Her days in the school are equally fulfilling, refreshing, tiring, and unpredictable.
She's had a hand in assisting Olivia, Michael, and Ben so far, and she loves her work and the students. She's handling tutoring sessions and given tasks to arrange lesson plans, prepare presentations and educational games fit for the kids, and she helps when she can in the lunchroom and in the office, sorting out paperwork and answering calls with Mrs. Florence. She loves her job.
But Rhysand's work has become so demanding with the making of the album, and he has meetings almost every day and it's so hard to contact him and see him and Andy thinks she's wrestling with his job for a little bit of his attention and time.
She shouldn't feel this way. Not when she has shifts at Baked! and days at the school to keep her busy.
Jenner is helping her make cutouts for tomorrow's class in the living room. "If you're sulky because you haven't been talking to Rhysand, don't worry. I live with him and I don't see him."
"That's worse," Andy mutters, focusing on cutting the leaves of her tree. "What time does he come home?"
"No idea, I'm asleep."
Andy sighs and puts her tree down. "He's so busy."
"It's because they're meeting with the CEO this week, I think," Jenner says, smiling at her. "It's a lot of pressure for him, you know." He stands up and dusts off his hands. "What do you want for dinner? I'll text Rhys and ask if he's coming home in time for it."
"Don't text him," Andy mutters, shaking her head. "He won't answer. Order for him too, we'll put it in the fridge for him to eat later when he comes home."
Andy and Jenner decide on Thai food, and they eat on the sofa while a movie's playing.
And then she's showered, dressed, ready for bed, and Rhysand still isn't home. She lies down on the bed, hugs the bear, and texts him. Baby come home now :( there's food here, have you eaten?
She closes her eyes and holds the phone to her chest, but she doesn't wait long before it buzzes with an immediate reply. Yes
Come home >:( You need to sleep im waiting for you >:(
On the way. Go to bed, sunshine.
Andy smiles and drifts off.
She only wakes up again when she feels a hand on her waist. "Rhys?" she says sleepily, blinking her eyes open.
"It's me." Hearing his voice makes her feel so warm. "Why didn't you get inside the covers, sunshine? You're freezing."
Andy lets him tuck her in. "Was waiting for you," she mutters, grabbing his hand. "Come to bed."
"I need to shower," he murmurs, kissing her head. "I'm sorry you had to wait. I know I've been busy."
"Then take me out on a date tomorrow night," Andy tells him, snuggling in his arm. "I miss you."
Rhysand brushes her hair away from her face. "Okay," he whispers. "Tomorrow night's for me and you. I'll pick you up at your dorm."
She smiles. "Promise?"
"Promise. Go to sleep."
Satisfied, Andy nods. "'Kay. Take your shower, you stink."
Rhysand scoffs and stands to head to the bathroom.
In the morning, she has a text on her phone. Andy sits up, rubs her eyes, and reads it. Left for work. I love you.
Her lips turn up. I love you :D see you tonight!! don't forget to eat and don't smoke!
She doesn't expect a reply and turns over, lazing around some more before she decides to get up and wash her face, and go downstairs to cook lunch for her and Jenner.
Her friend stumbles down the staircase while Andy's cooking and dancing to the loud music. "Good morning!"
Jenner blinks at her and sits on the island stool. "Why are you so energetic, it's eleven in the morning for fuck's sake."
"Rhysand and I have a date tonight and I'm excited!" she tells him, grinning widely.
"Oh, date night." Jenner nods at her, eyes still puffy from sleep. "Should I find somewhere else to stay tonight?"
"Shut up," Andy says, flushing. "We're just going to eat and probably visit the shelter! I don't know yet, he said he's picking me up at my dorm."
Jenner nods again. "Okay. I'm hungry."
"Hold on." Andy turns off the stove. "Set the table, I'll serve the food."
"You're an angel." He pulls out plates and utensils from the drawers.
As soon as they clean up the dishes, Andy heads to her dorm building. MJ has work even on a Saturday, so the room is empty when she comes in. To pass the time, she decides to study the materials and lesson plans for Monday's classes—she's assisting Rose this week and she wants to be prepared.
At past four, MJ messages her. You're not home, right?
She grins and sends her reply. I am, but I'm leaving at around six thirty? For dinner with Rhys
Great, I'm bringing Adrian back around that time ;)
Andy shakes her head. Why not to his apartment?
His sister's over :(
Gotcha, I'm gone by then :D
MJ doesn't reply anymore, and Andy goes back to her lessons until the clock strikes five, and she puts down her books and skips to the bathroom to shower and change.
She faces the mirror in a red sundress ending mid-thigh, decorated with flowers and ruffle straps. While Andy puts on her makeup, she checks her phone for a message from Rhysand, but there's none. She frowns and sends him a text. Babe what time are you coming to pick me up for our date? I'm dressed already, just doing my makeup! :D
She puts the phone down. Once she's done with her face, Andy sprays perfume all over herself, ties her hair in a half-ponytail, and puts on the sun necklace around her neck.
There's still no reply from Rhysand. Andy sends him another message. I hope you're on the way! :) MJ is coming back with Adrian and I told her I won't be home.
Andy's leg is bouncing. She bites her lip and calls him.
It rings a couple of times before it goes to voicemail. Andy hangs up and tries again.
And it goes to voicemail.
It's nearing six thirty and Andy's getting anxious. Especially when MJ texts her. Bub have you left? Adrian just picked me up.
Swallowing down her frustration, Andy grabs her bag and takes the lift downstairs. She replies to MJ. Yeah, dorm room's clear. Have fun :D
I will ;) Have fun too! is MJ's reply.
Andy waits around the back of the building so she doesn't run into Adrian or MJ—she doesn't want to suddenly ruin their night. She keeps her phone against her chest in case Rhysand calls or messages, but it doesn't buzz.
MJ and Adrian head up the elevator. No response from Rhysand.
Andy sits in one of the lobby chairs, playing with her phone. She sends him a text again. I'm waiting in our lobby if you're coming :) You didn't forget, right?
In any other circumstance, Andy isn't so persistent with asking for replies. She understands that he's busy, and when he's at work, he doesn't like to be distracted. In any other circumstance, Andy would've let it be and waited for him to message instead of flooding his phone.
But he promised. He promised he'd spend the night with her, he promised he'd pick her up.
There's still hope in her chest that he's coming. For good measure, she texts Jenner. Can you message Rhys and ask him if he's still coming? :( I'm waiting for him for our date but he's not answering me.
Her friend's reply comes in a minute. Already texted and called. No luck. U okay?
Andy sighs. Yeah. I'll wait for him for a few more. Thanks, Jenner :)
Call me if you want me to come get you, sweetheart. Be safe
Andy sends him a heart emoji.
She waits for another half-hour, heart sinking as she does.
Then an hour passes. An hour and a half. Two hours.
Rhysand doesn't reply. Andy has called him twelve times.
Two hours and a half. Jenner messages her and asks if she's okay, and if she wants him to pick her up. Andy sends her reply. I'm okay, Jenner, thank you :) And no, I'm fine :)
Three hours. Rhysand doesn't get back to her.
She's so hurt she wants to cry. The security guard looks like he wants to ask if she needs help, but Andy stands up and heads outside, fingers shaking in a rush to call Sabina.
She picks up immediately. "Hey kid, how was your date? MJ told me you were out—"
"A waste of makeup," Andy says, sniffling. She hugs her arms around herself. "Can I come over?"
"Yeah, of course." Sabina sounds worried. "Do you need me to pick you up?"
"No," Andy says, already walking to the bus station. "No, I, uh, I'll be there in fifteen. I'm sorry, were you busy?"
There's a small smile on her face when she answers, "No, babe. I'll order in food, pizza sounds good?"
"And beer, please," she says, laughing weakly. "For the pizza, you know what I like."
"You got it."
Andy hangs up. She's right, she makes it to Sabina's place in fifteen minutes.
The door is already open. Her friend, who's in a tank top and pajamas, steps forward to hug her, but Andy holds a hand up.
She sniffles. "Can you please take a picture first?" Her voice breaks. "The dress is new, and I wanted a picture in it. And I did something different with my makeup, but I think it's barely noticeable."
Sabina pulls out her phone and gets into position. "I noticed," she says. "Darker lip color? Cut crease?"
Andy nods. "Yeah," she whispers, eyes shining.
"You look amazing," Sabina says, smiling at her. And Andy knows it's not just to please her—she actually means it. "Smile!"
Andy tries. Like she's not sad and hurt all over.
Sabina stands and grabs her hands to help her. "Pose like this—yeah, exactly! You look so cute, babe. Okay, one more."
She kneels on the ground and takes another picture, and Andy laughs, genuine this time.
"Perfect," her friend says, showing her the picture. "I love the dress, and I love your makeup."
Andy hugs her. "Sab," she sobs in her shoulder. "Sab, he promised and he forgot. He promised tonight's for us and he said he was going to pick me up. I know he has work and it's important, and I'm being clingy, but I'm sad and I wanted to spend time with him."
Sabina sighs and smooths her hand down her hair. "We'll call the asshole later."
"Don't, he won't answer," Andy says bitterly, wiping her tears. "Is the pizza here? I'm hungry. I didn't eat at all because we were going to anyway, and now I'm really hungry."
Her friend pulls her inside. "Good, I ordered three boxes and chicken and a bucketload of fries. It'll be here in ten, you want beer first?"
"Yes please." Andy hugs a pillow on the sofa while Sabina grabs the cans. "Please don't tell MJ about this, I don't want her to feel bad about using the dorm room."
Sabina hands her the drink and flops on the sofa beside her. She clinks their cans together, and Andy immediately takes a sip. "I won't tell her. You wanna put on Tangled?"
Andy nods. "Please."
Sabina turns on the television and snuggles up next to Andy. The younger hugs her, and Sabina pulls the blankets around them.
Their food comes first before her phone rings. Andy has half a mind to ignore his calls, but she doesn't want to be mean, and though the pizza smells good and her stomach is churning, Andy puts her slice down with a sigh.
Her friend raises an eyebrow. "Don't answer him."
"I know," Andy says, groaning. She stares at her phone. "I know I shouldn't but I'm going to anyway."
Sabina takes a bite of her pizza. "I'll finish all of this if you do."
Andy cracks a smile and stands up, hugging her phone to her chest. "You wouldn't. I'll be right back."
She sits down on the sofa and answers it. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" Rhysand asks, and Andy's shoulders slump at his voice. It's the voice she wanted to hear all day. "Sunshine, I'm sorry, my phone was in my studio all day and I had meetings—"
"It's okay," Andy whispers, covering her face with her free hand. She curls in on herself, feeling sad all over again. "It's okay, it's work. Don't worry about it."
Rhysand exhales heavily. "It's not, I'm sorry," he murmurs. "Are you still in your dorm? What about MJ and Adrian? Did you change already? Have you eaten?"
"I'm eating with Sabina right now," Andy says. Tries to sound cheerful. She smiles so it shows in her voice. "You should get something to eat, too. And go home and rest."
Rhysand pauses. Andy doesn't know what to say.
"Can you give me Sabina's address?" he finally asks quietly. "I need to see you."
Andy wants to see him, too. She forces out a laugh. "Rhys, you're exhausted."
"I don't care," Rhysand grits out. Then, softly, he says, "If you need your space, that's fine." He takes a deep breath. "I'll see you tomorrow instead."
Andy doesn't need her damn space, she needs him. "Give me a second," she mumbles into the phone.
Sabina is already standing against the frame of the kitchen divider. She puts her hands on her hips and sighs. "He's coming?"
"Only outside," Andy says meekly, biting her lip. "I'll send him home after we talk. Is it okay?"
"You don't need to ask my permission, kid," Sabina says. "If you want to see him, it's fine. As long as you want to."
She wants to. "Thanks, Sab."
The elder blows her a kiss and retreats back to the food.
Andy gives the address to Rhysand, and she can hear the loud engine of the Jeep.
When she meets him, Rhysand looks tired. So tired.
"You look nice," he says as soon as he reaches her, and Andy can't read his face.
"Thank you," Andy says, trying for a smile. "You seem exhausted, you should've gone straight home."
Rhysand stares at her. "Don't do this bullshit with me, Sanford."
She bristles at his cold tone. Andy crosses her arms and hugs herself. "Okay, I'm sorry," she mutters, swallowing hard. "I was just worried."
"Can you tell me what you really feel?" Rhysand demands, jaw tightening. "I know you're mad. Just, fuck, say it already."
"I'm not mad." It's the truth. Andy's bottom lip trembles. "I'm sad, but it's fine, I already said it's fine, it's work, I'm sure it was important—"
"And you're not?" His eyes blaze with undeniable anger. "How could you not—how could you not care that I ignored you, made you excited for nothing and wait for three, four fucking hours? You haven't eaten yet and MJ is using your dorm room."
Andy exhales shakily. "That's not what this is."
"Then tell me what this is," he says, voice rising. "I can't read your mind, Sanford, how many times do we have to—"
"You didn't ignore me, not on purpose anyway," Andy finally says, feeling wetness around her eyes. "And yeah, I was excited, and yes, I waited, and yes, I haven't eaten yet because I thought I was going to do that with you, and I'm here at Sabina's, aren't I? I could've called Jenner, I could've gone to your place, too."
Rhysand looks so, so tired. "So why didn't you?" he asks quietly.
"I don't want a fight," Andy mutters at the ground.
Rhysand doesn't let up. "Answer me."
"Because I was sad you forgot and I was sad we weren't going to spend time with each other even though you promised, and I didn't want to wait for you again to come home like someone who just warms your bed, is that what you wanted to hear?" Andy snaps, the sadness and numbness and utter frustration coming back in waves. "Your job is important, Rhysand, I know. But a simple text, just one—you could've told me that you couldn't make it."
She turns around, furiously wiping her tears, but before she can take another step, Rhysand has her in his arms.
"Baby," he murmurs in her hair, sighing. "Yes, that's what I wanted to hear. It's what you really feel, right?"
Andy curls her hands in his shirt. "Yeah," she admits quietly.
"I'm sorry," Rhysand says, hugging her tighter. "I'm sorry, sunshine. God, when I saw your messages and missed calls.." he trails off, taking another deep breath. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine," Andy mutters, closing her eyes.
"I'm sorry." He smooths his hands down her back. "God, I'm sorry. Sunshine, I'm so fucking sorry."
Andy believes him. She forgave him already. "It's okay," she tells him softly, looking up at him. She brushes his hair away from his face. "It's okay."
"I'll be better."
Andy smiles. "Okay."
He stares at her, then curls his hands around the nape of her neck and brushes his thumbs across the tears on her cheeks. He presses their foreheads together, eyebrows drawn together in overwhelming torment, and he shuts his eyes and breathes, "I love you. I love you with all that I know of the word love."
Andy believes him. There's no mistaking the genuineness and pain and love and regret in his voice.
She kisses him and says the words right back.
"You should go inside and eat," he says, tipping his chin up at the door. "Spend time with Sabina. Are you sleeping here?"
She shakes her head. "She's going to drop me off at the dorm."
He squeezes her fingers. "Okay. I'll pick you up tomorrow."
Andy nods. "Don't be upset with yourself anymore." She kisses him again. "We're okay, I love you."
The corner of his mouth curls. He steps back. "Go inside. I'll eat with Jenner and rest."
Sabina is waiting for her at the door, taking a peek at Rhysand. "You're not coming with him?"
"No, I have pizza and chicken and fries," Andy says, pushing her inside, waving at her boyfriend one last time. "You saved some for me, right?"
Sabina hooks an arm around her neck and ruffles her hair. "I wouldn't have, but I also didn't want you to starve. Come on."
Rhysand messages just as she's about to go to sleep. Sabina told me you have a picture in your dress
Andy smiles. Because I think I looked cute :)
His reply doesn't take a minute. Send it to me
Andy's smile drops. No, I was sad and i don't want you to beat yourself up over it anymore
She said there's a picture of you laughing.
She bites her lip and scrolls through her camera roll, finding that she doesn't look sad in this one. She looks awful mid-laugh, but at least she isn't sad. Andy sends it to Rhysand.
You're beautiful. I'm sorry.
Andy takes a deep breath. Stop it, we're okay, it's fine, I forgave you already :( Please don't think about it anymore, we're okay baby :(
Her heart hurts. He's so upset with himself. Tomorrow. I'll pick you up at nine. I'll do it right this time.
Andy smiles. Okay, see you tomorrow :D
Night, sunshine.
Andy chooses yellow today—it's a buttoned dress with white polka dots and puff sleeves, and she pairs it with lemon wedge earrings and her golden sun necklace. She curls her hair a little bit and puts on light makeup, tracing her lips with a light peach color. Andy smiles at her reflection when she's done, and checks her phone just in time for Rhysand to tell her he's downstairs.
MJ rolls over on her bed and blinks sleepily. "You look cute," she mutters, rubbing a hand over her face. "What time is it?"
"Nine, and thank you." Andy smiles brightly and grabs her bag. "I'm leaving, bye!"
The ginger groans in reply and goes back to sleep.
Andy throws her arms around Rhysand's neck when she reaches him, and as always, he catches her with ease. "Hi."
"You're glowing," he murmurs in response, kissing her temple. "Literally shining. Fuckin' sunshine."
Andy giggles in his ear and steps back to twirl around. "Thank you. Look at my earrings, they're cute."
"They are." Rhysand's eyes twinkle. He snatches her arm and pulls her back to him, curling his hands around her waist. "You're a whole ray of sunshine, baby."
Andy kisses him quickly. "Your sunshine. Where are we going?"
His lips turn up. "It's a surprise, but it's a long drive. Come on." He opens the passenger door, and Andy takes his hand to step inside the Jeep.
Rhysand has the songs from the vinyl in his phone, and it plays loudly on the speakers while they drive with the windows rolled down. Andy takes pictures of Rhysand while he's driving, just because he's hot and very handsome, but also because he's smiling and singing along, too, and it's such a rare sight that she wants to capture every moment of this day.
When he slips his hand down hers, Andy doesn't think much of it. She clasps it with two of hers, kissing each knuckle, and then he squeezes her fingers, and Andy looks at their hands—how large his is and how long his fingers are, and how small Andy's palm is and how short her fingers are, but somehow they fit, and then Rhysand turns his hand over, and Andy catches her breath at the small black ink on his skin—
It's a small, small sun. It's small, on the left side of his wrist, just where his pulse is.
Andy looks at Rhysand.
He glances at her once, but he doesn't say anything.
Andy doesn't know what to say. She can't stop staring at it. Carefully, her fingers reach out to trace the tattoo gently, feeling the bump of the ink beneath the pad of her finger, feeling every line around the circle, every buzz of the gun piercing his skin.
Gently, Andy presses a kiss on the sun.
Rhysand takes one of her hands and presses a kiss to her blank wrist in return.
At Disneyland, they take a lot of pictures. Andy buys a Minnie Mouse ear headband and buys the Mickey Mouse one for Rhysand, and he grumbles about it at first but he wears it the whole day, anyway. They ride what they can and stuff their faces full of churros, burgers, donuts, and hotdogs, and Andy drags Rhysand to take pictures with the mascots and keeps every little souvenir with Disney on it.
Then they watch the fireworks together, Rhysand's arms around her waist, while High School Musical songs play in the background. And Rhysand lowers his head, with the Mickey Mouse ears, to kiss her.
This is what being in the happiest place on earth feels like. Andy doesn't ever want to leave.
After their blissful Sunday, Andy and Rhysand go to work together.
Rhysand hands over her tumbler when she jumps down the last step on the stairs. "Good morning."
It's a good morning, indeed. She's in a cream collared knit top tucked in a gray plaid skirt—with pockets! "Baby, look, this skirt has pockets!" Andy shoves her hands in them to show him.
Rhysand smiles. "You're so fuckin' cute."
Andy grins and kisses his cheek, taking her tumbler with her. "Come on, I don't wanna be late." She grabs his arm and drags him to the door.
Every day at the school is a new day to look forward to—she gets along with the teachers and the students, and Andy gets her own desk a few weeks in, and kids come knocking at the door to give her pictures they drew and colored themselves or sweet little notes that make her smile so wide her cheeks hurt. Andy's camera roll is filled with photos of her and the kids, and she has photos with Rose and Olivia and Mrs. Florence, too.
She doesn't want to be anything else than a teacher after she graduates.
She shows Rhysand one artwork she loves. "Look at this, it's so adorable!"
He snatches the phone and brings it closer to his face, narrowing his eyes. "Why is his stick man holding your stick man's hand like that? And why is there a house?"
Andy giggles. "He said he's going to marry me."
"He can't," Rhysand says, throwing the phone on the bed. He tackles Andy into the pillows, and she squeals. "You're mine." He kisses her forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and lips, and Andy laughs loudly, trying to get away from his hold.
One Wednesday, Rhysand picks her up after her day in the school. She's a little surprised—he doesn't leave work this early, and MJ usually stops by to pick her up so they can go home or to Sabina's together. But when her phone buzzes with a text, Andy packs up her things.
Rose looks at her with a raise of her eyebrow. "You look eager to leave, Andy."
Bashfully, she smiles, brushing loose strands of her hair behind her ear. "My boyfriend is outside."
Ben's head peeks out from her cubicle. "Andy! You have a boyfriend?"
On the other end of the lounge, Olivia laughs loudly. "Not surprising. Take care, Andy!"
"You guys too, I'll see you on Friday!" Andy blows Rose a kiss and stumbles out of the room, almost skipping to the exit.
Rhysand is leaning against the Jeep with a cigarette in his mouth. Andy narrows her eyes and stalks up to him. "Hi," she grumbles.
"Sunshine." His eyes twinkle. "Tired?"
"Very," she admits, sighing as she pulls out a lollipop from her bag.
Rhysand takes out his smoke and leans down to level his face with hers. Andy puts the candy in his mouth. "Smoking. Again."
"Stressed, sorry." He squeezes her hip and opens the door for her. "What do you say we go to dinner?"
"Good, I'm hungry."
Rhysand half-smiles. "'Course you are. I meant dinner with the people I work with."
Andy holds the handle of the passenger door and stares at him. "You mean meet your co-workers?"
He pushes the lollipop against his cheek, leaning against the door. "Yes."
Andy grins. "I would love to."
In the car, Andy keeps one hand in Rhysand's, and the other smooths her hair down repeatedly. She thinks about what to say and how to introduce herself, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth.
Deep in thought, she doesn't notice her boyfriend looking at her with his eyebrow raised. "You're not meeting the president, sunshine."
"I'm nervous."
He snorts. "I can tell."
Andy glares at him.
"Don't be, baby." He presses a kiss to her wrist. "They're a bunch of monkeys."
Andy smiles and kisses the sun on his wrist in return.
With their fingers intertwined, Rhysand leads her to a secluded room in the restaurant, and Andy follows quietly behind him, gripping her skirt with her free hand. She's only wearing a thin v-neck cardigan in peanut with buttons, tucked in a comfy white skirt, but if Rhysand had told her that she was going to meet his co-workers today, she would've chosen to wear something nicer.
As if hearing her thoughts, Rhysand turns his head and gives her a small smile. "They'll love you."
Andy nervously smiles back. She squeezes his hand.
The males—about four of them, she thinks, she's not really sure because she's startled from the noise that she grips Rhysand's bicep, jumping in her place—stand up from the table with loud hollers as soon as they come in, grabbing Rhysand in that bro-handshake-hug thing that boys do, as if they didn't see each other earlier today. The long-haired one grins, meeting Andy's eyes. "This must be Andy."
"Yeah." Rhysand slides his arm around her waist. "These are the monkeys I was telling you about."
"Hi," she says, smiling, She thrusts out her free hand and swallows. "Yeah, I'm Andy. It's nice to meet you..."
"Sage," he supplies, shaking her hand firmly. "Glad to finally put a face to the name."
"Tristan," the one with the sharp yet delicate features introduces himself and shakes Andy's hand too.
"Embry," the boyish-looking one says with a smile.
The last guy saunters up to her with a very familiar grin, very familiar eyes, very familiar voice. "Derek," he says. "But I think you already knew that."
Andy blinks at him. It's Just Jupiter. "You look different up close."
The room bursts in laughter.
"I hope that's not a bad thing," he jokes, keeping his grin. Andy can't believe her eyes. "Rhys told me you're a fan. It's nice to meet you, Andy."
"I was," Andy stutters. "No, I am. Uh, thank you—no, it's nice to meet you too," she squeaks, face flaming.
Just Jupiter—Derek—laughs at her, and the two girls make their way over with friendly smiles. "Braeden," the first one says, immediately grabbing Andy for a hug. "Embry's girl."
The last one introduces herself Celine—the rising solo artist Rhysand has been working the album for.
They sit and dig in the food (so much food!), and Rhysand keeps Andy close to him, soothing her nerves with his hand on her thigh. It's not as scary as she figured it would be, and they all keep Andy and Braeden—the only two not from Sterling—in the conversation. And as always, Rhysand doesn't talk much, but he laughs a lot, and Andy sees how comfortable he's become with this group of people. It warms her heart, and she's glad that he isn't lonely in his work place and has gained so many friends already.
"You know," Sage cuts in, propping his chin on his palm and directing his gaze at Andy. "I think it was your birthday a few months ago, Andy. It was the first time I saw Rhys leave early. And he never leaves early. The fucking building, actually."
Andy bites her lip, keeping her smile in. "It was, yes."
"Oh," Derek pipes up, putting his wine glass down. "When Rhys asked for the album and the tickets, I couldn't say no. I'm begging for a chance to work with the guy."
Rhysand squeezes Andy's thigh and leans over to whisper, "Hear that? Your favorite singer wants to work with me." Andy nudges him away with her elbow.
Celine smiles sweetly. "He's working with me for now, D. Hands off."
"And I leave the fuckin' building," Rhysand counters, turning to Sage and downing his drink in one go. "Stop saying shit."
His friend snorts. "Yeah, to smoke." To Andy, he says, "He's a maniac. Fucking workaholic. I can't keep up with him."
"He's dedicated," the artist corrects, grinning. She raises her wine glass to Rhysand. "And it's only right—it's my album he's producing first. Thank you, Rhys."
"Thank me when the album's done and released," Rhysand answers, shaking his head. "And my girl already knows I'm a workaholic, she forgives me for it."
"Not all the time," Andy says, smiling. "He missed our date once."
The table erupts in a series of boos. Rhysand tilts his head to the side and looks at Andy with a raised eyebrow. "Having fun?"
Andy giggles.
"You asshole," Tristan says.
"Dick move," Embry adds.
"Right?" Derek clicks his tongue. "Bro, work's important a shit, but don't leave your woman hanging."
"He made up for it," Andy says brightly, taking his hand in hers. "And I'm just glad he likes work. You guys are all so close already."
"He's, uh," Tristan starts, scrunching his nose, "a good addition. In Sterling. The album's working out pretty well, we're confident about the numbers."
Rhysand scoffs and shakes his head. "Can we get more wine, please?"
An hour later, Andy and Rhysand leave the restaurant in good spirits. She buckles Rhysand in the passenger seat and drives home, taking his shoes off and jacket once in the bedroom. She tries to lift her heavy boyfriend in a sitting position, but doesn't succeed—she can barely move his back. "Babe, you need to brush your teeth and change."
"Did you enjoy it?" he asks sleepily, trying to blink his eyes open. "I told you they'll love you."
"I did," Andy whispers, brushing his hair away from his face. "And they're all great people, and they respect you a lot. I'm happy you're with people you're comfortable with, Rhys. I'm happy you like work so much."
"I like it, I like them," he says, sitting up with a groan. He half-smiles. "But I like the pay, too."
Andy's shoulders slump. She bites her lip and asks, "Do you think about what Veronica said before about your job? That you couldn't take care of her?" She takes a deep breath and looks up at him. "Is that why you're working so hard?"
"I couldn't give two shits about what Veronica said before," Rhysand immediately answers, frowning. "But it's a nice fuckin' feeling to have something secure and safe. To know that I can take care of you."
Andy scoots closer and wraps her arms around his neck. "Even if you didn't have Sterling," Andy murmurs, brushing her fingertips in his hair, "I would've still loved you."
Rhysand sighs. Wraps one arm around her back. "I know, sunshine. Thank you." Sweetly, he kisses her temple. "You and Braeden were talking a lot. Think you found a new friend?"
"Yeah." She grins and pulls back. "Yeah, she's cool. I like her. I like all of them, but it would've been nice to know I was meeting Just Jupiter."
He only stands up. "Sorry. Forgot."
Andy laughs once. "You're so childish."
"And yet you love me." In one swift move, he leans down to kiss her on the lips. "I'm going to shower."
"I was going to shower first—"
"Don't care," Rhysand calls back, disappearing inside the bathroom.
Andy sticks her tongue out at him.
"I know you just stuck out your tongue at me, sunshine."
Andy huffs and waits for him to finish his shower.
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