kiss it. "I may just have to woo your lady away if you cannot play nice,"
You rolled your eyes. "Good luck with that, flirt," you replied, teasing. He gave you an overly elegant bow while Thor and the others boomed their laughter.
"This one ought to keep you on your toes," he teased Loki. You leaned up and kissed Loki's cheek.
"That she does," Loki replied warmly and kissed you, claiming you in front of Thor's stupid warrior friends.
"So why are you two back on Asgard? The Queen said this was a surprise visit," Sif asked, concerned as to what trouble brought you here.
"There was trouble on Midgard," Thor finally explained. "There is a group of..."
"Evil men who hunt and kill sorcerers," you supplied when Thor couldn't come up with a translation of the concept of witch hunters. Sif and the warriors all looked shocked and horrified by that.
"But magicians are treasured," Sif protested, still horrified.
"They are," Loki agreed and kissed the top of your head, reassuring. "These men are evil and posed a very real threat to my lady. We brought her here for safety and to recover from their attack,"
"We will take care of the menace upon our return. Our priority was getting Lady Y/N to safety. Our teammates are questioning one of the attackers and should have more information for us upon our return," Thor added the explanation. They all got distracted talking about battles and fighting and things that happened on Asgard since Thor had been gone.
Loki wrapped an arm around your shoulders and escaped with you from the hall before the warriors noticed. He gave you a tour of the rest of the palace and finally led you out to the gardens. Sera leapt off of your shoulder when you were outside. You grinned up at her. "Go fly, Sera. I'm sure you want to stretch your other wings. Just don't go to far," she made a musical sound in reply and shifted forms as she flew higher. A sleek black dragon who was somehow now about the size of Toothless from the How to Train Your Dragon movies. You were still shocked at how fast she grew, but realized at the same time that you wouldn't have to treat her like a child, which she was never meant to be, but as a cherished best friend, which is what the familiars were. She flew around the gardens trilling in delight while you and Loki strolled leisurely. She also didn't give you away when you and Loki found a quiet alcove for stolen kisses.
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