Andy learns a lot of things about Rhysand as a month and a half passes.
He's not into physical displays of affection, not even after their kiss in front of her dorm building. And Andy is more than fine with that. The most Rhysand has done when they were in public together was to hold her hand or keep his palm curved around her hip—and even then, Andy can't stop her stomach from flipping and her cheeks from burning.
But. In private. Usually in his and Jenner's home—Rhysand feels the need to keep her close. When she's not busy studying, she's on his lap most of the time whenever he's working, arms around her to reach the computer. Sometimes, when she's helping around the kitchen, he stands behind her, swipes her hair away from her neck, and drops a little kiss between the curve of her neck and shoulder. It makes her heart wild, her face hot, but she likes it. The closeness, and the affection. He hasn't kissed her again, not since the first time, but it's because Andy ducks her head whenever he leans in close enough to do so, and runs away.
Because she still has no idea how to do it, and she doesn't want to embarrass herself. Clash into his teeth or something.
Rhysand lets his actions speak louder than his words. He's dropped by Andy's university more than once to bring her food that he cooked, and he always makes it a point to open the door for her. When Andy's to-do list is full, and she's stressed over school and work, he takes time out of his day to help and to cheer her up, even in the littlest of things—like leaving a sweet note inside her binder ("You're smarter than all of these other fuckers, sunshine. You got this."), making her coffee in the morning—and then he acts like it isn't a big deal. Just last week, he left an extra toothbrush in his bathroom, and when Andy asked about it, he cleared his throat, shrugged, and left the room.
Rhysand forces the carton of milk into the fridge when it doesn't really fit, and then lets it fall on the next person who opens the door (Jenner). He laughs at Andy when she's crying over a video of a dog being rescued, and he isn't shy to grab the last slice of pizza. He's incredibly hardworking, and passionate, and sweet, and Andy is lucky. And it's ridiculous—how she's always nervous around him.
But Andy doesn't know her boyfriend—boyfriend!—to be clingy. Or needy. They go for hours without seeing each other, even days, and all she gets are a few text messages and maybe a ten-minute call, which she doesn't mind. She knows Rhysand isn't big on that thing. Which is why it's confusing and surprising, when Rhysand calls her while she's studying in the library to prepare for finals.
"Hello?" she whispers, furrowing her eyebrows.
"You left your lint here," Rhysand says lowly.
Andy blinks. "What?"
"Your lint," he repeats, clearer this time. "You left it here. I think it misses you. So you should, uh, come over."
Andy can't help it. She grins. "Really."
"Yep," Rhysand says, and he sounds so serious that Andy wants to laugh. "Can't go another day without your lint. So you should come get it."
Andy hasn't been over in three days, and the last time she and Rhysand talked was yesterday. Andy covers her mouth with her hand, warmth spreading through her, and answers, "I miss you too. I'll be by in twenty."
Rhysand scoffs. "I didn't say anything about me."
"You didn't need to."
"Bye," he says gruffly. "Be safe. Text me if you need a ride."
Andy ends the call, still smiling, and packs up her things. MJ is more than happy to drop her off, and with her key, Andy heads straight to Rhysand's studio, her arms full of books and notes and her laptop—all the things she needs to study.
Rhysand opens the door the moment she steps foot at the last step of the staircase.
"Waiting for me?" Andy teases, smiling, even as the butterflies in her stomach appear at the sight of him.
He's in an oversized shirt, sweatpants, and his hair is a mess. As always. And he looks gorgeous. As always.
Rhysand reaches out to help her. "It's not like your lint hasn't noticed that you haven't texted in almost thirteen hours and forty-five minutes."
Andy laughs and follows him inside. Rhysand drops her books on the table. "My lint hasn't texted me either, and I assumed he was busy with work and didn't want to be disturbed. Though I did forget to send a good morning text."
Rhysand crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at her. "Study here."
Andy grins and squeezes his hand briefly, before settling on the couch. "That's what I was planning to do, yes. My finals are coming up."
Rhysand takes a seat on the table and looks at her books and notes. He huffs. "Finals. Pfft."
"You're awfully clingy today."
"I'm not clingy."
Andy purses her lips to hide her smile and flips open her binder. "Right."
Rhysand lasts five minutes staring at her—and Andy found this unnerving and that it made her self-conscious at first, but she eventually learned that that's just how Rhysand is sometimes, and she's wired herself into ignoring it when he does this—until he eventually stands up, sits beside her, and plops his head on her lap.
"Rhys," Andy says, placing her book down and leaning back against the sofa, dipping her head to look at him. "You're not going to let me study, are you?"
He schools his face into innocence. "You can study like this, Sanford. I'm not stopping you."
Absent-mindedly, Andy curls her hand into the soft strands of his hair. Rhysand closes his eyes. "Why do you call me Sanford?"
"Everyone else calls you Andy. And I don't like it."
"Andrea, then."
Rhysand grunts in response.
Andy hums. "Then give me a pet name."
"What about 'mine'?"
Andy's hand freezes. She clears her throat. "That's not what I meant."
Rhysand doesn't open his eyes, but his lips curl upward. His dimple shows. "I already have one for you. Sunshine, remember?"
"Oh, yeah!" Andy says, eyes widening as she slaps her hand down. Rhysand groans and coughs, and Andy realizes she hit his chest. His very solid, broad chest. "Sorry, oh my God. Yeah, sorry. I just can't believe I forgot about that. But why sunshine?"
"I'm offended you did, too." He turns around, faces her stomach, and wraps an arm around her waist. He buries his head against her and mumbles, "Suits you. Your smile."
Andy bites her lip. Keeps stroking his hair. "Oh."
"Blushing again, aren't you?"
"Stop," Andy breathes, smiling. "You're keeping me from studying. If I fail, I'm blaming it on you. Then I won't be able to graduate, then I won't have employment and income."
"That's fine," he murmurs. "I'll take care of you."
Andy's pulse jumps. "I want to take care of you, too."
Rhysand smiles.
They stay there for a while in comfortable silence. She knows he isn't asleep, and that he's content holding her like this—Rhysand's fingers dance around her waist, lazily stroking her skin under her shirt, and Andy runs her hand against his hair. Andy's heart feels too big in her chest as she stares at the sharp edges of Rhysand's face. Even like this, he still looks intimidating. Beautiful, yet intimidating.
The door slams open. "Hey, lovebirds! Glad I'm not interrupting anything. Let's watch a movie."
"Go away," Rhysand snaps, not bothering to acknowledge his roommate.
"Hi, Jenner," Andy says with a bright smile, waving.
Jenner grins. "Hey, Andy. Glad you're here. The separation anxiety Rhys was having was getting worse."
"Oh?" Andy raises her eyebrows. "Didn't know that was a thing."
"It isn't," Rhysand mutters, hiding his face against her stomach further.
Jenner laughs. "Yeah, right. Anyway, I have the movie popped in and the popcorn and drinks ready."
"Go away!" Rhysand snaps again, louder this time.
"Don't want to share your girlfriend? She's my friend too, you know," Jenner teases, leaning against the doorway.
"We'll be right down," Andy tells him with a roll of her eyes.
He sends her a wink and turns around, leaving the door open. "You better!"
His footsteps down the staircase ring against the studio. Rhysand sits up. "Let's stay here and lock the door."
Andy crosses her arms. "You don't want to watch a movie with Jenner?"
"I don't want to share you."
Andy clears her throat and avoids his gaze. "Stop doing that."
"Doing what?" he asks, sounding amused.
"Saying things that catch me off guard. You're not usually this sweet. And upfront."
"I haven't seen you in three days, Sanford, sue me," Rhysand grumbles, all humor gone as he stands up. "Stay here and study, then."
Andy smiles and follows after him, tugging his shirt when he doesn't stop. "Don't be mad."
"Not mad."
"Annoyed, then."
Rhysand doesn't turn around even when she's gripping his arm. Feeling brave, Andy jumps and wraps her arms around his neck. Thankfully, even with a surprised sound escaping his lips, Rhysand immediately hooks his hands around her knees to keep her steady. "You're heavier than you look."
"I'm not," Andy says, pouting, leaning closer to lay her head on his shoulder. Rhysand keeps climbing down the staircase slowly, tightening his grip on her.
"Don't pout," Rhysand tells her, heading to the living room. Jenner, in the kitchen, rolls his eyes at them, but he's smiling. Rhysand sets her down on the couch before taking a seat next to her. "What kind of cheesy shit did Jenner choose this time?"
Andy moves a bit closer to him. "It's not cheesy. It's romantic."
"And you love those," Rhysand says dryly.
"Well, yeah," Andy answers, wrinkling her nose. "Who doesn't?"
Rhysand doesn't bother responding, but he pulls her closer and links their fingers together.
Jenner enters the living room bringing the popcorn and turns off the light. "Andy, so sorry to keep you from finals, but this is more fun anyway. I'm sure you'll love this."
"Shut up and play it," Rhysand grumbles, and Andy shoots him a pointed look that he ignores.
Jenner just laughs, turns off the light, and presses play.
Even relaxed like this, Andy still feels the butterflies swimming in her stomach. Rhysand's fingers are long, and his skin is a bit rough, and she can smell his cologne, and the weight and broadness of his body. She's so small compared to him.
She turns her attention back to the movie.
And then covers her eyes.
Jenner bursts out laughing. "Oh, please. You still do this, Andy?"
Andy's face is flaming. The sounds are...so sensual. "Um."
Even when she can't see him, she knows Rhysand is grinning, too. "So cute."
"Don't corrupt her, freak," Jenner tells his roommate.
"I'm not going to corrupt her," Rhysand says back, annoyed now. "And stop talking about this with me. It's weird. Skip this part, Sanford doesn't like it."
And she's embarrassed. She's so, so embarrassed.
It's been a habit of so many years—because she can't handle watching...scenes like that. Damn, even kiss scenes brought a blush to her cheeks.
But now, even when she's with Rhysand, who will probably expect her to do it with him soon...she still can't watch. And it makes her pathetic, and it probably reminds Rhysand how inexperienced she is, how clueless she is when it comes to these things, and he'll probably never want her again if she messes up, and—
"Stop thinking," Rhysand whispers in her ear, noticing she put some distance between them, and pulls her closer—practically on his lap. Andy curls her body against his. "Don't think about that, okay?"
And it's ridiculous. He knows her so well. "I'm not thinking about anything."
"Liar," Rhysand muses quietly, brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. Andy shudders. "Watch the movie."
She does.
When the movie ends, her heartbeat is still racing.
After her finals and a long day at work to make up for the days she missed studying for her exams, Andy was ready to curl up in bed and just go to sleep.
But. She misses Rhysand. And dinner with him doesn't sound too bad.
She hasn't seen him in almost a week since that movie night—and although he's a little annoyed by it, he doesn't show it. And he's been incredibly...motivating for Andy to finish her exams.
(A few nights ago, she sent him a text. I have to study five whole chapters for this exam. I need motivation.
I see, came his quick reply. Hold on.
Two minutes later, he sent her back a picture of himself. Good enough motivation?
Andy's cheeks heated. She saved the picture. Very. Completely energized! :D
You can do this, Sanford. Good luck.)
So, after her shift at Baked!, Andy decides she wants to surprise him. She grabs takeout from a fast food nearby and heads to the bus station, feet dragging against the cement. During the bus ride, she almost dozes off.
Jenner isn't home when she arrives, and the living room and kitchen are dark. He must be working late.
Rhysand doesn't hear her when she comes in his studio; there are headphones around his ears, and his eyes are closed as he leans against his chair. His head is hung back, exposing the strong lines of his throat and jaw and neck, and his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration as he listens to the music.
Feeling brave after missing him for a week, Andy steps closer and bends down to drop a light kiss on his cheek. "Hi."
Rhysand only cracks open one eye and takes out the headphones. "Sunshine," he says, voice deep and raspy.
Andy smiles widely and raises her arm, showing him the bag of takeout. "I brought food! I'm free from finals."
"I was supposed to meet you after work," he mutters, sitting up straighter. "I was working on a song. I'm sorry."
"It's fine," Andy tells him, placing the food on the table—far away from his equipment. "How's it going? You look stressed."
Rhysand reaches for her, and Andy comes without hesitation, even though the nervousness starts creeping in again. He spreads his legs wider to accommodate her, and she settles on his lap, pulling her legs up. Rhysand's hand settles on her waist, just above her shorts. "This thing is pissing me off."
Andy bites her lip. "Can I hear?"
He's never let her hear any of his stuff before. And Andy knows she can just search him up for his projects, but she doesn't want to break his trust, and she wants him to be the one to show her his work.
"It's not mine," Rhysand answers gruffly, placing the headphones over her head. "Just listening to some inspiration."
Andy's a little disappointed, but it's fine. Rhysand will let her listen to his music when he's ready.
There are four identical beats that come through the headphones first, and then the tone drops into something more...sultry. Inviting, and...a little bit sensual.
The sound repeats over and over. Andy removes the headphones and looks at Rhysand. "It sounds...interesting. What's it called?"
There's a half-smile playing on his lips. "Make Out to This."
Andy chokes out a nervous laugh as she puts the headphones down. "Oh. Explains it."
It's still playing.
Rhysand's hair falls across his eyes. Andy reaches up and brushes the strands away from his forehead and clears her throat. "So since the year's over, I'm going back home for two weeks to visit my dad, and then I'm coming back here for my summer class—what are you doing?"
The last part comes out as a whisper. Andy's eyes widen as Rhysand leans closer. The specks of dark around his eyes brighten as he fixes her with a stare so intense Andy wants to look away. "You haven't let me kiss you again since that first time," he murmurs, gaze dropping to her mouth.
His hand snakes under her blouse—fingers dancing along her skin that she feels as if it's on fire, and his other hand cups the back of her neck.
Andy's pulse rings against her ears. Rhysand's close—she can feel the ghost of his lips against hers.
As always, Andy's flight instincts kick in. She jolts upright, pushing his shoulder gently, and stands, turning away from him. "I'll bring the food downstairs so we can eat," she mumbles, face flaming. She grabs the takeout and runs downstairs.
In the kitchen, she braces her palms against the counter and exhales deeply, fanning her face. "Oh, jeepers. Jeepers, jeepers, jeepers."
Rhysand groans and hangs his head back.
"Fucking tease," he mutters, running a hand down his face. He stands and follows his girlfriend downstairs.
Andy blinks. "Rhys...?"
On the table is a small bouquet of beautiful sunflowers.
Rhysand comes down the stairs with his hands shoved inside his pockets. "Well, I know you're all about the romantic and sappy shit, so." He moves around her to pick up the flowers. "For you. Sunshine."
Andy's cheeks flush. She turns around, covers her face with her hands, bends down, and squeals into her palms.
When she straightens, she takes a deep breath, and faces him again.
Rhysand's grinning.
Andy gingerly accepts the flowers. "Don't do this to me ever again."
"Just thank me, Sanford."
She hugs the bouquet to her chest. "They're beautiful. Thank you."
He steps closer to her. "Congratulations on finishing your first year."
"Now you don't have to feel ashamed about dating a freshman."
Rhysand's eyes narrow. "Cut that shit out."
"I was joking," Andy says, smiling, and her heart feels full. "Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold."
i'm really sorry about the wait, guys! i've been writing more chapters when i'm not busy for school and dance and other work things :c promise to update regularly this time! thank you for reading, and as always, let me know your thoughts!
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