Chapter Nine: Ultimatum
Cage scooped a spoonful of beef stew into his mouth as he sat idly in his brother, kai's office. Kai was tentatively thinking and speaking about vampires. Cage tried his best to block out most of what his brother was saying... Half of it was pointless after all.
"As I said before, there must be some way. Some literature that the vampires have that will lead us to this 'Key'. That is, if it's that important to them." Kai didn't touch his food or drink the entire conversation. To be honest, this really wasn't a conversation, it was more of a one sided discussion.
"Hmm..." Cage nodded. Kai didn't seem to notice the disinterest written all over his brothers face. Or, perhaps he was just simply used to it.
Silence filled the room for quite a while before Kai broke it. "I think we need to head south," he said and paused. Looking up at Cage with a sparkle in his eyes, he continued. "It's the only way."
Cage glanced up at him, his expression cold. "Have you lost it? You really want me to travel into Tallahi territory?" He snarled.
"It's we, and yes, I do." Kai said. Cage stood up and placed his wooden bowl down.
Before Cage could reach the door, Daniel blocked the door and kept him from exiting the room. Behind Daniel, stood Callum and Angelica.
"Get out of my way Daniel." Cage said and glanced back to Kai. "This is what I meant by we." Kai laughed.
"I am not taking any of you with me, so get that idea out of your heads now. I'm alpha, not any of you." Cage said and crossed his arms. The sternness in his voice made Angelica and Callum smirk.
"We know you've been bringing a human into the den." There it was. Kai opened his mouth and said it.
Cage's expression didn't give anything away. "What are you talking about Kai?"
His brothers poker face was convincing, but Kai wasn't about to fall for it. He knew what he had smelled.
"I will tell the rest of the council members and you know what will happen if I do." Kai's voice became stern and serious.
Cage's heart rate accelerated beyond control. He couldn't lose his place as alpha. He couldn't relinquish it to his brother... Or anyone for that matter.
Everything he had ever wanted was now hanging by a string. A string his brother could cut.
"So you're just going to accuse me? What proof do you have?" Cage decided to continue with his facade a bit longer.
"I don't need proof. You know that you will be forced to tell the truth at your trial. The alpha's code keeps you from lying under oath." Dammit. Cage stood silent for a moment and in a leap of faith, he asked, "What do you want?"
Daniel, Angelica and Callum all piled in the room and shut the door behind them. "You're going to come with us, and you're going to help us sneak into Tallahi territory to find out exactly what they want with this Key."
"That's it?" Cage asked, sarcasm clear in his voice. He was pissed.
"Yes, and if we make it back, you can consider yourself forgiven." Kai stood.
"You're not even going to ask as to why I brought a human here?" Cage was curious.
"No. I don't care about a small human. I care about the well-being of our kind Cage. I will do anything to keep my fathers legacy alive, even go where vampires hunt and gather in great numbers." Kai nodded and Cage didn't respond.
"Do we have a deal?"
Cage glanced at Daniel, his wounds had now healed, and he stood up straight, ready for a fight. Callum looked as smug as always, his stance arrogant and calm. Almost too calm. Angelica was hard to read. She wasn't happy, nor sad. Disappointed perhaps. The history between Cage and herself seemed to surface as they glanced at each other.
All Cage could think about while he considered his options, was Clara. He would do anything to see her again, to see her face light up at the mention of werewolves and vampires. She had tried so hard to hide her curiosity, but he could see a flame ignite in her beautiful eyes. The ones that seemed to linger on him for longer than she knew they should have.
Snapping back to reality, Cage shifted his gaze away from Angelica. "When do we leave?".
"Tomorrow, when the sun rises." Kai said and everyone in the room nodded in understanding.
"I hope there is more than just vengeance on your minds. We are going to need more than strength for this." Cage said quietly.
The next morning, Cage awoke with a scowl on his face. He fell back onto the padded blanket behind him with a groan and he shifted to his side.
A certain hazel eyed girl clouded his mind. Asleep or awake, angry or simply serious, he couldn't get her out of his mind. She was his soulmate, his other half, his girl, and nothing she says or said could every change that.
Although they were apart, Cage never once thought or pondered the fact that Clara might not want him as her soulmate. As far as he understood, the undeniable attraction was mutual.
He got up and began to get dressed. After tying the ties on his white shirt, he lifted up his black embellished vest and threw it over his shoulders, forcefully throwing his arms through the arm holes and tying it up as well, before fastening his belt. His newly sharpened broadsword at his side.
He walked towards the large ceramic bowl filled with water on the stand besides the bed. He washed his hands before drying them with a clean towel.
One look in the reflective metal square that sat upright and acted like a mirror beside the bowl, had Cage looking away from his reflection. He couldn't bare to look at his uncovered, scarred excuse of a left eye.
Picking up a scrap piece of fabric, he tied it so it covered his left eye. Once he did, he sighed and stepped out into the cold hallway, shutting his rickety bedroom door behind him.
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