Chapter Seven: Goodbye
It was pathetic, but Cage tried to pour just a bit of his heart and soul into his confession to Clara.
He was quite confused at first as to why when he was around her, he felt sparks of different colors and feelings fly. The realization that she was his soulmate struck the moment Clara was stubborn and refused to hide in the den's dining hall. In that moment, all he felt was... Fear. He was afraid that she would be put at even more risk if Kai had saw her.
When he pulled her across the room and hid, he wanted to wrap his arms around her and never let go. He wanted to protect her from the dangerous world around them, but he knew she wasn't fragile. Sheltered perhaps, but definitely not fragile and small.
There he went again thinking she needed to be protected.
Feeling this way was certainly unusual for Cage, and the more the thought about it, he realized he's never felt the way he is feeling now. Ever.
Glaring at Cage wide eyed, Clara's breath caught in her throat. She was now wishing she had drank the water Cage had left in the cell for her.
"Explain." Was all she said.
Cage glanced down and felt momentarily deflated as he planned a different approach to the subject.
He was a grown man, who in wolf years would surely be more than one hundred years old and right now, he was acting like a teenage boy.
Opening up, and getting all sappy wasn't something that looked good on him.
After a deep, defeated exhale, Cage began to explain. "Most elder wolves, myself included, believe that the moon goddess picks our soulmate for us. At least, that is what The Book Of Great Wolves says," he paused.
"You're religious?" Clara asked and wrapped her black cloak tighter around herself.
"Does that bother you?" Cage asked quietly.
Clara shook her head. "No, I was just wondering... You said that you were an elder wolf. What does that mean?"
"It means that I am older and more knowledgeable than most. I've said my vows and because of that, I'm fit to lead." He answered her question.
Clara smiled and stepped closer to Cage, fiddling with the carved buttons on his shirt. "So... you're stronger than all of the other wolves?" She let out an amused giggle and the sound made Cage smile. He was surprised she was taking this news so well.
"Yes darling, I am." Cage placed his hand gently over Clara's and moved it back to her right side. Her touch was too overwhelming.
Clara frowned and stepped back. She should've known better than to have touched him. She cleared her throat after a second. "Well then, I suppose this is goodbye-"
Suddenly, without saying a word, Cage speedily placed a hand over Clara's mouth to silence her for the second time today. He heard a rustling nearby and realized that the sun was setting. Night patrol had taken over watch of the forest nearby to the den. Quick on their feet they are and always have been.
"You need to run. I will distract the forest guards, but you need to be quick. This isn't goodbye." Cage whisper growled in Clara's ear.
As soon as Cage released his hold on the girl in his arms, she took off running in the direction of the north/east wind. She gave in and tried to glance back to see Cage behind her, but he was already gone. She was too late.
Her heart pumping rapidly, Clara controlled her breathing as best she could. Saying a silent prayer in hopes that she had ran far enough that no one was on her tail. She slowed her steps and began walking.
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