Thirty Nine
|Felix's POV|
"You have to admit Felix" Rhaella pours us a drink as Kitty is in labor, Cassian hasn't left her side since then and has been giving death glares to the midwife whenever she goes to check on Kitty "Cassian is much better than Harwin. Remember Taelon's birth?"
"Harwin was drunk off his ass" shaking my head, Harwin was late. Two days late, how someone could be that late your wondering? Easy, he decided to drink and whore his way through Flea Bottom. If Kitty hadn't told me not to do anything, Selaena and Aeron wouldn't be here. The only consolation was breathing his arms.
"Ah!" I hold onto my mate as Kitty is ordered to push by the midwife "Listen to me you two faced whore! I have done this three times already! One where my child was stillborn!" I hate thinking about that moment, Kitty was all alone and in a dungeon when she had her daughter. Didn't even get to hold her when they had Kitty watch as they burned my grandchild's body "Now shut the fuck up and let me push!"
"Did mother yell" Taelon asks us, all of us Targaryens are in a separate room waiting with the queen "like then with us?"
"With you" Alicent chuckles "she killed the midwife since you were being a stubborn and refused to be born for two days"
"What about me?" Selaena asks
"You were an easy baby" I say "though you were a big crier, kept your mother up—only went to sleep after listening to her heart beating"
"Ah!" Kitty screams again that the room shakes a bit like when she was in labor before.
"What?" Daphne asks
"We hear the first baby" Aeron says "it's a boy, completely healthy"
"Oh come on!" Selaena complains "just one girl"
"The next one is coming" Baelon assured her "maybe this one will be a girl"
"This is faster than her last pregnancies" Rhaella clicks her tongue "their just popping out of her like" snapping her fingers "that"
We hear the cries of a second baby and I smirk while Selaena jumps up in victory "I have a baby sister! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" The others in the room just laugh at her.
Leaving to see my daughter after an hour when the queen announced to the ton who were still here since it's been a few hours. We see Kitty with her eyes closed resting as a nurse holds one of the babies and Cassian is crying as he looks down at his other child.
"Their beautiful" Helaena smiles as she takes one of the babies into her arms "yes you are"
"I'm not sure if I'll be a good father" he admits
"The best fathers" I tell him what Baelon and Jaehaerys both told me "are the ones who doubt and seek help from others, afraid the wrong decision will be a bad decision but in the end they will do right by their child making them into people in society they want and not those who will be seen as pariahs"
"What are their names?" Baelon asks
"Kate" Cassian nods his head to the one baby "is holding Rowan and I'm holding Mallory" He hands me my granddaughter after a moment since Cassian was growling and I growled at him, Rhaella had to come and slap us upside the heads.
"Hello Mallory" Mallory reminds me of her mother when she was born, she just slept. Not like Selaena who wailed or Taelon who kept whining when we took him away from his mother's breasts. The only thing different is that they have tiny bat wings.
|Cassian's POV|
"Okay" my son and daughter both sleep in my arms as I'm outside the House of Wind, I know they are all there since once a week we have family supper "let's go meet daddy's family" Kitty allowed me to bring them since she and her family needed to deal with the outcome of Aemond and Kate faking their deaths.
Spreading my wings out, I fly up to the balcony that is open. My son and daughter sleeping peacefully, I would be afraid but their mother has determined that they should be dragon riders much sooner. They weren't even a week old when she took them flying.
I see my family eating silently "When I'm gone" they all look my way "you all don't have anything to talk about?"
"The babies!" Mor runs over and relieved me of one of them "they are so beautiful, hi" rocking Rowan in her arms "I'm Auntie Mor"
"How's their mother?" Rhys asks "is she here?"
"Dealing with the fallout of faking deaths" I say "I swear none of you better be mated to my little girl"
Az smirks as Rhys laughs taking Mallory from me, Amren is next to Mor looking down at Rowan "What are their names?" Amren asks
"Rowan and Mallory" I say "yeah, Kitty was like and I quote 'as long as you don't pick names that will make our daughter sound like a biblical whore or our son sounding like some weird perverted child molester, go nuts'"
"How many names did you go through?" Az asks
"Too many" grumbling as I shake my head "Kitty asked me after the fourth or fifth time why I hate our daughter"
"She's a very picky female" Mor says "oh, I can't wait to meet her! When are we going to meet?"
"When her mother says it's time" I asked Rhaella and she told me that Rhys and Kitty can't meet, that when they meet it'll be during a specific time in a couple hundred years "apparently it has to do with you and her meeting Rhys. That after a couple hundred years will you meet"
"Why so long?" He asks
Shrugging my shoulders "Oh! Turns out she's almost two hundred and fifty eight years old" found that out a few days ago when we celebrated her birthday where she hates being given too many presents "recently turned two hundred and fifty eight a few days ago"
"What did you get her?" Mor asks
I look at the twins "These two"
"You didn't get her a present?" Rhys asks
"She doesn't like having celebrations like that" shrugging my shoulders "her parents told me how she always wants small dinners with those she loves, that if a party was thrown then everyone should celebrate not just the lords and ladies but also the common born"
"Really?" Mor asks "she was always like this?"
"Apparently after her cousin Rhaenyra's seventh birthday" nodding my head "where her cousin cris and complained about not having enough presents and having a big enough cake" Mallory begins to cry and I am by Amren's side "why is she crying?"
Amren slaps me upside the head "She needs her diaper changed" she hands me my daughter wrinkling her nose "Cauldron! What did you feed her?"
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