Chapter One
The Willow In The Woods
"Emaneska... Emaneskaaaa!" Said a faint, echoey voice from the distance. It was a calming, somewhat high-pitched voice, but not too much. Emaneska was all alone, in a big black and blank space. She was not sure where she was or what she was doing there. Then, she saw a beautiful willow tree, with thin gold leaves and a nice pure green, one foot wide trunk at its base. It slowly faded into place until it was clearly visible. "Who's there? What's going on?" Asked Emaneska. "Come to me, I am in need of help!" The voice said."What?" Emaneska replied. Then, the darkness seemed to be being sucked away, everything going bright white, until...
Emaneska woke up. "What? Oh... it was only a dream." Emaneska said, a bit disappointed. "Oh! Is that bacon I smell?" Emaneska asked excitedly. "Yupparoo!" Lilly, Emaneska's younger sister, said. "Better get up, get dressed, and come to the kitchen before I eat all the bacon without sharing with you!" Lilly joked. "Ok, I'll be there in a minute." Emaneska replied. Lilly left the room and ran to the kitchen. Emaneska leaned over to a desk be her bed and checked her phone. It was Tuesday, August 5th, Which for her was her second week of 8th grade. She got dressed and walked out of her room.
Once Emaneska walked into the kitchen, her mom, dad, and sister all yelled, "Happy birthday!!" To Emaneska "Oh you're so grown up! You're already 14 and going to 8th grade, it feels like time just flies by." Mom said. "Yay!" Yelled Emaneska. Emaneska and Lilly ate their bacon, eggs, and cupcake pancakes, and drank their orange juice.
"Oh, maybe you will get picked to find the willow tree this year!" Mom said suddenly. "The what in the where?" Emaneska asked, shaking her head side to side very quickly. "Oh, you never heard the tale of the Willow in the Woods? Ok, I will tell you after school. Speaking of school, you better get walking!" Mom said. Emaneska and Lilly walked to school.
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