Dead things come in many forms. They come in circles, they come severed, and they come in more forms. I wouldn't say that it is a pleasant thing to experience as a 12-year-old child. One could say that I grew up fast. My life isn't too upsetting otherwise. I play bagpipes, befriend dragons, and learn from an ancient one. I don't think he was an ancient one or that there are any ancient ones. He wouldn't give me a name, saying that it was too dangerous. He said that it was dangerous for me to know what he was or what his name was. He was a silver dragonborn. Based on the fact that he called himself an ancient one led me to believe that he was quite old. I couldn't help but sigh at the thought. I looked through my thoughts of stories and legends I had been told.
"Hey! I came for a story, not silence," a man at the back of the tavern yelled.
I sighed once again before starting, "Have you ever heard the story of the three guardians," I was greeted with silence in response, "Their tale is as old as time itself. An elf and her two associates were born all at very similar times, only to be cursed to be hunted down by dragonborn and teiflings alike. The hunt for the three of them almost leads to the destruction of the teifling race altogether. The elf was born blind, but her other senses were ten times better because of it. As she grew she developed magical power that allowed her to navigate the world around her. The Elf's first companion was a dragonborn. He was born in the mountains and trained to be Bard before adopting a religion that quickly abandoned him on a mission. After being abandoned the barbarian tribe Fleeting Grace took him in making him a Bard Barbarian Paladin. The elf's second companion was a teifling," as I said that a black and red dragonborn, who was sitting next to a sleeping white and gold dragonborn, perk up. Keeping an eye on the dragonborn I continued, "The, uh, teifling was born in a village. The village was a hidden village meant to keep the teiflings safe from dragonborn assassins that had been bought to find the teifling guardian. The teifling was very young when the village was attacked. Only he and a young female teifling survived the attack. He grew up training himself by stealing and attacking his enemies when they were asleep. The three of them found themselves running into each other each running from the dragonborn assassins. The elf and her dragonborn companion were being followed by one dragonborn the teifling being followed by the other. Unfortunately, that was the last this world heard of the three Guardians."
"Miss were they okay," a girl younger than me, who was sitting at the closest table, asked.
"Well, no one knows. The Guardians haven't been seen for years and I suspect that they are helping the worlds in their mysterious ways."
After responding to the little girl's question I started to blow a tune on my bagpipes keeping my eyes on the two dragonborn in the back. I watched as the red and black one woke his compatriot and stood. The two muttered something between them and then walked out of the tavern. I wouldn't have been as suspicious, but there was something off about them.
"Miss, I think I could help you finish your story. That is if you can help me finish mine," I looked over at the voice talking to me.
There standing just a little bit lower than me was a small girl. Her hair was pitch black and she had bright green eyes. She was surrounded by an emerald green cloak surrounding her. She had a brown button-up shirt with black pants and boots. Her hair was shoulder length and her hands were clutching the edges of her cloak as if she wasn't used to not holding something in them.
"How could you help me finish the story," I asked, "That's all we know about any of it."
"I could say that I have seen the Guardians relatively recently," She replied.
"And why should I believe you?"
"I'm Sova and I have helped them out a few times, I am only the most important person in the world."
I looked at her and rolled my eyes, "If you're so important why do you need my help?"
"You could say that I am looking for someone and I heard that you are one of the only people who have seen him even more recently than I have, if you are the person I am looking for that is. What is your name?"
I stared at her as she stared at me. I wasn't going to be able to answer any questions if she didn't ask any and by the look of things she wasn't going to ask any. Instead, she made a gesture with her hand as if to ask me to start talking.
"Um, I am not sure if you are aware, but I do not understand hand gestures. If you want me to answer questions you will have to ask questions."
"Where is he?"
"Where is who?"
I stared at her again. Who was Worman and who did she think that I was?
As if reading my mind Sova said, "you know, a silver dragonborn? About yay high."
She made a gesture as if she was guessing the dragonborn's height. I froze as her words hit my ears. A silver dragonborn. Like the supposed ancient one.
"Did they refer to themselves as an ancient one," I asked?
"Well, I never heard him refer to himself like that, but I am sure that he could have. Considering his remarkable age."
"Who is Worman and what does he have to do with the three Guardians? If you don't mind me asking."
"Worman is the Guardian of Harmony and the oldest of the Guardians."
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