Rhaella looks around the cobblestone streets of Volterra, her hands resting atop her swollen belly that she has been trying to hide under the black dress with long red draping sleeves. Atop her head rests her favorite black tiara with red rubies that adorn it, her icy white hair in a crown braid updo.
Using the compass that she paid a pirate to borrow, she looks down at the spinning wheel before it points straight ahead. Her objective is simple: find the father of her unborn child, ask him to marry her, go back home to King's Landing where they can get married, then raise the child since she doesn't feel like her child being raised by any other man is a good idea. Her dreams keep showing her the same thing, her child will be raised by this man and she will fight this evil that will bring forth nothing but darkness. She also has been having dreams of blood covering a woman with dark hair, these green eyes that have an outer rim of blue. A crown rests atop her head as a man with black hair, violet eyes, tan skin and pointed ears stands next to her smirking a devilish smile as people bow before them.
Looking down at the compass, Rhaella stops in her tracks before seeing the compass points to behind her that she turns around. Jumping from shock when she sees the man who she has been looking for standing before her, but instead of his eyes being black with lust from when they met his eyes are red, She smiles up at him "Good" closing the compass with one hand she puts the compass around her neck in case she loses it "I found you"
Felix Volturi who was coming home from hunting outside of the city sensed something was off so he looked around before seeing Rhaella looking down at a compass. Going up to the roof tops he ran in different directions, he kept looking back to see Rhaella looking down at the compass following the directions he would go in. So he came down to confront her, in his mind she looks the same but this time she isn't wearing clothes that make her look like a boy. Instead she is in a dress that costs about five years of servant wages if the person was lucky. He also notices the tiara atop her head which has him even more curious as to who Rhaella is since he knows the names of all royals and none of them are named Rhaella. Another thing he notices is, is that he doesn't just hear one heartbeat come from her but also another and her belly swollen. So he treads carefully since his instincts tell him to stay on guard.
"Hella Rhaella" He greets
Tilting her head she reaches up to cup his face, still remembering how cold he was the first time they met. Her eyes look into his as she thinks of the right words to say. Coming up with nothing she asks "Will you marry me?"
Felix stares down at a woman he bedded months ago curious and confused "Pardon?"
"Marriage" she repeats "Will you marry me?"
He stares at her "Why?"
"My grandfather wishes for me to marry this dumbass" A Lannister, the only good thing about the man she thinks is that she could use him to "perform" her duties but then remembers that the baby might take after Felix with his hair and eyes. She isn't like her cousin Rhaenys who has Baratheon blood in her, no-in Rhaella's mind she will find the father of her child and marry him "and I do not want to marry him, I am more inclined to burn him alive"
Felix just stares at her "Who are you?"
Pulling her hand back, she offers a curtsy "My name is Princess Rhaella Targaryen first of my name, only daughter to Prince Baelon and his sister wife Princess Alyssa, granddaughter of Jaehaerys Targaryen and his sister wife Alyssane Targaryen king and queen of the Seven Kingdoms" Felix felt a bit queasy hearing how he fucked someone who comes from incest and wishes for him to marry her, the only thing that he does thinks as to who she could be since he has never heard of her before "I am not from this world" Felix becomes even more confused when she says this. Rhaella sensing that Felix is overworking his brain decides to throw him a bone or two "I come from another world, the land I was born to is called Westeros"
"How are you in this world?" Felix asks
Rhaella just pulls out an apple and eats it "See" she walks back and forth "months ago as you can know we fucked, you were my first and my only" Felix watched her as she walked around "and now I'm pregnant" Felix listens to every word still not understanding "the baby is yours, I have not laid with anyone else"
Felix interrupts her "No mean for the rudeness princess but one I cannot impregnate women and second how do I know you are who you say you are?"
"I thought you may say that" she says "so I brought Silverwing, my grandmother's dragon who I now mount" Silverwing hearing the call Rhaella sends her goes down to the streets, she lands on top of two buildings that are fortunately empty since Felix walks back a few feet when Silverwing lowers her head to Rhaella who pets her "no worries Felix, Silverwing is a friendly creature who will only attack if I tell her to"
Felix looks between Rhaella and Silverwing "Now" Rhaella goes over to Felix who stiffens as she takes his hand, jumping a bit when Silverwing flies off to get some food "as I was saying, the baby I can assure you is yours" Felix looks down at her then to her belly where he listens to the soft heartbeat, not rapid as he would like but then again he thinks she has a dragon so it might be possible and I have never heard of this.
"Can't you" he asks "find someone else? Someone more...suitable to help raise a child with you?" Someone human
"I would" she shakes her head letting out a soft laugh smiling "make no mistake about that, if I had it my way i would not have come back given how I know there isn't something right with you. I don't know what it is but I don't like it...I had a dream, see my family there are those who can see the future. I dreamt how this baby, our baby needs you in his or her life"
Felix stares at her thinking this is crazy, then he thinks back to his coven and the kings. Aro will not want to lose Rhaella if she can indeed see the future, Caius will want both mother and child dead, and Marcus he will simply stand by as Aro and Caius battle it out and give him opinion at the end.
"If what your saying is true" Felix says "then you must know that two of my coven leader's won't want this baby to live or be born in another universe" Rhaella looks at him confused. Felix is taking a huge risk but he just witnessed something he didn't know was possible so he takes the chance "I am not human Rhaella, I'm a vampire" Rhaella goes through her mind thinking of what a vampire is before Felix says "I drink blood to survive, I sparkle in the sun, my heart does not beat, I'm immortal. If this baby is mine then it won't be human"
Rhaella chuckles "Felix, I know this baby isn't going to be human. I've dreamt of the baby being a dragon" before Felix even asks thinking of her birthing a dragon she laughs reassuring him "the babe won't turn into a dragon, no" shaking her head "what I'm saying is that he or she will be like me: a dragon lord. Now, what will you say? Will you marry me?"
Felix just stares at her unsure of what to say or do since this has never happened to his knowledge before, if he goes with her he could use that daylight ring he procured years ago to look human in this world "There are...how do I put this?" he rubs his jaw trying to think as Rhaella simple eats the food she brought with her "vampires have covens, my coven is the government--does your world have a government?"
Rhaella nods her head "My grandfather-who the gods only know how long he has left to live-he is in charge, why?"
"My coven leaders are known as the kings" Felix explains to her "there are three of them. One of them could possibly allow me to leave with you, but one of my leaders can see every thought you had or could have through one touch as if say holding your hand. If he finds out he will want both you and the baby to join our coven, even if it is by force" Rhaella frowns hearing this "the second king, he will want you both dead since this baby is the unknown so he won't want any chances taken if it's an immortal child but I know that's not the case since I can hear the baby"
"You can?" Her eyes widening "What is he or she saying?"
"The heartbeat" Felix clarified "I do not have any abilities like most of my coven members, i am known as the executioner since as a human I was the best warrior to exist where I was from"
"I could tell" Rhaella flirts a bit, putting her hand on his arm squeezing his muscles "given your size and...everything, I figured"
"Are you flirting with me?" Felix asks amused
Shrugging her shoulders "Let's just say ever since becoming pregnant the urge to be intimate with a person has increased"
Felix just continues "If I do go with you, it has to be now since my coven will grow suspicious of my sudden...change of priorities"
Rhaella nods her head "Then let us go, like sometime before our child is born" Felix pulls out his daylight ring from his pocket and puts it on. He earned the ring years ago when helping a young witch and her family.
|King's Landing|
Those in the Red Keep look towards Felix and Rhaella as they walk towards King Jaehaerys's chambers. The Kingsguardman posted outside knocks on the door to inform the king who is here, when Rhaella and Felix walk in Jaehaerys looks over from the couch.
"Grandfather" Rhaella smiles walking over to him, sitting down taking his hands smiling "I'm so glad to see you"
"Rhaella" his hand goes to her face cupping it "have I ever told you how beautiful you've gotten, that you look exactly like your mother?"
Rhaella nods her head "Yes grandfather-grandfather this is him. Felix, the man I told you about" Jaehaerys looks over at Felix who bows.
"Your grace" he greets
Jaehaerys looks at Rhaella "I shall have the ceremony be prepared for right away"
Rhaella smiles brightly "I'll inform father"
"Congratulations" Jaehaerys tells his granddaughter and Felix "my dear..."
|Months Later|
Felix holds Rhaella's hand as she cries pushing, the midwife between her legs seeing the baby. The nurses around and Felix looks at them "Which one of you will be as stupid as your friend and have me leave?" They look at the lady maid dead on the floor when Felix ripped her head off with one hand.
"I don't think I can do this" Rhaella shakes her head
"You can" Felix insists kissing the top of her head "you've got the blood of the dragon inside of you Rhae, take one breath at a time. In and out" Rhaella breathes in and out deeply before nodding her head and pushes again, the midwife helps pull the child out and when she does the couple hear their daughter scream her lungs out.
Rhaella smiles holding her arms out, the midwife hands her to her "A daughter, princess. Healthy and kicking like a goat" Felix and Rhaella look down at their daughter who is screaming her lungs out.
"It's okay" Felix uses one finger to stroke her tiny head "mama and papa are here" their daughter opens her eyes looking between them before yawning and falls asleep.
When the baby is wrapped and cleaned up along with her mother and are ready for visitors, the Targaryens walk in seeing Rhaella lying in bed holding her baby as Felix sits next to her.
"How" Jaehaerys asks "are you my dear?"
"Sore" she lets out a laugh "though I'm not surprised given how large the baby was" looking at Felix "I blame you if permanent damage happened to my pussy"
Felix chuckles rubbing her shoulder "I have no doubt you'd punish me, you did amazing Rhae"
"The baby?" Baelon asks holding his hands out for the baby, Rhaella hands her daughter.
"A daughter" Felix tells him
Bawling smiles "My first grandchild"
"What about our daughter, father?" Viserys's wife Aemma asks. Baelon hates her and made it clear to Viserys he should have married someone else.
"Rhaenyra?" Viserys asks
"I told you never to call me that" Baelon looks at her then to Viserys "I know Rhaenyra, I meant having another grandchild to dote over" Jaehaerys looks at his son and sees Baelon look more lively than before, that he doesn't look so depressed.
There is an knock on the door and in comes Corlys and Rhaenys "Cousin" Rhaenys smiles going over Rhaella giving her a kiss on the cheek "I'm surprised you were here Felix, men don't normally want anything to do with the birth"
"I'm not most men" Felix shakes his head "also if Rhaella wishes to beat me or yell at me while she gave birth, I'd be right here also this is my child. I want to be here the moment she took her first breath"
"Hmm" Rhaenys looks at Corlys who doesn't look at her "how amazing your husband is cousin"
Corlys looks at her and asks "What?"
Rhaenys shakes her head as Jaehaerys takes the baby "What's her name?"
"Katerina" Rhaella says "after Felix's sister"
"Not a Valyrian name?" Aemma asks, judgement in her voice.
"My sister" they look at Felix who glared at Aemma having her hide behind Viserys afraid "was known as quite the fighter, that she bathed in the blood of her enemies and went as far as to file her teeth to make them sharper and more easy to rip our people's throats"
"I think" Jaehaerys announced rocking Katerina "it's a wonderful name, Katerina will change lives won't you?"
They hear a roar to look over to the window and see a purple and golden dragon look inside. None recognized the dragon at the window and are scared since wild dragons are...wild "What does that monster want?" Aemma cries
"Don't call that dragon a monster!" Rhaella and Rhaenys snap at her "Felix?" Rhaella mouths "bring her to him" Felix takes Katerina from Jaehaerys then lifts the baby to the dragon who closes it's eyes as Katerina giggles "my daughter has her own dragon! Ha! In your face you spoiled two face cunt"
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