The Unknown Shooter
Chapter 4
Abi drove around for a while so by the time she made it home it was already dark. She walked into her apartment and noticed the smashed lamp on the floor. She picked it up with her powers and binned it. Her nightmares were getting worse as her memories of the Soviets began to return. She couldn't control her powers when having them so things had started to get smashed. Worse, she didn't know which were memories and which were the dreams.
She shook her head and put a pizza in the oven. She sat down to eat it as she heard Steve get back. He parked his bike and walked into the building. He saw Abi's light on and knew she got back safe. As he walked to his floor his neighbour came out on the phone.
"Hi." Steve muttered with a small wave.
She smiled back. "I got to go, though. Okay bye." She said into the phone. "My Aunt, she's kind of an insomniac."
"Hey, if you want... If you want, you're welcome to use my machine." Steve offered looking at her laundry. "Might be cheaper than the one in the basement."
"Oh, yeah. What's it cost?" She asked.
"Cup of coffee?" Steve suggested.
"Thank you, but, I already have a load in downstairs, and you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward, so..." She said.
"Well, I'll keep my distance." Steve said.
"Hopefully not too far." She added with a smile. "Oh, and I think you left your stereo on."
"Oh. Right, thank you." Steve said as she walked off.
He turned back around and walked up another floor. He knocked on Abi's door.
She opened it and looked at him with surprise. "Hey?"
"I think there is someone in my apartment." He told her.
"Fire escape?" She suggested.
He nodded and they both climbed down the fire escape to Steve's window. Abi unlocked it with her powers and they climbed through. The stereo was playing loudly. Steve picked up his shield and they slowly peaked around the corner. Fury was the last person they expected to see. He was sat in Steve's arm chair. He was bleeding and was holding his arm as though he was in pain.
"I don't remember giving you a key." Steve said leaning against the wall.
Fury sat up with a groan. "You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out."
"Didn't know you were married." Abi said she knew something was wrong.
"A lot of things you don't know about me." Fury replied.
"I know, Nick. That's the problem." Steve said turning on the light.
Fury turned it off again. He typed a message onto his phone and showed the other two. 'Ear's everywhere' it read.
"I'm sorry to have to do this but I had no place else to crash." Fury said. He typed another message; 'Shield compromised'.
"Who else knows about your wife?" Abi asked keeping her voice steady.
Fury showed his phone; 'you two and me'. "Just... my friends."
"Is that what we are?" Steve questioned.
"That's up to you." Fury replied.
All of a sudden three high powered shots came flying through the wall into Fury's chest. He collapsed to the floor. Steve dragged him out of the way as Abi looked through the window. A glint of metal caught her eye but the figure was in all black. She joined Steve and Fury behind the kitchen unit.
Fury grabbed Steve's arm and held out the memory stick. "Don't trust anyone." Fury told them.
Someone broke down the door. "Captain Rogers?" A female voice questioned. Kate, the nurse who lived next to Steve, walked round the corner. "Captain, I'm Agent Thirteen of shield special service."
"Kate?" Steve muttered looking at Abi. She nodded confirming what Kate had said.
"I've been assigned to protect you." She said walking round the island.
"On whose order's?" Steve asked.
"His." She said looking at Fury. She pulled out a radio and spoke into it. "Foxtrot is down and he's unresponsive. I need EMT's."
"Do we have a twenty on the shooter?" The man on the other end asked.
"Tell them I'm in pursuit." Steve said before running out.
Abi walked over to the wall. She looked at the position Fury had been stood in, in relation to the window. The only person visible from through the window had been Steve. The shooter had shot Fury based off where Steve was looking. Whoever had shot Fury had been well trained; Russian trained. It was the same thing she was taught. Whoever had shot Fury had been trained by the same people as her.
Steve had followed the shooter to a roof and threw his shield at him. The shooter turned and caught the shield. But that wasn't what surprised Steve. The shooter had a metal arm. Before he could do anything the shooter launched the shield back and jumped. Steve ran to the edge but the shooter had already vanished.
Fury was taken to the hospital and went straight into surgery. Agent Hill joined Steve and Abi there first but was quickly followed by Natasha.
"Is he gonna make it?" Nat questioned.
"I don't know." Steve murmured in response.
"Tell me about the shooter." Nat said.
Abi kept her observations quiet so Steve answered. "He's fast. Strong. Had a metal arm."
Nat paused. "Ballistics?"
"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Hill said.
"Soviet-made." Abi muttered. They all turned to look at her. She was stood at the back of the room.
"What?" Steve asked.
"They were Russian made. The shooter was trained by the same people who trained me. He had the same skills and the same weapon." She told them looking at the floor.
They all turned back as the doctor called for a defibrillator.
"Don't do this to me, Nick." Nat whispered. They tried three times to bring him back. "Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me." She repeated under her breath.
"Time of death, One o' three AM." They called it.
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