Andy's fingers shake as she lowers the candle. "Is it in the center? Jenner, is it in the center?"
An exasperated sigh. "Yes, Andy, Jesus, just stick the damn candle in. Rhysand doesn't care."
"I do!" Andy huffs, bending her knees more just so she's in eye level with the spot in the cake where the candle's about to stick in. She inhales deeply and lowers it again.
As soon as it makes contact with the frosting, Andy pulls back with a groan. "I can't do it."
"Fucking—" Jenner stalks forward and snatches the candle.
Andy's eyes widen. "Jenner, no—!"
He ignores her and thrusts the '5' candle next to the '2'.
Andy sighs and walks backward, bending again on her knees to check the candles' positions. "Okay, it's kind of in the center. But can you make the '5' more upright—yeah, there. Yay!" She claps her hands together and stands up. "Never do that again," she warns her friend with narrowed eyes.
Jenner scoffs and crosses his arms. "You were overthinking it. Seriously, Rhysand won't care."
She pouts. "I know. I just wanted it to be perfect."
Jenner doesn't even need to ask why. He brings out a lighter and tilts his chin at the cake. "You want me to light it up now? We have about two minutes left."
Andy nods excitedly and turns around. "I'll get the gifts."
Rhysand is sitting on his computer when the two of them come up and carefully open the door to the studio, and Andy almost wants to roll her eyes—she knows that Rhysand himself has forgotten his own birthday. With a pointed nod from Jenner, a signal that the clock hit twelve, Andy sings, "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!"
Rhysand takes off his headphones and swings around the chair to face them. "Thank you," he murmurs, running a hand through his hair. "Can I go back to work now?"
"No!" Andy yells incredulously, reaching over the monitor to turn it off. "No work today. At all."
Jenner shoves the cake into Rhysand's hands. "Make a wish, brother."
Rhysand glances at the cake on his lap, and then at Andy. "It's just like any other day."
"It's your birthday," she reasons quietly. "And the first I spend with you."
Rhysand's face softens. "Okay."
"I'm still here, guys," Jenner reminds them loudly. "Make the damn wish."
The birthday boy (or, man) clears his throat and closes his eyes. After a few seconds, he opens them again and blows out the candles.
Andy claps excitedly. "Yay! Okay, present time. Jenner, go first."
"Oh, here we go," Rhysand mutters, setting the cake down on the table with a sigh.
"That's offending," Jenner tells him, taking his gift from Andy's hands and tossing it in Rhysand's direction. He catches the box easily. "You better use them this time."
Andy grins. "Open it!"
Rhysand shakes his head at her excitement and pulls the ribbon. Inside the box is a brand new wallet sitting on top of a large, black hoodie. Rhysand looks at Jenner.
"I had help," his roommate explained with a wink.
"Lucky for me, then," Rhysand answers, walking over to him to give him that bro-to-bro hug. "Thanks, man."
"Alright, I'm going to leave you two alone," Jenner says, already heading towards the door. "I'll see you both tomorrow, alcohol's on me."
Andy gives him a wave. "Night, Jenner!"
As soon as he's gone, Rhysand holds out his palm to Andy.
Andy blinks. "What?"
"Your gift."
She blushes. "Oh. Yeah." Timidly, she looks down on the floor and reaches her hand out, handing him the small box she's been hiding beneath her closet for about a month now. "I hope you like it."
Andy shuts her eyes so she doesn't see his reaction.
The studio is silent for a few seconds until Rhysand says, "Sunshine."
Andy cracks open one eye.
Rhysand's eyebrow is raised as he holds up the gift. "This is a watch."
Andy gulps. "Yes."
A pause. And then, "This is fuckin' expensive."
"It's not," she squeaks, curling in on herself. Rhysand's face doesn't change as he continues to stare at Andy, and it makes her heart sink and eyes water. "You don't like it...?"
"No, I do, Jesus," Rhysand says, pulling her arm. Andy goes to him, eyes already wet with tears. "Sanford, I—listen." He sighs, grabbing the nape of her neck and tucking her in his chest. Andy hiccups. "It's too much."
Andy shakes her head and fists her hand in his shirt. "I just wanted to get it for you," she whispers. It may have taken a toll on her savings account, but it's fine, it doesn't matter, she wants Rhysand to be happy. It's his birthday and he deserves something nice.
"Okay," Rhysand says, kissing her forehead. "Stop crying."
"You hate it!" Andy sobs.
"I don't," Rhysand answers firmly. "And yes, I would've been happy just spending this day with you, a nap all day and food would've been enough—but if this is something you really want to give, then I won't argue anymore. Stop crying."
Andy sniffs. "It is."
"Then okay," he says, pulling back. He cups her face and brushes her tears away with his thumbs. "Thank you."
Andy sniffs again. "You're welcome," she mutters.
Rhysand's lips curve into a smile. "Crybaby."
Andy smacks his shoulder weakly and declares, "I wanna eat the cake."
An eyebrow raise. "You made the cake for me."
"Well, you made me cry."
"You made yourself cry."
"Cake," Andy whines, furrowing her eyebrows together.
Rhysand narrows his eyes. "No."
Andy loops her arms around his neck, reaches up on her tiptoes, and gives him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Cake," she says once she pulls back, pouting.
Rhysand, dazed and surprised, nods. "Cake. Let's go."
"Yay!" Andy grins and snatches it from the table.
Rhysand follows her, muttering a string of curses.
They share the cake. Rhysand gets frosting all over Andy's face.
But it's fine, Andy gets some on Rhysand's too.
Andy gets up early the next morning for class and her shift at Baked!, leaving a text message to her boyfriend. Dress nice tonight! I'm picking you up at 8 <33333
There was a reply waiting on Andy's phone when she checks it during her shift, and Andy knows he just woke up. I thought the birthday shit ended with the watch.
I'm offended you would think so :(
His reply is instant. And why are you picking me up
I want to!!! You're the birthday man!!!! 25!!!! :D
If i agree will you stop reminding me
Andy frowns. Does it freak him out—their age difference? Yes :D
Okay. I'll see you tonight.
She pushes that thought away from her head and smiles excitedly. Yay!!!!
Andy has already talked to her boss about leaving work early today for Rhysand's birthday celebration (part two), and has already planned it down to a T weeks ago with help from her dear friend Kat. So, with a wave to her co-workers, Andy takes off her apron, grabs her bag, and makes her way to her dorm building.
MJ is passed out on her bed when she comes in. Andy tiptoes across the room for her makeup bag, accessories, and chosen outfit: a red plaid, spaghetti-strap dress that leaves her shoulders and collarbones bare. Because she's excited and nervous and jittery, she changes quickly, puts on her accessories: a simple gold necklace, a matching red headband and cute cherry earrings, and retouches her makeup. Before leaving, she grabs a black purse and slips on her pair of white sneakers, snatching MJ's car keys from the table (she already asked for permission a few nights ago).
She makes it to Rhysand's place in less then twenty minutes. Taking a deep breath, her fingers are shaking when she texts him. I'm outside!!!
Rhysand doesn't bother with a response. Andy raps her thumbs against the steering wheel while waiting, and a few moments later, the front door opens.
He's dressed in a simple white t-shirt the accentuates the broadness of his shoulders and back, paired with black jeans. There's a black ball cap slung on top of his head, and Andy's cheeks flush—he looks so handsome.
Rhysand climbs in the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" he asks flatly, giving her a glance.
"It's a surprise!" Andy answers with a wide smile, even as her heart begins to thump rapidly against her chest. One look at Rhysand's arm tells her he's wearing the watch.
It makes her want to lie down for a bit.
Rhysand narrows his eyes at her. "If you're taking me to a bar, Sanford, I swear—"
"Relax," Andy says, laughing, as she drives onto the main road. "I'm not."
Rhysand leans back against his seat. "Good."
It's a five-minute drive to the art studio, and Andy can't keep her foot from shaking as she drives. Rhysand notices this and reaches out to place a hand on her bare thigh. "Hey."
Andy swallows the lump in her throat. She looks straight ahead, even as her skin gets goose bumps from Rhysand's touch. "Yeah?"
"You're acting like I'm about to meet your dad."
Andy chuckles nervously.
Rhysand sits up. "I'm not going to meet your dad, right?"
"No, no," Andy rushes to say, laughing loudly. Rhysand sighs heavily and hangs his head back. "No, I'm sorry, I'm just nervous."
"Jesus, fuck," he mutters, running a hand down his face. "Why are you so nervous?"
Andy shrugs and bites her lip.
Because it's the first nice thing she does for a guy she cares so deeply about and she wants it to be perfect. Because it's Rhysand and she wants this to be the best night for him. Because she lov—
"Careful," Rhysand snaps gruffly, reaching over to grab the wheel and steer it sharply to the left, narrowly missing another passing car. "Sunshine, you're going to get us killed."
"Sorry," she squeaks, shaking her head. "I got distracted. We're almost there!"
The art studio, as promised, was empty when they arrive. Andy holds her hand out to Rhysand as they step in, and she leads him up the stairs, following the soft music with her heart beating rapidly that it feels as if it's going to escape her chest.
Rhysand is silent once they step in the room. Andy releases his hand and steps aside, biting her lip. "What do you think?" she asks, her voice ringing across the walls.
He looks around quietly, and Andy takes a deep breath.
There's a string of soft yellow lights stuck on the wall surrounding the screen from the projector. A mountain of white blankets and pillows sit on the floor, along with two boxes of pizza and four bottles of soda. Andy reminds herself to thank Kat when the night is over.
Rhysand gives her a glance. "Do I get to choose the movie?"
Andy nods. "Since it's your birthday."
"Then I think this is romantic as shit, and it's exactly something you would do."
She pouts and crosses her arms. "What does that mean," she mutters quietly—not exactly a question.
Rhysand's mouth curves into a smile as he steps forward to take her hand. "It means you're cute."
"Good," Andy says, moving closer to him but not making any move to touch him. "I was supposed to book a reservation at a fancy restaurant, but that can wait for the anniversary."
"Anniversary," Rhysand repeats with a laugh, sliding his hand down her waist. Andy's heart flutters—she loves seeing him happy. "Already planning ahead, aren't we?"
Andy flushes and leans up on her tiptoes to kiss him quickly. Rhysand squeezes her hip. "I'm glad you like it."
"You didn't have to," Rhysand whispers against her lips.
"I wanted to. And I want to do something with you first before we watch the movie and eat," Andy says, grabbing his hand. "Dance with me?"
Rhysand, as expected, shakes his head. "No."
"Baby," Andy pleads, stretching his arm out.
"You're cute but you're not that cute. Come on, I'm hungry."
"Rhys," Andy whines again, putting on her best puppy face.
"No," Rhysand says firmly. "You're the dancer here. Not me."
"We don't have to do anything complicated!" Andy insists, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just a little swaying left and right. Please, please, please?"
"Fucking—fine. Jesus."
"Yay!" Andy cheers, snatching Rhysands hands and placing them on her waist again. "Okay. Left first, baby."
"I'm not a toddler," Rhysand mutters.
Andy giggles. "I know."
They start slowly—just a few hesitant steps side to side. Andy keeps her fingers interlocked around Rhysand's neck, and he's stiff—he's a little stiff, but he's moving, and the annoyed set of his jaw makes Andy happy—he's at least trying.
"I want to play a game."
"Is this my birthday or yours?"
"Don't be such a grump! Okay, there's this show I used to watch when I was a kid and they had something like alphabet improv. We're supposed to say a line in alphabetical order of the first letter."
Rhysand scrunches his nose. "Fine."
Andy beams. "Okay, you start. A."
In a flat voice, he starts, "Andrea, this is ridiculous as shit."
"That sounds so weird!" Andy says with a laugh.
Rhysand clicks his tongue. "You're supposed to start with a B."
"Right." Andy clears her throat. "Baby, thank you for dancing with me."
She frowns. "That's not a word!"
Rhysand squeezes her hip. "D."
Andy huffs, tightening her hands around his neck. Looking him in the eye, Andy says softly, "Did you know that you look handsome?"
"Ears aren't working, so maybe you should repeat that," Rhysand says, face remaining impassive, but there's a slight twitch in his mouth at the compliment.
Andy laughs. "Forget it!"
Rhysand reaches out to tuck her hair behind her ear. Andy flushes at the sudden touch. "God," he mutters, "I still can't believe you did all this shit for me."
The sincerity of his words makes Andy bite her lip as they continue swaying back and forth. "Happy birthday. And thank you for wearing the watch."
Rhysand nods and presses his forehead against hers. "I had to. Was from you."
"Just thought you should know," she whispers, "I'm glad you like it, too."
"Kiss me?"
Andy almost chokes on her saliva. She steps back, face heating, and slaps his chest weakly. "Rhys!"
Her boyfriend only raises an eyebrow. "What? I'm playing the game."
He's right. Andy steps forward, leans up on her tiptoes with a shy smile and kisses him softly.
Rhysand's hand cups her face gently, tilting his head to press his mouth more deeply against hers.
"Like you so much," Andy whispers against his lips, then kisses him again.
Like. The word feels...insufficient.
Rhysand smiles in their kiss—Andy can feel it. "Me too."
She kisses him again and pulls back, clutching the hem of his shirt in her small hands. She offers him a timid smile. "Now who's being cheesy?"
Rhysand grabs her hand and leads her to the makeshift fort on the floor. "Okay, I'm hungry, let's eat and watch a damn movie."
"Please don't choose horror!"
"Quit whining and come here."
"Rhys, please."
He rolls his eyes at that and asks her, "So which one would you like to eat first? Hawaiian or pepperoni?"
"I win," Rhysand says, lying down on the floor. "Get over here."
Andy huffs and curls her body against his.
Rhysand chooses horror.
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