The Winter Fairy
It's just as simple as making fractals out of thin air! How lovely it is to watch these shimmering star-like snowflakes coalesce in puffs just to land soundlessly on the deserted streets. Winter is here, and with it comes the responsibility of beautifying the world with the wonders of ice!
Ella shot through the chilling wind, leaving streaks of frost on her trail. "Yoo hoo!" She shrieked as she dived down and busted a puff of snow balls into gleaming needles. She glided across frozen pines down to her next favourite place in the small town-the beautifully frozen lake.
She skidded frictionless across and swirl round and round, her bluish-black hair askew in a riot of windy strands. She laughed as she conjured a miniature snowman, held its puny twig arm, and danced along like the skater that had performed before audiences earlier that day.
A cone of iridescent rays rested on her, she momentarily caught the glimpse of a friendly light-fairy. "Hey! Lisa!" She called, swirling around once again, releasing the jolly snowman which glided away.
More giggles from the distance caused her to pause. Pairs of veined ovate transparent wings gleamed from behind the snow covered brush, fairies clapping and cheering. Her cheeks went beet-red as she gave a bow.
"How about more?." Grayle, a chubby fairy called from ashore. "More, more, more..." The rest chanted.
"How about we do this together, the ball is open to everyone!"
"Yeah!" Screamed the other fairies, running down to the glassy surface, more light-fairies joined Lisa, trailing each pair of dancing fairies with spotlights.
"Left... Left... Left... Then swirl." She instructed her partner: a blonde fairy with azure deep set eyes, and freckled cheeks. He isn't a bad skater after all.
"Not, as hard as I thought." He said with a winning smile.
"You're doing really good." She retorted primly.
"Thanks to a good teacher." he said, then spun. "Call me Elton."
Ella, caught herself staring into those eyes, they crinkled, and she blushed. "I'm Ella."
"How about we take this to the skies?" He suggested.
"I call it the winter sheet. Follow me!" He said. With almost soundless flutters, he was high enough, just underneath the much occupied light-fairies. He conjured an ice sheet, making it spread on like a platform suspended in air. "Just do the same, make your designs." Ella sprang to action, making star etchings on the sheet of ice that refracted light patterns on the dancers below. "How about a chandelier?" She asked.
"Great idea." He replied, "'Would just need more force to stay afloat though." She plunged just underneath the ornate sheet, hanging glazes of different shapes and sizes.
At the edges of the large suspended plate and chandelier, they turned round and round producing swirling patterns on the dancers.
"That's awesome!" Some of the dancers pointed out, and flew up to them making their own improvisations on the curious object.
Not until the sound of music died before they disbanded.
"Come, I want to show you something." Said Elton excitedly, and off they flew, till he stopped by an open window. He pointed at a Christmas tree: fresh glittering green pines, with dazzling objects suspended and a golden star right above it. "Whoa! Can we check it out?"
Elton chuckled, and then looked back at the tiny shadows of retreating fairies. "Well, just a sight can't hurt, can it?"
"Nah," said Ella, and shot right into the spacious room onto the object of her fascination. She darted all around the tree, leaving trails of snowflakes which melted in the mild heat from the fire place and the small 'baby sun' hanging on the roof.
"The tree could use some eternal snow." She suggested.
"Whoa, you can make eternal snow?" Elton asked, looking bewildered.
"If I concentrate hard enough, sure." She replied.
She wound a snow ball round and round. A star, a star... She whispered in her mind. When she opened her eyes, it was a six-pointed mega-snowflake refracting the light coming from the blazing object above them.
She placed it delicately at the centre of the golden star; the effect was dazzling, finery of rainbow glistened lambently from the eternal snow. Both gasped.
Ella watched in awe at the effect before shifting her attention to other curious things in the room. A box with countless buttons and two mesh on the sides where some small voice sang. She flew close, placing her ear on the meshwork.
"...heavenly peace... ...Sleep in heavenly peace..."
What a sedating falsetto! She yawned.
"That's a radio."
"Oh. Like the one..."
"The same one the shop owner had, it's just that his was connected to louder speakers."
"Its like the one you just listened to, more like the yapping cone. People around would have complained some lot about noise pollution, but it festive season, and it's all... Well, Cheers!" He said with a smile.
"How did you know all these?" Ela, asked, bemused by the bundles of information the boy had about human objects.
Elton, blushed and scratched the back of his head, "seems like, I've been breaking some rules, lately." He said, looking mortified. But Ella wasn't listening, she was already staring at the pitch black object with, black and white cuboidal keys, standing on four sturdy legs atop a ginger persian rug. "This must be..."
"A grand piano!" Elton replied, flying close. He jumped on a key, it plummeted.
"Oh, watch out!" Ella screamed, partly terrified, part curious at the note that sounded along Elton's giggle. "Do, it again." Elton jumped again, a note sounded.
"You almost scared my elf back." Came a baritone from behind.
"Ah!" The both shouted, flying off. "Oh, Santa!" They both screamed, flustered.
The portly old man with white hair dropped a parcel with a bow on top, and then looked up to the wondering fairies.
"Wandering far from home, eh?" He asked, good-humouredly. "Merry Christmas!"
"Um... Merry Christmas!"
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