Ashes to Ashes
After our bout with Tituba, Eva returned a very groggy and thankful Charlotte back to her parents' house. They don't know anything about what happened but confessed to knowing that something had been different with her. The keep asking questions about our friendship and if we're all okay with each other. They also asked if we're off drug. They pressed us about it, especially when she slept for a day and a half.
Lucas and Finn are considerably more concerned with finding Tituba than the rest of us. Their connection to Tituba is a very sore spot for both vampires. Lucas does seem more distracted lately. Truth be told, I am happy to have the time to study the Grimoire. I enjoy reading about past witches and spells created by my ancestors.
Charlotte has been out of the loop for a couple of days and seems to be ignoring any calls we place to her. Eva seems particularly overwhelmed with Charlotte out. She takes over the cheer responsibilities as well as a few things that Charlotte would be concerned about. Parker and David seem closer than ever, though David seems a bit more pleasant towards me than I would have guessed. He's also asked me to tutor him in English, much to the chagrin of Lucas. I agree but only after he agrees that it can't get weird.
At all.
None of us hear anything from or about Tituba in the few couple of peaceful days we get. We also hear nothing about Nora or the mysterious He that they seem so intent on.
My Mother and Father seem consistent on their annoying hovering. The two of them bonded over their worry for me. While it is good to see them getting along again, I am always ready to get the Hell out of that house and away from them. So much so that I decide to get away from them by going to the Witch House.
As I walk into the rather dilapidated Witch House, I am surprised to find Parker working on the windows. As I enter the room, he smiles over at me and stands up from repairing the window. At first, the both of us just stare at each other, no doubt he is unsure of what to say to me.
I'm not sure if Parker if is acting strangely because of the bombshell about the supernatural part of my life or Eva's love life.
"So, that's a real magic book?" Parker asks as he points at the Grimoire.
I look down at it and nod, "Yeah, hard to believe." I nod.
A silence comes over us again. The both of us smile politely at each other.
"Looks like an over-sized Lord of the Rings book." Parker commented.
I chuckle softly.
"There's vampires and werewolves and...apparently witches."
I nod again, "I know it's a lot to handle, especially because-"
"It actually makes a lot of sense. All the unsolved murders in this town....I knew my Father wasn't a shitty sheriff." Parker smiles, "The thing I don't get is....why are we working with the vampires?"
"For the same reason you're working with the witch and werewolf." I shrug, "Not everyone is bad."
"Have they killed people?" Parker asks eliciting a sigh from me, "I'm sorry. I just--if I'm supposed to buy they're good guys, I need to reconcile this."
"I never said they were good guys, well not Lucas. In fact he takes pleasure in not being a nice anything." I shake my head at him, "Do you really think I'd be with him if he was so bad?"
"David wasn't a good guy, either. But he's human, he's got a soul." Parker says, "Does Lucas?"
"Is this a lecture on dating a vampire over werewolf or anyone over your best friend?" I ask.
Parker throws up his hands in surrender, "We've been friends for a long time. I just don't want to see you get hurt. You or Eva." His face grows darker at the mention of Eva.
I smirk at him. So, that's what this line of questions is about. I have to admit, I'm a bit sad that it is about Eva. I've always liked my friendship with Parker and it actually feels good to hear someone who hasn't been my best friend for years or is trying to get in my pants actually admit to care.
"You do know that Eva and you breaking up had nothing to do with Finn, right?" I ask.
"I'm not so sure."
"I actually need to be going. I have practice. I'll finish the windows later." Parker says as he slides by me and leaves the house.
I stare on at the door, not entirely sure of what to think. Parker is right. He's always been perceptive. Everyone writes him off as a stereotypical jock but he isn't even close to that. He's a bright guy. He's also David's Best Friend and Eva's ex-boyfriend. His view of the vampires is slight skewed because of these two facts.
I ignore the overwhelming urge to go after him and settle on the ratty old couch beside the fire and flip open the book. I notice that Parker left his tools and decide to remind him of that later. I shake my head and look down at the book again.
I take a few minutes to study the book, to try and figure out which page I was on last. I hear a quick rustling and look behind the couch, to the door and see no one there. I'm almost sure I can hear something. I can hear faint whispers but ignore them and turn back to the fire. I jump at the sight of a dark silhouette standing in front of the fire.
"I think we need to make today as normal as possible. No vampire boyfriends, no talk of witches and we may need to steer clear of asking how she is." Eva instructs as we walk down the hallway, toward Charlotte's locker.
I think to keep my unusual experience in the Witch House to myself. I have to tell someone, though. I've been obsessing over it and I can't keep it to myself anymore.
"I saw my grandmother." I blurt.
Eva groans.
"See, that's not the type of stuff we need to talk about." Eva says as her wide eyes turn to me, "What did she say? Did she..."
"She tried to speak. Nothing came out." I explain, "She was trying to warn me about something but she wasn't able to stay long. She's still here with us."
Eva look around, "Now?" she asks.
"I can feel her." I say softly, "She was trying to warn me about something but I couldn't-I'm failing."
"Failing?" Eva seems confused, causing us both to stop.
"I haven't been able to do anything? I haven't found the spell to bring my brother back, which by the way when I find it I might wait just to piss him off. Seriously, he did not have to be so cryptic. I haven't even been able to save anyone." I feel very tired at this moment, "I have no idea what's coming next but I know that I'm in danger and that puts everyone I love in danger."
"You did save Charlotte just the other night. You're not responsible to for saving everybody." Eva mutters as she grabs my arm, "Listen to me, you have been dealing with so much stuff that would have sent others to a mental institution. It's okay to be a mess sometimes but our best friend, Charlotte, is alive because of you."
"Something bad is coming. I can feel it."
"Right now Charlotte needs to hear that everything will be alright. She needs to know she's safe...even if she isn't." Eva nods.
I nod to her and we move ahead. When we reach Charlotte, she is standing in front of her locker, gazing into the mirror she's posted on the door of the locker. Sometime between the last time we saw her and now she has dyed her hair. Eva and I exchange bewildered glances before going over to either side of her. We both trade bewildered glances again before Eva made a move.
"Hey, Char." Eva says, not gaining her attention. Eva persists, "You might not want to stare off into space like that..."
"I'm thinking about cutting my hair."
I glance over at Eva, who looks positively stunned, "How short?" I ask.
"All of it."
"Not sure you could pull that off." Eva is careful with her tone, "Besides I like the red."
"Maybe you're right." Charlotte answers softly, "I should go." She says leaving Eva and I to stare at her as she walks away.
I gently shut the door, "Are we going to worry now?"
"Beyond that. Cut off all her hair? Britney couldn't pull that off and neither can she." Eva leans on the lockers beside Charlotte's, "I do not think I'm equipped to deal with this."
"If she goes to a counselor, they would lock her up." I shake my head at the mere thought of having Charlotte committed, "Luckily, I have experience in loss and truly fucked up situations, thanks to our supernatural sponsors."
Eva sighs.
"What? I think I can deal with this. She's angry but hasn't gotten to that stage in this psychosis yet." I push myself away from the lockers, "And in all honesty, it's my fault."
"Am I the only one of us that's not neurotic?"
"Possibly." I shrug, "In all honesty, I just wish the other shoe would fall. Nora was working for some guy and I just want to know who I'm fighting."
"Doesn't matter, we'll face him together. Righter after we keep Charlotte from getting a meltdown-do."
Eva pulls me into a tight hug.
Charlotte's sudden bout of bad luck is my fault but I am going to help her through this. She needs all the help and support she can get. My mind immediately wanders to spells that could balance her but after some thought, I think wise to steer away from magic with her.
She definitely needs a break from everything magical.
The growing disconnect between all of us was starting to wear on me. It can't have come at a worse time. Apparently, one of the last group activities before this year's prom is coming up. I've been so entrenched in the other, more important things in my life that I neglected to care about a school function.
The school is honestly unsure of whether they should cancel the activities due to the deaths of many of its residents, a good amount of students included. I absent-mindedly volunteered a long while ago when I was 'trying new things'.
That decision dates the state of my life. It seems so long ago that I was planning anything other than how to defeat evil vampires. I kind of miss being aimless and a semi-regular teenager. I love being a witch but the things that come with it are exhausting.
I will admit that this part of being an upstanding member of the school is the worst part.
Sensing that I will need more than just my natural amount of spunk, I drop by Byars to get a little coffee incentive to jump start my resolve. While waiting in line, I am surprised to find a face I've never seen before. Endor Falls is relatively small, so everyone knows when a new face appears around town.
The man is tall with chocolate skin and buzzed jet black hair. His eyes are light, almost a luminescent grey hue. I notice that he is wearing a suit, as it is very rare in this town. I can't shake the feeling of familiarity.
When the barista hands me the two coffees I've ordered, I turn to walk away from the man, who is now staring at me. I pause and stare at him too. Finding the situation a bit too weird for my liking, I decide to speak with him.
"Do I know you?" I ask.
"I'm sorry, no, I don't believe so." The Man says as he shakes his head, "I get that a lot."
"Sorry. I just...you look-"
"Familiar?" He asks with a smile.
"Let me guess, you get that a lot?"
"Phoenix Arawak." He announces as he extends his hand. I shake his hand, "And you are?"
I pull my hand back when I feel an odd sensation run through my hand. I politely smile at him, trying to find a polite way to leave.
"Perry Bennett." I smiled. I find myself staring at him and have to mentally shake myself out of it, "I've got to go. Another year and I guess I won't have to worry about this."
"Ah, high school. Glad those days are over." He smiles, "Well, be safe."
"Thanks. You too." I said as I pass him.
I scurry out of Byars with a sense of oddity. I don't feel danger from him but there is definitely something extremely different about him. I think he's magical but that's not exactly it either.
He's so familiar.
I stand outside Charlotte's classroom, leaning on the wall. I stare out onto the courtyard. The school seems empty and it's hard to think about the mass of kids in the classrooms. I find myself in so many existential crises. I can't let this be one of them.
I need to reach Charlotte. I need to soften her up before I just dive right into talking about our feelings and how screwed up everything is at the moment. To be honest, she's never thought that we should be mingling with the vampires but after this...She probably won't be too fond of witches, either.
When the bell rings, I watch the students file out of the room and head to different locations. When Charlotte stumbles out of the room, digging through her purse, I walk up beside her.
"Char, I-"
She doesn't even acknowledge me as she slips away. I stand there with two cups of coffee. I feel like a total jackass standing there with two cups of coffee. I am surprised when I feel someone walk up and stand beside me.
"She's not herself." Finn says softly.
"I got that." I say with a sigh.
Finn looks over at me, "She needs time."
"I don't think I have time." I say as I toss the coffees into the trash bin.
Finn reaches out and grabbed me by the shoulder, turning me towards him, "What do you mean by that?" He asks.
"I just don't see this all coming to a happy ending." I avoid his gaze. Finn stares at me and I shake my head, "This whole thing happened because someone, in their infinite wisdom, wants me to suffer. I haven't forgotten that. I have a feeling that it doesn't end well for me. The least, the very least, I can do is make sure no one else gets hurt."
"None of us are going to let anything happen to you." Finn reassures, "You're the best influence my Brother's ever had. The only person who might be able to...for lack of better word, tame him. There's also the fact that you're my girlfriend's best friend."
I nod, "I get that a lot. We can't let Charlotte live like this. I can't imagine what she must be going through." I say carefully.
"There's no way to fix this. She has to come around on her own time."
"I don't accept that." I snap at him. I quickly correct myself before saying, "Thanks Finn but she doesn't have to live with consequences for what I am. For what we are."
"People will always suffer for what we are. It's the burden of being the things we are." Finn say with a rather empty smile, "The only option for any of us is to stop loving and...ask my Brother how that worked?"
"I was talking about you." He says as he walks away.
I stand there in shock at Finn's words. The implication of that conversation is that Lucas is in love with me in any way, shape or form. I wasn't aware Lucas did love...and I am alright with that. I'd never expected more than sex from Lucas. I wasn't an idiot, I know I care for him a great deal but...do I love him? I can't.
I shouldn't love someone like him. I've seen the movies and read the books.
I just shouldn't.
I searched for Lucas a full hour after Finn's comment only to find that he went home 'sick' a few hours earlier. He clearly compelled the nurse to write him a slip. It's annoying that he can do that and I'm stuck in Trig. Well, I guess I'm not there now but it's a figure of speech.
The drive to his family's house is excruciating. I am not sure what I'm going to say or even how I feel about him. I just know that we need to make some things very clear.
I pull up to see his car parked outside and make my way up the driveway. I enter the house freely. Apparently, if you're a vampire, you're not afraid of random people walking into your house.
I make my way through the living room only to find it empty. I know he's here because his coat is draped across the back of the sofa and there is a fire going. Of course there is.
"You know, a sane person would think twice before breaking into a vampire's house." Lucas says, gaining my attention to him. I watch him enter through the doorway from the hallway and stop in front of me, "Then again..."
"Even vampires should lock their doors."
"I don't figure it'd be too hard for you to come in." Lucas smirks, "What do I owe the pleasure? Or is the pleasure why you're here?"
"Okay, put it back in your pants." I turn away from him, trying to gather my thoughts. The mention of love as it pertains to Lucas and me is excruciatingly jarring. When I turn around, he seems more intent on me than before. I shake my head, "You don't love me, right?"
"I was talking to Finn."
"For the love of-"
"And you don't love me. How could you? Our relationship is built of sex and a mutual dislike. Borderline contempt. And understanding. We understand that we don't like each other."
"Because everything Finn says is gospel." Lucas growls, "But if I did love you, would that be so terrible? Do you feel the same?"
I grow silent. The question I've been side-stepping in my own mind has come from his lips. The question sounds less judgmental coming from him.
"You do, don't you?"
"I...don't know." I say turning away from him yet again, "This isn't--we're not the two that are supposed to be together! You're supposed to take one look at Eva or Charlotte and fall in love and do horrible things but the right thing in the end for them. Us can't end well. It won't end well."
"That's not an answer to my question."
"This was a bad idea." I blurt as I head towards the door.
"Us or you coming here?" Lucas asked.
"Take your pick." I yell as I reach for the door. Lucas appears beside me and grabs my hand, "Lucas..."
"If you say it, it might not sound as bad as you think." Lucas' voice is calm and dangerous in so many ways.
"I don't want to say it." I look over to him, "Even if it's true. There are some things I never want to say."
Lucas takes his hand off mine and takes a few steps back. I open the door but can't push myself out of the door. I slam the door and turn to him. He stop walking and turns to me.
"Okay, screw it. I love you." I shout.
"Duh." Lucas says as a smirk spread across his lips.
We move towards each other and I throw my arms around his neck as our lips crash together. I feel freer than I have in quite some time. To admit to him that I love him is something I would have never expected, even after he asked. It's harder than I expect and unfair in so many ways. Mid-kiss, I absolutely know what I had to do to reach Charlotte.
I break away from him, "Hold that thought." I say breathlessly.
"I'll be back." I say as I hurry to the front door.
I feel reinvigorated as I leave the house. I can admit something so detrimental to myself as well as get my Best Friend back in one day. I can help her in ways only I can.
After leaving Lucas' house, I arrive at Charlotte's house to find David's car parked out front. I wonder what possible reason the two of them could have for being together. The two despise each other and I suspect foul play. As I walk up to the house, he storms out of the front door. He is silent as he blows past me. I think to follow him but I ignore him as I enter the house and find that Charlotte's parents are gone.
When I finally find Charlotte, she is in her room listening to some Missy Higgins song on full blast. It looks as if her room has been hit by a tornado. The room is usually clean in a very mellow way. At the moment, the room is in utter chaos. I stand at the door as a couple of DVDs come flying through the air. I used my magic to stop them.
"Magic?! You'd come in here and use magic?!" Charlotte rages, "Gah, none of this is real!"
"It is!" I say as the DVDs drop into my hands, "This is crazy and stupid and real."
"This is your life, not mine."
"You didn't ask for this. I'm sorry, I am but do you think I asked for this, either? I don't even know what I'm doing most of the time!" I stare at her incredulously, "I get that you've been through one of the worst things that could happen to a person...but get over it."
"Excuse me?"
"My Grandmother died. My Brother died. I fell in love with perhaps the single worst person in the world and yes, I'm a 'bastion of magical energy'. None of that matters, not without you, Eva and my family."
"Are we skipping the part where my body was hijacked?"
"We're not set pieces for you."
"No, you're the only things I have." I say softly.
Charlotte stares at me, seemingly unmoved. She softens with a sigh and closes the gap between us, embracing me. I feel more comfortable than I have in a while, safe even. I let the air escape through my mouth, wrapping my arms around her.
I took a gamble that probably wouldn't have worked with anyone else. I meant every single word I said. The most important people in my life matter and she's important.
After a very long, and what I can only describe as 'freeing' talk about what I am and what actually happened to her, Charlotte reveals that she was sentient for some of her confinement. She describes it as watching but not being able to act. She also described fighting for control in the end.
After our talk, she told me that she was done talking for the night, that she needed to gather her thoughts and that she would be fine in the morning. I bid her farewell and left her to her thoughts.
Upon arriving home, I feel an unnerving feeling of being watched as I enter the house. Despite my unease, I feel rather content with my life at the moment. Charlotte needs time but I can give that to her. I never want to lose her. My friendship with her and Eva keeps me grounded in this reality, the normal one I spent years building. If it weren't for them, I'd be lost in this supernatural trainwreck I call a life.
I quickly notice that the lights are out in my house, a sign of no one being home. This contradicts both of my parents' cars being outside. They have to be here somewhere. A flash of my Grandmother's lifeless body flashes through my head...this can't be happening again.
I walk over to turn on the light and trip over something heavy. From the floor, I can see a faint silhouette, a human. The light flicks on to reveal the man from Byars, Phoenix, sitting in the chair by the fireplace, flicking his hand to and fro. My eyes quickly find my Father, who dangled on the ceiling, watching me with terror written in his eyes.
"Welcome home, Perry." He says with a smirk.
The sound of groaning can be heard over the howling wind outside. As the woman, Prudence, yells out, occasionally cursing, the thunder and lightning grows to frightening heights of urgency. Tituba stands by the window, looking out as two of her servants scurry on around her.
She only turns as Prudence screamed her name. Prudence begins groaning again and soon a loud growl hangs in the air. Lightning splits a tree in front of the window, causing Tituba to stagger back. She looks on with fiendish delight and turns to her servants and Prudence for the first time.
"It's almost here. He's coming." Tituba smiles.
"This was all about him... You can't have my baby!" Prudence hisses.
Prudence's screams filled the room again. The storm outside only intensifies as the birth progresses.
"You either push or you die."
"I'll die anyways."
"Probably." Tituba frowns, "But the question is if you want to take him with you. The first Son born to sixty generations."
Prudence grits her teeth and begins to push, her strength quickly draining. She watches as Tituba's eyes light with wonder. She only stops when she hears the screams of an infant. The servants began to move about with the baby. Prudence cranes to see her Son but is unable to catch but a glance of him.
"My Son. My Son!" Prudence cries out.
One of the servants, a former barrister, tilts the baby to show her. In her haste, she hadn't realized that the storm had calmed. Her eyes are fixated on the Boy. The servant moves away from her and towards Tituba. Prudence begins to protest.
"You told me a great many things. You made promises." Prudence cries, "What of your promises?"
Tituba moves towards her, "There are a great number of promises made. Promises of love, of kindness...promises of equality and power but you see, the world isn't made of promises...it's made of something far darker." She brings a fist up into the air, "All we have are these actions, my dear. Perhaps the next generation will know what you never bothered to learn."
"What is that?" Prudence asked.
"The meek will never inherit the Earth." Tituba says bending her wrist.
At Tituba's action, Prudence's neck snaps to one side. Tituba turns to her servant. The servant quickly moved to her and hands her the baby. Tituba takes the baby in her arms and stares down at him, her eyes wide with wonder.
"From the ashes, I christen my little Phoenix."
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