Chapter 16
"Thor, you said someone broke into the tower last night?" you asked while the team all sat around the coffee table in your pajamas drinking hot chocolate. It was the perfect post-battle activity. It didn't matter that it was early afternoon.
"Yes, nothing to worry about. Captain Rogers apprehended him," Thor told you.
"What'd he want?" you asked.
Cap shrugged. "He was just a drunk who got confused. Don't know how he drunkenly tricked Jarvis into letting him up here." Guests last night at the party were only supposed to be able to access the floor with the ballroom.
Loki's head whipped over to Cap and he glared, hissing softly, his tail puffed up in anger. "You're lying," he accused, his voice a snarl. Cap looked taken aback.
"Lokitty," you said softly. Cap didn't lie. He was Cap. It was like Thor lying. It just didn't happen. You touched Loki's hand, calming, reassuring. He pulled his hand from your grip and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you possessively, defensively, to him.
"I am the god of lies," he reminded Cap and the entire team since they were all here. They'd gotten too used to your Lokitty, the happy, if reserved. They forgot about his possessive side, his quick temper, especially if he thought something he cared about was in danger. Thor had also warned the team when you weren't supposed to be able to hear him and when Loki was upstairs picking out new books from the library, that his brother's temper would be sharper until you had accepted or rejected his courtship. A lot was hinging on this date.
Cap sighed heavily. "We don't know what he was after, really. He's still being questioned. All he has said so far is that he wanted to see Y/N," he finally admitted. "We thought it best not to worry you over an isolated incident, especially with the culprit detained," Loki's arm tightened around you.
"Loki, I'm fine," you reassured him. He didn't calm. You tilted your head up to kiss his cheek. "Calm down, Lokitty, I'm fine, perfectly safe," he kissed the top of your head and finally seemed to calm some when he had convinced himself that you were safe in his arms. "That's why you were so concerned this morning," you told Thor, who nodded. "You could have said something,"
"We caught the intruder and your room was so heavily shielded that I knew you were safe. I just did not realize that my brother was safe with you," Thor admitted, sheepishly. He should have checked before assuming that Loki had shirked.
"Be careful out of the tower, just in case. Stark is working on Jarvis' programming again and there's no parties here for awhile, so the tower should be perfectly safe," Cap told you. You caught the word 'should' and knew that Loki would have too. Just what you needed, your friends being overprotective.
You laughed. "How on Earth were you going to tell me to be careful without telling me the intruder had asked for me?" you demanded, still laughing at Cap's absurdity.
"You usually take Loki with you everywhere anyway, so I didn't think it would be an issue," Cap admitted sheepishly. You rolled your eyes. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. "Y/N, promise you'll be careful, at least not stupid until we're sure this was an isolated incident,"
You rolled your eyes again and opened your mouth with some witty reply on the tip of your tongue when a cold hand clamped over your mouth. "She will be careful," Loki said on your behalf. You made a muffled protest behind Loki's hand. You weren't a helpless child in need of protecting. "Hush, you," he scolded, but kissed the top of your head to show he was teasing. You'd told him that quite a lot since you'd known him. You huffed. "I know you're quite the formidable witch, that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't be careful," he told you as he finally removed his hand from your mouth.
"Fine, I'll be careful," you finally appeased them. You doubted you had a choice in that matter, or would be alone when you left the tower for awhile. That's ok. Spending time with Loki was always fun.
"Lokitty, you really need to tell me where we're going tonight," you reminded the silly Trickster at breakfast Saturday morning. He just looked smug and proud of himself.
"It's a surprise," he told you pleasantly, with absolutely no shame at the secret.
"How am I supposed to know what to wear if you don't tell me where we're going?" you asked him quite reasonably.
His grin only got wider. "I will set your outfit for the evening out for you," he told you just as pleasantly. He had this planned out already.
"Annoying ball of mischief," you teased him, grumpily.
He laughed. "Relax, love, you will enjoy this evening, I promise," he told you warmly.
"Do you still want to go see the new Avengers movie this morning?" you asked, changing the subject before curiosity over the evening's plans killed you. Loki was interested when he heard that they were making a movie about the Avengers. He also really wanted to see a movie on the big screen. He couldn't imagine such a giant TV. You promised to go with him when the movie came out.
"I do," he replied with child-like glee. So you pulled up the movie times and decided which theater you were going to. You summoned your purse which also contained your car keys. "Thank heavens we're not flying today," Loki commented, which made you laugh.
"Come on, silly Lokitty," you bid him. Cap saw you enter the living room with your purse.
"You're going out?" he asked, concerned, not seeing Loki at first, since he was magicing the dishes away.
"Loki and I are going out to a movie," you told Cap overly patiently. Cap relaxed that you weren't going out alone. You were about to make a snide comment when Loki caught up with you.
"The Avengers movie?" Clint asked. You nodded. "Let us know how it is!" he called. You agreed and took Loki's hand automatically as you walked to the elevator. He smiled that the gesture was automatic. You drove to the theater. Loki hadn't learned how yet and didn't seem inclined to. He enjoyed watching out the window instead.
"There's going to be a lot of annoying mortals there. You can't stab them, even if they step on your tail," you reminded Loki when you found a parking spot at the theater.
"That hardly seems fair," he whined.
"Lokitty," you warned with exasperation in your voice. You knew he was teasing, but still.
He huffed and sighed over dramatically. "Fine, I will not stab the annoying mortals, as long as they do not endanger us," he amended quickly.
"Fair enough," you agreed and reached for the handle to the car door. You smiled when Loki was suddenly there opening the door for you and offering you his hand to help you out of the car. You took his hand, though you didn't need the help. He offered you his arm and you placed your hand in it, letting him escort you into the building. He didn't bother hiding his ears or tail. Everyone had seen them already, and no one could mess with him and complain that they didn't know who he was. There weren't many people with real cat-ears running around New York. You ordered and paid for the tickets, popcorn, and drinks while Loki watched and absorbed the interaction. You could tell he was memorizing it for next time. It's what he did. Thor would just stumble his way through Midgardian interactions and not care if he messed up. He was so loveable that people forgave him for misstepping. Loki preferred to watch someone else so he would know how to do it properly before he tried. You gave the tickets to the ticket lady, who stared in awe at you and Loki.
"How do we choose seats?" Loki asked, staring at how many people this theater sat.
"There's an art to it," you told him as you climbed the steps. "The trick is to pick seats high enough up that you don't have to crane your neck to look at the screen, and in the middle of the row," you explained as you found a good pair of seats and settled there. You also showed him that the divider between your two seats raised out of your way, if he wanted it to, of course. He promptly shoved it up out of the way.
"That is a giant TV," he commented in awe as he stared open-mouthed at the advertisements on the screen. You smiled at how adorable he was. You tried to be more formal in public. He was so shy and reserved around the mortals, but his arm was around you by the time the movie had even begun. You looked up at him to warn him that the mortals might get the wrong impression, but he kissed your forehead. He knew what he was doing, so you curled yourself more comfortably in his arms. He purred when he knew you were securely safe in his arms. Overprotective god.
The movie was the retelling of the events in New York. "That actor does not look like me," Loki complained. Often.
It was a good movie, and accurate. They used security tapes from Jarvis and other sources for source material. The actors were fantastic, and the team had made sure the studio told the story accurately or they wouldn't sign off on it. They were also threatened with bodily harm by Thor if they portrayed Loki in a bad light, so they were very clear on the mind-control thing.
You sat in the livingroom with the team when you got home after a nice lunch out and gushed over the movie with the team. Stark made a suggestion that you all go see it in uniform, since it was good. He badgered everyone else into agreeing.
You looked up when Loki got up from the couch a short time later. He smiled at your concern. You'd been afraid he was upset by the movie. He was portrayed as a very reluctant villain, but a villain nonetheless. "I just have a couple of errands to take care of. Don't fret," he told you warmly.
"Do you need a ride? You should have said something while we were out!" you told him, moving to get to your feet, automatically jumping to help him.
He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "Thank you for your concern, darling, but, no, I do not need a ride. The errands pertain to our evening, so you are not invited to help, little sorceress," he teased and bopped your nose with a long finger. You stuck your tongue out at him in reply. He vanished in a shimmer of green light, still laughing
Loki didn't return all afternoon. You finally got a text from him around 4:30. You'd taught him how to use his phone shortly after he'd turned human again. -Your outfit for the evening is waiting on your bed. I will pick you up at 6-
You bounced in excitement as you made your way upstairs to finally get a clue as to what you'd be doing this evening. Thor was grinning. Jerkface knew what Loki was up to, you realized. You glared at him, but it only lasted an instant as the elevator dinged. You stepped in and saw the grins on the entire team's faces. They all knew what Loki was planning. Jerks, all of them...
When you got to your room, you found the most gorgeous floor-length gown you had ever laid eyes on. You knew it wasn't yours. You didn't own anything that perfect or beautiful. You were glad Loki had given you time to get ready, too. You had time to shower, use a spell on your hair, and do your makeup before carefully putting on the dress. It fit like it was made just for you. You had a feeling it was. There was a pair of surprisingly comfortable heels to go with the dress, a shawl that matched the dress perfectly, and a beautiful gold Celtic knot necklace.
You double-checked your appearance one last time moments before there was a polite knock on your door, exactly at 6pm. You couldn't help smiling at how prompt he was and opened the door. Loki was waiting on the other side dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand. He had also used so many illusions on his ears and tail that even you could see through them. He looked properly Asgardian, and extremely handsome, this evening. You stepped back to let him into your room. "You look ravishing this evening, darling," he greeted you warmly and bowed over your hand to kiss your knuckles.
"Thank you," you accepted the compliment. "You look wonderful as well," you couldn't tell him that he was damn sexy in formal wear, and handsome wasn't strong enough. He smiled and offered you the flowers. "Thank you," you said again, cooing over the familiar purple flowers. "How did you know?" These flowers were rare here, you hadn't seen any in years.
"Helene sends her greetings," he told you by way of reply. "And that it was about time I asked you on a proper date," he added with a smirk.
You sighed. "Grandmother Helene never changes." Before you could create one, a vase materialized around the flowers. You smiled at Loki and his thoughtfulness at set the flowers on your nightstand.
"Shall we?" he asked, offering you his arm. You placed your hand on his offered arm and let him escort you. He bowed you from the room and pulled your door closed behind him.
"Do I get to know where we're going yet?" you asked as you walked with him to the elevator.
"Not yet," he told you warmly. "Soon," he promised. "We do have one stop to make before we can leave though. I apologize," he added as the elevator opened on the main floor where the team was gathered in the living room still. There were cat-calls and pictures taken and Thor had to warn his brother to make sure you had a good time that evening. You escaped with Loki as soon as you could.
"They mean well..." you tried to defend them.
"It's still annoying, but Thor insisted that he be allowed to see us off," Loki rolled his eyes. Loki sighed heavily when you exited the tower. He was looking at two ravens perched on the wall just outside of the tower. "Hello, Hugin, Munin, did Mother have Odin put you up to this?" he asked the ravens.
"You know them?" you asked him.
"These are Hugin and Munin, Odin's ravens. They act as spies for him. Apparently, they have decided I need to be checked up on, on the night I wish to take my lady out on our first official date. I suspect Mother's interference," he explained to you. He looked put-upon, but you could see that he was pleased that Frigga cared. He turned his attention back to the birds. "Kindly tell Mother that I appreciate her concern and am doing well, that my lady is lovely and kind, a powerful sorceress worthy of every ounce of joy I can possibly give her and more, and that I send my love," the ravens cawed and flew off. "Mother means well..." he told you softly, embarrassed that he'd had to stop and have a conversation with birds because of his strange family. You'd seen just as strange over the years.
"Of course she does. She loves you and wants to see you happy," you told him warmly. He kissed your hand again, pleased at your understanding. You continued on your way and Loki led you to the street where a limo was waiting. Of course he'd gotten a limo. What else would he have done? Silly god. The driver opened the door as soon as the two of you got close to the limo. Loki helped you into the limo and went around to enter on the other side so you didn't have to slid across the seat. A lady didn't slide after all. Or a princess, which is how he was treating you.
Loki told you stories of the ravens as the limo drove you to your location. You watched out the window as he talked and were in awe at the fancy limo and the expense Loki went to for this evening. You weren't terribly surprised that you ended up at a restaurant. You shouldn't have been surprsied at the elegant famous restaurant you had ended up at, and yet, you still hadn't been expecting Loki to bring you to the fanciest restaurant he...or Stark... could find. He offered you a hand to help you out of the limo. You accepted it gratefully, you weren't used to climbing out of a limo at all, much less in a floor length gown and heels. Loki escorted you into the restaurant. You were led immediately to your table and seated by the staff, who even placed your napkins in your laps for you. Seriously, the place was that fancy.
The meal was delicious, Loki's company was wonderful as always, and the meal was delicious. Seriously, you didn't know food could taste that good.
It was a wonderful date and didn't feel like a first date, since you'd been friends with Loki for months. It felt just like any other outing, but somehow...more. You couldn't quite explain how, but it was a happy more, so you accepted it with joy.
You were surprised when the limo didn't go back to the tower after dinner. You raised an eyebrow at Loki. "Surely, you didn't think dinner was the only plan I had for the evening," he teased lightly.
"Then what else do you have planned?" you asked.
"We're nearly there," he promised instead of answering. You didn't recognize the building when the limo stopped in front of it. You waited for Loki to come around so he could help you from the limo, though. He helped you to your feet, then took your hand in formal escort. You smiled at his antics and let him escort you into the building.
You paused when you entered the huge ballroom and just stared at the old-fashioned formal ball. You hadn't been to a proper ball in years. "How-?" you asked, shocked as Loki removed your shawl and vanished it instead of bothering with the coat check.
"Stark grudgingly helped me set it up," Loki admitted. "It took us awhile to get everything set up, which is why it too so long for me to invite you out on a proper date, but I knew you would love it, especially after the party the other night." You had complained that modern slow dances held nothing against the proper dances of days long past, of the balls you had been to in your younger days.
You saw the rest of the team already on the dance floor. They were here too, all dressed up, and all enjoying the ball. "Shall we?" Loki asked. You nodded and let him lead you onto the dance floor.
He was all grace on the dance floor. He knew all of the steps to all of the old fashioned dances and you danced the night away with him. It was absolutely perfect. You missed proper dances, you missed balls, and the emotion and joy of dancing.
It was either very late in the night or very early in the morning when you finally made your way back to the limo. Loki helped you slip his suit jacket on before you left the ballroom. "Thank you," you told him softly. You were still estactic at the wonderful evening, but you were crashing hard. You'd been dancing all evening and had this not been a first date, your shoes would have been abandoned hours ago.
Before you knew it, you were back at the tower, in the elevator back up to your room. Loki insisted on checking your room for intruders before he'd let you enter. You let him, he'd been overprotective since the intruder. "Did you have a good evening?" Loki asked after he'd verified the room was clear.
"It was wonderful," you purred with a stupid grin. He smiled brightly.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replied warmly. You remembered you were still wearing his suit jacket and slipped it off and handed it back to him with another thanks. He took it and folded it over his arm. He didn't need to put it back on, he was only going across the hall.
"It was absolutely perfect," you added.
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and hesitated before he finally steeled himself to tentatively lean down for a goodnight kiss. "May I?" he whispered, just before his lips met yours. Perfect gentleman as usual.
"Yes," you breathed.
His lips met yours, soft and cool, gentle and not pressuring for more. You kissed him back just as soft, just as gentle. It was a perfect first kiss.
Loki broke it and kissed your forehead. "Sleep well, my darling," he bid you softly.
"Goodnight, Lokitty," you replied warmly, sure after this evening that your friendship would survive becoming more.
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